How far back did you guys push your personal suicide clock?

How far back did you guys push your personal suicide clock?

Mine's back until at least April next year now.

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one day at a time

I've tentatively penciled in April 30th, but I don't actually know how long it'll take me to finish Cyberpunk + possible replays.

For vidya? Well, it's been shitty for about 3 years now, I no longer have any intention of buying any new console and will try to survive with my old i5 computer.
Regarding personal life? Well, my little sister absolutely loves me so I got that, maybe her loves survives puberty

>actually wanting to end your own life
Jesus Christ, how big of a fucking failure in life do you have to be in order to even consider that option?

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I'm a 32 year old virgin. Haven't ever even kissed a girl. I have no friends outside of "facebook friends" I talk to once in awhile. I can't control my weight.

The only thing going for me in my life is that I just got a raise and hit the 100k a year mark. It's literally the only thing I can rub in the face of my peers.

Vidya is all I've got. As I stare into a future going on and on like I am now, nothing really changing, I escape more and more into role playing games. I can do over my life. I can be someone I always wanted to be. I can actually see character development.

Every day I run out of games that rope looks just a little bit better.

I ask myself, why do people want to live that much in this shithole?

this is me except I make literally a quarter of what you do

It doesn't make you happy.

My bf and I are gonna move into together life is great rn hope it lasts

Kys fag

Stop wallowing in self-pity in public. No one wants to see this shit.


neither does knowing i will never be able to retire

Fuck, my little sister stopped loving me when she turned 12. Its been a sad time since then.

I hope you disgusting faggots both get ass aids.

Finally making some friends gave me some hope

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You all are cowards. None of you are gonna kill yourselves.

>how big of a fucking failure in life do you have to be in order to even consider that option?
It's even worse because these faggots "consider" suicide but are too fucking spineless to actually go through with it, so they sit around all day bawling and wishing someone would do it for them.

Set at 24 since I was 16

I probably won't be able to do it until my dad dies. He still really believes in me. He's a good guy who just couldn't protect me from what fucked me up as kid.

That's a rather circumcised argument. If you don't take ownership of your life(literally), how can you expect to take ownership of your life(you know what I mean)?

you're all worse than attention whores

I'm a quarter of this guys yearly pay > The extra cash would at least give me piece of mind on rent.

A little after my brother and father birthdays. I don't want to ruin their special days. Also not vidya.

its more pathetic when they make these stupid little suicide clocks and they keep pushing it back.

you don't have the balls to take your life. you're just going to keep stalling.

I haven't yet, it'll be soon if there's no F-Zero at the nintendo direct
this is probably the last year I'll have any hope for a new one

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Mine is on hold forever since I'm waiting for Bannerlord.
Maybe I'll become immortal.

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Depression isn't real, suicide is for zoomers and trannies.

Fpbp. Pete is too unreliable.

pretty much this

Are you supposed to see a therapist if you think about how you *should* kill yourself for several hours a day, but, you don't actually plan on doing it? Or would you just be laughed out? When I search about the subject, most web sites say things like, the second you think about suicide you should call an ambulance. But Yea Forums makes it seem like you have to actually have the gun to your head before you need help.

>he makes 50 dollars an hour yet is still fucking depressed
lmao kill yourself and gimme your money fatty

I am terminal, 6 years at most. I think about getting it over with sometimes but im afraid hell exist.

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There is no point to going to therapist, they exist to make you be a cog in the machine and won't actually solve your problems, and if you have super problematic views you'll get locked up and put out of a lot of money.

It doesn't exist user, I've been there personally so I can tell you that.

Having suicidal thoughts, even if you don't plan to act on them, isn't good at all. I went through something like that last year and I'd probably be dead if I didn't talk to someone. After that, I did a lot of research on why I was feeling that way in the first place. Good sleep, diet, exercise and adequate vitamin d are all essential for good mental health. I don't know how good psychologists are where you live, but mine helped me when I needed it the most.

I know it won't be easy, but try to look after yourself, user. I know it's not nice to be outside and suddenly think about how you don't want to live.

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>Moe goes from being a shady bartender to being suicidal post season 9
In what way is this funny?

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Pushed it back to "Winter" last night, now it's whenever Elden Ring comes out.

>Mine's back until at least April next year now.
That's great progress user.
I'll be 30 by the end of the year.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to take it.

living on the edge I see

>100k a year
>can't control weight
Not to be a dick, but you can especially with that kind of money. Start by going for a walk every day, a mile or more if you can. Take some headphones and just listen to music while you walk. It helps the body being active but it also helps your mind to be outside and see things accompanied by your favorite tunes. Or get a treadmill or bike to excersize a little while playing games, plenty of people do that.

I'm a woman you moron

Therapists would never laugh at you, no matter how fucking ridicolous your reason for going there is. Still, I find therapy to be pretty fucking useless, and I'm saying it as a psychology graduate who has been 10 years+ in therapy.

Also, as a personal opinion, I don't think a human who has never had suicidal thoughts exists.

Kill me, Pete.

I think there's hope for you user.
Hire a personal trainer?
After some time, make visits to a gym?

If whoring is legal, maybe go for that? As a start.

Look into /fit/