Name a more soulless remake than this

Name a more soulless remake than this.

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pic related is the definition of soul vs. soulless

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name a more gay man than OP
protip: you can't

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FF7 Remake

Literally too much soul AND heart

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AOE II definitive edition

You asked for it.

lufia 2 remake

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I don't know which offends me on principle more, the character designs or that they included a bonus "good end".

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id go with the latter

Little King’s Story on the Vita

HEY HEY HEY lets not get hasty alright?

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Fair enough.
Fuck you, Natsume. I want those bitches DEAD, and I want to cry bitch tears at it, because it's beautiful and tragic and bittersweet and goddamn you don't undo that even as a new game plus "bonus".
>DS Lufia gives a secret "everyone lives :D" ending
>DS Chrono Trigger gives a secret "everyone dies like chump! :D" ending


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