The series is dead in the water. Current Rare obviously doesn't want to work on it, and not even the ripoff made by the original staff (Yooka-Laylee) was any good. What realistic path can this series take without going deeper into shit?
Rare Replay on Switch. Get the great games on Switch, add the DKC games and the N64 DK games and boomn, perfect game. this but unironically, Nuts and Bolts deserves a second chance and deserves to be expanded upon
Cameron Green
never happening kys
Jacob Wilson
The indies get hired because Microsoft realized that Sonic Mania happened.
Luke Robinson
>hire the indies sorry hat in time team is too busy making DLC
Joshua Rogers
It's probably smartest if they make a remake first to test the waters. Rare's stance on it is retarded considering how successful Crash and Spyro were, so Microsoft should instead give it to another company to try.
Tyler King
This, if he gets in, people will make noise and then they will not give a damn anymore, just look at K.Rool and or Ridley
Dominic Martinez
I enjoyed N&B, I wouldn't mind a sequel
Hunter Collins
So? Megaman was practically dead when he joined in 4 at the time with how weird capcom was then.
We have multiple insiders backing them What do you have stevetard?
Caleb Carter
* heya. * you two've been busy, huh? * ... * so, i've got a question for ya * do you think even the worst rosterfag can change? * that everybody can be civil smash posters, if they just try?
Banjo is so fucking based. >all of his games suck except banjo-kazooie >which just so happens to be the greatest collectathon platformer of all time bar fucking none >he's remembered as a gaming icon because of this and has achieved cult status >he's going to get into smash because of it
Dominic Barnes
They got a bunch of indie companies, just get one to do a remake/master like the crash trilogy, level design is done and all you have to do is models and stuff. From there they can decide if they want a full revive or not depending on the remake numbers. If it looks worth it either ask one of their multiple indie companies if they want to do banjo, if no one wants it get the guys from A Hat in Time to do it.
Juan Anderson
Banjo is better than Mario 64 Yeah sure buddy guh uh
Isaac Lee
It is, though. Mario 64 was a prototype, Banjo took what it did and made it perfect.
Dominic Sanders
being the most successful game of all time nintendo clearly loves minecraft what do you have? >some autistic retarded faggots online saying it's happening
Joshua Gonzalez
If Banjo is revealed, this leak is definitely the real deal.
Maybe we could, idk, just leave the game alone so it doesn’t end up like Battletoads. Maybe we could even make a new, original game with new characters?
Samuel Long
god the fucking delusion u should kys
Anthony Miller
If ANY Microsoft rep is revealed, that leak is the real deal.
Henry Peterson
Nice argument.
Daniel Taylor
These autistic retarded faggots online have a proven track record Banjo's still in
Grayson Perry
Banjo Tooie is better than BK, saying otherwise is just nostalgia goggles. It isn’t even close. True fans of the series know this to be the case
Cameron Cruz
>muh leakers are totally right guyise trust me haha >shit's diaper yah no means literally nothing
Christian Murphy
Hand him over to Retro Studios
Aiden Cooper
Retro is busy making Metroid. Hand him to Sora Ltd.
Mason Jenkins
Can't wait for people to get mad at Sylux's inclusion.
Tyler Sanders
I can't imagine anyone who would actually be mad at Sylux. He is a cool, unique character. There is just not a huge hatebase for him.
Dylan Gonzalez
I'd say it would be retarded for Nintendo to release three third party heavy hitters right next to two extremely underwhelming first party picks (especially Edelgard, the outrage over that would be fucking nuclear) but then again, this is the company that began the Ultimate hype cycle with Ridley, Simon and K. Rool and concluded it with Isabelle, Ken and Incineroar, so I really don't know what to think. I just don't want Edelgard to be in, holy fuck.
Lincoln Clark
I think most people would be fine with Sylux, actually.
Smash games always end on underwhelming notes. The last Brawl reveals were Lucario and ROB. The last Smash 4 reveals were Bowser Jr. and Duck Hunt, and the last DLC reveals were Bayonetta and Corrin.
Edelgard and Sylux would be in line with that.
Wyatt Miller
There will be when people realize not only is a DLC going to be not a third party, it's going to be some random metroidshit instead of literally any unrepresented 1st party or character people have actually wanted.
Camden Martin
Why do I keep seeing pictures with Sylux and Adeleine? This is the second one I've seen.
Adrian Lee
SHUT UP LUCARIO MADE ALOT OF PEOPLE Happy okay u fucking faggot
>He is a cool, unique character. Uhhh I don't hate him, but he's honestly the worst of the bounty hunters we've seen in Metroid. Generic electricity attacks, ill-fitting design, no personality or anything to attach to, etc. Always liked Weavel and Trace more I guess if he made it into Smash somehow, just him being there would alleviate all of his issues? The dev team definitely knows how to give characters personality and cool moveset shit. Who knows, leak's probably fake anyway
This leak is far from confirmed, to be fair. However, saying that Nintendo would be retarded for revealing two unhype characters after Banjo and a Square rep... They followed Cloud with Corrin and Bayonetta, and the Smash community went nuclear. Edelgard and Sylux wouldn't be that off to what we are used to in Smash speculation.
Sebastian King
and? it was a solid title and showed that there was interest in the series
Mason Perry
All the Banjo advertisement and merch coming out is FOR a new entry in the series, you fucking imbecile
Ian Cook
A bunch of people realized that Porky, Adeleine, Poochy and Porky don't have any spirits. For a few weeks those were the DLC picks that Yea Forums was shilling.
For some reason Adeleine and Sylux was the crack pairing that stuck
tooie has better gameplay and is a grand expansion to the original but to see a main character killed in the first 5 minutes and spiral mountain as wrecked as it was seems very, very dark compared to the first game
tldr the tone was the only thing wrong with tooie, but it was still a big thing
>new entry >nothing at e3 face it banjoke is dead wont be in smash not a new game learn to cope
Landon Turner
>Now what? fucking play him (i.e. get bodied) in Smash? What else would you do?
Dominic Jenkins
they were part of an early release dlc speculation which included adeline/poochy porky banjo and sylux. it was because they were prominent and had no in-game spirits
>All the Banjo advertisement and merch coming out is FOR a new entry in the series, you fucking imbecile I was with you before XBOX's E3, but nothing was revealed, buddy.
Samuel Campbell
Lucario is straight up one of my favorite fighters in the entire game and even I cannot deny that he was a disappointing end to the Brawl roster.
Charles Hall
If they fix the major flaws (creativity discouraged in all but like 2 missions, propellers being multi task making boats pointless since you can just make a plane/copter instead, etc.) it could be neat.
Brayden Rivera
Why are you acting like Bayonetta was an anti-hype final reveal? There was more contention surrounding it than usual because of the nature of the ballot, but overall the reaction to her was extremely positive.
Logan Thomas
That's alright though, we got Chad Jamjars to forget the pain.
Jonathan Perry
>Why are you acting like Bayonetta was an anti-hype final reveal? There was more contention surrounding it than usual because of the nature of the ballot, but overall the reaction to her was extremely positive. Apparently we didn't visit the same forums. The reaction to her was better than Corrin, for sure, but people kept shitting on her for being a literal who character that stole Dante's spot as well as being too mature for Smash. And, as you mentioned, people thought they were told lies about the ballot when it was never stated that she won it.
Adrian Powell
It's Corrin that was the anti-hype one. Bayonetta is an okay choice but putting her alongside Corrin made for a really questionable ending.
Oliver Hill
ehh, still i wish it was more like mario and less like conker, if you get my drift more cartoony, less drama
Isaiah Anderson
Was Bayonetta really considered a literal who by the time she was announced for smash 4? She has less history behind her than most fighters in Smash, but between Bayo 1 becoming an extremely well-received cult classic and all the attention Nintendo recieved for funding Bayo 2, I think she was plenty well-known. We'll never know how well she actually did in the ballot but I don't think it's unreasonable to believe she placed high. She was one of my top picks even though I didn't vote for her, and I knew a bunch of people who felt the same way.
I'll never forget the disappointment I felt with Corrin, and the crazy thing is, if you look at Japanese character polls all they fucking want are more fire emblem characters or, barring that, granblue and fate characters. Thank god Sakurai looked at Western requests more for ultimate because japs have seriously shit taste.
Lucas James
People will be less bothered when the reveal of Sylux and Edelgard is followed up by the news that there will be more DLC fighters. Nintendo needs a new cash cow now that they're wrapping up Splatoon 2.
Jacob Harris
I really liked the melancholy tone actually, especially the music for spiral mountain which is absolutely top tier. Helping scrape together the war-torn jinjos was nice, and ultimately the stakes felt a lot higher and meaningful in Tooie.
Leo Peterson
>Now what? I enjoy playing as my most wanted character for 20 years in Ultimate. And hope that some HD remakes of Kazooie and Tooie are somewhere on the horizon. I expect nothing more and nothing less.
Brayden White
It's lucky guess bullshit. Note how he never posted uncompleted models or mentions Erdrick.
Kevin Barnes
I played Kazooie and Tooie one after the other very recently and Kazooie was definitely the better of the two. Tooie is crushed under the weight of its own ambition.
Hudson Butler
Bayonetta was definitely popular. Bayo 1 sold over a million copies and there was a huge uproar because this was back when Sega was weird and dumb and they said that somehow this wasn't enough to justify a sequel. So Nintendo stepping in was nice and their involvement in the franchise made her a fitting choice for Smash.
Blake Clark
If B&K really are in, then it depends on who the square enix character is. If that ends up matching too then it's pretty hard to handwave three correct predictions.
Joker is one hell of a lucky guess. No one was predicting him because his game literally is not on a Nintendo console.
Ryder Thompson
What makes you say that
Cooper Garcia
The run-over Jinjo house and King Jingaling's zombie state broke my little child heart back then.
Brayden Garcia
Post the video
Leo Robinson
>Let's say Banjo got into Smash. Now what? That's it. Just like with Captain Falcon, Ness, Ice Climbers, ROB, and Game & Watch.
Chase Hughes
I have severe autism and a good memory. I wanna say that Joker was in a few predictions. Not popular like Banjo, Geno or whatever, but still. I don't buy it because of the lack of Erdrick.
Lucas Smith
>and ultimately the stakes felt a lot higher and meaningful in Tooie i guess that's my problem i enjoy games more when the stakes aren't held high, and thus the pace of the game is dictated just by how fast you wanna play it, not by the plot
Oliver Foster
I actually like Corrin (I know I'm in the minority on that but I find them fun to play) and even I can admit the Fire Emblem representation in Smash has gotten egregious. I can't say I have seen any Japanese character polls asking for Fire Emblem, Granblue, or Fate characters, though. The poll I remember seeing had Rex and Bandana Dee on it.
Parker Bennett
Holy shit, I forgot about that. That scared the shit out of me when I was a kid.
Colton Stewart
Exactly. Even if Banjo never gets another game, the fact remains that we'll be able to play Banjo in Smash forever. This game is going to last a very long time, just like Melee. Even if he's cut in the next game, people will still be able to play him in this one.
Jose Fisher
>He gets in >But not at this E3 >He's the last DLC fighter released next year >Giving Yea Forums more chances to be flooded with shitposts about it Meanwhile 7
I don’t know if tooie necessarily suffers from that criticism since it definitely encourages the player to explore and take their time/backtrack. I suppose you could feel compelled quickly so as to relieve the pressure, but I didn’t have that problem. But, hey, to each their own
How does this refute the point? Banjo is dead before being put in smash and dead after. Megaman is the precedent. Its not hard to follow.
Eli Collins
Probably one of the many reasons so many people are so adamant about getting the character they want in.
There's literally never going to be another Ultimate in our lifetimes, almost certainly. Even if Smash lives on until we're all dust, "Everyone Is Here" is something that won't happen again.
Ian Roberts
Why don't you ask Castlevania that question?
What's that? Smash doesn't care what they do after?
Benjamin Bennett
maybe i worded my other post inaccurately you can backtrack without any problem so long as you're playing through the game but i guess my point was that i enjoy games more if they just let you fuck around and not feel guilty about it either way i know it doesn't affect gameplay in the long run, and i'm not looking to make any arguments besides i'm more than likely overthinking it anyways
Elijah Jenkins
No worries based banjo brother
Isaiah Stewart
This may be the last Smash game, honestly. The next game will probably be a spiritual sequel with a different title and probably completely redesigned gameplay. Like maybe full on three dimensional motion instead of it being on one plane.
Gears for Breakfast? Probably. They just finished serving DLC support on the PC version, they might just need to port everything on the Switch and then they have lots of free time to make a Banjo Threeie
That pic is so adorable
>Nothing at Xbox's conference Maybe a new game on the Switch paired with his reveal in Smash? They wouldn't have teased him for no reason.
Luis Rivera
Not him and I haven't played it, but I heard it has a loadshit of collectibles to get that is even worse than the second. That may be the issue
Easton Gutierrez
>She gets in >But they nerf her body to keep it PEGI 12 >Your reaction
Justin Smith
Peak fucking delusion You should be grateful you might even get him in smash at all, better start praying nintendo wasn't spreading leakbait around
That too is a distinct possibility, given how much another game with such a parsed-down cast would seem like a downgrade to most, even if it did something like bringing back a vaulted Story mode with an actual plot.
I really wonder if Ultimate will manage to make it to a second DLC pack potentially. FighterZ got two waves didn't it? Hell, Xenoverse 2 is still getting DLC now and it's what, over two years old at this point? Totally different series and games, naturally, but still.
William Adams
>obviously You wouldn't know what obvious is even if it dressed as a black guy and offered to fuck your girlfriend.
Luis Watson
Very strange that this is the first example that comes to your mind. I guess you think about that kind of stuff a lot.
Jason Martin
Kind of funny how she's the face of it all these days. Who even is the "main" character of King of Fighters?