So which one of the 14 exclusives did you like?

So which one of the 14 exclusives did you like?

Attached: greatest lineup.png (982x973, 402K)

flight sim

none. they were mostly all indie looking shit

flight sim will be comfykino

>Gears 5
Exclusive to PC or what?

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Since its technically first party now
Psychonauts 2

I missed it due to work. Anyone has the full list of all the exclusives?

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>game can only be played on a Microsoft Xbox and Microsoft Windows
>isnt exclusive somehow

Steam Proton

Cuphead 2

>game can be played on two separate platforms
>somehow this is exclusive
Dumb journalist poster.

windows emulation

>muh 3rd party programs means it isn't exclusive

it's like saying demon's souls isn't an exclusive 'cause I can emulate it fine.

Microsoft is the only company to show up, still loses.

You do not need an Xbox to play this game

>Halo Infinite
>Flight Simulator
Irrelevant tier
>Everything else
So bad I actually lost interest tier
>Gears 5

you need Microsoft™ Windows™

Why would they even give people such a fake number? It's just gonna sound like a lie later

>Available on Windows PC
>Available on Xbox
>Exclusive to MS owned platforms

>Persona 5
>Available on PS4
>Available on PS3
>Exclusive to Sony platforms

Geez user, it wasn’t that hard.

thats exactly what I said though?

Battle Toads

>3rd party programs
>Literally a feature of the platform they're releasing the game on
What did he mean by this?

The Gears 5 reveal was comically bad.
>shitty teaser making it seem like it's coming in the distant future, probably next gen
>guy comes out and spits out a release date for this year out of nowhere
>shitty music desgined to piss anyone who listens off
>weird gameplay
>WWE stars underneath the stage because... why? What the fuck were they even doing down there?
Shit was bizarre.

Then it's not Xbox exclusive.

Besides, there is also Wine, which is not Microsoft, so some of these games are not even "Microsoft exclusive" (whatever the fuck that means).

How does Proton deal with DirectX 12 games generally? I know in the past WINE has typically had the hardest time with whatever the newest MS API was.

its a microsoft exclusive

That has nothing to do with the usage of the term "exclusive" in a vidya context, which is about platforms.

yes it does, its exclusive to microsoft platforms

PC is not a "microsoft platform." Windows is a microsoft OS. That's as dumb as trying to say Smash is still "nintendo exclusive" if they decide to release the game to PC via the store, because it's a Nintendo (tm) website :^).

Dumb Yea Forums poster.

He pretty much just pulled a random number out of his ass, didnt he?

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It's a microsoft exclusive though

Exclusive to two platforms isn't exclusive.

It's exclusive to microsoft platforms though

Exclusive to two different platforms still isn't exclusive.

it is if both platforms are Microsoft, it's a Microsoft exclusive

Exclusive refers to limited to a single platform, which the game is not.

>Exclusive refers to limited to a single platform
Microsoft is a single platform

Gears 5
Flight Simulator
Halo Infinite
Ori will of the wisps

Microsoft is not a platform. Xbox One is a platform. PC is a second platform. The non-exclusive game is on both platforms.

Microsoft is a single platform.

Windows is free for thinking humans

A-user... Microsoft isn’t a platform...

You're both absolute retards fighting over semantics for a thing that doesn't matter and cannot be changed with opinions that you won't change. Do something better with your time.

Microsoft is a company. Are you okay, user?

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It decidedly is though

Did E3 break xbots? What is happening

>implying I can't throw out 5 words in a post in between browsing more meaningful threads
Don't let it get to you, user. Neither of us are invested in this argument.

Not him but those are Microsoft exclusives and are relevant
As an example, I don't own the PS4 yet I consider The Last of Us on PS4 a Sony exclusive, even though it is still available on PS3

aint that the truth

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You're alright. I'll catch you in another exclusive thread, broheim.

you got it boss

Wait a minute.. Was Flight Simulator the only new game reveal?

pretty much

5 fucking years ago
big jej, Phil