Ikumi Nakamura thread

Also don't bother claiming her, I already did.

Attached: 2696020-ikumi_nakamura[4].jpg (600x960, 99K)

Other urls found in this thread:


She was awfully cute on stage.

she's very cute but peoples immediate hyper obsession with her is a bit worrying.

>concept artist for Okami
she just gets better

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I've seen trashy whores on street corners cuter than her.

That beauty
That sensuality
My dear
Jewel of my eye
Shine of my
user im sorry but i am claiming her for me.

Attached: pataclaun tony.jpg (480x360, 15K)

I bet she is faking it because Todd told her to do it for the sales. She looks like she was born in LA.

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Lmao, get a life. Also have sex OP

show me her feet

t. roastie

she looks really cute and hot in here.
her mommy breast looks very clear aaa..


How can you fake something that pure on stage?

Already confirmed she is a SJW

Prove it

she's just a concept artist jeez why is she in all the promotion

>One of her only liked tweets is some jap saying she was cute at E3
Cute and pure! Cute and pure!!!

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Shes directing Ghostwire dumbass

her ass is so fat you can see a little of her cheeks through her thigh gap
dear lord...

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You guys are so fucking pathetic. No wonder no real woman wants to fuck you.

Attached: 1558221017330.jpg (652x500, 49K)

absolute peak thigh gap

>womam appear
>incels gets crazy

Yep, that's always been one way to spot a nice ass.

Have you seen a JAV? There is a trope of cute girls that fake it in anime and tv shows.

Attached: Kigurumi Haroukitei.jpg (983x694, 56K)


She did her rubesty

A pure soul on this Earth that is worthy of protecting

compare her to japanese idols

much more natural

You nerds would stand no chance with her if I was there.

I know you think bragging about having sex with coked up diseased infested street whores is impressive, but I'm afraid that isn't the case.

She said fuck moeshit I would never draw girls like that

Moe art style is shit. Shonen titties is where it's at.

can't wait for this month to be over so you guys forget about her. just like every other flavor of the month girl

shut the fuck up dumbass, i'll punch your face if you was there and proceed to fuck her ass

that sounds really based and redpilled of her. i like her even more, thanks user for the information. and fuck moe!

This, that's why I find Yea Forums cute.

Or it's because moe art sucks


She stands no chance with me. Bitch is ugly.

I know she has porn. Where is it Yea Forums don't lie to me

If she weren't Japanese you would be mad about it

>everyone but me is an incel
Heh. Just fuck off.

oh my, definitely buying mommys game

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How can I get a cute 35yo jp gf?

Attached: IMG_20190610_012029.png (330x330, 84K)

No I wouldn't. Moeshit is called Moeshit cause it's shit.

Yeah but she is so your point doesn't make sense.


god there has to be a picture of her backside

Most of the idols are naive girls thrown into the industry at young age, she know what she is doing and why.

pic you future waifu.

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Attached: 217.jpg (1135x800, 543K)

it just moe that are fucking garbage in general


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So, she didn't say that at all? BTW, Moe bullshit is horrible anyway

Claiming Ikumi Nakamura.

You know it

Attached: ABSOLUTELY HARAM.jpg (600x516, 65K)

>just like every other flavor of the month girl
You're saying it as if she's an anime character.

seemed rather genuine. a lot of these people aren't big performers so the weird reactions to the crowd are interesting to me.

i'm sure it will keep you up at night.

Attached: choker.png (500x383, 339K)


Yea Forums is treating her like a fucking anime character

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Imagine being this brainwashed into mixing concepts so badly, that everything starts getting put into either "white" or "black"

>Report ALL off topic threads

it's easy. just take a trip to japan

Based muslims.
They know how to put a woman in their place.
The west should take advice from them.

at least gotta be longer than the one wearing a choker at that video games award show.

She looks like she fucks white boys

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No shit, Yea Forums is full of dumb betas.
It's lauaghable when they try to appear as tough guys.

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Shes so cute

>unironical usage of the word "boys"
Found the amerimutt millennial activist.

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Some body explain

That image is fake, it's just a meme you dip.

what happened to her original twitter account also some anons claimed that she was fired from tango by the director of tew2 johann

.....time for more reps.

she had an original twitter?

>not posting an actual qt jp

Attached: 2018-05-29_BjWLtnDhbUy.jpg (898x898, 96K)

that's what happens when the only notable things about your conference are

>cute asian grill

I want to lewd her

yes user nakamura93 if not mistaken

Why can’t I find a girl like this?

Attached: AB1EA610-DB10-44F8-9A76-060361117E24.jpg (359x312, 69K)

>she changed her banner

cuz you don't live in japan

Because you don't go outside.

I want her to sit on my face holy shit

Japanese people are either one thing or the other,

Another red flag.

Attached: nervous.gif (300x332, 2.33M)

Fuck her I wanna know more about her game.

I want to protect her from every evil I just want her to be happy and able to do whatever she wants
That's my mission in life lads

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Im really hype for that chinese botw clone but god that moe fairy mascot looks like shit

Where's the full fucking thing

I can deal with it.

t. another sjw

cant you look through cache to see what she tweeted?

someone please send the lewds to her

Attached: nakamura.jpg (1259x1147, 377K)

inb4 k posting

what redflag user? explain

For me it will always be Utada

Attached: Utada Hikaru.png (300x300, 167K)


no please dont scare her off

based Ikumi

She looks like she fucks shotas

Attached: tangogoogogogo.png (1042x463, 183K)


Even better

Take your meds.


This, you'll make her gain more stage fright. She was already scared from the stage itself, and now you'll make her scared of the internet.

Why would you delete your account related to you previous job?

Attached: sakura moe anime.jpg (500x750, 43K)

>she made this her twitter banner

Attached: dog ecstatic.gif (354x404, 1.58M)

>tfw no qt bilingual asian idol gf

this, she's enjoying the followers and fanart for now but she'll probably regret it soon enough lol

It's an E3 chick dude, they'll forget about her in 2 days.

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Damn she dolled up alot for E3.

She did that to entice young boys to her Twitter and friend her so they can meet up with her for "babysitting"

Even better if she posts stuff against white men,because it means she loves white guys,its usually how it goes with repressed sluts

I like her better in OP's pic, but her current look is cute too

Fun fact, 99% of women who look good look is because of makeup.

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she still looks fine though
not everyone has smooth doll skin who gives a fuck

>unironical usage of the word "boys"
SJW detected.

Nah, her face is droppy and the skin looks like shit, like most women's because they all go full retard with the makeup.
Makeup should be ilegal.

Full image where?

Based as fuck

>ywn have the nice silly pretty lady visiting the playground tell you she's your mom's friend and she's here to pick you up

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Ikumi is cute!!!

Can't wait to buy her game

Mah nigga. Good album

that sounds pretty based to me

mikami knew what he was doing

if you posted this on /fit/ theyd say hes dyel


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hey dont do that


I live in japan. She's a literal 4/10.

>this whole thread
God I literally turned that shit off when she opened her mouth and decided to speak in ‘English’ my ears couldn’t take it.

holy shit

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ironic considering how moe she is

seems like a stretch

Thanks God i'm a liberal then

As soon as she came out, my girlfriend said "oh you know the internet is going to be obsessed with her, asian girls are like little dogs everyone wants to pet"

Honestly he's nothing that impressive. His abs don't even show

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I'm gonna walk back to my office

Well she's not wrong. Western Women are like big ugly pitbulls

lol mad roastie

post body

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what was Yea Forumss reaction during the stream? I was at school

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>white women

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>my girlfriend
HA good one user.
Besides eastern women > western women

seriously nigger

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Time to dilate

lol sure

Made like 6 threads, but they all died because one would always devolve into race posting and jannies are gay

>trannies this mad nobody would ever fawn over "them" like that

That archway of venus, perfection

people are fucking monsters holy shit lol.

did a drawfag draw this or is it just a random art from twitter?

>nothing on rule 34 yet
its literally been hours

how can white women even compete?

Attached: waito piggu.jpg (900x1948, 456K)

seething white women

Good comedian.


>She was an artist who worked on Bayonetta and Okami

Alright Todd you win this round.

hey dont do that to her

Please don't draw porn of random real people
She's cute and all but that feels really weird


Attached: D8rTGaPWkAAUAc5.jpg (1200x1144, 177K)

Your wife is really cute and I am happy for you.

Attached: unnamed.jpg (900x900, 146K)

Buying her game immediately then


hey no you dont
shes too nice

free country innit

I'm not saying you can't, I'm saying you shouldn't

>hazel eyes
I cringe every time I see a woman call her shit brown eyes "hazel"

think how disappointed in you she would be user

Listen virgin, if you want to jerk off to some cute jap lady you saw in a conference, go look up some JAVs and fap to them.

Was she the artist that designed Bayonetta as her personal power fantasy? Or was that someone else?

But I need it because of how much I love her please
I need it

Hazel is a different eye color from brown though.
I agree that fuck people who call their brown eyes hazel though

She gave Bayonetta a big ass to sit on annoying people.

Nozomi is hawt!

>Umm... I need to ask my mommy first
>Wha-?! Where are you taking me?

Attached: 004.jpg (1280x1808, 446K)

>random real people
She isn't a random real people. She is Ikumi Nakamura.

Attached: maurice moss.jpg (250x414, 41K)

that's my fetish though

But I want her

Her fucking header

Attached: BCEF2F5A-348C-4B38-A98F-931248B8AF3D.jpg (749x708, 91K)

Holy shit. That's not being SJW you fucking retard that's being based.

Love this shit. Uncultured faggots think this girl is cute. This is why anytime I see a foreigner with a Japanese girl, 9/10 times the girl is horrid looking. They just don’t know any better.

Now excuse me while I suck on my HEALTHY sized actually attractive Japanese wife’s (not fat) natural 36DDs.

Good god, she was around 700 followers the first time I found her profile.

>when you've reached such perfection that you can see your tight ass through your thigh gap
>that choker

Attached: 1551760734616.png (1276x720, 1.28M)

She had 6000 when i last checked. Christ.

It's normal for jap girls to like moe you idiot. Because she says she doesn't like moe, she's different from other jap girls.

>all these seething roasties

Attached: 1547826185702.webm (600x360, 2.67M)

I need more cute drawings of her

>first guy's hand was dark as fuck
oh nononononono

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this I have to see her ass

she truly is breathtaking

what an absolute beauty

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whats the source on this video?

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>"you know... a western woman"

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cute. CUTE!

so she will be in skyrim 2 as a badass but cute akaviri warrior right

Attached: 1531193975342.jpg (560x235, 19K)

Good, moe is fucking trash you weeb cunt.

My heart can't fucking take it.

Who is this?

People aren't over Kojima, retard

anyone know what that kanji is that looks like a robot going in for a hug? its cute

what's the matter?
>he doesn't know

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This thread is fucking weird. I forget how some here are obsessed with japs to an unhealthy degree.

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are you a white woman?

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*cute japanese girls who work on good games

i can smell the roast beef

she's not even that hot u fucking autists. 6/10 at best. and im a fuckin 3. losers. this is like those alita battle angel threads on Yea Forums

I refuse to settle for anything than a qt like this.

You mean the 'kai' in 'sekai'? It means kingdom.

>all these people who hate cute girls
nothing wrong with moeshit
she didn't even say that

Attached: 100%black.jpg (960x720, 49K)

fuck off, Ben.
We want Japanese cake!

Attached: 1557799201237.jpg (590x576, 42K)

kys fucking faggot.

>Yea Forums
>White women always get overtaken by niggers, why don't they like us bros?
>also Yea Forums
>Fuck white women, they are SJWs, jap girls are cuter
I remember some here unironically defended chikan, so please don't molest japanese girls when any of you go to japan

Attached: 1559699203251.jpg (456x386, 109K)

I have actual respect for them and their culture. I wouldn't do some degenerate shit like that.


>so please don't molest japanese girls when any of you go to japan
I've seen enough security cams of Jap women giving thieves and creeps the suplex to not do that.

Name of girl with purple hair? Searching just her on reverse image search just gives me reposts of this image


Attached: unknown.png (1920x1080, 2.16M)

The MILFs will be the one molesting me.

y'all need to have sex

>that chink
C'mon user I know you have yellow fever but at least get better standards. Just because they're Asian doesn't mean they're an instant 10/10. Compared to a 8/10 like she's pig-ugly.

being incels for so long really did a number on your already pathetic asses. interesting

>ywn be beaten up and laughed at by Nipponese JKs
it hurts, Yea Forumsros

Looks aren't everything to me. Also, I don't have yellow fever,

Make me.

user...... ur plan just got backfired........

>Yea Forums
>ever caring about roasties
Start a thread with some western supermodel and you'll get a few replies. Start a thread with a JAV girl and it'll hit bump limit if mods don't 404 it first.

Go dilate your ax wound before it collapses.

Missed the う off the end. Apply yourself.

Truly spoken like a retard

Morioka Moriko from ネト充のススメ

Attached: 1558975396713.jpg (580x580, 41K)

SEETHE some more, you demented incel lol

You'll never be a real woman like her you mentally ill faggot.


i wanna HOLD morimori-chan's HAND

The only one seething here is you, faglord. The rest of us are just shitposting as usual.

Japanese Jade Raymond

I'd buy her game

i prefer hapas

It's been like this since the dawn of humanity and it's temporary

not wanting to draw this is sjw? she also said she cant do it

Attached: high art.jpg (621x480, 57K)

“Boys” how old are u m8 ?

Literally every humans being does it though, girls included. Myabe you're a jealous cunt since you don't get attention

fuck off idiot Yang Jing is an 8/10 too

Jealous tranny detected

dude spoiler that shit
this is a blue board

this video is why i spend an hour at the gym each day

No western woman > eastern woman

This message brought to u by big tyrone

>that girl 4 seconds in looking like she just peed her pants



Why is every asian woman thread on Yea Forums so cringe?

You can't even imagine how dense Japanese are. I have been to glorious nippon for 3 times, and still don't understand how young and middle age people can't understand basic English. They can't even speak to a foreigner, not to think about dating one

Because the average Yea Forumsedditor has stage 4 yellow fever.

How many languages do u speak ?

why would they know how to speak english, I know they take classes in highschool but can you speak any the languages you took in highschool

No because people take Spanish or French in high school just so they can take the AP exam and waive the language requirement in college.

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=dqc-nwhbexY
I don't blame any of you

>y-you're attracted to asian women so it's yellow fever!!

And iirc japanese have to take it to graduate, its the same kind of deal

Was taking a second language not mandatory in your highschool?

The point being that most students take a language class to fulfill a requirement before never doing anything with it again.
It was. Three years of it, so by senior year most of us just took the AP class.

Mah Nigga's

Well shit, absolute seal of approval right there then, job interview is finished

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I don't care if she actually said it or not i absolutely approve of it

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All the replies to this just show how much of a contrarian shithole Yea Forums is.

Literally OK when Japan does it.

So, there's no reason why the average japanese person would know how to speak english. That was the point I was making.

That's every single woman with a decent ass, you stupid american.

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Time to say goodbye, liberal racemixing scum.

Come home, white man.

Attached: dating apps in asia.webm (1000x562, 2.9M)

>dating apps
Wow, people use these unironically?
I always just used Tinder to laugh at all the miserable fucks who think they are going to get a decent gf or bf from random people.

but im fat and ugly

Notice how it's always chads.

Has she considered that maybe its not because shes white but because arent constantly seeking random sex like the west is

See: and She never said anything like that.

What makes you think that?

Attached: 1533984227923.png (937x1108, 527K)

How many matches has Yea Forums ever gotten on any dating site?

I got 74 just on tinder

I don't use dating apps.
Not willing to date someone I don't know beforehand.

Hi Chad, save some pussy for the rest of us okay?

This guy seems completely unbiased, and not at all like he's a bitter virgin

I won't find the kind of person I want to date on a dating app. I sincerely want to date someone who also hates dating apps like I do. Gender does not matter.

Skip to 1:27 - a white guy gets a hundred matches on Tinder youtube.com/watch?v=YSBXaIEwESw

Attached: 3cdfb2003c07340305bd0281db14ec9526b5925fccdf9a0fcc0082d75559321d.jpg (1057x1920, 343K)

Never tried because I'm not sure if I'd actually do anything or talk to them

As if anybody would be molesting your fat, greasy unshowered ass

Yeah, but people who have never been in Japan and have made their expectations from it from cherrypicked webms and anime have an objective opinion.

me too user

Why do you hate dating apps? Why is it so much better to meet someone outside of an app and then go on dates, as opposed to meeting on an app and then going on dates? How you first meet someone is not an important part of most relationships

Yes. But DO you get hundreds of matches?

Stay virgins then, if you really want a relationship you either go out to bars, use dating sites or both. Knowing you guys, you'd rather bitch and moan that these women don't exist and that's okay because the perfect will just fall into your lap eventually.

Because only the ugliest of 3dpd get on apps like tinder. Anyone 6/10 and above (female or male) doesn't need to advertise themselves like that.

only a whore would use tinder

>i like anime so that CANT be true
oh boy

Why would you think that? Are you spending too much time on /r9k/? All types of people use dating apps

based if true

>Claiming women that don’t know or care that you even exist and is getting down by chads and not you
What’s this mental illness called?

>literal 4/10 chink
funny how this nazi website crumbles upon the sight of a subpar Asian woman

Does it matter? You should try hogging at least once.

99% of women on dating apps are roasties. Why the fuck would I want to spend money on dating a roastie when I can just hire a hooker instead and save some free time at least?

why do you need to speak japanese to fuck one?

are you retarded?


Why not. I'm an above average looking Nordic man.


>spending money
>on tinder

nigga what you can just match with literally anyone and there's a good chance they'll be horny enough to fuck someone like you for free.

oh no not that

Attached: 1446496448935.jpg (520x592, 268K)

A man of patrician taste.

I did. I downloaded the app and made an account and spent 2+ hours swiping left on some of the ugliest skanks I've ever seen in my life. Once in a while a 7/10 pops up and I'll swipe right on her but never get a response. Then there's las goblinas giving me likes which I ignore.

>can't draw fictional cute girl
>become a cute girl herself irl
what does she mean by this, bros??

Attached: f00.jpg (680x680, 41K)

>why would they know how to speak english
Because it's a universal language that every person should know, retard.

Unless you're giga chad or they're a cum dumpster there's an expectation that you'll have to take them out and spend money on them for at least a day.

That’s good. But that’s precisely why i don’t use them. I send a message to one or get in a perfectly normal convo with one and they ghost or stop responding because they found something better. A majority of the likes i get go no where because i don’t look as good as the other guy who liked her.

Okay. Do you get hundreds of likes though?

reminds me of Kizuna Ai and Eloise. I hope she enjoys this burst of fame, but I hope it doesn't leave her too disillusioned with vapid FotM support.

So if she's directing Ghostwire Tokyo, then what the fuck is Shinji Mikami doing?

When are we getting a new Shinji Mikami-directed game? It's been 5 years since TEW1.

Does Travis even like moé anymore? It seems indie games are his new thing.

I need to speak Japanese to form a deep emotional bond with one though...

>hurr virgins
I've had intercourse twice, and gay shit three times. None of this was from apps

I simply don't want to date someone who uses dating apps for their convenience. You don't need to use shallow swiping 3-second impression apps to find someone, and I don't want that to be my partner.

That’s correct. But with so many dicks for her to choose from, she decides to not respond to your comments due to her finding a better looking guy with a bigger dick.

>deep emotional bond
pick only 1

TSA isn’t canon.


Nigger what does you having sex have to do with any us? It literally effects nothing.

Attached: cucked by whites.webm (854x480, 2.82M)

Haven't been to Japan, but I know Asian women like me because I make their heads turn.

Attached: image.jpg (963x368, 64K)

Here's the trick to dating sites:
Be interesting. As in interesting to them. You have to make yourself seem attractive in ways not just limited to looks. If you're ugly but make a decent amount of money, maybe talk about your job. If you're a fatfuck but also 6'2, focus on your height. I agree that women are shallow and selfish, so use that to your advantage.
Fuck pickup lines, and fuck dumbass jokes stolen from reddit. Follow this post and you'll get results.

if she spoke fluid eng it's confirmed that she's a pure westerner and japanese in name only.

ok normalfag no one cares about your 3dpd bitch trying this hard to be western attention slut

There's such a thing as desperate women. They're usually your fatties, goblinas, or both. Might as well play in your own league.

so many retards

Attached: 1428427036790.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

>other guys can literally hypnotise the asian women around them
Feels bad, mine only seems to work on indian women.

thats not how the real world works my friend

>deep emotional bond
You won't get any of those unless you played your cards right with your childhood friend or are as bluepilled as a bluepilled girl and get one of those

Yeah, right.

didn't know that Yea Forums is bunch of /jp/

Attached: 1283486767709.jpg (640x480, 46K)

lucky. I love sexy pajeets

>having no standards

Also fucking fat bitches is nigger tier

>full room filled with westerner concept art
>fluent in eng
trying to slide in a fake cali Japanese to appeal to the nuweebs

nice try Todd

Funny how guys with no standards get more pussy than you do.

>cute as hell
>makes /pol/ angry
Genuinely in love over here.

I didn’t ask that. I asked if you get hundreds of likes on tinder. There are asian women in western countries. So surely you have hundreds of likes from the asian women you like so much from your area....

>Yea Forums is full of stalker

Thats why none of those people will ever come here.

Careful with this gif, user. The SGI is gonna get you.

Wait but I thought we hate women?? Now liking them is a problem too? Which one should I do?

>that feel when I just wishlisted the Evil Within games since they're the only ones I don't have yet
>all because of a woman who will never acknowledge my existence

dang she's actually ugly
time to move on boys

how do I fix my tinder elo score

Woah duuuude, a woman who's a liberal? Damn you need to marry her, that's a rare specimen right there

Real talk though, how likely am I to get an STD from a tinder thot?

>Already confirmed she is a SJW
Very likely moderate if at all. The way things are framed and projected are that it's good vs bad. So for someone who's foreign and hasn't experienced the nightmare, they would likely think the left are the good guys. Then you get into the solidarity presence and the fact the left is being dragged by people who preach about abolishing private property, dissolving all earthly nations, and forcing people to submit beneath a totalitarian state enforcing their concept of a controlled doctrinal utopia, That's when you realize that shit has gone totally off the rails.

American politics is a trash fire. Don't get involved thinking it's something simple. It'll drive you insane or you'll find yourself being sent out to die for a cause you don't believe in.

says the euro from a mommy-complex tit worshipping population

Getting the worst of the worst bitches is like getting none at all. You might as well be fucking goats.

And the butthurt is already pouring in.
>you need to marry her
Damn right I do.

You have get the tinder thot 1st

Have sex

>be hungry
>just eat shit bro, look at all these guys eating more shit than you do

Compare it the guys who get the most likes on tinder and cope

She only worked on EW1 which is the better game anyway.

I hope you enjoy both though.

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Why are redditors getting triggered by some yearly E3 stage meat threads?
last year everyone was all over the Microsoft MILFs, the year before that was the brown bitch who starred in Battlefront 2
It happens every time


Why does /pol/ hate it when white women racemix but are fine with white men racemixing?

with dogs

struck a nerve

because they have no principles

>giving a shit what a horde of knuckle-dragging room temperature IQ cousin fuckers think

white women are sexier than asian women. so white women should ask themselves why would white flee their countries into the arm of asian women

The majority of the hate comes from repeated casual encounters bringing many, many, many fatherless children into the world. One is bad enough, but some women are effectively wild animals when it comes to sex. No concept of personal responsibility or forethought to the long-lasting consequences of their actions. And mixed kids can get shit inherently. Especially if the dice roll ends up with them as some pumpkin-faced mutoid.

They have one international association near my home, user.

you meant to say "rent free"

In reality she rubs her pussy furiously while listening to them fuck.

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white men are sexier than black men. so white men should ask themselves why would white flee their countries into the arm of black men

When white women mix with men outside their tribe they're also being conquered. When white men do it they're the ones doing the conquering. Having your women taken by other men is an existential threat to your people and propagation of your genes. Taking other women is a sign of virility and strength.

that's not a question
women are stupid, regardless of race
that's why they do anything

Nobody asked about your living situation with your parents.

White men don't want to part with the fruits of individualism in a modern society. They want to keep the freedom that comes with it, but when women decide to take the bite of individualism as well and try to step outside the traditional family unit, they fear that their liberation will turn them into sluts which turns them into unsuitable partners, because a woman who's seen more than one man is a slut, whereas a man can fuck as he pleases. Therefore they always look to other races and places like Asia where individualism hasn't fully taken root yet in society, and where the women are constrained by expectations of society that shuns them for behaving as a white female bachelor would.

Attached: aryan desire.jpg (1262x1295, 334K)

this is some caveman level shit right here
just get with whoever you want who gives a fuck

Nobody asked if you were a tranny, yet you keep telling us.

News flash retard, we're not in the stone age anymore where guys can go around impregnating as many females as they want. In modern times, you're stuck with the woman you impregnate with your non-white mutt child unless you want to financially ruin yourself with tons of child support.

>so white men should ask themselves why would white flee their countries into the arm of black men
they don't

Attached: scores2010.png (495x391, 18K)

>you're stuck with the woman you impregnate
you're insane if you think even half of illegitimate children are being financially supported by the father
in fact it's easier to get welfare when they don't

Whore confirmed.

you can have her she is shit tier

>she retweeted someone calling her a "waifu"
>now this

She knows. She's accepted her fate.

Attached: Screenshot_20190610_100552.png (615x529, 132K)

absolutely based and shotapilled

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just because a woman is submissive, doesn't mean she is a whore

holy shit lmao Latino women really dislike asian dudes

I didn't imagine the Yea Forums's yellow fever was this serious.

Weren't you guys just pretending for a meme?

Don't open your door.

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So let me get this straight, white women who racemix are untraditional sluts, but at the same time you want a traditional racemixing asian wife.

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Anime website.

The big issue is that /pol/ and the whole alt-right
desperately need to hit the gym and school themselves on how to be suave and charismatic. Confidence is a big part of things, too. Carry yourself right and women will melt for you. Don't be a little bitch. It's unbecoming.

>anime-based website made by weebs ripping off an japanese site
>whoa you mean you guys actually like anime/jrpgs/jap girls?

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That's how it works!

>women aren’t equal to men

I do not want disgusting asian son

that's why I must resist the allure of cute asian women

>brings up trannies like a reflex
The last line of defense for the frustrated microdick cracker. Talking about rent-free. Hearing voices again, schizo? Take your meds.

incels don't need to be told how to get laid by tranny-pandering sóymen

I'm underweight, user.
Okay you got me there, I'll go take a bath for my mommies.

I'm not talking about illegitimate children though, I'm addressing the fact that all these yellow fever niggers want to marry asian women.

If I like American movies doesn't mean that I like American women.
Same goes for Japan.

/pol/ = /fit/

we are not Yea Forums

trannies are always the first to bring up mental issues
very strange

>you in charge of reading comprehension

sòy rage

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>hitting the gym for women
Apart from that, you raise fair point. /pol/ is angry because they are shunned, and they are shunned for a reason. It's transparent for everyone to see how ugly they are, both inside and outside. Good thing they won't procreate.

Haven't been to Japan like I already told you. But I know I would fuck so many women over there if I wanted to.

Attached: 854845.jpg (645x647, 263K)

>/pol/ is angry because they are shunned
wrong. /pol/ is angry because jews are trying to wipe out white people

>you in charge of critical thought

Shes ugly tho

Fuck off and die you obsessive faggots

Become something they can't wipe out. Aid others in doing likewise. Problem alleviated.

>you in charge of reading comprehension

All of these cucke’d asians and white girls LOL

>dating site statistics
80% of those are bots that matched with people to convince them to spend money on the premium account.

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>/pol/ = /fit/
lmao, should be bring out the images? Browsing /fit/ doesn't make you fit. A good chunk of /fit/ is fatties in denial.

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If they really were angry about that they wouldn't be desperate to racemix with asian women. They're just a bunch of /r9k/ losers trying to cope with being incels.

How is that in any way related to the general interests of the population of this website that is fundamentally weeaboo?

>Siew-Fong Chen
>trusting chinese people when it comes to Japan
lol user, what a fucking joke

Have sex

I thought you fags love social darwinism. If you get "wiped out", you deserve it.

it's almost like some dudes would rather have perfect wives than the alternative

based jakenbake

God I want to fuck this cake.

That is not moderate if she is a j*Panese native.
Being gay in Asia only exists in... Taiwan as of 2019.
Being pro-homo in Asia is not "moderate", it is an extremely progressive belief.

i won't, user.

Attached: i close.jpg (1025x774, 52K)

That's beside the point.

And that’s a good thing. Fuck gays.

In what sense?
If your ideal woman is a loyal wife, the logic of trending toward the female populations of countries that are rigidly traditional to the point of autism is inarguable.

damn she cute

Maybe read up a couple of posts to see what the original topic of this conversation was.

the kikes are seething

Attached: Claire complains about Leon.png (1342x1016, 238K)

>I'm addressing the fact that all these yellow fever niggers want to marry asian women.

Bear Grylls got fucking fit holy shit.

>But I know I would fuck so many women over there if I wanted to.
Yeah, 6/10 Hanako-chans that dwell in Shibuya are gonna have a good time with you.

You realize the conversation went further back beyond that post right? Are you some lazy phoneposting faggot or something?

>perfect wives
You need to wake the fuck up. Because this talk about "standards" is nothing more than you being narcissist ("I deserve only the best") and self-sabotaging because nothing will ever be good enough. That way you ensure you won't get attached and you won't have to find out you're not so perfect yourself. Also, nobody will know you're a massive pussy who can't handle conflict.

Jurina is so based eyefucking that dude


Jake, that was absolutely merciless. What the fuck.

Are you ready for next year's Olympic games? I know I am.


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Okay, done. What now?

>Hates moe bullshit

Does a more perfect woman exist?

Going to need to see the feet to see if she's worthy of being my waifu

Bring the family dog to get stitched back together.

Absolutism is for children.
I'm speaking in generalities and trends. Not every man who wants a traditional marriage is a "pussy who can't handle conflict". But a man who doesn't want to deal with the modern angles of female empowerment in the west is better off not seeking a partner in the west.
What is your argument, by the way? A guy should settle for whatever, even if it's a bitch he'll want to throttle to death whenever she opens her mouth? Even malnourished incels and manlet seething asian dudes and 14 year old boys could murder 99% of women with their bare hands.

Attached: wmaf.jpg (2361x1748, 1.05M)

I don't know about the "cute girls doing coke" thing, i think i'm a saint.

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>thread about a video game veteran finally getting credit for something
>it becomes a shitty bleachedfag yellow fever thread
seriously fuck off, yellow fever threads are cancer, even JAV threads aren't this pathetic and those fuckers are literally jerking off to asian women together

>speaking english
yikes. Huge turn off for me.

t. assblasted chink incel

>all of them are hapas
lmao cope

Legion of elliot rodgers

>all of twitter and reddit posting images
>she even changed her twitter banner to one of their pics
>come to Yea Forums
>reddit lite
I thought you guys were better than this

reminder that it's not just white girls seething

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If you have a good father (chad with self confidence and good genetics) like those guys, their son won't be a low self esteem guy like Elliot. They'll be alright.
No? This is what you get from searching WMAF on instagram. One of them is Constance Wu, an actress. She is 100% asian.

My argument is that this kind of talk sounds like a gigantic defense mechanism mixed with delusion. It's not about you picking whoever. It's about your expectations not being grounded in reality. They're reflective of how overwhelmed you feel with modern women.
>Absolutism is for children.
Notice anything?

>typical Jav thread poster: holy crap this model is so hot, did you guys see the one where she took three dicks and got a massive creampie while winking at the camera, diamonds!

Liking Japanese animation doesn't make you a weeaboo.

>chink typed out all of this because he's asshurt

In reality.

>thread with an asian woman pic
>attracts asian incels from reddit like flies to shit
>someone says something about her looking good
>we post funny pics to make you more mad

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I live for the day when I can make chink males extinct with my seed

what exactly means having "self confidence" means in these days anyway?, people will always believe those kind of people are prideful insufferable faggots

>yellow feverfag victim complex
honestly at a certain point I feel like you guys should realize that your unhealthy obsession with asian women is causing more harm to your dating life than it does good. Typically the guys that ACTUALLY end up dating asian girls aren't this fucking obsessed and are instead regular dudes. If any of you came face to face with an asian girl that was anywhere higher than a 5/10, you guys would act like autistic spergs because your obsessions led you guys into creating unrealistic expectations of what an asian girl is actually like.

Attached: CUTE!.png (914x907, 1.97M)

>Asian girl thread
>expect cute pictures
>receive angry roasties, insecure hapas who feel like "their" women are being taken and /pol/tards obsessed with race
>all of them flinging shit at each other
Every single time.

what are the other stages?

>Notice anything?
The irony of you not being able to separate a descriptive statement from the thing being described, yes. You think you had a point there, but you didn't.

>it sounds like
There's your problem, projection. There's nothing wrong with expectations provided they're reasonable. It's reasonable to expect some homegrown jap girl to be content living as a housewife. It's reasonable to prefer blondes and thus date mostly blonde women. It's reasonable to become interesting in latinas if your high school was full of them. It's also reasonable to idealize and fetishize in your mind and on an anonymous imageboard. But you seem to have a personal hang up about the specific angle of asian women, and I'd rather not guess why.

>Not every man who wants a traditional marriage is a "pussy who can't handle conflict". But a man who doesn't want to deal with the modern angles of female empowerment in the west is better off not seeking a partner in the west.
What I find rather repulsive here is that instead of acknowledging the needs and desires for women brought up with female empowerment and finding a healthy compromise through synthesis, men would rather sidestep the issue entirely by finding partners in countries where such issues have never been brought up. It's taking the easy way out.

Traditionalism is very attractive for this reason because it places the expectation that men will find a woman no matter what because women are expected to be subservient, but at the same time constraining their freedom. Take this away and you're left with incels fawning about azn pussy. It is strange to me how men can fuck women by the dozen without being shunned, while women are called sluts for doing so. Men want to keep the fruits of individualism to themselves but are unwilling to share, because at the same time they subconsciously know the shit individualism enables.

Instead I'd argue that finding a partner in these circumstances where women are sluts and men are incels is all the more valuable now that you don't have society pushing expectations on everyone and ensuring a relationship. You might argue that the push for individualism as a whole has been a mistake and that we need to go back, however at no point in history has a society ever reverted to a previous set of values and traditions. We've opened Pandora's Box, and fighting progress is a fool's errand. This is why the desire to rebuild a nuclear family unit again is a total pipe dream. The only thing what we can do now is anticipate the waves and build in preparation for it, rather than whine about going back to a point where things were still sunny.

like I've said countless times, yellow fever threads are the worst types of threads. If you want a good asian girl thread, go to a JAV thread, JAVbros are more civil and don't act this fucking autistic when someone criticizes asian women, unlike yellowfeverfags.

A near 500-post thread about this random woman is seriously the only discussion we got out of E3 this year.

I'm not against it by any means, no, I am just pointing it out.

>random woman

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but user, if asian men go extinct, then there will be no more asian women and instead you'd be left with ugly half asians.

Yikes, seething.

Half asian women aren't ugly especially if they're asian passing. Any race of woman can be beautiful.
>there will be no more asian women
Good. We're the chad boomers and mega zoomers 100 years from now shouldn't get to enjoy anything because they're newfags who don't know who moot is.

I don't actually care about who's slutty or not, I just think white women age like milk and literally every other race except maybe Indians and whatever shit like Aboriginals.
This of course assumes a base level of attractiveness in the early to mid twenties, vs. how much of that attractiveness remains by the mid to late thirties. It's not just Asian women. It's the light skinned black girls, it's the latinas who don't get fat and have a bunch of kids.

based and asspilled

>ruby | uk 20 (she/her)

of course lmao

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It's so fucking funny.

they aren't wrong, fetishizing a real person is cringy as hell. fetishizing 2D women is completely okay though.

>white woman

is this not undeniable proof all white roasties are jealous of superior asian women? She even knew people would love Nakamura and felt instant depression upon seeing her, being upset knowing she would get attention.

Holy shit white women BTFO themselves

Attached: tenor.gif (360x346, 170K)

The white worship in Asia is just a meme to trick weebs and koreaboos. Asias, both men and women, almost unanimously despise other races, especially any non-Asian races.
Whites are told the "worship" meme so you go there with you head held high, only to find out you are considered a nigger there.
>Any Asian girl who approaches you is either trying to scam you or wants a green card in your home country

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>i’m so ready to be mad
>I feel so sorry for her
Why? She probably feels great and is happy that people liked her and gave her a warm reception. She is likeable and people like her. Only one she should feel sorry for is herself, she’s a fucking mentally ill dyke getting mad on someone else’s behalf LMAO

>/pol/ wants the white race to stay alive by having white women breed with white men while they themselves go after asian women
I don't get it, you guys always say women are wusses who want men to do everything for them, but then you go ahead and act this way.

People are having fun and liking her, she's literally just seething.
It's great entertainment at this point.
This, Ikumi seems so happy and is just having fun.

>finding someone wholesomely attractive and adorably charming is fetishizing them
The only people fetishizing are the degenerates who can't parse anything without attaching it to sex.


She's fucking Japanese, she'd be wondering where the fuck tentacles are.

SEA countries are not reflective of Japan, South Korea, or even Hong Kong and Shanghai.

They will never understand why men like her.
All it takes is to just be nice, and they can't do it.

I would feel sorry for her if this obsession lasted until after E3, but it won't. People are fucking weird and I wouldn't doubt it if there were a few creepy fat incels orbiting her after the conference.

>You think you had a point there, but you didn't.
The text equivalent of someone plugging his ears and yelling really loud to drown out hard truths.

>personal hang up about the specific angle of asian women
You couldn't be further off if you tried. Also, look up what projection means. Mindlessly throwing it around and parading around like you said something clever makes you look like a complete tard.

What's unreasonable is your chance of ever meeting a girl like you described for several reasons. Japanese women are not the docile, innocent creatures you must think they are because you know the country only from anime. Also, there's the problem of you being you.

Because she's a white woman and an honorary tranny.

Except Korea and China is the country most guilty of the "trick you into the green card" scam, that's why the plastic surgery and makeup industries are so lucrative there.

kek white women can't muster up enough energy to be pleasant people. probably too fat and stupid?
Dilate more tranny

wtf I love SJWs now!

Are the East Asians a White people of Asians?

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>I don't have a personal hangup over the issue
>proceeds to throw out more insults and projections
Great stuff

Basedjak never gets old holy shit

Can we bait her some more just so she starts unbelievably fuming?

user, it's a convention, you can guarantee that any girl at a convention has at least one dude orbiting her at all times. the number goes up the more attractive she is.

I actually love her now. fuck moeshit

Why can't western females be this cute and adorable on stage?

Not really, they are much better than white women. But the people do have some similar core values compared to whites. They don't hold the same level of empathy or innovation though.

I'm sorry your feelings are hurt, sweetheart. You REALLY should look it up, though.

It's true though, 99% of SJWs who complain about white men only date white men.

Dilate more tranny

Jealous no one will ever give you attention?

because cute western female devs aren't taken seriously by sjw companies.

they literally are not, the philippines and thailand are full of the trademark sex tourism, mail-order brides, and ex-patriotism that you're attributing to countries that have reasonable economies
the reason plastic surgery is so common in korea, less so in japan (because they have such low standards for women's physical appearance), is purely the domestic image set by pop idols