>*mic drop*

Attached: marketing_genius.png (481x914, 81K)

Other urls found in this thread:


have sex

Things the Black community hates:
Buying things

Who are they appealing to again?

The lower half of the belle curve

Why do americans do this?

It is current year dude.
Don't you know drag kids are the new thing ?

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Deathloops doesn't look that bad.

What could have been..............

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Failed white apologists and """journalists""" who don't actually buy or play games.

No. It's fuck WHITE nazis.

Imagine thinking something that died in 40' is still real

I mean it has potential because it's Arkane but I don't know how much you can say when we have absolutely no idea what the gameplay is like

these games are basically gofundme campaigns

braindead whores buy the game, stream to 10 viewers on twitch for 1 hour, never play it again and then post on twitter about how amazing it is

True, the concept does look pretty cool though.


Funny, those are the same things gamers hate

>supporting black on black violence
This is imperialist white nationalist propaganda designed to inspire conflict among the African American community.

Do you people really identify yourself as a nazi? You're offended for nazis. That's fucking stupid. You're acting stupid. Just because you don't like over sensitive crybabies or far left politics doesn't make you a nazi. They aren't personally insulting you. Even /pol/ aren't nazis, they just hate blacks and jews. Nazis did more than that, it's a whole political stance complete with policies and ideological stances outside of race.
Seriously, why are you all so upset about this? It isn't virtue signalling to say nazis are bad. Nazis have been a staple enemy since forever.

Attached: 1538667633617.jpg (1485x1020, 277K)

Yeah, well I'm tired of killing them. Give me something new to kill. like gommies, hippies, or aliums.

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>you know those people who are universally the bad guys and enemies in dozens upon dozens of games
>well guess what you get to kill them in our game
it's so fucking old and boring

Buildings and streets are clean, everything is nice and orderly. Beautiful.

Understand, all this SJW propaganda just drives otherwise neutral people further to the right. Nobody who sees this shit and doesn't already agree is swayed. Either they don't give a shit either way & just want to play the game, or get fucking pissed off and redpilled. When Trump wins in 2020 hopefully Tranny faggots and SJWs will finally realize just how cancerous they were before they kill themselves.

Get Woke Get Rope

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Meanwhile, in post WW2 earth/America.

Attached: SAC_LEDE_LS_Homeless_Death.jpg (1140x681, 93K)

No one:
Literally no one:
Absolutely no one:

So the game is Dishonored with black people, didn't they try that already?

Okay fair, checks out. This is video game related criticism. You understand why I assumed this was some weird political thing.
You two have a nice night.

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You people are very naive and don't understand the nature of SJWs. To these mentally ill degenerates anybody who voted for Trump is unironically a Nazi. Really, Nazi is simply another way of saying cis white people, specifically white males. That's why so many are rightfully against all this "punch nazis" SJW bullshit springing up as of late.

I actually thought deathloop looked cool until I started seeing people fellating it for having black people.

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I am feeling unsafe with all this negativity towards nazi guys. I thought videogames were a safe space for us.

He's an ass man, user.

Attached: aussie_shitposter.jpg (222x227, 8K)

>it's okay to kill nazis
>also everybody I disagree with is a nazi

>I let other people decide for me if a game looks cool or not.


Imagine being this retarded

This board is a literal herd of sheep, user. memes are the bleating sounds.

We actually love all of those things, for one reason: They make whitey seethe.

It will happen the same shit as always
>Gays and feminism are now well notorious in our society
>Capitalism takes advantage of that
>LGBT and women this will help them when is the opposite
>One day, bug companies will stop care about thoses things and media will stop having “forced diversity” and gays and women will complain again
LGBTphobia, mysognism and racism will always exist no matter what, you just have to be lucky and be born as a white cis straight man, thanks god i’m one

Why do game companies bother pandering to black people outside of sports games? They are an insignificant portion of sales, they have no money and don't play video games.

at least nazis dont shit in the street like Indians and SanFrancisco California USA retards

Who wants to guess how long it will be before arkane has a white protag again?

>death of the outsider
>prey mooncrash
And now this. This is the reason you never start with this diversity shit because the instant you so all of a sudden you have to justify white men instead of the other way around. And then the question always becomes

>but why not a person of color

You're right, yes, but that's unrelated to the literal nazis in this video game franchise about actual Hitler following nazis. Some fringe lunatics can't cope with reality and so they villainize everyone around them, that doesn't mean Wolfenstein has to stop existing. If they called you fucks demons instead of nazis would Doom need to be discontinued? You're being an over sensitive cry baby. You're acting just like them. If the circumstances were different I'd think this was bait but I understand how much you people hear the world is against you, I think you're being genuine.
This is a video game about nazis. You are very unlikely to be an actual nazi. /pol/ aren't even real nazis. The people you're describing are a significant minority. The reality is some corporate fucks are trying to get more blacks and women to buy their games so they're putting more blacks and women in their games. That's all that's happening. A bunch of idiots trying to do what they think is right, but they're idiots. That's all. It's fine.

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deathloop is the name of the place arkane will go if the game flops

Well, duh? Nazis are the bad guys.

>having a black protagonist is automatically pandering
This is the same as all the pinko shits whining on command any time they see a white guy with a buzzcut shooting stuff in a game. C'mon man.

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Man that image is great user. God damn I love that image because Aku is both black AND Asian. Black skin, Asian VA. God damn I love Aku for those reasons. It's so refreshing to see proper representation in our cartoons. I love that image I really do.

real niggas get around this and become a mujahideen
so regardless of race you can always destroy the gays and make hoes mad

Attached: photo_2019-05-03_08-20-00.jpg (914x1199, 122K)

>that's what i'm talkin bout
based fresh prince

im just bothered by how forced, corny and lame diversity is. its so feels-good and cringe

and ill be real, im not playing a game with a black protagonist, there might be exceptions but its mostly true. i dont care if its rayyyciss im just not interested in it and i certainly wont force myself into it

>trying to make sense of retards from /pol/
They are underage and live for the larp

user, there are tons of SJWs working at Bethesda and Wolfenstein marketing was directly quoting Trump in tweets about the game. These SJWs literally see the Nazis in Wolfenstein as Trump supporters and Hitler as Trump. You seriously don't understand just how crazy SJWs actually are.

And of course I'm acting like them, and people like me need to continue doing so. SJWs have proven that complaining loudly works, as they've taken over the industry. We simply need to complain even louder & shut these faggots down. Trump winning in 2020 will send a huge message of "Fuck off and die".

Good. Black is beautiful.

Attached: BLACKED.png (364x376, 6K)

that's what I don't fucking get, they act like this is a bad thing when their race obviously doesn't matter, the two characters just happen to be black

this is the ideal, this is what we should want, this is the opposite of pandering, this is normalization, people are people are people regardless of race or sex, this isn't a game about oppressed darkies fighting the white man, or about a strong woman who don't need no man, or anything like that

>make america nazi-free again
yup nothing to see here just marketing, you wouldn't defend NAZIS would you???

and neither of those people will buy the game, it's all just a sideshow to them. they clap when they see some minority or gay person represented in a game, and move on.

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>black people's faces when they don't give a shit about "representation" of more niggas in games but white trannies insist on it

Attached: ay.jpg (540x513, 36K)

>this is the shit arkane is making instead of prey 2

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god I can't wait for Niggerloop!!!

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and then for no reason at all

Yeah, this guy is fucking naive. It's not just a matter of making money because the vast majority of people would buy these games with or without the woke bullshit. These are zealots making these decisions to try and influence society and culture.

>French devs
>both are black
>one is a clear soi, the other is African
>makes a game about black people
>the state of frogs

>We love gays
Is that why black guys are the most hiv positive group in the country

Petty spite is not masculine, you are white.

You aren't black david

>offend white incel gamers who buy games now won't buy the game
>offend SJWs who don't buy games and still won't even if you pander to them

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Prey sold like shit, I'm surprised it even got a DLC (which also sold like shit)

I thought Arkane was finally killed off. But let's see how even more sjw propaganda is working out for them.

>>some nigger rails a fat white bitch while another nigger rants at you about muh racisms
>why are you guys siding with the Nazis?
Bethesda did this to themselves

Trannies are unironically the source of all this fucking bullshit. Black people don't even play games enough to work this hard for representation. It's just a bunch of mentally ill Trannies who are mad they'll never be real women and want to attack the hobbies of white cis males that view them rightfully as ugly abominations.

2020 cannot come soon enough, I want to see these degenerates fucking off themselves en masse on Trump's inauguration.

Are.... are you retarded user?
You're really going to let other people affect your decision?
And incredibly stupid people at that?
The game looks like it can be good, but we haven't seen gameplay yet. That's the only logical conclusion you should arrive to. Not because I said so, but because that's how it is.

Why is this bad? Almost every other game featured had white protags. Who cares about this shit? I'm black and I have never cared about the skin color of my player.

the dlc was stupid
prey was good but i'm not going to defend the dlc

Game looks cool. Protagonists look kind of generic (generic black man and generic strong black woman). Dunno why be so hyped up about the MCs race when it would have been exactly the same with white people, except maybe with original designs.

It's hilarious how upset you people get whenever Nazis are bullied like the worthless scum they are.

Who fucking knows.

Attached: whiteys.jpg (680x1771, 561K)

I this the latest tarantino movie?

because every day for the rest of your life is going to be racial tension

How are they "crazy" when he and his supporters are on multiple videos throwing the Nazi salute?

throwing you a roman salute right now

Lmao this. Why do so many Yea Forumsedditors have their heads stuck in the sand.

Why would anyone actually want to play as a black person?

Its 2019! Nazi just means cis white male. Get with the program or its the gulag for you.

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they share the sentiment of having no father

imagine not picking coach in l4d2

>diversity is a good thing, celebrate our differences!
>wait why are you people separating into different groups?

If we all had an ethnostate nobody would have to worry about representation or diversity, you write stories about your own people and culture. Better than what we have now.

this but unironically

You didn't provide an argument shithead

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not every nazi was hitler. majority of nazi soldiers were just young men drafted into a war they didn't know or give a shit about just like every other soldier. the fact that people have demonized them to the point that they're not even considered human is ridiculous. you think every nazi soldier was frothing with rage at the idea of jews and blacks existing? you're dumb kid and you really don't know what war is

That's fifth shitty game in a row, impressive.

Attached: arkane.png (538x378, 23K)

do you understand that the nazis in wolfenstein are LITERAL NAZIS
not, like, conservative anti-sjw/anti-feminist dudes, but nazis, in nazi uniforms

People who have taken 5 minutes to study WW2 understand that the Nazis were atleast somewhat justified in their actions


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San Andreas was pretty fun

i forgot about death of the outsider for a minute
lmao that didn't do well


What's wrong with that?
What did Nazis ever do to anyone?
Were unfortunate enough to fight on the losing side in a war 70 odd years ago?

Yeah, and the reason it's like this is because the left has to debunk all the right's bullshit, generalizations, and appeals to tribalistic urges before they can even make their own points. What a shocker, simple bullshit is simple.

Cute try tranny. Leftists can't meme

In what backwards ass Bizarro world do you live in where Nazi's shouldn't be mocked?

What's the point of this meme?
The majority of trannies are white males too.

why are you retarded leftoids always trying to thoroughly debunk arguments in memes instead of just making your own fucking argument

Spoken like a true Tranny.

Dilate faggot.

clown world

Attached: 10 year old drag.png (642x944, 326K)

you are one sad, pathetic individual and I'm so glad I wasn't born you. your mind has been broken by this website. stop obsessing over politics. this is a video game board

>what did nazis ever do to anyone

Because they're incapable of seeing their own view as anything other than the default.
They think that if you "Debunk" another's argument, then all they're left with is to accept gay niggers raping their son or something.

the fact that something so basic upsets you is hilarious

that's why the black community are my niggas

>being so retarded that you believe “forced diversity” is a real thing
seethe harder please, no one cares if you don’t buy the game

My mind has been redpilled by SJWs constantly shoving their bullshit in my hobbies over the past few years and I've had enough. Fuck Tranny faggots and fuck SJWs. Trump is going to win in 2020 and I'm going to watch these subhumans kill themselves. Gaming will finally be saved and we'll have a glorious golden-age of gaming.

Anons, Nazi's are Nazi's, the war mongering race extinction terrorists.

Not your boogeyman SJW calling anything they don't like Nazi's. Nobody is attacking you personally when we make a game about fucking actual Nazi's

can I make a game that is just a black screen and have these dumb cunts get all excited because "omg it's black"

So youre saying because they're being retarted and saying incorrect things that makes you think its a good idea to follow their example? Hey more power to ya man

Not an argument.

literally no one asked for faggots and nigger protagonists and "wokeness" in video games you shit head

dude you didn't float out of a river of souls there is no way you could have been "born him"

>game looks interesting and has an interesting premise
Jesus christ just let me play as Jax fucking up psychos on a time loop in peace.

because "when you treat people with respect" just doesn't have the same edge and dankness as "when you kill nigs"
the medium of memes is stacked against the left from the very beginning. it's why there's not really leftist dark humor. leftism isn't cool, it was only ever cool in the 60s when people actually felt repressed and wanted to break loose.

As opposed to modern America, which is totally peaceful warmongering race extinction terrorists.

You're literally insane lol go back and read what you typed. You think you're waging some political war against the SJWs. You probably sit on your fat ass and play video games all day. The only thing upset here is your hormone balance you absolute coot lmao

Read You people don't have a fucking clue as to how SJWs operate. You're fucking clueless.

SJWs have taken over damn near the entire industry, so clearly there's something behind what they're doing. We've just gotta do it even better, and furthermore ensure Trump wins in 2020 to seal the deal.

tribalism rules

I've been looking for this for so long. I think I added the Todd picture on it, but I can't remember. I had a lot of stuff on a folder that was lost. Thanks for posting user.

it's true. tribalism is what humans are programmed to do. I gave up hope that people could be better than that a long time ago, it's why I'm a nationalist even if I'm not right-wing policy wise

It's an expression you autist. Were you raped by your pastor or something? Not everything is christian propaganda faggot no need to get triggered so easily

That's gonna be a yikes from me

you are sperging out and upset that someone is logically pointing out the gay shit that is very on the nose in games. Cry about it some more

If SJWs remained in the industry after Trump won I. 2016, what makes you think they’ll be even remotely affected if he wins again?

At least hit the NEETs where it hurts the most.
The truth they're always running from.

Attached: poorfagscope.png (530x843, 60K)

Plenty of people have wanted more diversity in video games because apparently people are tired of playing as the same edgy white guy over and over again. I know for a fact you get that feeling of “oh man I can’t relate to this character because he’s so different from me...” whenever it isn’t some generic Men’s Health Magazine cutout guy #12 with a 5’oclock shadow. Have sex.

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Is "neets are prone to necking themselves" really new information

the left can't keep doubling down and only coming up with failure. If they lost another SC seat because Ginsburg is on the verge of death, that'd be even more cement on the grave.

Because 2016 was them in denial and working in overdrive to make sure he doesn't win again, because they know it will literally be all over if he does. Trump winning will mean they've lost the culture war, despite all their subversion over the past few years. Trump winning in 2020 will unironically save all our hobbies and usher in a glorious golden-age.

At least 12 Minutes stars two white people.
>Bethesda virtue signaled more than MS

>majority of nazi soldiers were just young men drafted into a war they didn't know or give a shit about just like every other soldier.
This isn't true, they definitely knew and cared about the war but to them it was about defending Germany and Europe from the Red Terror, communism/bolshevism, and international predators (ie bankers). Da Jo0s had virtually nothing to do with it, they were just lumped in as sympathizers or conspirators to the aforementioned groups, which as the Polish, Ukranians, and Latvians saw was very often true

Fucking yikes. xD

Must suck to be this obsessed. I suggest taking a break from Yea Forums, your weak mind is clearly not strong enough to resist the memes lol

>*creates four flops in a row*

At least we get some Mick Gordon out of it.

Attached: Arkane-Studios.jpg (640x360, 11K)

Fags/pedos belong on a cross

/pol/ seething lmao

>Plenty of people have wanted more diversity in video games

There already was plenty of diversity in video games you fucking cock sucking faggot, without having a literal nigger woman as a major character with every release

maybe think about the shit you write

Assuming the holocaust happened, can you really say the Da Jo0s were innocent, given what they've done to America?

This too, the GOP have been an absolute UNIT and driven to take as much power as possible. Trump winning in 2020 means the GOP take even MORE power & fuck over Democrats for literal decades. We're talking potential to change to constitution even, if it came to it.

Does microsoft historically do much virtue signalling in their presentations? I feel like I don't really remember them doing it much at all.

>not strong enough to resist the memes lol

Let me guess, you graduate high school in a few weeks?

mass suicides 2020

look how upset you guys are. honestly don't give a shit about nazis or black people but if they cause this much anguish amongst the angstiest of teens I'm on board, consider my copy preordered

t. reddit

You white bois are mentally fucked up

>preordering without seeing any gameplay or even knowing what genre the game is

Also this. Tranny faggots and SJWs will literally kill themselves. Not even memeing, these people will actually fucking end their lives when Trump wins again in 2020. It'll be fucking based.

I mean that's true. You don't have to be a SJW leftoid to see how we're getting fed the same protagonists over and over again, and they're probably looking out of frame holding a gun on the box art. Theater and film do the same thing, that's what typecasting is. It's why femshep was a better character than maleshep, even if you were male (also better VA)

i also enjoy seeing poor people suffer and die because they can't pay their bills

You've just boiled down the entire issue people have with this game and identity politics in two green texts. That's a job fucking well done, user.

sorry retard but i don't consider every ESL dipshit who was molested at sunday school before i use my idioms, maybe try being less triggered at the drop of a hat lmao

It hit them where it hurts and lets them know they can't escape their future.
Or lack thereof

There are literally 4 or 5 games in EXISTENCE that contain a black woman as a lead character. You are upset over absolutely nothing.

>spending actual money on Yea Forums

>nigger leads
This ain't it chief.

I remember them doing it in 2017 and 2018 for a couple of minutes. Of course, the "when everybody plays, we all win" may be a subliminal signal, but otherwise, I guess not

I'm pretty sure most NEETs would agree that it's better to an hero than render yourself a wage slave.

t. seething
might just get a copy for my cousin at this rate he'd think this shit is hilarious too. don't poop your diapey

yeah, and they were all released around the same years with the message "THIS IS QUEEN STRONG NIGGER BITCH HEAR HER ROAR" and that shit is the cringiest of all


The game says the first, it does not say the second.
And no, I don't care about whatever Trump tweet Bethesda's 20-year-old leftist female social media intern quoted, I care about what's in the game's text.

i am sure you don't think about what you write and it underscores a laziness in your thinking that permeates all of your actions

National Socialism is a valid ideology centered around protecting the Nation from predatory corporations and foreign state influences

They're trying desperately to brainwash the young black demographic.

Don't pity them. They're poor because they're not trying.
America is entirely too full of opportunity for niggers and neets to not get jobs.

You told us over and over we are Nazi's. Make up your mind

Fact: Nazi ideology is fucked up and the world had more than enough reasons to go and stop them in WW2, probably for the better (at the time)

Bigger fact: somehow what's happening now is Nazi uprising 2.0 by the first world left but without an actual plan or thinking they are not literally doing the exact same thing

>being a pedant
fuck off fag

>the entire marketing campaign of the game doesn't count

I'm not even him but this hurts me to read. You're right.

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people moving to cities to find work and then have their financial situation collapse and off themselves rules

none of these are actual facts though unless you are literally an underaged kid

>boohoo tired uninspired marketing and poorly written fictional characters drove me to become a literal nazi

Listen up here, son. Stop blaming others for your poor personal choices. Take some responsibility for once in your life. You are an insufferable unkissable teenage nazi because you have chosen to be one. No one is to blame except yourself.

Attached: farewell-comic1.png (702x720, 117K)

>full of opportunity
It's literally a crumbling shithole of service jobs.

>gets sent to the eastern front while Mr. Krupp earns a massive paycheck from the war

White liberals

I'll buy 30 copies.

Attached: 1537732368452.jpg (460x347, 44K)

not the user you're talking to, but im 30 and became a "naz" after being an Obama voter who was sick of fucking blue haired skinny faggots and literal transsexuals cry about going to work on Monday, or the fact that they have debt after having nerf battles and smoking weed for 5 years in college

That only works when your opposition is against the values of repopulating civilization.

It's entirely what the game is saying. The devs and storywriters behind the game have this insane mindset and they put it into their game. There's an extremely obvious reason why theres 2 women, one of them being black, in the game. It's to appeal to the far left and SJWs who think killing Nazis is the equivalent of killing Trump supporters.

bro just work in the gig economy and live in a podshare hell dorm

This is another giveaway to a seething tranny, they hate God because they're demonic, Godless faggots. Trannies despise white cis Christian males. What they fail to realize is that God is on our side and will usher in Sodom & Gomorrah 2.0 when Trump wins again in 2020. Get your ropes ready Tranny faggots and wash your necks. Also be sure to livestream it, you'll get all the attention from the white cis Christian males that you've always wanted!

Better to be an incel than a fucking Tranny. You'll never be a real woman, now go Dilate you mentally ill degenerate.

by instead coercing all the business owners into your ideology wherein they do what you say or get blackballed in favor of your friends, Hans Dusseldorfer, because he's a good party member and nepotism is fucking rad.

It's alarmingly like communism, actually.


Weak men create hard times. Hard times create strong men. Clown world will not last.

>braindead whores buy the game, stream to 10 viewers on twitch for 1 hour, never play it again and then post on twitter about how amazing it is
The same people that bought Black panther tickets in pity for Black people and not in respect of them.

so you're just a bitter loser who obsesses over other people's lives more than his own? imagine having so little control over your emotions that dumbass kids being dumbasses sends you into a frothing rage and actually changes the way you view the world. hahahaha - this is me laughing at you. you must be a woman

they have debt because their cool universities keep increasing their administrative overhead and for whatever reason faculty don't unite with students to do something about it, even though they get paid like shit themselves lmao

>/pol/ is underage
Oh but Yea Forums, that’s where the adults are

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>when you don't have money
What did they expect?

Attached: 546.jpg (680x509, 71K)

Leftist is cool, it's why mainstream mass appeal is mostly liberal, why corporations would sooner lean liberal; the inclusive nature of marketing has the end goal to take money from every demographic and aims to not alienate buyers.

Transgression is a big part of humor and that gets in the way of a lot of liberal memes, but the irony that comes with racist jokes on Family Guy makes it so that it can make fun of Jews and blacks and still be a liberal show. Memes are removed from a lot of context, especially given the anonymous nature of online interaction. Outrage is more attractive than anything else, so edgy memes get more attention.

Not him but imagine a scenario like this
>punch a nazi!
>hey man, you shouldn't be advocating violence against anyone
>wow, what are you, a fucking nazi?
>no, I just-
>wtf dude you got me fired
>wow, it's pretty messed up how that crazy sjw doxx'd you and got you fired. all of us over here have been though the same shit. why don't you come hang out with us?
>uh, alright. thanks man.
>don't mention it. btw, how much do you know about the jews?

actually it's probably faggots like you that change the way he votes
it's like there is something wrong with your brain and you think you can neg him into supporting your shit

If you don't apply yourself, you won't get anywhere.
If you want handouts there's successful communist countries for you.
Oh wait.
There aren't.
Try or die, bitch.

t. bitter loser obsessed with what other people are doing
get a hobby virgin

>imagine having so little control over your emotions

Imagine reading something so simple and basic that you fly into a fit of rage like a hormonal teenager

college universities keep raising their tuition because boomers like to brag about sending their kid to a state school for marketing. Only a fucking retard would think a degree automatically equates to success

what's with all the time loop games lately? Is this their new go to fad?

Bethesda now unironically makes the most homogeneous and derivative games in the industry. Every single game they showed looked straight out of 2007 gameplay wise. Even Elder Scrolls is now the most literal depiction of high fantasy. It really tickles my funny bone in a special way to watch this sorry lineup of unbelievably generic games set against clips of them trying to tell you how important they think diversity is.

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>forced diversity
>in a game about two people hunting each other down

white cucks

when I saw that happen I immediately knew it would have that result, nice to have some confirmation

post yfw trump wins re election

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why are you so obsessed with what other people are doing? have you considered not being a loser and doing something meaninful for yourself? lmao

yeah retard that is literally what politics is about
maybe go to college someday

gay people are fucking gross and aren't equal to me deal with it whiney bitch

Given the clown world and capture the flag memes, I'd say yeah, as those display the juvenile mentality of a high school junior reading Vonnegut for the first time.

>he thinks going to college is difficult or something to brag about


Hellooooo Muhammad.


maybe for you

idpol retard

I don’t care what the fuck you choose to believe in, but if you believe “muh day of rope”, you’re a subhuman brainlet who actually thinks that trump will descend from the WH to kill people you don’t like.

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Your post proves it faggot

Pete Buttigieg has been resistant to identity politics and can positively work a Fox News crowd. Obama said SJWs need to knock it off with the "not your table" politics of shutting down criticism. It's already getting better.

im not the one projecting here though, better get ready for homeroom tomorrow

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donald trump will personally slay all of the blacks
prove me wrong

they will crumble because they left is vehemently eating themselves. If you want Warren, the Sanders, Buttgieg, Biden crowds hate you. Everyone is in fighting and trying to be the biggest dick sucker alive for a nomination

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yeah but why are you so obsessed with what other people are doing? literally who cares? you're dumb as hell lmao getting mad at nobody in particular for no reason in particular meanwhile the SJWs are celebrating with every new release. basically u gettin mad, they're gettin paid


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>if you criticize an SJW then you're a nazi
>if you criticize a /pol/ kid then you're a tranny
it's tiresome

>Just because you don't like over sensitive crybabies or far left politics doesn't make you a nazi.

Tell them that, until then I'm heiling Hitler.

you should probably lookup words before using them little bro

I think deathloop looks fun and if you were surprised about how nuwolf was marketed you obviously weren't paying attention for the previous game

Do you really have a problem with people saying "fuck Nazis"?

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following this simple map, yes

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but you're just proving them right then lol I'm guessing you didn't do too well in school huh sport

What Nazis did right
>Taking their own country for themselves, german people
>looking up to Nationalism
>Taking pwoer from the ones that had them in poverty, that happened to be mostly Jews

What Nazis did wrong
>Basically make fucking everyone angry at the same time
>Trying to eradicate an entire race/religion because of a few assholes
>Muh superior race
>Lost so now speaking against jews became bad
>Being a generic enemy in hundreds of videogames when we could have something varied or original

I also have this tinfoil theory that the nice Hitler at the rise of power is a different person that the retarded Hitler that somehow went chaotic evil

That or too much drugs or something

thats rich coming from someone bragging about college

peter buttgag is a generic neoliberal

oh god oh fuck somebody assumed something about me on an anonymous forum

They sure do. Notice how no one uses the term "feminazi" anymore?

You should kill yourself, unironically.

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The punch Nazis thing started when this man youtube.com/watch?v=1o6-bi3jlxk got punched in the face. Bethesdas comments are about literal historical Nazis. If you see that and think "What if they secretly mean ME" then you are either near enough to a Nazi it makes no meaningful difference or profoundly stupid, so kindly piss off.

/pol/ has unironically overdosed on their own red pill and have become actual nazis blind to any logical thought.

A lot of that is just over-hyped non-sense from Jewish owned newspapers. Also you forgot about escaping crippling inflation

are you roleplaying being black wtf

getting mad
getting paid

>>punch a nazi!
>>hey man, you shouldn't be advocating violence against anyone

Who really cares if you punch an actual nazi though? I mean, come on. The nazi platform is and always has been explicitly anti-democracy, anti-free speech and pro-violence-against-anyone-who-is-not-a-nazi.

>totally same thing

Die Fahnen hoch,
die Reihen fest geschlossen.

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Why does he have "le human trafficking face"?

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>no TES6
fuck this conference

mayos are pathetically insecure

ok, that is epic.

Please KILL ALL WHITES, goyim!

>Choose a side
Politics isn't binary you fucking retard

Get some new material. Faggot.

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>getting paid


So who does this shit even appeal to?

Easily one of the most braindead posts I've ever read

And people will still call him racist, bigot, homophobe, etc.

2020 is gonna be fun.

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>corporations would sooner lean liberal; the inclusive nature of marketing has the end goal to take money from every demographic and aims to not alienate buyers
You're nothing but a bug man if you think this is what is considered cool. Chic'fil'a loses incredible amounts of money for their (or their CEOs) christian ideals. Maybe not "cool", but it's at least honorable that they would follow their ideals even at the face of potentially losing millions. The capitalists will of course say their stupid, but their fucking jews that worship money.

cool non sequitur little bro
that's latin for go to school

>if I had an excuse I would totally torture somebody tee hee
I don't even care about the nazi thing but this shit is just so fucking weird

shhh don't tell them how he feels about Israel either lol

>two black leads

Why is Yea Forums so afraid of black people?

im gonna be honest bros, i hate trannies but i am completely alright with black people and i browse reddit
am i the cancer killing the AAA gaming industry?

Let's just all agree that the best part of the conference was the WOOOOO YEAAAAAH guy that got kicked out

nah, i just hate everyone who has an IQ below lukewarm and think they should be killed, which also just so happens to include nearly every minority

>missing the point this hard
Maybe one day you'll understand why your shitty attitude only serves to push people AWAY from your ideology.

I know right. :^)

>get annoyed by gay people obsessing
>get called a nazi


Im assuming you learned that word 3 weeks ago

>/pol/ seeting on a AA game

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>mfw americans defend nazis
your mutts would be oven'd alongside the jews.

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social justice is a cult. they don't operate on profit, they operate on pushing their ideology

>What did Nazis ever do to anyone?


Whites who prostrate to everyone

i mean yeah? they sold skyrim alone like 20 times. are we so delusional we'll pretend bethesda doesn't make a killing off retards alone? there are people unironically hyped for fallout 76 battle royale. don't kid yourself for the sake of an internet argument

And despite that he is still "homophobic" for them.

lmaooo Im dead xdd

there's nothing honorable or respectable about doubling down on retardation
your point is valid but you chose literally the single worst example you could have to illustrate it

>there are people unironically hyped for fallout 76 battle royale. don't kid yourself for the sake of an internet argument

fucking LOL, they are this terrified

It just annihilates the suspension of disbelief.

Seriously. It's like that one friend who talks about some really bad shit in the news and goes on to describe, in detail, how badly he would torture the person responsible. Like, yeah they're sick fucks who deserve some comeuppance, but you're just making everyone uncomfortable by letting us all know your torture porn fantasies.

Gee i wonder

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And media will still call him antisemitic lmao

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>make America nazi-free again
>Bethesdas comments are about literal historical Nazis! I swear!

>female redguards dont get -10 personality
Todd having jungle fever is confirmed

two high school niggers tried to rob me, and they ran away because i was homeless and crazy and going to stab them to death with my knife
i'm not, i'm REALLY not

All jokes aside, it's weird to think how if every gay and transsexual person died tomorrow, the world would instantly become a better place

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what was the downside again

Wait. Didn't Trump put a ban on trannies in the army in April? How the fuck can he be pro LGBT while taking away opportunities for LGBT people?

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Nazis are but a buzzword nowadays, actual Nazis do not exist anymore.

Also it's just /pol/ being /pol/



i don't even know what this post is supposed to mean. there's even a thread up right now about looking forward to the free trial. have sex? idk

>trannies in the army
Do you think it sounds a pretty bad idea?

Based and weaponpilled. Fist fighting is for niggers.

So you're admitting your death would make the world a better place?

mentally ill people shouldn't make it through screening in the first place

when has this ever happened?

>before 2016: killing nazis and hating nazis was a normal thing everyone enjoyed
>post 2016: showing nazis in a negative light sends a wave of 20-40 year old white men into a fit of rage

there is absolutely nothing wrong with the gays
trannies are a blight upon humanity and i agree with you on that part though

Let me tell you how that went down
>some tween thot decides she doens't like this guy
>um, he, like, raped me
>few days later, he gets brutalized by some retards cause BELIEVE WOMEN

how do you even get this worked up about a frog in a wig. see a therapist before you totally lose it.

I'm an alt-right white male nazi who knows that 13% commits 50%, and that Jews own the media, and I think Deathloop looks good so far. Excited to see where they go and how co-op will work.

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woah you're one bad dude you were gonna fricken STAB em to DEATH? that's pretty hardcore bro

You mean how many times has the media called trump racist?
A lot.

The communists were infinitely worse and they are not demonized as much. Very telling!

That isn't the point though. His words and actions aren't matching up here. Dude is a fucking pussy, if he's going to do this, he has to go all in. Make an executive order to rename "Pride Month" to Degeneracy Month. Don't pay lip service to the trannies that you are banning from shit.


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who knew contrapoints viewers work at arkane

The point of your green text story that never happened in the real world? The worst real world suffering that GG nazis have ever been able to support with facts is badly written diversity characters. Bad writing in fiction is irritating, that we can agree on. But it isnt a valid excuse to become a national socialist.

Everything about the left is bullshit and none of their crap has yielded positive results. Kys faggot

white middle class liberals

Sassy black women are my fetish so I don't mind this new trend.

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no, i mean how many times have they called him antisemitic you retard can you not read?




you mean the thread begging people to talk about the game with barely any replies? Or the other threads mocking Bethesda for being so clearly shit?

i've raped, assaulted, and stolen before so it's not that much of an escalation, and they started it so they get theirs

Black gamers need to unite with white cis gender non liberal males to reclaim our hobby.

>people are only hyped because diversity quota is met
>cant have a sensible discussion on why this is detrimental to games, and entertainment as a whole, without being labeled and attacked
Thank you diversity quotas.

The real world.
I don't blame you. Most of you never experienced what it's like to be surrounded only by people of your own state.
You are taught fron when you are little that diversity is your strength, that multiculti is good.
When in reality both of those statements couldn't be more far from the truth.
And once you have an encounter the perception shatters and you are left with cognitive dissonance.
If you ever really think that someone who isn't your colour or state could give a shit about you on a general basis you don't live in the real world.

Stop gaslighting you lying piece of shit. These companies went political before Yea Forums did.

>nothing wrong with gays

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this game, like most shit cringethesda publishes these days, will crash and burn

yes it is the point
you seem to be under the impression that in order to support people with bipolar disorder that you have to allow them to serve in the military


what if he only banned trannies from the military because he doesn't think they're fit for combat but is also a grown man who doesn't give a shit what degeneracy they do to themselves within their own lives where it doesn't affect anyone else? not everything is black and white, are you 12 years old and incapable of wrapping your head around the idea of nuance? this is america land of the free you commie nigger

Reminder that Donald Trumps brother is on the board of directors of Zenimax.

This is Trumps America.

>post 2016: every white men is a nazi because the president is a white male and for me he is a fascist elected by white men, make america nazi free again, comrade!

>never happened
It happens everytime any of the tech giants bans someone for not falling in line with the sjw mindset. When someone comes under attack from people on the far left and the only ones extending a hand are the far right, what do you thing is going to happen? Insulting people. Belittling people. Destroying their lives. All this shit does is make spiteful outcasts who are susceptible to radicalization.

>talking about gays
>posts picture of trannies
how's that room temperature IQ treatin ya

dang man I'd cross the street if I saw someone as hardcore as you walking my way!

Can someone tell me why black people have this angstsy “ fuck you I don’t want to do it” attitude? Is it because they feel like they’re being attacked or some shit? All the ghetto ones have this and even some of the more well off ones.

Plenty, you fucking retard.

are you fucking retarded?


lmao, contrapoints viewers should give these babies a gander alright

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you would not be the first
have the last reply, i'm feeling generous

There are tons of black trannies though.

Why do people feel the need to relate to the character? If they're blank slates or created characters it makes sense, but why the fuck would I need to feel relation to Doomguy for example? Doomguy kills everything that moves. That's all he's ever been and all he ever needs to be. Different looking characters is just fine. I get tired of generic Chad model 09318430-TL too, but I've never understood why people like to "relate" to little bug people or Ness or Noctis or Shantae. You're just a spectator for their stories.

>black culture and rap
>"fuck bitches, have sex get rich be strong nigga fuck weak pansy bitches. sheet i aint gay nigga. Oh shit he knocked him the fuck out!"
>value sex, subordinate women, strength, power, survival of fittest, money

So why align themselves with the limp-wristed gay soiboys who hate heterosexuality, competition, strength, and masculinity?

and you just continue to encourage them by obsessing over it so who's the real piece of shit lmao you're basically responsible for this shit yourself desu

what does nigger beat? besides his girl

Black "culture" is nothing but thugniggery

you sir wins the internet, upvoted

>proves my point


such as?

nah i'm just literate
>gender nonconforming and transgender youth
yeah man that's totally the gays, not the trannies i was just preaching against
take your subhuman filth elsewhere

Because fuck nigger subhumans.

This, lets just do and say nothing guys ha ha.

Okay. Let's put it this way. A person says they support bipolar people to have equal opportunities as other people, while at the same time they are pushing for bans to limit the opportunities of people with bipolar. Do you not see how this position could be contradictory in any way?

So cognitive dissonance is nuance? Got it.

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>prove my point

When you're taught you're always a victim, you're constantly on the defensive.
>hey jamal, can you hand me that screwdriver?
>why the fuck you telling a black man to fetch yo shit? I ain't yo slave, mothafucka. why you ain't tell tim or john to get yo damn screwdriver, huh? fucking racist ass cracka

Lol /pol/ why so mad? Did you expect people to like nazis?

pride encompasses all faggot shit stop trying to say otherwise

>A person says they support bipolar people to have equal opportunities as other people, while at the same time they are pushing for bans to limit the opportunities of people with bipolar.
Since disbarring them from military service would technically limit their opportunities, no, it wouldn't be contradictory. There are obviously some positions that should NOT be filled by people with bipolar disorder.
In fact, it would be great if people with bipolar disorder did not exist at all.

is there a reason you are too thick to understand that terry davis's list of opportunities should not include being given explosives and sent to afghanistan

No, not even white men desu

im going to become a nazi just to make niggerloving redditors upset

stfu dumb naziphobe we all know you're just projecting because you secretly sieg heil when nobody's looking.

She (he) is retarded but it hasn't sunk in yet. Give her (him) time.

A society where no-one starves and you can do whatever the fuck you want as long as you respect your fellow man/woman/otherkin is bad why? The fact that you are can spend your life obsessing over tweets is a testament to the political lefts success in protecting you from starvation exploitation and political oppression. The left is also not responsible for making you into a sad little seething pussy, unable to do greater things than sitting on your ass while being protected from harm by others. That's all on you, bro. Unpussy-fy yourself, take responsibility for your life, and thank the people who provided you with all the opportunities you are currently pissing away...

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If we're going by sterotypes, black people love buying shit. Gangsta rap is mostly about consumerism and bragging.

And they get plently of people like in ops pic that are far more concerned about diversity then if a game is good or full of bullshit microtransactions

Come on now, Prey was pretty decent.

even better let's whine anonymously on a chaldean soothsaying forum about video games, surely that will stop the sjw menace

The reasoning behind Trumps ban is that drug use in the military is prohibited. Not that they are unfit for combat. The Defense Department even backs this up.

I really really want to torture and kill a german nationalist

>political lefts success in protecting you from starvation exploitation and political oppression.

By making life even more difficult to afford property and such? The left has been the biggest thieves for the past 30 years

>A society where no-one starves and you can do whatever the fuck you want as long as you respect your fellow man/woman/otherkin is bad why?
logistics, the fact that it is fantasy and you are the modern day equivalent of a creationist screaming about the supposed "kingdom of god", and the fact that you didn't answer the whole
>none of their crap has yielded positive results
so I suggest you
>Kys faggot

How long before these kind people realize that the whole point of the game is pretty much black people trying to kill black people and they start to scream about it?

Yawn cracker as the old guy in Home Alone 2 said...."YA GOTTA DO BETTER THAN THAT"

>trashing Arkane

Arkane Studios are the only ones who are making good System Shock 2 type games and not the same old open world with nothing in it bullshit games.

>It happens everytime any of the tech giants bans someone for not falling in line with the sjw mindset.
Fired for openly claiming a right to be openly hostile to coworkers who are women or non-whites. Seems like a reasonable cause for termination if you ask me.

But that's not what you said in your previous post though. You said that people are getting fired for arguing that violence against nazis is wrong. Which never happened. You were lying and now you're moving the goalposts...

There are legitimate reasons why somebody like Terry wouldn't be able to serve. What is the reasoning behind banning trannies? Why not just have them fucking killed off in some sand filled shithole?

idc, if calling a tranny by the correct biological pronoun and being anti-gay marriage will cause them to kill themselves even more so, im all for it

>trumps ban
as it turns out, it's actually my opinion that the mentally ill such as trannies and bipolar people shouldn't be allowed in. Drugs play a role but they're unfit for service inherently since their minds are fucked. Also women shouldn't serve in combat roles either :)
What do you propose, oh glowing one?
They already kill themselves enough here. Some of them even shoot up schools and grocery stores, so it might be best to just kill them off as soon as possible before they can harm others.

Change a couple nouns to white people in your post and you have a virtue singaling post that would rustle your jimmies severely. Is it real that hard for you to see the irony?

because they are mentally ill user
killing crazy people is not my bag

a transsexual is literally mentally ill, i dont see the rational that having someone who can't even figure out biology should be aiding fellow soldiers

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why is it okay for niggers to shoot other niggers but when a huwite boi does it they cry foul?
is it because whitey does it better?

>projecting: the post

Seeing as there are separate fitness tests between sexes, which one would a tranny have to adhere to? The physical standards on which they actually are? Or the ones they think they are?

I don't mind the sassy black women, but why the fuck do they always have to have the same fucking haircut?
Black woman -> afro
Black guy -> bald or dreadlocks

because they don't really affect anything but themselves and your emotions and the latter only serves as amusement to the rest of us which is a net positive at the end of the day. id rather not interact with trannies on account of their blatant mental instability but the angrier they make you the more trannies i want in your life tbqh senpai

>Unironically supporting trannies not being killed in sand filled shitholes

Another shitty game I won't play. As if two niggers wasn't bad enough.

>*grrr bark bark bark*
>hey master look how BRAVE I am, please give me sex now

>By making life even more difficult to afford property and such?
It's extremely easy for the median citizen to own property today, much much easier than it has been during 99,999...% of human history. It's also laughably easy not to starve, something which was an everyday occurance for millions. The reason you're not owning property is not the left, nor the jews - it's that you're not accomplished enough or not hard working enough to afford it, and your parents werent rich enough to buy it for you. Blame where blame is due, with you.

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>seethe harder please, no one cares if you don’t buy the game
he lierally asked the question you fucking queer nigger

not if it's going to result in actual mentally sound soldiers not being able to complete the task

sorry but i'm too much of a shitlib to not be concerned with the welfare of all of the retards from my country

i suggest shutting the fuck up and using Yea Forums for video games and /pol/ for politics. 10 years ago this dumb shit wouldn't be tolerated from either of you frothing trannies or hitlersucking manlets. this website just keeps getting worse

Having high maintenance trannies in the military is absolutely retarded. It doesnt matter if your anti or pro trans, it just is illogical to recruit a demographic like that.

>every thread about wolfenstein presenter going "fuck nazis" is deleted
So mods are part of the demonizing, war-invoking left?

Nazis are good. We're growing daily

as long as they are not part of a forced agenda I have no problem, sadly most of the times it's not like this in current gaming and this makes things worse

Tranies would never make it to the sand filled shitholes. They would shoot themselves and/or other people in the barracks half way through the basic training.

Yeah, none of that is thanks to the left though dummy

They are violent

what value are your threads bro

mods are part of the Yea Forums is for video games dipshit

What a shitty comic. Also no I can't relate to nigs

>Wanting to compromise whole US military operations because of some tranies.
Okay Ahmed.

Anyone have the link to the sticky when it was live? Or know what the name of it was so I can search the archive?

>Is it real that hard for you to see the irony?
i didnt ask for diversity in my country, life or hobbies

eat less and work out more

kill yourself, you only replied to me for a reason and the reason is: have sex

the idea of trannies killing dune coons is funny to me


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or maybe they removed them because fucking retards kept spamming basically same thread with the same 10 replies?

Yes, because as it turns out Nazis were the good guys

anyways my point with you is that you are gay and it's not worth it to the other soldiers who now have to trust a tranny to keep them safe

unfortunately the world doesn't revolve around you buddy your mom lied I'm sorry

>treating people with respect and dignity is literally impossible and a liberal fantasy says self proclaimed asshole and truth teller

You have to admit you're pretty much inviting anyone to fuck you up with that kind of a mentality. It's literally zero effort to treat anyone who've yet to lose benefit of the doubt with a normal level of courtesy and good will. I've been doing it every fucking day for years. If you think that's a fantasy and impossible I'll take your word for it, but conclude that the problem is you, not other people or the world.

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>valuing on-topic video game discussion

that's gross stop posting that shit

Butttplug is faggot. Done.
He's disqualified himself.

Nobody's fucked me up yet, guess they just trust me too much ;) you're just a pussy

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So what's your actual, full-time paying job that pays for your soilent milk mods? Go on put your tag on and tell me how hard your barista job is


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Just elect Trump again. He's doing very well.

imagine thinking i would moderate this website

It's literally all thanks to the left; specifically to progressive taxation, social security, labor & minimum wage laws, socialized health care services etc etc. Remember, even the United States is a heavily socialized country compared to what was the norm a couple of hundred years ago.

Trannies are mentally ill and don't belong in the military.

imagine being actually upset that people don't want to talk about american politics on the video game board lmao unironically have sex

irrelevant to the topic


so are you

the reason nazis are seen as bad was their dislike for jews, the crippled and so on though. no one who fantasizes about bashing in nazi skulls knows shit all about their other political stances, and even if they did that definitely wouldn't be what's fueling their gory day dreams

all of that shit has been a ticking time bomb since the new deal you dumb fucking nigger brained retard. Unionism along with massive immigration are the two primary reason for wage stagnation while the cost of living increases

They're not pandering to black people, they're pandering to white liberals.

why do you retards think it's trannies making those posts

>see a message from Steven "Destiny" Bonnell
>"Wanna hop on voice and discuss those opinions you post on Yea Forumspol/?"

What do you do?

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yeah, their hatred for jews was completely unwarranted. Came out of no where.

>make whitey seethe
>no one buys game
>studio goes under

brilliant plan, keep going

bros did you know what helps you afford real estate and food? you were probably thinking something like technology, but actually it's liberal welfare states funded through regressive payroll taxes, which, for today only, i will describe as leftist policies

Wait... I thought only "incels" cared about the race/gender of vidya characters.

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>Got forced into the fag side because looking like a girl
>motherfuckers alienated me with their crazy gay shit
>Unironically defending Hitler at family dinner

you won't know how much you love segregation until you get lumped in with these faggots. They made me like the nazis more than i initially did.

I delete my computer.

>Black ppl killing each other

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You should be proud we are. They are not human

unions don't depress wages and private sector unions are on death's door
it's a combination of immigration and outsourcing resulting in productivity gains being captured by capital

say yes floor him in 20 minutes

get out
>Nobody's fucked me up yet

If you're actual physical person is close to what you proclaimed here, it will happen sooner or later, and why shouldnt it? I'd much rather look for win-win scenarios and mutual respect and benefits in with people I meet. But whenever I come across one of the altruism-and-respect-is-for-deluded-pussies people I'm delighted. Here is a self-awoved asshole who is pretty much inviting the world to fuck his ass..

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>as a nazi?
That depends, the party itself died decades ago, but as a nationalist who values the individual cultures of europe, who knows about the value of a good genepool, who understands natural selection and it's relationship with culture, who understands the systems of control created by a specific (((group)))? Yes. And people aren't offended for nazis, they are mad because the same fuckers like to call anyone to the left of anarcho communism a nazi, and then proceed to say that said people aren't human, don't deserve rights and should be attacked on the spot.

could say the same about you retard. keep seething because i dont like diversity though

It would actually have quite a different effect if an all or mostly black game studio related some dank & comfy looking game with an all black cast. All this SJW-driven garbage with LGBTQ and minority characters just comes off as pandering and a big fuck you to the main demographic, orchestrated by corporate order and basedboy faggots. That’s a big part of all this, imo.

there's a reason for out-sourcing or needs for cheap immigrant labor. Detroit is a prime example on how leftism and unionism destroys American cities.

>It isn't virtue signalling to say nazis are bad.
That's precisely what it is.

It's working perfectly, and the system is super stable. The only fly in the ointment is faggots like you.

Nigger and cunny are untiered

i'd debate destiny on a number of technical topics if he paid me or didn't stream them, just so i could watch his subreddit scramble to coach him using wiki pages

>But whenever I come across one of the altruism-and-respect-is-for-deluded-pussies people I'm delighted.
I'm sure you are, it's not very often you get to suck some huge cocks ;).

Deathloop is a grindhouse blaxploitation film type game which is cool. You faggots need to watch boss nigger and foxy brown and stop crying about sjws.

The world has a bad form or cancer that can’t be cured.

>given what they've done to America?
And are doing to Europe.

i want to play as boss nigger and fuck the shit out of foxy brown. or at least let boss nigger watch as I do it.

no there isn't a reason for the need. there are simply gains to be made from reducing labor costs, and since the people making those decisions have no loyalty to the country or its people they make those choices

>Sassy black women are my fetish
robert de negro please

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Does Doom advertise every 5 seconds as "haha kill demons lets punch demons many ways to kill demons fuck demons"?

It's long been known that war happens when people dehumanize the other side and justify violence against them.

The left is doing just that by labeling anyone a nanometer right of extreme left as a full-fledged Nazi and not just condoning but calling for violent action and murder against them.

They are advocating murder and war. Anyone who tells them to stop? Just another Nazi

Dont believe you're lying eyes. Before the welfare state people were starving in the millions. After the welfare state they were not. You're not worried about having to starve. Unless you're in the USA you're most likely not scared of having to live on the street.

All of that is thanks to the left, and everyone knows it, except those who chose to deny reality because of political obsessions bordering on religious fanaticism...

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Did they mention the Jews? :)

Don't give a shit, Prey and Dishonored were good.

I'll give Arkane the benefit of the doubt, only turbo faggots care about the character's race in a first person videogame.

>its working perfectly!

>they have no loyalty

They have way more loyalty trying to figure out a way to make their vehicles affordable while fat fucking lazy shit head baby boomers have spent 30 of the previous years getting drunk during lunch time doing remedial labor while getting paid substantially higher than private sector labor, and now oh look their kids can't take the same jobs they had because they arent there anymore

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Yes I do.

destiny is unironically one of the stupidest people ive ever heard speak in my entire life

the most important factor for increasing the availability of food for the global poor was the green revolution

More like Niggerloop, amiright.

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Welfare state enabled parasites, end yourself faggot.

lol u mad? must be a closet homo in denial it seems i have struck a nerve

>Some fringe lunatics
in my country the media unironically called anti-government protests that called for controlled borders far right extremists. and the only reason they didn't flat out call them Nazis was because they also had women among them.

well yes social insurance programs do provide for the truly useless

Well, to be honest I've literally never come across anyone who openly declared themself an asshole. I suspect that is because most people know that flaunting your parasitic personality openly is asking for strangers to consider you a threat and someone to deal with using any available means. Maybe that's why most people proudly flaunt it anonymously on the internet?

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Destiny is an intelligent guy. He's very good at calling out peoples' logical inconsistencies, and forcing them to clearly define the terms being argued. When they can't do that, or start tripping over their own contradictions, they sperg out and start screeching about how he's arguing in "bad faith" or resorting to really pathetic feelings-over-facts type stuff.

What are the chances that both the PC and console ports will be shit for this game just like with Dishonored 2?

I really hope they go back to Unreal Engine 3 as opposed to that garbage Void Engine that made D2 run like absolute garbage whether on PS4 or PC.

>they just happen to be black

if it was a studios that wasn't infested with sjwism i would agree but let's not pretend to be retarded its obvious why they're black.

u MaD i stRoKe a NeRVe

Just let the niggers starve then, its a win-win.

>>its working perfectly!
>posts picture of the least socialized western country

Still, not even literal niggers are starving to any great extent, even in the US. While, before FDR, literal starvation among whites was very much a reality..

the fuck is this? wheres my pREY II??

Jesus, Arkham studio is SJW as fuck.
Sasuga frenchies.

pretty much this

t. Destiny
he is not an intelligent guy. he impresses 15 year olds who are used to hearing twitch streamers stutter the same memes 30 times a day, probably you. he's sincerely above average and that's it

>He's very good at calling out peoples' logical inconsistencies, and forcing them to clearly define the terms being argued.

No he isn't, all he does is debate random internet gamer types about topics, and never has any actual arguments of his own. He simply uses a strategy of saying "nuh uh prove it" whenever someone makes an argument, but when presented with actual facts the midget faggot back-pedals with things like, "I don't know I have to check into that before I can comment" rather than acknowledge the fucking point

You would still be a parasite without it. Whether you are or not is up to your personality and your efforts. You cant really blame other people for being shit, you know, not after reaching adulthood.

But thanks to it, you are a comfy shitposting parasite, instead of a dead parasite.

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the problem with rightoids is they complain about declines in wages but the only solution they want for jobs is declining wages. your brain is cancer
also those are private sector jobs. holy shit
one of the major exchanges under consideration is that nafta traded u.s. manufacturing jobs in exchange for access to export agricultural goods, which in turn drove newly unemployed farm laborers to migrate to the u.s.

>Who really cares if you punch an actual nazi though?
When your entire point about why nazis are bad is because they dehumanized a group and then you yourself dehumanize them, you start noticing the hypocrisy, and when you point that out, what they do? Call you a nazi of course. Any person with a modicum of intellect will smell something rotten at the very core of all of this. And then of course, anyone knows nowadays how much the media lies about everything, but we only know this because of the internet, which makes one wonder how much they have gotten away with before that existed. It's not a gigantic leap in logic, it's a series of small steps that are unavoidable for anyone who actually thinks.

why would i do that

>dehumanize nazis to the point where openly talking about killing them in the most brutal ways doesn't even raise an eyebrow
>no one cares because the nazis stopped existing decades ago
>start trying to label your political opposition as nazis
>people start caring because they can smell your shit from ten miles away and know how this kind of propaganda ended the last time

It's posts full of straw-men like yours that help push people to the right, thanks.

Prey was like bioshock 2 in space. It was a decent game

we're also talking about unionism here, and using Detroit as an example, countless industries in the private sector were completely fucked in the entire mid-west after they drained the Big 3 auto companies of any capabilities of progressing capital for future investments. This is the reason why Toyota and Honda are non-union auto-motive companies and are also the most American made manufactured while also costing significantly less than the Big 3 competitors. All those retarded faggot union guys with the "keep buying foreign, you'll be out of the job" 20 years ago. How ironic.

Why frogposters always come up with some nonsensical bullshit!?

Fuck yeah Homie

Nazis are:
>openly in support of political violence, even death, for people who disagree with them
>against democracy
>against freedom of speech
>against human rights, including job security and property rights, for anyone who is not a nazi

I dont see any big problem with harassing nazis, physically or otherwise, or denying them rights. And I dont see how any awoved nazi could complain about it, without being a huge hypocrite?

Note that society at large however always has and still is protecting nazis and affording them the same rights as anyone else, even though it's hard to see why they deserve it.

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>agreed to come to JLP's show
Pick one and only one.

based trips

>Basically make fucking everyone angry at the same time
They didn't, only a specific (((group)))
>Trying to eradicate an entire race/religion because of a few assholes
Never happened.
>Muh superior race
They were right.
>Lost so now speaking against jews became bad
That was a british idea.

>REEEEEEE pls delet and stop posting the truth about based NEET internet nazis

Because everyone has to self insert that's why. You'll noticed that most protags are white dudes that are bald or have up to shoulder length brown hair with either blue or brown eyes. Its because its easy to market.

That's because, and if you went to /lgbt/ you'd know, there were trannies literally looking into getting into the army so they would be forced to pay for the astronomic medical costs of their procedures. Plus they are "unfit for service" like anyone that has ADHD, is low IQ, crippled or has any other serious mental illness. The army has to be pragmatic, despite what so many generals are pushing.

Do people actually care about this shit? Jesus Christ, how pathetic is your life where you actually get happy over a character being a specific race or gender
>inb4 so I can relatuhhh

this was so cringe holy shit
he was trying so hard to make le well adjusted psychopath face when you can tell he couldn't slit a chicken's neck IRL
after that interview was done he probably went on to write a blog post about how video game development gave him PTSD

>the color of their skin!!
>that's exciting
sounds like people off the boat on some 3rd world island who are ready to fuck some exotic prostitutes

is this really how gays think?

I also wouldn't let women serve in active combat roles or stuff like the firefighters because I don't think they are suited for it, doesn't mean I hate women.

>mobile game

You don’t sink to their level. Political violence is degenerate. You air their stupid fucking views out in the sun, because sunlight is the best disinfectant.

>A society where no-one starves and you can do whatever the fuck you want as long as you respect your fellow man/woman/otherkin is bad why?
Would never happen, the first rule of any single policy or party should be to be pragmatic.

Yeah, they always seem a bit deranged when it comes to this topic. If you think someone deserves death, just shoot them in the head. At least that's quick & clean and has the desired outcome.
But those people always start fantasizing about the most violent and brutal ways to kill someone.

gays don't think

>He is now talking about nazis

You're a lost cause, just end yourself please.

>What did Nazis ever do to anyone?
You can't be this intellectually dishonest right?

Nope, I've seen him scramble several times because he didn't expect people to call out source on his bullshit.

the "holocaust" never happened. bring up something egregious that they actually did or fuck off

what's a war here or there bro

>openly in support of political violence
Like the left, you know the group that actually advocates for punching other people.
>against democracy
Like the left? Who openly advocates for ignoring the results of the brexit.
>against freedom of speech
Like the left? Who openly advocates for the removal from the virtual public squares anyone who doesn't agree with their ideology.
>against human rights, including job security and property rights, for anyone who is not a nazi
You mean like the left? Who often doxx people and try to get them fired for their opinions.

Sure, of course, be the good boy. And yet, a nazi turns his back on an upstanding citizen in a dark corner somewhere with no witnesses, why should anyone shed a tear if he gets a blade between the shoulders? He literally asked for it.

But sure, I agree, same rights for everyone and all that. And that is what they are getting. And we're even listening politely to their whining about being kicked off of youtube etc.

When you act precisely like the group you claim to be against, you don't get to claim the moral high ground.

You can't just say stupid shit and then expect people not to laugh in your face you tinfoil hat wearing brainlet.

noone idetifies as a fkn stormfag but evryone wants to nuke california.

>can't form argument
>immediately resorts to ad hominem
the absolute state of you dude, I mean, ma'am.

never again becomes real soon now