Agitated Jose officially on suicide watch!
Agitated Jose officially on suicide watch!
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I haven't thought about Crude Carlos in years until this post, user. Fuck you.
What's his name again?
Raging Rico
I don't see why the WWE start took it as an insult. Seems more like Upset Pablo wanted to see them play.
Can we all agree that passive-aggressive "I'm clearly angry but will pretend to be the bigger man by belittling you in a ""friendly"" way" is INFINITELY worse then just calling someone a faggot?
Poor Butt-frustrated Bartholomew
Yeah but Furious Fernado needs to learn his lesson ever since Geoff told him fuck off
RIP Angry Joe
4 hours
The fact that you have a persecution complex on anything that can be seen as genuine friendliness just goes to show how jaded you've become. I'd recommend you stop browsing the internet for a bit and stop surrounding yourself with all the negativity on it.
>being a passive aggressive loser
Fuck you. God I fucking hate passive aggressive faggots. Just say what you wanna say you dumb bitch
>Where did you get this? - m00t
Obviously Miffed Miguel thinks "gaming personalities" such as himself should have been up on stage
You hate them because they are smarter than you. Check out my 6.
Upset Joey worked himself into a shoot, brother.
But the real question is, has he ever drawn a dime?
Aw sweetie I just want everyone to have fun and be together :) I love games and hopefully I can be as good at s0i drinking as you, hunny pie :)) sweetums lovey baby pie :)
I've seen their channel; their content is overall enjoyable. However, I'm not sure what to make of the fact that half those superstars portraying themselves as stacys and chads have played more vidya and watched more anime than I.
Is harder to pull off, because you probably going to come out as butthurt and using very petty insults, but is not inherently worse. I prefer the straightforward nature of just calling someone a faggot, but if you piss the person more by being nice, is totally worth it.
>absolutely seething that someone with a much better personality, better looking, more physically fit and on weekly television got a payday instead of a fat disgusting le 56% hambone
>Portraying a Chad
Not really but he IS a real life chad who nailed better looking women most people on Earth wouldn't even dream off.
Yikes and cringepilled
based and redpilled
>grrrr this makes me so angry why can't people try to make me angry in a way that won't make me angry?
It’s definitely worse, but only when everyone realizes it and awkwardly has to pretend the passive aggressive faggot isn’t about to burst into tears
i love incensed enrique threads.
I mean now you're just forcing it. I get what you're saying, but nothing the wrestler said was condescending. He congratulated the dude on his success and clarified they were there for free instead of being paid. But if you think everyone that's nice is just pratonizing you and being condescending instead actually just being friendly then keep living like that. I just think it'd be harder to open up to people if you think everyone who's nice is out to get you.
I didn't get the point of that. Why show them sitting in front of computers ready to play a match together and cut to something else and not show the match?
His wife isn't hot and the only other girl confirmed to fuck him (paige) is a chav with a hunchback
Wow, generally surprised. That was a classy response. Now a fan of wresting but I approve
Joe no! Lol the Twitter hoes will always go for the buff black man let's be honest
go back to resetera tranny
I love seeing this faggot spic getting BTFO
I used to work restaurants and bars, and people got insanely pissed the nicer I got to them as they got angrier. Kill 'em with kindess is a real thing. I'd rather just call them faggots, but that don't work outside 4channel, mate.
I get what you saying, but the first sentence is clearly a jab back at Joe and the second sentence was the backhanded compliment. Friendly people normally don't throw words back at anyone. Austin could have just said he and his crew like video games, the end.
what a retard he should have just deleted his gay bird account and pretended it never happened
I was confused too, they were there for like 3 seconds, it was super weird.
hes a professional """wrestler""" ffs. its the onions of sports but his test is going to be way higher then yours for example. He's not going to respond without an insult and I'm surprised he even threw a compliment in there. what a faggot
when was xavier? i guess i missed it
It was literally him being a passive aggressive faggot coward. Learn to read tone, it wasn't "classy" at all unless you're a retarded fag.
This is an insane level of projection
Joe's completely right t b h
I believe this would be a "slammed" or "clapped back" moment in the words of the media.
I don't blame you, they were barely on screen. I don't even understand why they were there at all. Literary just show them playing a game for like 3 seconds on a corner of the screen. It was weird and confusing as to why they were there.
Fuming Fernando
user, not everything is meant to be read into. I don't even use twitter (or any social network) for this very reason
lol why is pedro ass mad then? was it during a certain reveal?
Xavier Woods
It should make you get off your ass. Or at least off Yea Forums; you shouldnt be losing at playing video games or watching anime to people with full time careers, friends and family.
I mean, i did actually find it weird that they announced that these guys were playing the game, but didnt show anything to audience except a fucking prerendered trailer.
If I had to do one thing to better the world it would be to destroy Twitter. Nothing comes close to the disruptive and destrucive nature of that site and all it does is make millions of people angry everyday, and everyday theyre more angry than the last.
>boogie getting btfo by anthony fantano of all people
>upset jose getting btfo by xavier
Today is a good day
Pissed Pablo is usually a retard but I get what he's saying, particularly in the follow-up tweet.
Wrestlers are big dramatic roided up fags, so it's no surprise he was defensive and passive-aggressive as fuck.
They probably had them actually play the game at a side event. The conference was already packed full of shit and they're aware how much people hated when EA had celebs play games during conferences.
Peeved Paco
>anthony fantano of all people
Guy can be pretty savage when he wants to
He needs to talk in that manner to Seething Santiago because if he says wrong shit it will cause lots of trouble to his contractors, I am pretty sure it's not even him who wrote this but his specially educated PR manager
Herniated Hernandez is just pissed it wasn't him getting paid to play. The faggot will throw a bitch fit if a company even rightfully demonetizes his penny raking video.
Literally after every nickel and dime. Just look at his last Nintendo video where he flips out over the few bucks he would have gained.
Not that guy but you’re half right, not everything is meant to be read into, that’s how a lot of pointless arguments start. But in this case, he was definitely being passive aggressive and the tone had some poison in it, imo
Renegade rodriguez
If you can't see how that tweet is passive aggressive then you must be a fucking idiot. Please don't reproduce.
Context? Jane the seen anything about this
Joe was always a salty, whiny little faggot. His early interview of Mountain Dew Jeff and those videos of him literally crying are evidence for this.
They were playing on a separate stream after the conference, they were just announcing that.
No he's not, he's just backpedaling because he didn't expect them to say anything
Joe's always been a pussy