How much money have you spent on gacha?
How much money have you spent on gacha?
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I don't get the context of any of the numbers besides the dollar amounts. Please explain so I can enjoy the image.
I'd estimate $200 over the course of my entire life.
zero (0) (zilch) (nada)
i can not honestly imagine spending money on any mobile game whatsoever
Is yugioh duel links considered gacha?
if so, $5
Not going to make excuses, i was weak and a fool.
>retard who willingly gives money to konami, no matter the amount, doesn't even know what gacha means
not surprised desu
imagine being such a retard you spend thousands of dollars on jpeg waifus that you can get online for free
Back in 2005-7 I spent maybe 100 bucks on MS gacha
Zero, you have to be a retard to spend money on gacha. I did however spend ¥4000 on port slots in KanColle, but KanColle isn't a gacha so it's irrelevant to the subject at hand.
>$50 in SS
>$50 in GBF
Pick tickets, not rolls. I haven't touched SS in a long while and what I ended up using in GBF was all f2p. Never again.
200-300 for Dokkan Battle
200 for LoL
300 for Overwatch
I'm mainly ashamed for spending money on Overwatch because I already dropped money for the fucking game
Didn't regret it as much for LoL because that was in its first 3 years and because I figured it supports Riot
I only drop money on Dokkan once a year, but always on the sales. Again, to support the devs
None because I spend it all on MMO's
Around $120 over the course of several games.
I unionically like to drop $15 here and there on free mobile games to support the developers if I enjoyed the time I spent playing it. People who invest thousands of hours and thousands of dollars are weirdos though.
About $150
Do I regret it. Yeah
I tried FGO and it was one of the worst pieces of shit i've ever seen, what the flying fuck could I possibly be missing that thousands of people apparently see? thats some crazy pill shit
Why haven't you logged in?
monthly gems card is a great deal
>b-but I can get it for free if I just spend my life on this shit
this is how they get you
I see no reason to spend a lot of money to a few of .jpg
i burned all 300+ of my stam and i'm waiting for it to recharge
Not a god damn cent.
I pulled Illya on a lark with a single fucking summon ticket on my break at work. Feels good, man.
doesn't help that drop rates generally kinda suck and the costs for quartz (or whatever item, mirrorgems, crystals, whatever) is way more than I can remotely justify, even if I was feeling like "supporting the devs" or whatever
Well that's a fpbp.
I'm at 475. 5 more and it will take exactly 24 hours to recharge.
About like 50$ only on Dokkan. I mainly do it because of the sales and to support the developers since the game right now is better then it ever has been.
25 on GBF 30 on FGO. I regret all of it. I'm quitting GBF after this GW.
$200 over the past year on Granblue. Not even gambling but just picking up the odd guaranteed pick. But looking back it still feels like too much so I'm going to cut back.
>There are anons itt that play gacha
>They spent actual money on it
You people either have too much money or little to no brain
Literally neck yourself if you have or ever will spend even a single cent. You're actively making video games worse if you support this bullshit. I used to think people that bought lotto tickets were the worst retards possible but you pedo incels are even worse. At least they have an infinitely small chance of winning something while you threw your money away for nothing. Shame on you
60 USD over the course of 4 years
what the FUCK
>"pedo incels"
>tranny talking about ruining video games
No, you don't understand.
You find the jpegs on a booru or google images.
what am i looking at here?
>vote with your wallet user
I don't play gacha because I'm not retarded but there is literally nothing wrong with being a pedosexual
A shit ton of fantasia (character appearance re-make) and a bit of other shit.
This is the part were you get arrested due to being a pedophile right?
fgo was rank 59 recently in jp games
Same. I dont play gacha but Im fine with google images or just saving pics from waifu threads here. And besides phone games are just for spare time gaming anyway, Its not like I would pick a phone game over a console/pc game if I had the choice. Theres nothing wrong with playing any phone game if you just need to pass the time.
around 300k on Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, and I'm not going to say how much on Final Fantasy Record Keeper but is way more than FFBE
RK is the greediest mainstream game I have played, FGO has shit rates but at least it doesnt ask you to roll for 50 weapons for each character.
in span of 4 years, around $300.
Not a cent, and since my waifu will never be in a gacha game it will stay that way.
None so far. Epic7 has been kind to me.
All combined? I wanna say like 20 during the 3rd year dokkan anniversary
Nothing yet because the jew cat hasn't provided anything remotely worth it lately.
holy shit, please off yourself
how did he get all that money
autism bucks probably.
>Jack made more then alter
What, how?
none because I'm using my brain enough to not play gachashit and fall into Snoy's scam
>special attack [female]
So is her attack milking my cock?
>actually playing gacha
have sex
marry and copulate
experience fertilization
I always hated gacha shit and laughed at people who spent money on that shit.
I've now spent over $500 on fucking ffbe since it came out, please help me Bros I need to stop.
Niggers I don't give a fuck if you want to jack it to loli all day every day, just use google instead of ecouraging this jew greed bullshit that spawns more bullshit the more money you give them.
do you regret it?
You don't NEED to be the first. Keep repeating it
Fuck off Abe
Love my wife Jeanne d'Arc vanilla and Deus Vult Hopemath Cometh Edmond Dantes. F2P btw.
No. It's not a whole lot considering the time I've put in and the fun I've had. I regret $40-$60 games bought for PC far more often.
I'm so glad I was able to quit playing FGO.
F2P btw.
Where is your grailed Illya bro?
>6 months later skadi comes out in JP
>jalter drops from S tier to low B tier
>edmonds jumps from C tier to SS tier
such a shame
Please user, it hurts. I can seem to get everything I want, but her.
Fate is dead
Such a great series wasted on money laundering scam and all TYPE MOON has to do is write and draw shit with minimal effort because they receive million of dollars monthly doing nothing at their homes instead of actually making a good game lmfao
>muh innocent western companies, they are just copying the evil slant eyed demons
Stop being fucking retarded. Jews will always be jews and keep finding ways to be more jewish as long as retarded morons keep supporting them instead of calling them out on their bullshit. No one wants gacha shit in real games.
I only spent Playstore credit that I got thru Google Rewards. Do people really waste money on this kind of shit?
It's mindblowing how much money some mobage make, then you go to their generals and see people complain about QoL shit that could be fixed and improved with less than 0.000000001% of their income
I quit when I couldnt pull edmonds, the game is grindy enough, without him the game becomes a slug.
of course
which planet do you think you were
>waste thousands of dollars to roll to hopefully get the girl you want
>commission artists to draw your waifu
>get top notch art with whatever fetishes you have
>can even have it be exclusive to you if you so choose
>pay way less
Why does anyone choose option 1?
Cringe but also redpilled
fuck gacha and fuck niggers
When would people stop buying any of this shit so it can finally be fucking forgotten
Bond 10 took how many months?
Real gamer cheat on his wife and not playing .png game
Most of my spending money goes towards books, which aren't really a huge cash sink. I've been slowly losing interest in big console or pc games over the past few years, but I play a gacha on my morning train ride to work each day because reading gives me a headache on a train. I've spent $10 or $15 dollars or so on it a month maybe. I didn't think I was spending much at all, and then 3 years pass and I see in game that I've spent a few hundred dollars on it.
I don't play that game anymore.
The main story is going to end next year and then the game will die because no one will want to keep playing for a bunch of fan fiction tier filler events.
$3,000 on League of Legends
such a huge waste of potential
>Next year
They release a new chapter like every 6 months so no.
Took a pretty long time really, Santa lily is bond 9 now.
Because they're luckchads
Let's not answer that question, I'd rather not think about it. I'll at least say who I spent the most on.
Anyone who has spent anything on gatcha shit should be dragged out into the streets and mocked for their retardation
>imagine being such a retard you spend thousands of dollars on jpeg waifus that you can get online for free
You literally do not understand the difference behind downloading a picture online, and having the character in a game that is yours that you can personally use.
Gachafags deserve to be gassed. You niggers are everything wrong with the industry.
This. Gacha is meant to be played F2P.
*blocks your path*
What's even the point of spending this much? So you can deal bigger numbers to NPC enemies? Maybe if there was PvP I could understand but this is just baffling.
>this is your average Snoy dicksucker
>80 US Dollars in FGO gets you about a 1/3 chance to get a rate-up character
wew lad
To fully enjoy Fate "You can play the game with low rarity servants just fine! You don't need 5*s at all!" Grand Order.
i've never even downloaded a gacha """"game"""" in my life, let alone spent any money on it. i also don't spend money on lootboxes or microtransactions. feels good not contributing to the biggest scams in gaming.
I dont like FGO but I really like that oni loli, who is she?
>No one wants gacha shit in real games.
keep spending money on this garbage and it will inevitably start creeping into real games.
I believe that's their take on Shuten Douji, a famous demon in Japanese folklore.
nil since i don't play gachashit
F2p, never spent a dime on dokkan or rerolled.
I did spend a few hundreds on shitty Korean MMO though.
Tanks are gacha, slavoid.
>dyed his hair orange
It's SO sad that there will be no one there to save him when he (fully) realizes that he'll never be Shirou.
maybe he's a natural ginger?
This is your brain on Balmung, folks.
What is it about FUCKING JPEGS that does this? I knew someone personally that almost became homeless back in 2015 because of that granblue shit.
$200 for Merlin from my saving for Merlin fund. Was worth it since I don't even buy video games.
I think 15 on fire emblem heroes, I'm happy with that much, I've put maybe 30 hours randomly playing if I'm bored or at work
Fatefags are subhuman
>muh innocent western companies again
Again it will be your fault for tolerating it
0. I downloaded F/GO, got through part of the tutorial, and when I didn't get the character I wanted with the free roles I just deleted the app.
I've never spent any money in my entire life. I still got my first dollar I earned and never spent anything since. Got a lot of money saved up tbqh.
>spending money on gacha
i'd rather take that money and dump it into my monthly ciggie fund
Should I reinstall PaD? It has been at least a couple years since I played.
>not getting free gem/quartz from the Apple store and Green Dot technique
Absolutely disgusting.
9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 US dollars
I think like $160 over 6 years.
I've spent like atleast $2000 on video games in that time frame.
Nah. Power creep makes everything you had basically worthless, and they keep raising the stone price for rolls to 6 or 10 stones while simultaneously bloating the pools with garbage you don't need.
The whale is the most powerful animal
jesus that's gross
It's gross to buy video games?
for $2000 yes
If we're counting lootboxes and the like, $00.00.
were they ecchi games?
Over 6 years? That's hardly anything, especially since that includes like 3 consoles.
Even if it didn't include consoles that's like 6 games a year or something. How on earth do you think that's a lot
No you dummy they were normal video games. I don't think I've ever paid for a porn game.
Those are some luxury zeroes.
September, got both Neros
October, Jeanne Alter is a no and I wanted her for gameplay beatstick purposes 100%
November, no 4* or 5* yolo rage continues (i pulled even on the default story banner, yuuuuup)
December, nihilism yolo pull after no merlin
January 2019, save up for Hopeman
>actually did get the Count of Monte Cristo
$10 on League of Angel's III for VIP status.
I like my chinkshit autobattle games full of healthy and heavenly wom*n.
because the game hasn't been good for years and yamap is never going to ever do anything to make it fun again. It's just going to be new annoying gimmick to stop one-shotting and then he'll introduce a 7* GFE/collab that makes it less annoying.
At least it taught me that IAP is a bad idea, I bought the $60 pack for milk tits when she first came out and never got her, or anything good for that matter.
I was even lucky enough to roll Isis outside of godfest in like 2013 or some shit when she first came out and used her for a while
FGOwhalecucks are subhumans
There's no PvP, the content is clearable with trash servants and you can even pick up supports from friends so why bother paying for NP 2-3-4-5?
Bunch of sad wagecuck with nothing of worth going on in their life
On gacha shit? Zero dollars
On hearthstone most likely 250 dollars over 5 years. On overwatch maybe 60 bucks.
Nothing but i have about 130 gacha games installed on my phone
Katalina a cute
I spent $5 on FEH for the BK promo and like $27 for the GSSR in FGO this year (using some money I won gambling hilariously enough)
Then I found out about surveys
>On gacha shit? Zero dollars
>On overwatch maybe 60 bucks.
You realized that overwatch is literally gacha shit right.
You don't even have the excuse of spending money trying to get a cute girl since 95% of the characters and skins are ass.
I'm around $600 across 5 games and 3 years. When I added it all up I uninstalled all the ones I spent money on. Now I just grind Granblue.
Tell us about the surveys
>no mention of Dragalia Lost
Nintendo literally doesn't want you to spend much money on it. They forced Cygames to make the game less jewish, you can get literally anything free, and if you're willing to pay, they offer some seriously good starting packets. Last event had 3 featured 5 star units (max available stars) and they offered a ticket to do 10 summons, while having a 100% chance of receiving at least one of the trio at a bare minimum of 10 bucks if you never had any diamantium before, or 15 if you already had bought the cheapest promotion packages
There's nothing special I just do google rewards for paltry amounts of money that add up to enough to do the few special rolls I care about during the year. It's worthless if you actually desire to buy a lot.
This. Ain't nobody should be above giving five bucks to something you like if you know that's how they get paid.
Based and redpilled!
It already made billions, the game could literally just disappear tomorrow and they would have already made way more than the game had any right to be worth
It's $8k over 2 years m8.
Probably around $100 on TF2 right when the Mann Co store got announced.
I just didn't know any better. At least I learned my lesson about loot box type shit from that.
I still play MTG occasionally though.
I only do the google surveys for the play credit, probably got around 10 dollars total that I spent on girls frontline.
$200 CAN
I was free to play until one weekend whereafter I whaled hard to get one cosmetic item I really really wanted
I don't even regret it; I played that game almost for two years up to that point.
It's a super shallow justification, but its all I have ever spent on anime or anime-related games though; so I feel like I was finally actually paying for everything I stole
I bought it completely with money I won in IRL gambling, from my first and only time at a Casino too, so I wan't too attached to it.
I should have just bought an SKS instead
The only money I used was from free giftcards from doing random bullshit. Not like I could really use that money any other way.
Which gacha game has the best, grade A, waifus?
unironically thousands of dollars. Lost track.
Gacha was an actual different meaning. No one considers overwatch gacha shit. Gacha is more similar to hearthstone than overwatch actually.
Problem is gacha is mostly single player focus and majority of the shit you buy is not required for it. Most of the popular gacha has no pvp in it. Fate doesn't even have a pvp mode. Overwatch is only cosmetic.
Gacha by far is the most worthless use of your money. Only benefiting a fucking single player experience that you cant even show off in pvp. People who buy gacha are below even hearthstone shitters. At least hearthstone has a very competitive meta to justify cost.
The abbreviation tells you all you need to know, it is your FATE to GO play something else.
>a double chance pull event still has a less than 1 out of 10 chance to give you something worthwhile
The entire genre is worthless until they at least reach that point.
$2, and it was in FFBE
It was meh, $2 was the price of a pack of death sticks back when I spent them so it's not my worst purchase
>Muh social standing
>No one considers overwatch gacha shit.
it's lootboxes which is much more heavily tied to gacha than tcg packs (although hearthstone does fuck that up a bit), wotc made sure to try and distance themselves from gambling and they succeeded
>People who buy gacha are below even hearthstone shitters. At least hearthstone has a very competitive meta to justify cost.
for the love of god please re-read your post again. I don't think I should have to tell you why but just in case you need help you're saying that gacha is somehow worse than hearthstone while openly saying that hearthstone costs more to play so it's better
Like 10 bucks on im@s back in the day but I haven't really been compelled to do anything since then
somewhere around 100$ on a few different ones over the last 8 years
>Gacha worse than Hearthstone
>The game where every update you HAVE to get the new cards to stay competitive
nah. Hearthstone was pretty cool at launch but its dogshit now.
I don't understand the "gacha" genre. I live in Tokyo and I see people "playing" those games on the train all the time, they just hit the screen hard and fast.
Your money in hearthstone is used
Your money in FateGo is fucking worthless
Hearthstone let's you craft every card you could want
FateGo forces you to buy shit loads with no chance of getting what you want
Hearthstone actually has a pvp mode giving purpose to spend money
Fate GO has a retarded single player and free to play can beat
YET FateGo earns more money and is played by more. Gacha shitters are far below any card game players in terms of skill and where you money is going. You are just buying fucking waifu shit to make an easy game easier.
Played Granblue and FFBE for a bit, then I got mad at how much space they took up on my phone that I could use for music and manga downloads, so I deleted them and never went back.
It has standard rotations moron. It just had one. You can make a free to play hunter deck and climb to legend now moron.
fgo is garbage and even their most dedicated whales have dropped the game over it being garbage
not to mention that fgo is only one of dozens of popular mobages
>Hearthstone actually has a pvp mode giving purpose to spend money
I knew blizzdrones were fucking stupid but jesus christ
okay moron
Every card game is pay to win moron. It's a fucking card game. Online or offline it doesn't matter. That kid that managed to get 3 copies of blue eyes white dragon is going to beat the shit out of the kid who only had his parents buy 1 deck.
Pfft, i have spent $80k in Maplestory since it was released.
45 €
About 50 $
Don't regret it, but won't do it again
if hearthstone was a real tcg maybe but it's not so you're just sinking money into it to try and win
now, please tell me how a game that you yourself is easy enough to beat with free things but you can get optional shit if you want is somehow MORE scummy than a game that requires you to have bought all the best stuff?
do you really not any see any inconsistency here?
What do you even fucking spend in it??
Everything, atleast a 1/5th in cubes.
But it was 80k in 10-12 years so i dont feel so bad about it since i play it daily.
Atleast im not like the guys in the forums that spend $100k PER CHARACTER.
b & r
Did I say it was more scummy moron or do you have a reading comprehension problem? Card games by design are all scummy to play competitive. If you want to play competitive yugioh you need to spend 80 dollars for one copy of a card that everyone has 3 copies of in the format. However your money is well spent if you want to win in the format. FateGO you are just buying waifu shit for a pve experience that is pants on head retard levels of easy. I'm saying it is more retarded to spend because your spent money is fucking worthless. You don't even have pvp to brag about the stuff you collected. In shit like overwatch you can at least show your nice skin you got from a box to other players. In overwatch you csn craft a full golden deck to brag.
Fate Go is the largest waste of fucking money. I am not justifying if any of these games are good. I am just staying how low the bar is for FateGO players. They are subhuman literal retards.
>Did I say it was more scummy moron or do you have a reading comprehension problem?
>People who buy gacha are below even hearthstone shitters. At least hearthstone has a very competitive meta to justify cost.
You are doing an impressive amount of mental gymnastics to say why what you spend money on is good and reasonable and why what others spend money on is bad and stupid.
and again, yes, fgo is a fucking garbage game.
They are all bad. FateGO is just the lowest bar.
You know you could just print the cards off and play it like that for free. Your argument is shit because you're basing it on what you like personally.
>all this to defend his bragging in a p2w game
>thinks "i-it lets you brag" is a positive when it isn't purely skill based
Are you a woman or just normal braindead?
If you have any cosmetic in any fucking game what is the point other than showing people what you got dumbass. I would even say TF2 is depressing to play if you don't have any cosmetics.
Yeah, a woman. Thanks for clearing that out.
To look at it?
Have sex
You can look at it for free...
This. I don't play anime games
>This. I don't play anime games
Not gacha, but anyone playing Buriedbornes?
I log in everyday already.
I still enjoy the hell out you.
>I log in everyday already.
>I still enjoy the hell out you.
how long have you been playing and what are your goals, if any?
$0 because i dont spend any mony on fucking mobile gatcha games.
the fucks a gacha?
what am I looking at? a bunch of retards spending all their money on some freemium mobile game?
About 5 years playing, I'm very fond of it since it was one of the games I got when I first bought a decent smartphone, I also enjoy the puzzling, I find it to be a fun mechanic for a game.
The only goals I have nowadays are getting a few cards and seeing what collabs we'll get. I want blue Athena next since it's the only one I'm missing.
I've played for about as long and while I do enjoy the actual puzzling, after so long it just gets kind of boring.
I stopped logging in regularly like 2 years ago and have barely touched it in the past year or so.
I do want bathena though, i have the figurines for athena and dathena.
zero dollars
maybe 200 hours wasted and I quit for good in 2014
The gacha retards want to refer it to all lootbox shit however that is far from the truth as gacha is its own thing.
Gacha refers to single player games with no pvp that contain attractive waifu characters you can collect and make more powerful. The games have no crafting system forcing you to shell out loads of money to get the waifu you want. The games are very easy to beat on free to play accounts and no justification to spend money other than to get your waifu. That is gacha. There is no competitive element to the game.
Can you play gacha games if you are poor?
I have spent about 2000 dollars on Team Fortress 2 cosmetics and weapons
Zero. Who actually pays for random jpgs?
Why are FGO shitters so proud of their collages of retards wasting money to roll a single character?
It doesn't matter what site you browse every one of them has its own
gacha is an allusion to those capsule toy machines. you put money in and you get random prize. if there is a specific item youre after you need to spend lots of money on random junk to get it eventually. these anime mobage have struck a gold vein by tapping into the market of waifufags who will spend without hesitation hundreds of dollars just to roll dice on acquiring a character on their game account.
Yes just don't expect to get the cute loli cunny waifu you want and needing extreme rng blessing on the free boxes you buy to get what you want.
>Hearhshitte rretard gets called out on being a retard and just stops responding hoping people will forget
>STILL defending pay to win as somehow the moral high ground over cute things
>The games have no crafting system forcing you to shell out loads of money to get the waifu you want.
Theres Gachas out there that have you accumulate resources by sending your dudes on missions to get them. Some of those then use those resources to craft for a chance at whatever you want to roll for. Girl's Frontline is the only one I remember on the top of my head.
>There is no competitive element to the game.
Most gachas have Events that involve obtaining the highest score through whatever that specific gacha's gameplay is about. You don't directly go against one another but every is competing to have a higher score.
>31 name changes
I really dont get gacha's at all, theres no interactive game play from what I've seen / played, my only experience with gachas is FE:H and I dropped it after a week, It literally boggles me how people spend so much money on this
For both Girls Frontline and Azur Lane you can be top tier with no investment. Both have pretty decent actual gameplay too.
For ones like Fate GO, fuck no. I tried, but while it's not really competitive, it's pretty much based in getting your waifu, which requires money.
From what I'm aware of FEH is super scummy but isn't the gameplay literally just "watered down fire emblem"? That seems like it'd be much more interactive gameplay than most
I see.
poor waifu-fags. they probably would've been better off as meth addicts at this point
from what I expirinced yeah, But looking at fate and other gacha stuff, its just sending jpg's on missions and spending more money for more jpgs?
I say this but I've been rolling on a wildcard WoW server for 3 days straight for the perfect build
Are there any fantasy/sci-fi RPG-lite mobile games that aren't horrible money pit gachas. Only just recently got a half-decent phone out of necessity and the only games I have are Fallout Shelter and Peggle.
fate's rather notorious even among gacha players for being so garbage
apparently even the devs don't care much for it anymore, supposedly the guy who writes the fate series said he wanted to end it soon or something
If FateGO actually had a competitive element to the game no one will make fun of the retarded players. Game is simply trying to get your stupid waifu. Only thing more pathetic is thinking you are above card game players.
Rolling for a chance... Is not a crafting system. It's just more RNG garbage.
>Only thing more pathetic is thinking you are above card game players.
I've played magic since 2011, which is a real card game and not the fake shit you retards play.
>If FateGO actually had a competitive element to the game no one will make fun of the retarded players.
Trust me they would still make fun of the retarded players. I obviosuly can't vouch for fate but almost every other mobage I'm aware of has heavy competitive elements.
If fate had great gameplay and a pvp system everyone here will be in on it. But it is a shit game for dumb people.
Same, I considered breaking down considering the amount of gachas on my phone, but I'm lucky enough to get some good stuff with my limited resources.
>If fate had great gameplay and a pvp system everyone here will be in on it.
you didn't say great gameplay though, you might as well say "if it was a good game then people would play it"
if it had a pvp system (like most other mobages do) people would still rightfully shit on it for being a trash game
>which is a real card game and not the fake shit you retards play.
How the fuck is Hearthstone not a "real card game"
You got any hearthstone cards pal?
I mean, real hearthstone cards, ones you can pick up and move and show to people.
Regardless of that though hearthstone is just a garbage game mechanically, actively ruins some of mtg's core concepts and while it """""""""""""""""""""""fixes"""""""""""""""""""""""" the mana system it causes more harm than good.
As someone that plays table top yugioh, magic, magic arena, and hearthstone the online versions of the game are great. The competitive nature of the games are great. If anything I play way more magic arena than Than actual table top magic. But I only spent 5 bucks in magic arena for my competitive deck. Gacha shit is just embarrassing in comparison.
Hey moron.
I have over 2000 dollars of magic cards but I rarely get to play them. I spent 5 dollars in magic arena and I play every night with the same engaging gameplay. You sound like an idiot. The digital version is giving me far more use than the real thing.
So Hearthstone not being "tangible" means its not a real card game? You could just print them off or something and play like normal if you're so desperate for a "real card game."
As someone that plays Mtg arena, hearthstone, and duel links hearthstone has the most healthy and evolving meta that rapidly changes. Magic is all just ESPER cancer right now in competitive.
Came here to say this.
I gotta say I have some light OCD so I don't like going a day without logging in.
Over the past year or so we have gotten lots of stones, sometimes a hundred, in mail because of an event or something so this also makes me keep wanting to log in.
It's pretty cool you have pad figurines, I knew there was an Athena but never knew about the Dathena one, it's been a while since I've looked for any pad news. /padg/ always had everything so it was my go to place back then. I miss it so much.
There will never be a better mtg pro-tour moment than this one.
Like 200-300 since I started playing any 3 years ago, somewhere in that ballpark. All but 15 of it spent on GBF, fell for the FEH meme at launch before they made it full P2W with skill inheritance.