Is he /ourguy/ or not?

Is he /ourguy/ or not?

Attached: John Carmack.jpg (860x430, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:

john romero>john carmack

>is a mega autist
yeah probably

he believes in space, so no


Unironically one of my heroes, even if he doesn't use linux

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>Carmack: Has a job. Mutli-millionaire
>Romero: Has no job. Thousandaire

if u watch his conferences he REEEALLY believes in VR

interested to see what he does with it

John Carmack is to Yea Forums what James Cameron is to Yea Forums

May be in your dreams, faglord.

Depends on who (you) are but to most here he's not /ourguy/. Instead, he is the hero we need but don't deserve, only that almost none of us know it yet because reasons that'd take too many words to explain.

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A soulless hack responsible for the trash that floods the media?

>it's real

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I wish I could be 1/10th as smart as Carmack.

He's a graphics whore.

If you know a lot about Carmack, you'll know how much he has to put up with and how difficult the challenges are in order to make his virtual dreams a reality. The Oculus Quest, not the Rift, and not anything else, is his baby that he basically envisioned almost perfectly back in 2012.
Hence the name. It's his Quest for VR, and it's just beginning. He's literally our hero in more ways than one and none of us know it yet.

Also yeah I'm a VR shill and I do it for free. I don't recommend current gen VR products to everyone though, it's not that good yet, but it's good enough to be a really cool toy (even tool) for some people.

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Hes an engineer not a game designer.

Absolutely based. We need to execute anybody who wants to hold the industry back.


i need those meme pictures of carmack lecturing while choke holding a security guard.


He makes tech, he likes math. He doesnt like videogames.

I think you might be retarded user. Why do you think he went into programming video games instead of doing literally anything else within computer technology?

How did Romero MC-Hammer his money away?

>Carmack was introduced to video games with the 1978 shoot 'em up title Space Invaders in the arcades during a summer vacation as a child. The 1980 maze chase arcade game Pac-Man also left a strong impression on him. He cited Shigeru Miyamoto as the game developer he most admired.
>Carmack contributes to charities and gaming communities. Some of the recipients of Carmack's charitable contributions include his former high school, promoters of open-source software, opponents of software patents, and game enthusiasts.

based carmack

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Not that guy but is an engineer, his work has historically important in the history of video games, but you can't really credit him or shit on him for how any game plays because he's never designed gameplay for any game he's worked on, he's in the background enabling the gameplay designers and the artists to do their jobs.

Aren't all the of the id guys millionaires from back then?

Dude I playtested that thing twice, I fucking hate it. It lasts for like two hours which is irrelevant because I have a headache after less than half an hour. That's his baby? That's really his baby? A standalone headset trying to build its own separate VR game repository?

>you can't really credit him or shit on him for how any game plays
Wrong. Mechanics aka how movement and gunplay work in shooters are very important and basically define how the game actually plays.

Is this thread about Bethesda taking credit for Carmack's just after suing him for millions of dollars?

>Quest is his baby
>can only play mobile shit

John Carmack in 2019: Software engineer
John Romero in 2019: Gas station attendant

>because I have a headache after less than half an hour.

>In January 2019, John Romero appeared on the hbomberguy Donkey Kong 64 stream, raising money for the trans charity Mermaids in response to comments made by Graham Linehan about the charity.

holy shit I need a timestamp for this. How have I never heard this?

>raising money for the trans charity
He's dead to me. Faggot.

>How have I never heard this?
That's because you could only had ~5 months to hear about it, silly.

you guys forgot to put raising his wife's son

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Carmack is THE guy

You have to realize that not everyone gets headaches and that you probably could have avoided the headache if you knew some tips that we do now. This is his first real product in a line of products towards achieving the ultimate goal of perfect VR, so no, a separate VR game library on a standalone headset is not the goal, but more of a necessary evil at the moment due to technical limitations... Of which actually aren't even really true.
Did you know that developers on the Oculus store can enable cross-buy support so that you get both the PC copy and the Quest copy just by buying the one? That's a thing. Some developers chose not to, so that's on them. Carmack has said that he is experimenting with a PC streaming option so you can just play PC VR stuff on it. So that's a thing too. Oh but also there is a free third party app you can sideload that lets you do that already, although not perfectly. So yeah, it's all kind of in the works. It's the Quest, not the End. The End probably won't even be made by Carmack. But we'll know by then that Carmack played a huge role in building up the early tech and market before then.

>Is he /ourguy/ or not?

Oh no no no

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The real question is if Yea Forums is /hisboard/.

The curse hit him hard.

It hurts because it's a standalone console with all the fucking weight in the front. It's completely pointless. I have a PC and two consoles, I don't need my eyeballs heating up the cheap lenses while my temples and sinuses are crushed trying to keep the damn thing on. The lenses are the worst, the absolute worst part. And it still remains to be seen how effective it is with online gameplay because even up to launch the online functionality was off; the only way to test it was to know one of ten people at the office who also happened to be testing it and wanted to meet up over the 4 day awkward testing periods we had. Even then, I think they only put one online capable game like a couple months before release. Everything else was a half functioning beta, except for beatsaber.

meanwhile, /ourguy/

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>Bethesdid trying to sell us on tech and engines when theres no carmack in the back rooms making his magic

He's a tech guy but he still seems to like games.

Have you read the doom source code?
The code matters when it comes to AI, damage RNG, gravity, speed, draw distance, etc.

untapped market that he saw the potential in


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Comfort is an issue for a lot of people but not as much if you wear it right. The position of the back strap matters a lot, and it needs to cup the bony protrusion at the back of your head, essentially acting to distribute the weight over the strap instead of completely on the face. It's also possible your face and head shape simply is not very well fit with the design since they can't make something that fits literally everyone's sizes and shapes. With that said, another tip is to put add an additional strap like what this guy did (ignore that it's a reddit post)
Or add a counterweight, like a battery, to the back of the head strap. Or both. It's not hard to make it a lot more comfortable.

>The lenses are the worst, the absolute worst part.
In what way? Many have said Oculus' new lenses are the best lenses in current VR headsets, so it shouldn't be that bad. If you normally use glasses, you need to use them in VR too, currently. You also need to set the IPD right. Do you have experience with other headsets?

>And it still remains to be seen how effective it is with online gameplay because even up to launch the online functionality was off
So, you only used it on pre-launch hardware/software? I mean I wouldn't expect everything to work quite right then.

fucking based

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