What was the lesson to be learned here?

What was the lesson to be learned here?

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its over... :/



It's always nice to see Keanu Reeves in something.

Sony has no games.

That get hyped for the last E3 before next gen consoles was a dumb idea

sony always wins baby

Movie stars > Videogame voice actors.
Even to gamers themselves.

Nobody would've cremed their pants at a Troy Baker reveal in Cyberpunk.

Nobody cares about interviews. Show gameplay.

more gameplay
more about game coming out this year

Even when your biggest competitor isn't there, you actually have to show gameplay and DO NOT do camera/showy gimmicks. That Gears 5 thing was retarded

Videogames are souless

Bethesda should be nuked and their shills hung

hold it in japan in the future, they are not cucked and will do things like have half naked cosplayers shilling the games at the very least.

do i even need to say it, fellow sonychads?

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With jews you lose

E3 only matters for Smash, unironically.

they need Sony

Sure. How embarrased are you?

>tfw Sonychad 4 gens strong

Yeah there's been a hurdle or two but it's been a hell of a based ride and now I'm reaping all the rewards. Console hoppers and defectors should be hung

Lmao if you have a slightly above average household income for a developed country you can own everything plus a gaming PC and not have the need to be some faggot console warrior

Why, when everything i want is on one platform?

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I learned this lesson after that god awful 2012 E3.

Casual gamer here, my only consoles are a 360 and a Switch which I only play Smash on. How come every game nowadays looks likes so plodding and dull? Even that Star Wars game, which I was excited to see more of, looked like it played itself. Are there any decent games on Xbone or PS4?

Its an objectively inferior experience...you’re selling yourself short


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that niggers tongue my anus

The second person you quoted contradicts your post.

Sony will make it up with their conference. When is it?

No info was dropped on Babylons Fall
I am disappoint son

Are you retarded or just a console exclusive gamer ?(no difference in IQ)


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its not even over
theres still hope for pc conference haha

Shut the fuck up. You are not funny. YOu are not creative. you are a fucking little nig boy. Sony is to good for E3 and we should be honored that they even talk to us at all. I will be buying the Sony Playstation 5 the day I can and I will love it. When Sony buys out nigtendo you will come begging and pleading Sony to keep thier "games" alive and Sony will laugh as they crush you. You are nothing to Sony and the Sony Playstation 5 you are simply bugs. You bugs will learn that Sony is all you need and once xbots leave then this board will rightfully be for Sony only.

That the western industry is garbage and only Japanese games are good, which are the highlight of a western conference lmao.
The only western game that looks somewhat ok is Cyberpunk 2077.

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Never get excited about anything.

getting hyped for the first E3 where next gen consoles are first shown off is an even worse idea. There are a bunch of games that were announced at the start of this gen that either only just came out this year, still haven't come out or were cancelled.

>hope for PC conference
>sponsored by Epic
>more Epic exclusive games...that will be cheered by Winnie the Pooh plants
>the other presenter is AMD, the inferior PC parts company

>It's all about you, the players.
>Continues to fuck us over.

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Yea Forums will never know even the slightest hint of happiness


It's all about the player(s money)

>the inferior PC parts company
you live under a rock?
'Incel Inside' Intels will never recover. 2500k was the last good cpu they made

It's fucking dead to me.
I wanted a trainwreck. Maybe even a genuinely enjoyable experience. But so far it's all felt fake and by-the-books.
EA of all things had the most effort of all these shitshows.
I do not expect E3 to come back next year. Fucking hell.

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the last good e3 was 2006 anyway and that was 13 fucking years ago

it's just an ad for children's games anyway

Why are you here then.

That gaming is dead and I should've dropped this hobby years ago

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There is the occasional good indie game that's still worth playing.

maybe the real games were the friends we made along the way.
Because it sure as shit wasn't all the trash they showed us

The realest shit I've seen all day...

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