Fallout 76 free trial hours away

>Fallout 76 free trial hours away

Why has literally no one talked about this?

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Literally no one wants this shit

>fallout 76

Because Fallout 76 is shit.
You're literally worse than a shill. Shills get paid. You're just advertising for a company for free because you want to suck their cock so hard.

don't give a single shit

It's a bad game from a bad company I don't even want to give the time of day to. Bethesda is just Ubisoft with an actual supportive fanbase now.

>wasting time playing shit
no thanks



I want to give it a try actually

The game is pretty decent now. It was like a 4/10 at launch and now i'd say it's a solid 7. A 7.5 if you really like the whole exploration thing.

>Fallout 76

it's free for a reason

It's not worth the price

is melee still the best build?

bethesda launcher

todd, get the fuck out of here

>downloading 80 gigas for a shitty free trial
i value the space of my fucking hard disk more than this worthless piece of unfinished shit selllout game.

You imply i want a 2.5 metacritic piece of shit for free on my SSD

Apparently it's good now according to Bethesda's conference so I'm probably gonna give it a try.

>1 week free trial
>File size is 200gb

Fallout 76 is a dogshit game. You are an actual retard if you play this trash.

>wasting precious time to play a beyond done-to-death battle royale game mode in an even shittier, buggier game environment than fucking pubg

There goes my eagerness to play, forgot games were bloated now.

Even if it wasn't an obvious asset-flip microtransaction-filled cash grab, this would still be the deal breaker for me. The only reason I even still load up Skyrim now and then is cause it's a click away on steam

>spend 8 hours downloading
>no space left on hard drive
>load into game after 10 minutes
>45 FPS with 10 FPS drops because the game engine is literal shit
>server offline 50% of the time

i'll probably try it but I already know how bad it's gonna be

>Requires you to use the Bethesda Launcher (which is shit)
>Requires you to have a Bethesda Net account (not a big issue)
>Requires you to download the shitheap that is Fallout 76 (big issue here)
>And deal with atrocious optimization (another big issue)
And hence why I never played it.

>didn't go F2P

Also why were people cheering during FO76? If anything they should be booing Todd out of the building

you could pay me to play it and i feel like it would be a waste of money

Its funny knowing I will never ever ever play this game ever. It could be free forever and I still wouldnt play it.

it's not a good game, there's better freeware out there

Yeah I was going to download it to just check it out for maybe a couple hours but 80gs? Fuck that

I was fully expecting to hear at least one boo. I was disappointed.

my biggest complaint is the desync especially in bullet sponge boss fights
the networking in this piece of shit game is abysmal
how are there not private servers or offline modes yet
fuck br and fuck todd for not giving what's needed

This. It just looks like a bad fucking game. Even going free isn't enough to convince me to try it.

Looks like they threw plants near the crowd mics to deter people from booing.


It's fun but it's a bit of a grind

Attached: 48766393-1543466561.png (1920x1080, 2.85M)

Only thing I like about this game are the creature designs.

Because literally no one wants to play this trash.

Not even for free my sweet little Toddie Bear.

Is it live yet? I want to try it.

Because I still don't want to fucking play it.

Who wants to play a broken game from Bethesda ?

Ehh i'd like to try it, but it's seriously the biggest clusterfuck of last year. The whole refund thing, bugs, canvas bags, people finding the spawn room for unlimited items, server issues, etc. Has it improved at all? Is it even stable?

this. I'm not downloading 200gb of horseshit just to check a game out for 10 minutes and then delete it.

This game is a trainwreck

I play about 4 hours a day. No disconnects or anything yet.

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It's 62GB...
That's like an hour.

Fuck off dev

>how are there not private servers or offline modes yet
And not spend every waking moment being pestered to buy something from the creation club? are you mad?

I’m sure as hell not gonna wait a couple of hours just to download a shifty ass game trial

bethesda has become a phantom to me. I see their name around but have yet to see evidence of their continued presence on this plane of existence. Fallout 76 is some shoddy thing any shareholder could've hired some ratchet small studio to make while pretending to be bethesda



I wouldn't play even if they paid me.

>fallout 76
I'd rather watch paint dry.

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thats because you're playing Fallout 4

FO 76 can go fuck itself with a rusty tire iron. Tried it, played it for ~9h, it was shit and got a refund before they fucked that up too. No redemption. Final destination.

this image sums up my greatest issue with 76,
the waifu(and other mod) game isn't nearly as good as F4, NV etc.

Private servers and mods are what the game needs.

It's not on steam. I'm not downloading Bethesda's doxing launcher for one game that I'm not going to play. Put it on steam.

>Private servers and mods
Can't have that, they need to sell atoms

Time is not free

Hurr durr everything revolves around steam I can’t stop mentioning them in such a fucking fanboy

I bought it first day, will they free me 10,000 atoms?

Incredibly, people value convenience. Steam is convenient. What's so hard to understand retard?

I work in the Austin team as a sound engineer and QA tester (joined towards the end of development and never got my name in so i'm literally untraceable faggots) I just wanted to say that based on the feedback from this free trial the game will most likely become a free title with elements to "persuade" you into paying money for it. Currently a soft cap locking you out of server wide events are on the table but nothing is for sure. Ask me anything.

I can't wait for the free trial to begin so we can see all those potato servers crumble from the player influx

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The game could be free and I still won't play that shit. And I won't.

Where is the free trail?

I downloaded your fucking launcher, gib gayme.