Bleeding Edge

This is my wife Buttercup. Say something nice about her.

Attached: Buttercup.jpg (1260x708, 196K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Love the chubbiness

Is this the most realistic depiction of an American woman ever put into a video game?

Does she turn into a bike?

what is the target audience for that?

I'm happy we're finally seeing different body shapes for females. Just makes things a bit more unique. Now we just need badass old men n women. I don't

I want to make her even fatter and stick my erect penis into her fat rolls

Attached: 1558825842984.png (400x266, 180K)

People who are morbidly ashamed of themselves anyway.

According to the game's website ahe doesn't have legs and her lower half is a unicycle.


so ya'll murder eachother and take selfies in a game with no originality to speak of?

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>Is this the most realistic depiction of an American woman ever put into a video game?
No because she's mobile and isn't stuck to a bed bench and 50 bag of chips while looking clean and fit like a sumo.

>massive land whale
>lost her legs to diabetes
where were you when the most based game was made

High-test men

No. This is.

Attached: kill it with fire.jpg (1920x1107, 355K)

She's stuck on a unicycle.

Attached: Buttercup-1.png (830x1130, 1M)

Why did you marry Jim Sterling?

what's the game's website?

son this is way past "chubbiness"


honestly looks cool. All the weird tumblr shit aside, I always thought really fat chicks that are built for combat in games is a cool concept, but it's rarely used

>by the makers of DmC:Devil May Cry

Attached: 2 slices of pizza.jpg (135x90, 3K)

>Permanently mounted on a mobility vehicle
Well this just went from pandering to parody

with buzzsaws

>She's stuck on a unicycle.
Sorry but amerifats don't have mobility

And I'm happy about that!

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-07 at 6.47.14 PM.png (800x1200, 996K)

>with buzzsaws
wait for the pizza skin

Dude she doesn't have legs and is literally stuck on a scooter. How is that not the ultimate American?

Gizmo is cute......CUTE!!!

Attached: gizmo.png (1920x1080, 3.7M)


Looks like Curly from the 3 stooges

based flab grab poster

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Freckles. I'm sold on the freckles.

thats such a fucking retarded design that i actually kind of like it

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Too many donuts


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Lmao, i like her idea but i hate fat women and she reminds me of tumblerina.

>robot arms with human hands

>not free to play
interesting concept but dead on arrival sadly


can't wait for the R34. Wonder what disabilities this SJW has?

damn she thic

I see dough, I gotta squeeze it

Attached: squish.png (1080x920, 638K)

I'm sorry for all those medical bills.
But at least you'll be able to remarry by the age of 35

>Mobility scooter
>Lost her limbs to obesity

Why do modern western games feel like they need to have a Overwatch looking cast?

>We now have to put up with this fattass shilling

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Does she use NPH or pork insuline?

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I have a question... how does she poop?

>Overwatch looking cast
More like Battleborn looking cast.

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It is nice to see and have buttercup in this game considering there other female body types also depicted.

The mentally ill

>she has a fucking uterus tattoo pointing towards her thing

found my main

Attached: Miko-1.png (768x1182, 683K)

she still has a butt. the wheel thing has a seat.

fatchads get yet another game with which to cover up disccusion about which vidya girls we'd like to fatten up

????????? this game is giving me Anarchy Reigns vibes.

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Oh sweet mercy lord

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I love SSBBW

What's the matter, hate the sight of a strong fat woman?

Honestly gamers; if her move set can give me a win, why not.

>How you want your Zarya?

>just fuck my shit up senpai.

actually I take that back. Nothing is as cool as Anarchy Reigns.

>Hey guys, we know you're not sick of hero team battle games yet, so here's a game that just looks like we put Overwatch, Borderlands and Battleborn in a blender and hit "puree"
Please, I'm so sick of this fucking artstyle and the quasi-ironic humour that comes with it.

Attached: fuck.jpg (229x200, 8K)

More like Buttertub

C'mon son, I'm the OP shilling this fucking game and even I wouldn't go that far.

On my chest

it will probably be gamepass or more characters will be announced. Teams of 4v4v4 would have been better and chaotic imo.

I like Kulev

Attached: Bleeding Edge - E3 2019 - ROSTER.webm (854x480, 2.88M)

She's a butt ugly fat twat, like your mom.

Where are the fucking stretch marks?!

Those designs actually look cool though. This shit is just embarrassing.

The nose looks like it's been pasted on.

>Ninja Theory
after the disaster that is Hellblade I wouldn't even bother trying their games even if they release a free demo

Ok smarty, look at the picture again. How does she get her butt to the toilet?

yeah as soon as I saw my own post I changed my mind.


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where these pics coming from?

Should've stopped after the first cup of butter.

because her face is sooty/dirty except for where her goggles were so it looks weird.

We can keep going, mate

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you dont have to exclusively shit in a toilet, have you ever been to africa or south america?

Ninja Theory and Platinum games share similar DNA.

I really just want a PC port for Anarchy Reigns but it looks like I'm going to have to settle for this.

what the fuck? You can't just take Cubone and make him black and call it a new character.

But the nose is an entirely different color from the rest of the face, clean or dirty. It's creepy.

I hate how they show these morbidly obese 300+ pound women with perfect skin. Nigga all these fat hoes are covered in stretch marks and eczema. They nasty as fuck.


I'm just pointing out that she shits on herself. No, I wouldn't go to those degenerate-sidekick continents. I live in America ffs

Is it time now?

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My dick says otherwise.

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There a link where I can download the translation of this and is it finished?

>17 years old

you're a pedophile bro

Hell nah, you commie bastard. This is a REAL AMERICAN!

Attached: ellie.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

mmmmm. I like this charac...
>age 16

Attached: ZeroCool-1.png (830x670, 607K)

>pink hair
I've noticed it's always pink or blonde with these types of female characters.

I feel like Microsoft press conference was like 20 of these, and there they are bragging about "yah, we're bringing 40 original titles to e3." Awesome, Xbox gets a giant library of sameish shit, good for you guys

It always is

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Right here, my boy

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Bleeding Edge sounds like a weird kind of Porn Hub search

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>Being beyond pathetic enough to enjoy fat people sexually

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Oh, by the way, it's still going. The main story is on a brief hiatus and focusing on Ayano's chubby friend for a little bit. It'll get back to the good stuff soon though

Attached: Ayan Before After 8.png (3264x1994, 3.98M)

Now, it sounds like the quintessential action game circa 2005.

Wow, I'm a retard. Forgot the link:

holy shit it's lil zoom as a pixar character

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I'm sorry to hear about that negative test of yours

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>How is that not the ultimate American?
fat amputees are even more depressing than normal chip chumpers with all limbs.

Thanks. Is it still going, though?

Whoops, missed the other post. My bad.

I want to fuck her belly rolls while stuffing burgers and donuts down her gullet

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>moderately fat belly
>still has a perfectly round navel instead of a squished one
>belly isn't even spilling over her waistband

Praise be

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He looks so fucking cool. Here's hoping he has actual combos and can fight and isn't just a fucking heal/buff slut

This. Ball-less motherfuckers couldn't even give how a proper muffintop or an apron. Imagine Buttercup with a belly spilling out of her pants and jiggling all over the place as she zooms along

Attached: jigglin.gif (500x375, 988K)

Yea she just looks pregnant

we don't have enough technology for blue veins and stretchmarks yet. it's gonna require NEXT-GEN CONSOLES to render those, but it's going to be so real that you won't need to even go outside to wallow in realistic female beauty standards when it happens.

We need those SSD's combined with solid state drives to do that.

Is new design for mancubus for Doom Eternal.

The future is rendering 1TB of pussy & ass per model.

I like the old lady with the floating witch hat, that also rides her cauldron/magic ball.

I eagerly await the day we get detailed, realistic jiggle physics on fat women's bellies, arm fat, and jowls

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God I can't wait.

>showing no gameplay for a game they've been working on for years even before microsoft bought them


It's going to be the standard NT action game combat garbage they did on Devil May Fuck You.

>a fat zarya
No thank you

The only thing she has in common with Zarya is the pink hair. Is every pink haired bitch a copy of Zarya?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

once Actiblizzion craps something out, everything else in the vidyasphere must be compared to it

I wish I could get into fat "porn". It's mostly softcore solo shit, or even fully clothed. Would be way better with a tiny guy under all that fat.

>Would be way better with a tiny guy under all that fat.
Ever heard of JAV, mate? It's literally all about what you just described

I think you meant to say morbid obesity.

Whatever, both are hot anyway

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>Ayano: College Student
>She's going to get even bigger? The absolute madlad.

Damn straight. Be prepared. I won't be satisfied until Miyuki becomes as fat as Ayano is now.

Attached: fat_friends.png (1960x1380, 1.7M)

>Ayano: College Student
Good lord, she's going to get even bigger? The absolute madlad.

Attached: ARR-Gu-Gu-Ganmo-01-0D446068.mkv_snapshot_17.01_2014.11.12_20.55.33.jpg (632x480, 67K)

Had to delete the last one for the typo, sorry.

but that's 3dpd

>dark skin

Attached: yo.jpg (1000x521, 123K)

>thicc done right with some muscle tone to boot

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what is this?

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hmm, tits could be bigger especially with all that other stored fat

Jesus, Ayano might reach immobility by the time that happens.

Wish I had that same problem. I love solo shit but I'd love to see the kind of bigger girls you'd find in
doing silly gravure stuff. I get that marshmallow girls are a thing but that's hitting the LOW end of my threshold. I want more Sara Aikawa sized women doing solo/gravure shit.

Chads but unironically trannies as well

Want a good fat bitch to play as in a game? Look up Bacon Man on Steam. Shilling because she was designed by a pretty popular fat fetish artist.

it was the villian from watchdogs 2. They made her as unlikable as possible.

She'll probably peak at some point. Tassel's work is too lighthearted and cutesy to dabble in immobility. Pic-related would have given her a heart attack by now

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Your wife is fat and also obese and also ugly and should diet so that she can live longer and grow old with you

question is
why are they even copying overwatch anymore at this point when overwatch itself is already on the decline for a good while i.e. dying

If our planet is threatened with a great famine, she will outlive us all

They aren't. They're copying Anarchy Reigns.

This, hambeasts are just forward-thinking. They'll have the last laugh when the rest of us starve

Attached: hanako.png (400x396, 192K)

>nobody has useless attachments outside of Jack with his DOULBE ChAINSAW arm
>BE has a fucking fat woman suck on a unicycle

com'on you can't even begin to compare this shit even Overwatch doesn't have shit as badly designed as BE

at least some of their fat must have gone to their brains, granting them IQ far beyond that of normal humans

Attached: Tif.png (866x1077, 332K)

>ninja theory is known for their storytelling
>makes a 4v4 action online game instead

>wanting more movies

the rotten husk of tumblr

True Architects right here

Bay area faggots and their loser peers

Fat body but not fat face = nice
Fat body AND fat face = ugly

>ninja theory is known for their storytelling

They are?

tracer got fat for overwatch 2


Attached: PORKCHOP.jpg (1411x2248, 655K)

They've been said to have Shakespearean stories.

Bros, I can't believe Ninja Theory is stealing Anarchy Reigns, at least its MOSTLY new character designs. Steal the gameplay, not the design, unlike Overwatch.

You have much to learn, my friend.

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>bootleg sundowner

All the designs look bad, but this one is the worst

A literal hambeast. Bravo western devs.


I want Nidhoggr to fuck me hard.

Attached: nidhoggr.png (830x1186, 722K)

Oh yeah, you've got a point there.


Learn what? Have you tried to go outside? Your anime fattie is barely tolerable, but irl fatties are REALLY ugly.
I had a co-worker landwhale who was openly thirsty about me, i had to come up with dumb excuses to decline her politely or else she could harm herself if i told her the truth that i hate fatties, she was kind unstable mentally.


There's definitely a point where it goes too far but a chubby face can be quite adorable.

Fat faces are hot, mate.

Attached: DtslhO7VsAA4LhE.jpg_large.jpg (1536x2048, 758K)

>What can I say except YOU'RE WELCOME

Fatfags get the rope.

Day of the veggies is coming

The rope would snap, dumbass.

Candy rope?

Attached: zero_suit_fat_samus_stream_sketch_by_theamericandream_d96kd2n.jpg (1236x1552, 331K)

what platforms will she be on?

none, they've all collapsed under her

You are sick in the head.
Your picture is disgusting. Jabba fett-looking blob of lard

That's why it's hot, dumbass.

>Jabba fett-looking blob of lard
I know! Hot, right?

Attached: 1559684481244.jpg (546x415, 34K)


Well, if you insist.

you can look at the character stuff on the website already, here is kulev's shit

Attached: coolev.png (1509x470, 535K)


I give up.
Eh, at least you are not fags

Insightful, superb, brave, unique, inspiring and original comment of highest quality

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and stay there

I'd like Squarewave if they would just draw noses. It distracts me too much.

Damn right! And proud of it!

Attached: DDBIaCZVoAIFULu.jpg (868x1228, 187K)

More like tub of butter.

Attached: 1464085864526.gif (600x366, 822K)

>posting this twig in a bbw thread

>being a nosefag

Attached: 1559521937160.png (900x1200, 392K)

You're legitimately out of touch with the normal human spectrum of attractiveness and I don't think you can be saved.

Not even that, it just weirds me out on a subconscious level.

>More like tub of butter.

Attached: 1539369072582.jpg (1016x475, 57K)

>not Buttertub

Shit's kawaii

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>pants literally say 'FUG FACTOR'

You say that like it's an insult.

>first fat (plus size if you’re a gay) female character before overwatch
did they beat blizzard to it?

side note: paladins has a black female hero before Overwatch

Eh. Everything else about the art's great though so whatever.

The whole artstyle of this game is like a horrific parody.

Xbone and PC

Attached: Come as you are.png (1260x708, 1.05M)

Sounds familiar

Attached: Battleborn-902x507.jpg (902x507, 94K)

Not fat enough, I say!

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Attached: 1559363321134.png (1000x1500, 398K)

Shes morbidly obese you fat fucking degenerate

Is it bellyfag or is it fatfag?

We will never get a port of anarchy reigns with balance changes and good netcode.

Attached: anarchyreigns.jpg (1359x1911, 1.05M)

>Tits and ass ever agreeing on anything
Either one would sooner side with footfags from what I've seen. The war is eternal.

I'm amazed it took this long before a reply said this.

fatGODs and bellyGODs

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God it hurts so bad. Now I have to shill this SJW shitshow since it's the closest thing I can get to it.

Good! I want to fuck her flab!

Attached: fat_mei_and_d_va__color___v2__by_fatlover1410_dc40aeq.jpg (1024x714, 167K)

I bet she eats black guys

I will never not be mad.

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You would think they would go for this. Such a easy cash out. Just put it on steam

based never not mad poster

>Xcucks actually trying to shill this dogshit

Stop trying.

One day

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my man

Yeah i saw. Looks pretty boring, even in the trailer his combat looks shit. "Walk around with acid projectile and occasionally debuff or heal". Boring. Every character better have actual combos in this game or its literally melee overwatch

post more fapin_

Me. Fat chicks are hot as fuck, and anyone who disagrees clearly has never had sex with one. Skinny girls literally cannot compete

I've got an entire folder

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If sega wasn't the publisher it might have had a chance. But this is the company that delayed the finished game a year in the west for literally no reason.

Attached: Ai.Rin.full.1401752.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

not exactly what I meant, but Pochaco is just wonderful

I hope so.

It's on PC though. Also I'm going to keep shilling it until I get my Anarchy Reigns port.


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>An unbelievably shitty female version of Roadhog

I miss Munimuni posting

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>went from Zarya to Roadhog
You blizzcucks are pathetic. Just say she's ugly and fat like a normal person would.

I cry every night.
I still own my PS3 copy.

i think it's a purposefully obnoxious design for the sake of some sadistic ironic humor that online gamers supposedly enjoy. but battleborn made this same mistake. people mainly just want to play as appealing characters.

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Not as much belly as I'd like, but I want to fuck those boobers

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Good game when?

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My new gf is fat with huge tits. I prefer chub with big tits but her giving sexual nature and her sweetness is really turning me around on liking fat chicks
Although I am helping her lose weight and hoping for that sweet triple D tits with chub sweet spot. Makes sex better for me when the belly isn't that big.

Fat Princess itself was actually a pretty fun game desu


Attached: dtf3.jpg (540x304, 33K)

I assume she can detatch from the unicycle, maybe even use regular prosphetics outside of battle

I could go for a sequel, but you know Sony. They throw away IPs more than any other company.

Cringe and blue-pilled

This is now a fat appreciation thread

Nigga it been a fat appreciation thread

based slow user

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More like Butterbucket. Or Butterbarrel.

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more like blubbertub

Take your pick, gentlemen!

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If her butt doesn't look like two yoga balls battling for supremacy when she walks, she's not the one

Fat, though I'm actually fine with either.

Fat. Definitely fat.

Attached: shit boy.png (190x360, 96K)

no wonder she lost her limbs and eventally loses her life, look what she is fucking holding in her hand

I'm still mad Max Anarchy never got a PC release.

needs half and half

>Fat thread.
>No love for best strongfat video game girl, Doris.

What is this?

Attached: wildgunsdoris.png (481x744, 484K)

nah, there was a reason, a few, really
At the time, Sega was going through internal upheaval and lost a lot of money, so they blamed their US division and shuttered it, causing this game in particular to get shelved for a very long time as there was no one to actually distribute it when it was supposed to be time for it to release. It didn't do that well in Japan so they didn't see any reason to pull out any stops and spend extra dosh just to get it to market when they knew it would bomb, and they had so little confidence in it that it launched as a fucking budget title despite being a full-price release in Japan.

I don't see a cheeseburger anywhere in that image.


Battlebourn 2 looking sweet!

>port Bayonetta and Vanquish
>port Yakuza instead of completing the Sega Platinum trifecta
I'll never stop being mad.

>Discovered the secret to Montana and thus became annoyingly tanky, disruptive, and slightly damaging
God bless

I'm looking forward to trying this. Who will you main?

Post more

How do these people (mostly lower class) even get that fat without any (free) social security/medicare in America?

Is shitty food so cheap there?

As much as fatty gives me a rocking erection I have to go with Daemon.

There is:
>Shit, cheap food.
>Sedentary lifestyle, only "exercise" is moving arms/legs to go to other rooms or barely stand up
>Enablers and inability to stop eating
There is also the genetics push that most of these sentient blobs want as an excuse.

Except that character is not fat or thicc. She's an obese landwhale.

>fat male character is added
>nobody cares
>fat female character is added
>suddenly everyone loses their shit

Well yeah, you should know the reason why.

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nigga, shes a lardass not chubby.

Jim Stirling

for those who think overwatch was not "prograsibve" enough.

Even better!

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is that her name or what she's made out of

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>but battleborn made this same mistake.
lol the designs were fine. Battleborn's mistake was going against Overwatch for no reason other than Gearbox's ego.

Her armpits probably smell better than her vagina.

>Is shitty food so cheap there?
Unironically yes. When it comes down to meals per dollar, McDonald's, taco bell, and other junk food is much cheaper than vegetables, salads, or eating at a healthy place. So it's no wonder lower class tend to get fat. + they can't afford gym or time to workout, if they're busy working 2-3 shifts a day.

These designs are significantly better. Pimp is best boy, Cayman is second best boy.

>Battleborn's mistake was going against Overwatch for no reason other than Gearbox's ego
Irrelevant point, but yeah. Battleborn's designs were basic with a few botched designs like Attikus. Depends on how you felt about the comparison between concept art and the execution.

>but they gotta pay
I'd do it for free.

Attached: tumblr_p4xiyoBRiE1un9v43o1_1280.png (1280x1687, 1.49M)

Sadly, Doris doesn't have a lot of fanart.

Attached: wildguns2.png (800x450, 309K)

>mods deleted half the thread

Attached: tenol.gif (496x280, 3.42M)

One big thing is the lack of walkable cities or public transport, which greatly contributes to a sedentary lifestyle; another is that, generally speaking, fresh fruits and vegetables are more expensive in the US than in Europe, and are rarer. Finally, the working class in America tends to work rather stressful jobs for little pay; the precariousness of life (knowing one health emergency will bankrupt you, one missed rent payment and you can be evicted, etc) greatly increases stress. Finally, many working class people have multiple jobs, leaving little time for meal preparation and predisposing one to eat fast food.

>When it comes down to meals per dollar, McDonald's, taco bell, and other junk food is much cheaper than vegetables, salads, or eating at a healthy place
Pasta and rice are far cheaper and healthier than junk food but fatties CHOOSE to go to McDonalds every day.

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Such a shame

It's a shame because she's easily the best part about the game, she's just so fun to play as.

She is Bigger than a Tesla, but smaller than a bus.

Still a terribly shit ride regardless.

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i'm not a mutt, and i don't want to fuck a tub of lard.

t. Low test

Attached: mei_s_sub_zero_snacking_by_the_kappass-dbzq11f.jpg (818x976, 82K)

yeah, i want beautiful, fit women, and not tub lard i'm less of masculine than faggot who wants to fuck obese hamplanets

nigger are you fucking blind?

>literally too fat to walk


>i'm less of masculine than faggot
Christ, did you have a stroke halfway through typing that?

Attached: 1555446498014.jpg (825x464, 54K)

i'm half awake

>all the hate this game is getting from normalfags because it isn't "muh deep story game"
Meanwhile I'm just hyped for what's essentially Max Anarchy 2.

Someone's mad.

discount ellie

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Why are fat chicks always named dumb shit like buttercup?

it's Hunter From Quake 3


Because the hacks that design them are usually unoriginal.

I would suck her tits while jerking off.

heard this was an xbone exclusive, and not even an fps so

It's also on PC.

I dunno why but the name Burger Jill popped into my head when I saw this.

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>Let's copy overwatch's aesthetic but do it worse
>Let's also purposefully make ugly characters
I fucking love anarchy reigns. But I don't really want to play this

I'm a fatfag and I hate this Buttercup design. Nothing says "absolutely disgusting" like overuse of trashy makeup and a bad haircut (especially if it's dyed hair). From the pics of her body she doesn't even have any of the features that qualify for the appeal of a bigger chick (larger breasts, belly, hips, butt, etc). If detail were to be put in this design there would be nice details such as having the bodyfat overflowing past her tight bra and shorts for extra appeal. But unfortunately it seems like the designers only know a few things about fat chicks and its that their faces may appear rounder.

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Yea Forums, so you'll keep advertising their game for them.

right right, thanks info
k, so any gameplay footage?

No. Apparently the beta opens on the 27th so I guess we'll see then if the game is Anarchy Reigns 2: SJW edition or just pure garbage with ugly characters.

Clearly she bends over and starts shitting while driving very fast so the poop doesn't fall on the seat

Law Breakers but without guns.

so much to look forward too

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That's quite an american way to solve a problem, actually.

One of her moves drops a puddle of "oil" so I think it's safe to say she's a street shitter.

It's the current year and pretty much the best hope we have as 3d brawler fans.


she's... an amputee?
are you fucking serious?

pretty realistic for a morbidly obese "people"

Lost her feet to the beetus.

So any porn of her yet?

Doesn't matter, it will be a hit for every audience due to splash tremors.

>they keep releasing Battleborn updates despite underwhelming sales

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This is some next level bantz from the British

Who else got "Anarchy Reigns through the filter of DmC" vibes from this? This makes me wish Platinum would compete by releasing Anarchy Reigns for current gen/PC for super cheap (or even make it F2P)

It's also the name of an Iron man armor, which consists of nanomachines he stores inside his bones

Pretty much everyone. Look at this thread.


Attached: westvseast.jpg (1477x439, 163K)

I honestly think Anarchy Reign had an amazing potential to be popular if it was released on PC.
>fun gameplay
>tons of modes
>hot waifus
It did stuff overwatch did years before it. If only Sega wasn't retarded and actually tried to market it properly.

Attached: Anarchy_Reigns_-_Feirin.png (629x800, 432K)

West > East

Another factor is that the soil in the USA is depleted so any fruits or vegetables grown there has little nutrients in them.

Both are bad for different reasons.

>legs are shock absorbers

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not saying the designs were the reason battleborn failed, but they were still total shit.

except anarchy reigns characters are cool as fuck.
and bleeding edge is apparently an action game but it's made by ninja theory so the combat will likely be shit as will the characters.

Agreed. Especially with how popular MOBAs and battle royales are, Anarchy Reigns is kinda like the stylish action equivalent to those type of games.

Based on this slob or any american woman, hard to tell.

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yeah holy shit this game flew under the radar. I played Madworld and loved it. I only found out about this game like 5 years after it released.

Right: The girl you marry
Left: Same girl 20 years later

Jesus fucking christ. I'm inclined not to buy games just because they have disgusting characters like this. It's like the games contaminated and I don't want it.

more like butter bathtub


Why the double standards, Yea Forums?

Anyone who doesn't exclusively prefer little girls is a faggot or a faggot in denial.

more like mayonetta

Is there any website where there is information/bios about the characters in the game? Love that shit

Anglo beauty

Certainly not women, because women have shown countless times they want to play thin super models.

The characters literally look fine, it's just Yea Forums throwing a tantrum because the roster isn't full of semi-nude anime girls or lolis.

Sorry I don't tolerate a mental illness being pushed as normal.

nah both need to be exterminated, I wish some fag apostel had written something about being fat being a sin into the bible.

I feel like I've seen this character before

Yeah, it's kinda sad to see how badly they cowarded out. If they're going to make a fat girl, they should've went all out and made a female Roadhog instead of this half measure.

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Lawbreakers refugees

And yet you're here.


>she's literally me


And seeders

ninja theory were the only western developpers who still made cute grills, this is deliberate isn't it

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Permanent mobility scooter

I just want to lick Miko's abs while she's tied up

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shes gonna leave you once she loses weight you fucking idiot

Thank God someone else hates that stupid shitty game.
>Bitch is crazy and it's an accurate portrayal of crazy! That means it has a good story and gameplay!
Just because it simulates voices in my head doesn't mean that solving shitty puzzles is fun and it doesn't make Seuna a good character that I care about.

that's like 80% mal'damba from paladins

Joshua Moon of Kiwi farms. Jahve bless his soul.

The director and art team chose these designs to signal how progressive they are, plain and simple.

East > West

So is Tameme directing this?

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Based abs anons

What a very correct opinion

It's intentional. See

maybe she is. Can't pregnant women kick some ass too??!

What do you think she uses as fuel?

The gameplay is Max Anarchy if it was made by the severely mentally challenged, how dare you even compare the designs. You make me fucking sick.

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Pretty eyes, I guess.

Anarchy Reins?

Diabetes treatment Pharmaceuticals.

Fat people are disgusting and need to be shot.on sight.

>They're copying Battleborn

guess you could call this game "Anarchy Gains"

Id rather call it a fucking disgrace.

They're copying the gameplay of Anarchy Reigns but with the looks of Battleborn.

Please don't post my wife

None of your replies are correct. They just eat too much kcal, which can come from any food source.
Exercise is also not the problem. Plenty of skinny people exist without doing a lick of exercise. They just dont stuff their fat fucking cake holes every 5 minutes.

>it's an actual clown

big booty bitches are in now

>mobility scooter
Are they making fun of fat people?

I love Butterstuff!

one of them is actually new and not the 200th iteration of the same (absence of) character

Yeah, because I made sure of that.


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No, he's working on something else.

More like Butterpitcher.

>Pasta and rice are far cheaper and healthier than junk food but fatties CHOOSE to go to McDonalds every day.
Dude, they might as well be junk food.
They're carbohydrates, they'll make you real thick.
t. fat fuck

>this is deliberate isn't it
Did you watch it live? The director of Bleeding Edge was on stage, and she (yes she) reeked of SJW. So yes, the ugliness is definitely deliberate. It's "anti patriarchal beauty standards" and all that shit.

>Become a sword tornado!
i guess i main El Bastardo

They are carbs, but they are undeniably healthier and, because they keep you feeling full for longer, will not make you put on nearly as much weight.

I didn't know they were still making DLC for Battleborn


Either him or the voodoo brit.

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An extraordinary amount of SUGAR in fucking everything.