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i saw jason talking shit about this on twitter dot com as well

>Twitter screenshot thread

>twitter screencap thread

Yeah, that's a sage & hide from me

this is what the market wants

It’s funny cause most people consider a scruffy white guy with a gun to be very cool.
ie what’s on the box art of hundreds of games

imagine thinking box arts matter anymore, no one browses by box anymore so this is a bottom priority for studios

She's right though. In a bleak dystopian cyberpunk future there will be no white people. Only nignogs, chinks, pajeets and crossbreed goblinos, so the game protagonist being white is completely unrealistic.

the main character's design is cool, his personality in the flashback was pretty cringe tho

>women and SJWs are scared because one of the most hyped games this decade features a white man on the box

That box art dose look like shit, but i highly doubt it's real or final. Also who care's about this THOTs opinion anyway? She's not the target audience for a cyperpunk rpg.

Oh yeah I'm sorry instead of being a scruffy white guy I guess I'll gain forty pounds, paint my face some shade of shitskin brown and and tack on three fake tits

That's a tranny.

I thought CDPR was “based” but it looks like they’re like the others


That’s a former ttrpg writer who was tormented into chopping zis dong off

Good point, this cover is awful

that thing knows the cover guy is bi right?

>all you can think of
did they not watch anything other than one single cherry picked image?

>This is a game for people who think looking like that is cool
So the majority of gamers? Sweet.

it's a pretty uninspired cover, but the game itself looks great.

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Isn't that all anyone ever does?
When was the last time you heard/read anyone saying they were going to hold out judgement until they got more information?

They're not wrong.

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just finished my preorder on gog store because fuck DRM

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My mistake. I literally have no idea who this faggot is. I'm not sure why his opinion warranted a thred.
Lol I guess he hated scruffy white dudes so much he put on a dress.

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god. such an awful hot take could only come from either here or twitter, but at least here it would probably be ironic.

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There will actually be an upper caste of elite white people who have tons of genetic engineering and body mods to make them as intelligent and as beautiful as possible (ie white). The lower caste hordes will probably all be brown though.

I suddenly realized why I spent months away from here and only recently came back. I think I'll just go back to not being here. What a shithole.

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>This is a game for people who think looking like that is cool
>This game will be liked by people who like it

SHE's fucking right.

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Social politics aside, the box art is seriously shitty. Literally the most overdone box art type in the fucking universe. Man standing alone with a gun pointed upward as he looks stoically off at an angle. Like fuck sake dude.

>a literally who that thinks their opinion matters

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>lack of gameplay in latest trailer
>no additional game mechanics shown
>nothing in game engine, lending to a likely massive downgrade for console plebs
>CDPR failed to address netrunning and zero-kill playthroughs
>collector's edition not available for PC outside of Poland
>all of this and game is still 10 months out

and this dumb cunt is talking about boxart

holy shit this industry is fucking doomed if these are the people holding these companies accountable for putting out a good product

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Most games with customization usually have the bland default on the cover anyway, not sure what they were expecting
I'll buy the game and play as a dark-skinned woman with white hair like I always do

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flag her for breaking twitters racism rules

It is quite literally marketing to people who think looking like that is cool. That’s the cyberpunk crowd. If it was the exact same outfit, gun, pose, etc, but with a scruffy female MC on the cover they’d applaud. Then probably not buy the game anyway.

Yeah I prefer these.

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>boring white men

We wouldn't even have aeroplanes without white men. I think life would be a lot more boring, personally.

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this is the face of /g/

well it has the dystopia thing on lockdown


so brave. slay kween

>who does programming for a living between organizing for socialist and anarchist groups
opinion discarded