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Other urls found in this thread:


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*has passionate sex with an inkling girl and boy at the same time*


Attached: 7054_800365683422874_9006710303951912501_n.jpg (320x371, 13K)

For me, it's Callie

Attached: 1559701784729.gif (244x270, 824K)

God, I want to power fuck that squid

i want to flood her woomy with my coomies


I'm not watching E3.

Attached: kyngpfp2.png (3936x3440, 3.63M)

>Splatocolypse is the hypest reveal at E3 so far

Attached: cb8ca783348e1e29f29cc7c2d0df99b9a8690f27v2_00.jpg (404x404, 32K)

>didn't play in like forever
>suck major dick again
man that sucks

post the webm

Attached: Veemo Peek.png (564x600, 143K)

Cute octo!

finally, a splatoon thread

Attached: 966eb1ce-95f0-4389-92db-19c60628f9e9.png (1298x1370, 502K)

thank you

Attached: image1.png (691x722, 74K)

post woomy feet

Attached: D8JimzNUYAE4xXI.png (600x800, 147K)

it wasn't perfect but it was pretty nice in those three threads yesterday

licking the spaces between woomy toes!!

Chomping off woomy toes, one by one!!!

Octoboys always look sad. They make me want to hug them and tell them that everything will be fine.

Attached: 1543334424941.jpg (546x643, 61K)

Callie-gun rise up!

Attached: ngp3n3nsw6031.jpg (1192x670, 127K)

Attached: Really, Squid.png (243x217, 71K)

Flirting with woomy!

when's splatoon 3

Switch U

I fucking hate Splatoon threads

I fucking hate you

makes sense to wait on this thread until the e3 rush of today is basically over. chaoschads WW@? what implications will the last splatfest have bros?

Attached: 1550523880091.png (750x538, 456K)

>Splatoon is dead soon
I'd rather have Splatoon 3 than Animal Crossing.

Attached: file.png (1280x1024, 1.05M)


Attached: IMG_20190609_052547.jpg (337x337, 28K)

Use a filter.

We discussed in the last thread. Chaos winning gives us probably some mad max type of setting


Attached: 1559389173431.jpg (804x1024, 98K)

i worded it wrong and meant to say it as more of a wants vs expectations. what do you want to have happen and what do you expect to happen?

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Can be veemo ones?

Attached: 1544094086426.jpg (1317x1590, 524K)

Attached: 1548749737793m.jpg (1018x1024, 111K)

they'll make a story for both outcomes of the splatfest, use the winning one as the base game's story, then sell the one that didn't win as DLC after the game's a year old

>final splatfest is just SMT
how based can you get

I hope woomy/veemo has soft feet

Attached: 1549297747918.png (2046x2381, 1.05M)

i honestly wouldnt be super mad at that, since ill be dying to know what the game wouldve been like if the other team won

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Attached: c267f4051ea5a950388128e29585332b00dd9251.png (2457x3508, 1.17M)

Best of both worlds. I kinda wished we had seen a Callie victory similarly just to see what it would have been like

Ok I don't have any more woomy/veemo feet in good quality.

Attached: 251962a5ccefd8ef3606a648c2fb3eb44e314d99.png (2457x3508, 1.26M)

yeah i wish we coulda seen that, instead of maries snarky remarks it's callie cheering you on throughout hero mode, wouldve been nice to see

Attached: 1550641830600.png (190x176, 30K)

I'd imagine the ending would be different since Marie uses a charger to knock out the glasses, and Callie's favourite weapon was the Roller. They probably would have designed the boss differently

thats a good point, i wonder what it wouldve been like

Attached: 1551097761651.jpg (287x426, 17K)

I can see Callie actually throwing the damn thing to be honest

Attached: fccde8f8-263b-4803-8bad-84c0517723a5.png (1407x1432, 1.52M)


Attached: c48.png (526x642, 214K)

>final splatoon 1 splatfest: july 22 2016
>splatoon 2 release: july 21 2017

I don't own or a Switch and I've never played Splatoon but I want to fuck a squid.

Do you think the squeezer will always just be shit?

Yeah, because they needed games on the Switch. Don't need that anymore.

Attached: 1480823947043.png (300x339, 161K)

That goes for a lot people in this thread

>if Chaos wins they'll dress Pearl in her metalhead outfit for Splatoon 3

Attached: metalpearl2.jpg (897x1200, 109K)


Attached: 60f.png (471x100, 95K)

Y'all tuckered out after yesterday I guess?

Attached: othbedtime3.jpg (1232x1205, 223K)

A bit.

Attached: c68168ff-925f-4f18-838b-0d68cab8450c.png (1127x1536, 3.06M)

The state of Yea Forums as of today would drive most people away.

are you anons ready to make Marie win again?

Attached: 1547621940333.jpg (700x554, 178K)

>realize there will be a whole new wave of Chaos Pearls and Order Marinas for me to save

Attached: pearlcheer.gif (500x500, 193K)

I am trying to find as many as I can

Of course

Do not be swayed by the lies of Marina and Pearl. They do not seek the best interest for inklings and octos; what they seek is control.

Attached: he done it.png (223x572, 94K)

>tfw everyone forgot about the /mlp/ vs. reddit splatfest

Attached: D8rDjUDU8AAUvEO.jpg (1280x720, 191K)

Marie still cheers you on in singleplayer.

Seriously, they completely shat on the current splatfest with this announcement, they probably should have bumped it up to this week or something in order to avoid that situation.

Not that it matters all that much it's a pretty weak Splatfest even without literally the best one of all time coming to steal its thunder.

Attached: hoodiepearl.png (1403x992, 1.05M)

i wish i completely forgot about it, that splatfest is god awful

yesterday plus today's e3 hype has me a bit tired yeah

i mean the tone would be different from marie's general personality

Attached: 1553051157915.jpg (600x600, 55K)

I miss Splatoon 1 ;_;

anyone else here not able to stop listening to the music from the announcement? it's just so damn good i want more of it

Attached: 1551110906351.jpg (900x1273, 680K)

Does this artist still post on /ink/? Or did he ever make a Twitter or Tumblr art account or something? His style is really nice.

He still posts on /ink/, infact he just posted a complete drawing on /ink/ today

Oh, nice. I haven't frequented /ink/ since the b**t incident. Thank you.

Since the what

Honestly though we're probably overhyping the consequences of the final Splatfest just a tad. Even if they alter the setting I doubt it'll go FULL Mad Max or Bladerunner, and even if it did it'd probably be mostly undone by the end of the single player campaign anyway.

Attached: pearlsip.jpg (1240x1240, 164K)

Order isn't Bladerunner, it's 1984

at the very least i hope it has some lasting effect on the look of inkopolis on a side note i might be a calliefag but i want chaos pearl to step on me

Attached: 1560075416862.jpg (1280x1024, 103K)

>Those arms
could that be a Human?

Attached: OctoLink.png (900x900, 389K)

No, that's Iso Padre

>That orchestral Ebb and Flow at the end

if that music is nowhere to be found in the new update or splatfest im gonna be mad

Attached: 1560115869851.png (980x1630, 1.06M)

Me too.
The songs I heard in order were:
Calamary inkantation, Muck warfare, Shark bytes, Ebb & flow

Attached: c3aabcf9-5957-4d4d-bb2e-1b534bc7e95b.png (1200x989, 1.19M)

Unpopular opinion time: the orchestral remixes of the Splatoon tracks suck and they should stop doing it

Ransacking villages with Chaos Pearl!
Burning crops with Chaos Pearl!
Executing orderfags with Chaos Pearl!

god the chaos vs order fanart is so good

the one in smash is quite garbage, but i liked this one

Attached: 1560094248557.png (1920x1080, 1.43M)

I get the first and the last one but I don't hear the middle ones.

>tfw everything at E3 has been garbage but this
At least I still have woomy game

I just want to hear Pearl and Marina's solo songs.

Attached: e24.gif (420x236, 3.46M)

It had better fucking be an extended version of Pearl's metal song. I fucking NEED it.

Attached: metalpearl.jpg (2160x2160, 452K)

>splatoon and doom fan
these past couple days have been pure bliss

we NEED metal pearl

Attached: woomy.png (1044x1214, 1.49M)

I know right?

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Damn str8

Attached: INK Division.png (2000x2000, 407K)

while marina is cool and all, pearl just takes it to another level in that outfit

idk how ive never seen that before

Attached: 1550623962955.png (797x1329, 776K)

She's such a dum squid. I love her to pieces.

Attached: I can count to muffin.jpg (595x842, 105K)

I wonder if they're aware of how much people seem to like the design

Attached: loveatfirstwoomy.png (1280x1584, 751K)

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shes an adorable muffin. now that we have this last splatfest announced and we know it will affect splatoon 3, what are we thinking the date for splatoon is pushed back to? i know these threads have been guessing '21-'22, but has that changed now?

Attached: Cheerful Muffinsquid HD.webm (652x720, 2.07M)

Do we know if the Splatoon team is still the Animal Crossing team?
I expect a spinoff in between 2 and 3

I just keep watching the trailer

I thought 2021 before, but I'm not so sure now. I wonder if they'd want to let the hype cool off for quite that long.

Just because there won't be any more content updates doesn't really mean the game is dead, does it?

I'm giving Animal crossing another year, so if AC releases in 2020, we'll probably get your estimates. They're not diving their talent too much, but I'm sure they're at least getting things on the drawing board for S3 at this rate, so actual development time may overlap with AC more than we thought.

Attached: 1554634832107.jpg (600x906, 67K)

Spinoff first, absolutely. It may even be announced at E3 itself.
If we somehow don't get a spinoff by year's end I'll expect Splatoon 3 to be announced next E3, otherwise it'll be further out.

Can't be more than 3 years. Right?

People still play 1. I think there will still be a healthy playerbase for a while.

Attached: 1559006323312.jpg (868x1228, 152K)

>tfw they Pokemon the spinoff and make a Chaos version and Order version

Attached: IMG_0596.png (300x300, 64K)

Super cute boy!
Got a full source on that?

Attached: 5b5b3d50-7216-4e08-9044-e3194d626f14.png (1536x1404, 2.85M)

>Chaos literally gets to wear the skulls of their slain enemies

How can Orderfags even compete?

Attached: IMG_0524.jpg (502x515, 34K)

im just glad chaos has every character i like and care about, except for agent 8 and marie which im sad about. murch and tartar on order? no thank you.

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Attached: aAzjnaTHJlDnvEag.webm (338x298, 586K)

"And so I ask you all, what sort of a world would you wish for the Inklings and their friends?" t. Hisashi Nogami


This will for sure affect Splatoon 3 in a mjor way just as the first game's final Splatfest affected the second game.

>if chaos wins Splatoon 3 will have you be a good boy lawfag trying to overthrow a mad max shithole
>if law wins Splatoon 3 will have you be a chaoschad overthrowing a kino blade runner utopia AKA Octo Expansion 2.0
With the Order side having the best girls and best setting potential for the next game, I think it's pretty clear that Order is the only correct choice.

Attached: splatoon 2 final fest.png (1532x979, 1.34M)

Attached: D8lPZz9XUAAY24O.webm (828x520, 1.25M)

>kino bladerunner utopia
thats bs user and you know it. it would be a 1984 dystopia


Order's definitely the cyberpunk option here.

Attached: 1551936685561.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)

Using the Bamboozler for the first time, and damn it's one of the most based weapons in the game and requires the most skill to use. I love racking up splat after splat with this puppy.
Also playing Splatoon late at night is top tier comfy, mostly japanese players that are good at the game so matches are fun and close.

but its certainly not gonna be a kino utopia, we can assume both will be dystopias seeing how theres good and bad characters on both sides, like octavio on chaos and tartar on order.

Attached: 1558641487354.gif (419x227, 2.07M)

>Using the Bamboozler for the first time, and damn it's one of the most based weapons in the game
my squigger, i love the bamboozler

Attached: 1550629991912.jpg (768x768, 302K)

If you haven't yet realized, as shown by their hedonistic society Inklings naturally crave chaos. To chain them down with order is to go against their very being. There is only one correct answer for the future they desire and I hope you will all choose it.

I'm certain bladerunner can't be called a Utopia either so I was running on the assumption that the first user made a typo.

seething vertebrate

People really don't see it coming, especially if your aim is on point.
Literally used it one round and the opposing team had two dudes switch to splatter scopes and e-liters to attempt to out snipe me but got fucked lol.

or he was biased towards order. Granted i can't talk since im kinda biased towards chaos but i see them both having issues and one not being objectively better than the other. thats a lotta 5's though yugi

its honestly such an underrated weapon

Attached: 1550641289143.png (1280x1171, 291K)

Too bas the footstep sound isn’t changed with these.

Attached: e93d6201-97e7-4e05-910d-b4cfe44f4f41.png (1280x720, 479K)

Why are their feet so cute?
It's like they're made for tickling and rubbing
I just think most people are used to the SSP/Dualie Squelchers/ballpoint meta that they don't imagine anyone using anything else.

Attached: 1527809373083.jpg (1536x2048, 226K)

Oh shit, wasn't expecting a thread after today's shitstorm. At least Doom Eternal looks fun as hell. Octo daughter is best daughter. Order is going to win.

Attached: 1560065209438.jpg (1024x947, 168K)

There's only one objectively correct choice, so Nintendo couldn't let us have it.

Attached: Isabeau.png (368x866, 202K)

Funny considering it looks like Doomguy might be neutral, if the lines about "heaven's wrath" mean anything.

Chaotic good will prevail.

Attached: DOOMY.png (1280x1067, 668K)

I thought you wouldn't be here today due to what you mentioned. I know we will.

Attached: 6592b5f2-6346-47ee-a78d-479cf88a0f9d.png (1138x2048, 916K)

ill bamboozle your team back to the stone age hope you're doing well daughterposter, doom eternal looks amazing. first time preordering a game since splatoon 2

Attached: 1551072467476.jpg (1139x1200, 176K)

> see “trans” rights doodle
> report it
I’m doing my part

big smiles

Attached: very happi woomy.jpg (1200x1200, 231K)

I'm just happy this pair of lovely cephalopods won't be driven apart. I was legitimately scared.

Attached: casualsnuggles.jpg (828x879, 112K)

great job user, keeping the streets of inkopolis safe

yeah im very glad that didnt happen, and instead we got one of if not the best splatfest so far

Attached: 1551073664015.png (727x600, 351K)

They had to shake it up a bit. They probably didn't want Callie vs Marie 2.0

You fool, this Splatfest is more likely to drive them apart than anything

they couldve gotten complacent and went with pearl vs marina and nobody would really bat an eye since they expected it but im really glad they didnt and actually did something new

Attached: 1559054681483.jpg (831x1024, 57K)

Having feet is overrated

Attached: 1559871016177.png (800x1280, 478K)

i really dont get whats with the copious amount of splatoon amputee art

My faith in the Splatoon team grew three sizes that day. The main thing that worried me is that I know that Nintendo absolutely loves to recycle plotlines between games in a series. But this team of young blood seems to know better.

Anything is preferable to having them pitted directly against one another like happened previously.

Attached: casualpearlnmarina.jpg (850x1330, 170K)

I love the idea of Doomguy being so fucking sick of this s hit that even heaven is gonna get their shit pushed in.

What did I mention?

I don't think I'll go as far as preordering, but it looks like it's going to be more balls to the wall than the first one so it's definitely an early purchase.

Attached: 1557717213720.png (894x889, 342K)

>today's shitstorm

Squids can regrow severed tentacles so it's not like this would even be a permanent state

im a sucker for special skins so getting the DOOT revenant was an insta preorder from me. i dont normally do that but ID is one of the only companies i trust enough to put my money forward without waiting a few months to see how it is

Attached: 1551087494179.png (2000x2000, 1.97M)

I'm so fucking glad. Secondaries and shitposters came in like cultures, and it only got worse when splatoon 2 came out. I wouldn't want it happening again.

Oh it just keeps getting better and better.
Look at this fucking shit.

Attached: BLAST OFF.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

Because they are :B: oneless children

holy shit i never saw that before, god doomguy is so cool, november cant come soon enough

Attached: 1550631966971.jpg (1017x1092, 104K)

Is the thread running like shit for anyone else? At first I thought something was wrong with Yea Forums but I opened 5 other threads to doublecheck. It's only squid thread. I even closed this specific tab and opened it in a new one.

You can't miss E3, user. The shitposting fun only happens once a year, even I like to get in on the festivities. I could do without the endless rosterfaggotry threads, though.

I can get that. If I had the opportunity to pre-purchase Splatoon 2 before release I would've done it.


Attached: 1557319396685.jpg (1019x1035, 205K)

Everything's a-ok on my end.

Attached: 7066004d-59c9-4fb7-84ca-549c9ef14b25.png (983x1200, 421K)

Will these be exclusive to teams or will I be able to get all 4 no matter who I pick?

it's fine for me, though im using 4chanX so that might affect it.
>endless rosterfaggotry threads
that i agree with, though some of them are nice, like the ones where genuinely good drawfucks come out of the woodworks to make good OC

Attached: 1550722163089.jpg (850x979, 95K)

I could almost have a separate metal Pearl folder at this point

Attached: metalpearl9.png (1903x1903, 677K)

I wouldn't be surprised if most of them are pictures I have posted

its kinda funny, not too long ago i started up my callie folder but in the end i use the same 100 images every thread, i have way more than that but i always default to the same ones.

Attached: 1551072055780.jpg (645x645, 184K)


Pearl would never reject Marina

Attached: gotcha.png (2024x1012, 1.24M)

OP here

I made the thread BECAUSE of the shitstorm. Bethesda pissed me off so much I closed all my tabs and yelled WOOMY

Whenever this board gets too shit, yell WOOMY so we can all take shelter

Attached: 1F7891A5-597C-42E9-9D19-AB147A862CD6.jpg (624x1024, 87K)

After haircuts all but confirmed that they cut themselves up for fashion, all hell broke loose.

Why so little metal pearl fanart?

did you at least enjoy doom eternal?
either way thats all from me frens, im hella buzzed from the drinking stream, choosing the hardest difficulty for xbox was a bad idea.

Attached: 1551088024490.jpg (2048x2048, 688K)

before i leave i gotta give my threadly nogami dance, goodnight frens.

Attached: nogami dance full .webm (200x355, 2.95M)

Oh yeah I loved it, I even started playing Sigil tonight.

Attached: 86D763DB-A533-400D-B531-4564AD13A12D.jpg (724x1024, 72K)

uh, all the chaos worshippers or heretics as I like to call them

please die


Attached: Sleepy Callie.jpg (1892x2048, 647K)



Attached: d9f.jpg (1000x1000, 216K)

Has the time come?

Attached: fuckjannies.png (222x222, 30K)

>tfw lawfag, but two of my favorite squids are on the chaos team

Why must you do this to me, Nogami.

Attached: 065.jpg (850x1375, 527K)

Join the chaoschads user, pearl and Callie are waiting for you with open arms

A quick restarted fixed it. Not sure what was going on. I wouldn't know about drawfags, I've steered clear of rosterthreads for almost a year now. I miss the template threads at this point because they were actually kind of fun instead of just shitposting with stupid memes and the same 3 characters over and over and over and over.

You made a good choice, OP.

Attached: 1559439284256.png (689x1020, 740K)

I wouldn't want to let my muffinsquid down

Attached: hi.jpg (600x800, 78K)

Chaos in this case is more lawful than order. Fucking Tartar is in order and that should tell you enough

>I miss the template threads at this point because they were actually kind of fun
I’ll always be proud of my only contribution to any template/save the princess thread

Attached: EED5C9CD-40D5-4AB8-A606-1F16E23378E4.jpg (1062x1409, 143K)

there's a girl people post in this thread with huge flobs and a really big smile who is she??

Tartar's a pretty fucking heavy lawfag though
>Decides to create a perfect world and perfect species because he deemed squidkind unworthy of his creators
>Strips Agent 3 of her free will with his Sanitization to fight for what he deemed a greater good
>His cannon is literally modeled after his creators
He'd only be more of a lawfag if his first solution wasn't genocide.

Callie has big flobs and a bigger smile

Attached: 6A8BD08C-641E-4E30-9B46-1D59FFA26B18.png (1000x1000, 493K)

that's her!

I stopped playing Splatoon 2 since Nintendo Online came up but I'm willing to give it a final shot for this splatfest. Were there any interesting new weapon drops or just reskins with a different specials? I want to brush up to whatever is current

Attached: Bubble Hell.jpg (1280x720, 591K)

template threads are the best, with people getting a little creative

Y'know I just realized is Tartar pulling the string behind the order side. Has he corrupted the others

Who's willing to bet money that Tartar has a backup of himself somewhere.


Attached: 1364B128-1A57-46F5-9D48-7D91AF09050F.jpg (474x400, 38K)

It means you were destined to be on Chaos.

always a blessing

You chaosfags need Jesus.

Attached: 1521661485010.png (1509x2189, 2.75M)

Son of a bitch Grizz is a part of tartar set up to make money and get the power eggs how far down can we go

I don't think Grizz is related to Tartar in any way, but he's definitely using the inklings to harness enough eggs to power something that's bad news. Maybe not even as a threat to them but full on hardcore genocide to Salmonids who are technically just trying to fend off invaders.

I'd put something in her woomy if you know what I mean.

What did he mean by this?

The whole Salmon Run situation is just another reminder that the Inklings really aren't good people. They're just cute and radical so we give them a pass.

Attached: woomylunchtime.jpg (1536x2048, 239K)

It’s time for fucking Choas

Attached: 3F0D4B6F-605F-49C0-80F0-3531D6B47077.jpg (326x322, 13K)

Attached: 8AB1C887-9987-4011-80AE-AFDAEB8F8DB0.png (270x360, 66K)

>who are technically just trying to fend off invaders.
They're completely in their right to defend themselves on their own turf, but they're also a species infamous for devouring entire fucking cities of inklings. They're even foreshadowed to bring about the apocalypse. Just because they're getting their shit pushed in doesn't mean they're innocent.

Attached: 1558837448443.png (1006x1422, 605K)

Attached: b262d0a8-0472-4653-9b17-635642848500.png (500x750, 181K)

Based Commander Tim

>SMT X Splatoon
Blessed thread

Attached: 6152123C-A093-4B76-96D9-747431C5C100.jpg (960x720, 123K)

>Ass vs No ass
Chaos all the way

Are there clean full versions of the songs?

>fire up game for some salmon genocide
>tri-slosher, sloshing machine, and goo tuber
Someone stop me from doing this to myself.

Attached: 1553815229746.png (766x696, 324K)

That’ll probably be the plot twist
Neither Choas or order wins
Little Judd fixed everything so the score is 1-1-Tie

* geez, what's got your bones rattled?

Attached: Sans_512.jpg (345x345, 18K)

Fuck off Merkabah

Attached: CD901010-459D-41F7-8E4D-348B5F98247E.jpg (182x282, 15K)

We’ll make our own salvation Squido

Attached: 674FB090-7EC9-4CDF-976A-15B3AE2BD3A5.jpg (210x240, 12K)

I told you lads. I told you they'd deliver us something at E3 this year. And see how our faith is rewarded.

Attached: pearlpiggyback.png (1095x1132, 1.8M)

I think your bar was set quite low

Considering the prevailing opinion was "literally nothing" I'd say we did pretty well getting a full numbered update.

Attached: casualpearl.jpg (1080x1920, 545K)

I'm glad it's getting all the fanfare it is, but there was always going to be a final splatfest. We'll have to wait till tomorrow to see if they actually deliver something.

Attached: 1531382340460.png (668x599, 161K)

I suppose
I'm glad they're not discarding all those shifty stations

Oh shit, good point. It sucks they won't be put into the regular rotation, though. That's all I wanted, just permanently have a third shifty station.

Attached: 1530403706650.jpg (3648x2612, 1.15M)

Order niggas: clean up your room
Chaos niggas:

Attached: 7e0933ecec02aa81c9d1a312e4ef0dc6156e85b985bdf5af23fb30717b03c207_1.jpg (320x203, 12K)

Attached: 00055b91-3d23-4edb-987b-5f9d4f25c491.png (1600x1200, 405K)

Damn you user, now I have to steal this loadout.

Attached: 1543097932819.png (864x720, 585K)

Attached: Tactical.jpg (672x720, 91K)

Attached: IMG_0479.jpg (254x346, 39K)

I'd honestly forgotten the life vest was in the game. I haven't used it in a really long time.

Attached: 1551693170165.png (1299x1732, 1.01M)

shits pure lmao

Attached: aa0.jpg (680x853, 108K)

Until the near future then

Attached: Tactical 2.jpg (636x605, 73K)

I'll most likely switch to goggles or something similar after about a week or two.

Attached: 1551697379538.png (1200x900, 634K)

Attached: 19494c55-a250-4741-82a6-09f57a137303.png (1497x2940, 311K)

Well apparently it's 3am, I had no idea

Attached: othcoffeetime.jpg (689x1020, 84K)

It's rare to see art of the Agent 3 fight. Everyone just draws Inner Agent 3 because of the anal rape.

it's about 1 AM where I am at

Whole weekend went by quick, especially yesterday with the E3 conferences beginning. This entire week is going to melt away between Nintendo's direct and all the gameplay afterwards.

Attached: 1554770871216.jpg (500x579, 30K)

time flies when you are having fun

Well I've got the next three days off work (didn't even ask off it just happened to land that way) so I'm strapped in for all the shitposting madness

Attached: dapperveemo.jpg (1882x3311, 1.89M)

I can't wait for the conferences this afternoon. It's going to be a shitstorm of shitposting and FUCKING NOTHING.

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think i must go Order if it'll help my main man wipe the slate clean. we won't fail him again.

Attached: GUEST_e9a6a17a-a274-418a-82f5-191a72c91de9.jpg (488x488, 44K)

I will enjoy decorating the walls with your entrails.

Attached: pearlwoomyclassic.jpg (2274x2990, 2.41M)

Get off my team, you punk.

Attached: 1551042817175.jpg (750x747, 51K)

Shitposting galore here we come

Attached: 76e4db8b-1240-41e0-9256-959d63b3f70f.png (768x768, 138K)

You chose to support him the moment you decided to go order. As well as that cucumber that's blown up your daughter without so much as a blink countless times.

Nite cephs

Attached: othbedtime.png (1206x1034, 458K)


Attached: 7c48e6d0-b531-4266-a853-ebfbd3d5d26a.png (650x596, 281K)

I love shota and loli so much

His presence on the order side is symbolic of how adhering too much to the concept of order can have horrible consequences, much like how Octavio is on the chaos side despite good people like Callie and Pearl being there. Tartar is dead as shit and he ain't coming back.

C.Q. is unfortunate but sometimes we must ally with those we wouldn't want to, for the greater good.

Attached: 1550392740086.jpg (800x600, 72K)

>Ally with a SOULESS genocider for the “greater good”

Attached: 470B8C67-4BA8-4AA8-B863-344EA926717D.jpg (1000x1000, 153K)

super stinky inkling feets

So I was thinking, did we ever get a lore explanation for how the fuck the Kraken worked?

they smells like vinegar

The genocider is dead, how are you not understanding this?

Attached: 1550396388587.png (2000x1500, 858K)

Is there a way i could convince the Splatoon team to put, Fly octo fly, as a Splat Fest battle song for this last fest? (Not as the only song but part of the song list)

Attached: __inkling_and_jellyfish_splatoon_series_and_etc_drawn_by_jtveemo__fd646fd6cdb44a25e00ae312b158541c.j (1000x1365, 140K)

Attached: 1550400772832.png (568x560, 80K)


>you will never pay callie and marie to worship and clean their feet after a long day

"you sure user? okay then i guess, but you're pretty weird!"

Attached: 4b98d830ca2fba27fa973e6d55f619eb1f1118cb.jpg (1032x774, 73K)

oh my godddd

How would you transcribe this noise?


Attached: shmmp.jpg (722x713, 82K)

Attached: 1559499438330.png (1608x2048, 1.5M)

Won't be trying too hard tonight, a fellow needs sleep. I'll still do what I can.

Attached: 1551692453686.png (700x856, 461K)

You know, i always heard it as "My name is".


That's what the japanese like to say, isn't it? It's their woomy.

yeah and I think they say beebo for the octolings

Positively adorable.

Attached: 1555547543050.png (700x1024, 572K)

I'm ready to destroy orderfags with my chaosbros next month

Squid Megami Tensei

One final push.

Attached: 1529970735628.png (900x1600, 1.48M)

imagine the smell

MFW you have a sister that is both a splatoon fangirl and a huge Khore Fangirl whit this splatfest was annoonced

Attached: WorldEatersLegionFocus-Mar22-Share1hb.jpg (1000x500, 225K)

Attached: 1538691209109.jpg (2048x2048, 359K)

Ear nibbles are incredibly lewd.

Attached: 1549619655432.png (575x589, 254K)

yeah I wish it was an established genre/fetish but for now you can expect only a few artists to draw it as a one-off

But, they're related.

yep, isn't it fantastic?

Time to make a woman out of the woomy.

Attached: 1544745521411.png (332x343, 184K)

It's double lewd, maybe triple.

Attached: 1553155295493.jpg (1050x1400, 222K)


I just fapped to woomy cunny

thanks for trying to keep the thread alive

Attached: b38d392d-82b4-497e-8e9b-75af966379d7.png (1053x1016, 549K)

Attached: 1555197735364.png (514x579, 147K)

What're you gonna do once the last Splatfest is done?

Attached: __inkling_splatoon_series_and_etc_drawn_by_puchiman__dc1824021558630227fbdaa9f19e2e05.jpg (2248x3200, 3.15M)

The only thing you guys like are 8 year old girls you tranny pedophiles

continue playing salmon run

Attached: 1501073738184.jpg (636x1000, 101K)

don't hit the veemo

Attached: 1558089624184.jpg (1039x939, 109K)

whatever dude

Attached: 1549153081569.jpg (846x698, 77K)

Why is shartoon's character design so bad?

>the man with no taste

Attached: 1543276294223.jpg (2048x1470, 532K)

woomy != manmenmi

Attached: 1555202581174.png (600x600, 138K)

I want to be friends with them it hurts so bad bros

>Agent 8 next to Marie in the 1st anniversary art
>Agent 8 is still next to Marie in the splatocalypse art
>Marie's mem cake says "The tides go out and take the light. How will I greet you when we meet? It keeps me up on inkstained nights"
so agent 8 is either just marie's biggest fangirl or she has a crush on her

Attached: 1553832996217.png (658x838, 247K)

I really love Marie's casual yukata style.

Or both

I want to commit a crime.


agent 8 is quite the poet

Attached: 1529766636695.png (1079x1079, 1.28M)

woomy toejam

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Attached: 6592a1e4-0475-465e-bd65-fadb54ad84e6.png (595x2048, 981K)

What are you reeeeally in this thread for?

Attached: BAD7185A-62F3-4600-BA5D-C00AE9D9B727.jpg (1000x1000, 104K)


the cutest poet

Attached: 1557115838663.png (1181x1095, 346K)

Order bros rise UP

post fanart while occasionally talk about it with others

woomy footsweat


Attached: 1554690824313.jpg (1536x2048, 222K)

Attached: 1544137277160.jpg (2000x1200, 232K)

Determined to win!

Attached: 1550535501478.jpg (2048x1402, 503K)

Nothing sexual.

No bully


Attached: 3EE26BF3-1A5B-4088-A92B-2A614D6CF054.jpg (743x524, 374K)


How can I improve my combat? Inking the ground I'm pretty good on but skirmishes could go better.

Attached: 7b03487bc9365d0ca386b188c9c19b11[1].jpg (1228x868, 1.36M)

approach from the side or behind

what weapon do you typically use?

You can move up and down walls and hide in your own ink use it to gank.
Also, know your weapon. As a brella player I have to recognize what weapons can absolutely destroy me like a CQC Dualies. How I react to that is backing up and arching my shots

Can you tell us what weapon do you use?

Sadly I think they're mostly jailbait.

Right now I have the Tentatek Splattershot. Good weapon, I think, but I'm not fond of the Ultimate it gets paired with (the Inkjet is really hard to use without wasting it or exposing yourself too much).

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manmenmi > woomy

Splatoon threads are fucking cancer. I don't understand why shit that is clearly pedophilic furry nsfw waifufaggotry is allowed on a videogame board.

It’s not really breaking any rules

Attached: 1541478245574.jpg (680x806, 75K)

user, you know better than this.

Attached: use this.jpg (81x67, 2K)

Report for what?

Find your weapons for each mode/map. It's good to practice with all of them, then find at least three you are going to be really good at. Measure your range (know how close you have to be to hit), learn how to shoot behind cover, if your weapon allows it.

Use the ink in the ground to predict their movements and always remember to cover your ground before engaging, specially if you are going to have to retreat. Always engage with a plan.

Attacking on the sides is always preferable, because motion controls can only allow them to turn so much without looking like autists irl

Agreed, splatoon is clearly loli and shota and nintendo knows it, but /aco/ mods seem to not mind the splatoon threads even if loli is them. And it pleases my dick


I think whatever this Splatfest "leads into" isn't going to affect a straight up Splatoon 3, but a big budget spinoff title that may be single player only or PvE. I don't think we'll get a regular "Splatoon 3" until the next console.

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I wish she could have written normally instead of poems.They got kind of annoying to read so I never finished reading all of the memcakes.

Excuse me, but I love her poems.

Attached: 1558328723237.png (1024x900, 805K)

Why do so many people dislike this squid?

Attached: DxuKmMwUUAABBCE.jpg (1074x1517, 135K)

Who won?

Try not too rush out in front, you have mid range so you can always back up and keep firing.

Hasn’t happened yet

That's the one about too go down, next month is the big one.

>not being an orderbro
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

People love her

Attached: likes.png (1000x2000, 1.06M)

because she won't give me a flop-job with her huge, juicy floppers

floppa floppa

Attached: floprsactivate.jpg (2048x1536, 778K)

Attached: hickeys.jpg (2048x1420, 380K)



Attached: 1491341766101.jpg (680x671, 68K)


what do inkling feet smells like?

>Check that website that has weapon usage in ranked
>Aeospray PG at the very bottom, moved down a whole 64 places
Shit, was it a flavor of the month or did it get some beefy ass nerfs?

Attached: 1521819759262.jpg (517x469, 63K)

ever smelled when the tide is low and the kelp starts to stink in the sun?

Attached: 1541504616280.jpg (900x1273, 363K)

Leaning more towards the first point

>go to sleep
>wake up
>this thread is still up

Attached: 74939755_p21.png (1080x917, 63K)

Aerosprays are trash

They're good for splat zones now that the turfing nerf is undone, but that's about it

I didn't expect octoling expansion to be this hard

Attached: IMG_20190610_173601_600.jpg (1133x598, 73K)

Not if I have anything to say about it

>final splatfest is 3 days
why not a week or something

Attached: 1533662874558.png (306x202, 40K)

3 days is good enough


Attached: Autobomb-Splatoon2.png (608x525, 279K)

>one whole week of only being able to do turf war
But then again,
>one whole week of getting to hear Acid Hues and Muck Warfare
I'll take it actually.

>Splatfest being added to Private Battles
I hope they'll go even further and let you set up private splatfests similar to tournies in Mario Kart 8. Pick a theme, set a time, and share a code so others can join.

>Shooting targets on railings levels
>That car jumping level
>The level with the roll up carpets and the sniper

Attached: Ms Rina.jpg (1280x1416, 403K)

marina wants to have your babies~

Attached: thicc2.png (850x970, 633K)

>have toothpick
>still suck shit at most game modes

Attached: 1542577670549.jpg (289x215, 21K)

>That car jumping level
That was really fun though. Helped that it had the best music.

>this fight made me mess up the left joycon of my switch and i don't have a warranty

Attached: 2699023_orig.jpg (950x631, 100K)

not really


Attached: d71.png (499x591, 161K)

>Girl Power Station

I want to start a family with Marina and grow old and happy with one another.

I mean yeah you can learn the patterns but holy shit that was the only one I avoided doing till I learned that there was a pattern

The hardest part was the start to be honest

So what team do join if you believe in minimal law?

Did you break it in rage or wear it out?

kind of both because i tried like going around in circles to avoid those FUCKING STUPID ASS BOMBS

Chaotic good is still a thing

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Law is always the correct option.

Attached: mastema-shin-megami-tensei-strange-journey-redux-7.15.jpg (210x240, 19K)

Well, most people

Why are Splatoon fans all pedos and trannies?

only when unbased artists draw them

Cute image

Bracelet was a mistake.

Attached: CLMR.png (433x378, 141K)

nothing but feet posts in goddamn inkopolis

I'll take that over LGBTQRSTUCOMGWTFBBQ posts any day




footfag detected

What about foot fetish pride posts

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Attached: f3519be6-40dd-4896-827e-dce1f40c1d70.png (1800x1200, 1.19M)

Damn right.

Attached: little woomer.jpg (2200x2700, 329K)

I don't get you guys. I don't see feet as appealing nor do I get the need to be so vocal about it

Vocality in this particular instance is only really tied to the particular circumstances. I'm usually pretty quiet about it.
As for appeal, it varies from person to person. I just think they're cute and I like how sensitive they are.

>tired of my look
>but it has a good loadout

What do?

Attached: 46057d1aeb07b728a0f2d2cdc546d83b[1].jpg (2445x1882, 2.23M)

>not picking unicorn because of robot unicorn attack
couldnt be me

what is your loadout?

Mostly focused on special charge.

My hat and shoes both have Special Charge Up.

bad woomies get the heat lamp

Fashion > Function

Attached: CallieFaces.png (1492x1890, 1.83M)

what a cutie

Attached: sushiwoomer2.jpg (1448x2048, 321K)

To be fair that's a big reason of why we lost the Splatoon 1 tourney immediately. I was facing people whose entire clothing setup was strictly speed boosts while I was trying to look cute with my school uniform and beret.

Wait till you fight the TRUE final boss.


Attached: 1555195709636.jpg (901x901, 105K)

>wake up
>thread still alive
You guys are great

The on rails bamboozler level is what got me into the bamboozler, since I saw potential in it and damn is it fun

Attached: 21845140-E245-4160-9E15-867378E3E84A.jpg (724x1024, 122K)

Footfags have to let everyone know about their fetish. They're like the Jehovah's witnesses of fetishfags. Pretty apt too considering they treat their fetish like a religion.

Attached: poor vinny.gif (1980x1080, 539K)

>Very last Splatfest

Now what? Splatoon 3 soon?

Attached: 1560037615895.jpg (471x629, 30K)

Now, animal crossing

Not until like a year or a bit more at the very least after the final splatfest


Attached: 1559854144676.jpg (969x1024, 110K)

I know.
But we'll survive, brother.

Attached: 1523570667903.gif (480x480, 379K)


There's a few Cephalopod villagers but they're not as good as squidkids

ready for shin woomy tensei

Attached: order.png (1920x1080, 1.01M)

a nice surprise for sure.


nice, saving that.

The cutest

Attached: winkymuffin.jpg (1024x768, 134K)

god i lover her and her big flobs. Do you think we'll at least be able to talk to her next game like we can now? i hope shell be at least a slightly important npc to get some screen time

Attached: 1551085006414.jpg (1536x2048, 480K)

they have big callie and marie fans / cosplayers


/mlp/ v reddit
Reddit sided with unicorn so ti's the ultra cancer group.
Pick whale if you have any dignity.

They seem to like Team narwhal though

Attached: zoinks.jpg (900x1273, 358K)


They're clearly for Team Unicorn.
Hope you didn't side with them.

nah, a quick glance shows a thread saying narwhal is better because they saw horse show post in the hub. Either way, it's a pretty shitty splatfest

Attached: gardening.png (841x794, 202K)

Attached: salt_by_escafandrista_dcoj1t2.png (1203x1638, 642K)

the teams will probably play a big part in the next game

I really want a Splatoon cartoon now

woomy survives in an E3 world

Attached: 1513129602409.jpg (273x220, 20K)

This has no right to be as cute as it is

it's impressive how long the thread has lasted

on a side note, I hope everyone picks order; otherwise chaos will win without a doubt

Marina needs an infinity gauntlet to bring order into the universe.

Attached: pumpkins.jpg (1200x1174, 348K)

Who's ready for Turf War 2

>He goes to reddit
You must go back

>chaos will win without a doubt
Assured either way

But user, we got a Splatoon anime already.

sorry friend but i gotta rep my two favorite idols and not the team that has tartar on it

Attached: 1558202262407.png (1750x2048, 1.35M)

we dont speak of that garbage

I only went for a quick check, I don't regularly go that website

No we fucking didn't. There's no fucking animation
delete this

where is the art of pearl hanging out with noise marines

There's no such thing!

A Spla Toon if you will


huh?? there really was one?


Attached: 1552803174534.png (438x426, 56K)

oh is that actually your character
I've seen you ingame
I dont think you're cute but I recognize you

Attached: my disgust.jpg (453x439, 85K)



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Reminder that Order would have given us a proper anime.
This is the world Chaos would give you.

do not fail your final test

Attached: CQ Cumber moving at incrediby hihg speed.jpg (1024x676, 48K)

oh what the fuck

Attached: 1505511545161.gif (400x225, 851K)

jesus that manga adaption was bad enough and it is even worse like this. it is such a popular ip why give it such barebones treatment

Yes, CQ

i said we dont talk about it user

Attached: scaredcallie.jpg (630x386, 62K)

Attached: 1551715168659.jpg (480x458, 42K)

holy mother of based

Attached: golden.jpg (474x258, 11K)

You're already contaminated, refresh, the cancer is growing within you.

Sorry, but I am on Team Chaos!

>thread still here

Our love for cephs shall overcome all, even E3

Attached: pearlchoker.png (830x1024, 301K)

sadly, it is on its way out.

>this is splatoon """"""animation""""""

Attached: disgusting.png (117x105, 35K)

Love those funky squids and octos

Attached: judd and the girls.jpg (800x1131, 612K)

I miss these posts

A thread dying to bump limit is the thread equivalent of making it to heaven, it will be in a better place.

Attached: pearlsmile2.jpg (1205x1563, 183K)

And its in place, a better thread will emerge

Why do you guys act so retarded over motion comics like they betrayed you or something?

final splatfest announcement still better than most other e3 stuff

Attached: 72399110_p3.jpg (1049x988, 1017K)

Because most if not everyone was expecting something more animated

Attached: 2computer.jpg (2048x2048, 555K)

Remove this, please

Why is merch so rare here? Surely Nintendo realize the game is popular across the pond to.

Attached: muffin and marie plush.jpg (2048x1610, 2.84M)

Then you're double retarded because it was announced as a motion comic from the very beginning.

He's obviously talking about before it was announced. We anticipated better and were let down.

im still kinda shocked we kept this thread alive even with the nightmare of e3 threads being spammed out the whazoo
seriously, nintendo could make bank on splatoon merch over here

Attached: 1550640053949.jpg (790x798, 331K)


Octo daughter poster kept it alive over night then so did I once I woke up

Attached: 5d043bc7-20f0-499f-bae5-736428aecc7f.png (1000x725, 414K)

The power of cute cephs overcomes all
I just wish we didn't have so many contrarian faggots trying to bring down the doom threads, but that's post 2011 Yea Forums for you.

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Attached: 1242F174-8BCB-4621-ABAD-5D1650039332.gif (456x404, 326K)

>went to the nintendo world store a few years ago
>saw a splatoon shirt but for some reason I didn't buy it

Attached: 1549178100952.jpg (720x745, 34K)

i'd let her do it

Attached: __hotaru_splatoon_series_and_etc_drawn_by_notori_d__125b7c1f3759f0d577a776d5ac7c2fbb.jpg (516x729, 206K)

all just japan. just sucks

we did not even get the last two artbooks translated

Attached: 5rNWQ92.jpg (2024x1518, 999K)

less distribution costs to worry about?

yeah its whatever, i stay outta doom threads and just enjoy it on my own, ill always be in these threads though

you guys are the real MVP's, keeping these alive for us amerifats while we're asleep

Attached: 1550630516623.png (700x782, 367K)

Please tell me there's a version without the strap-on.

Die you deceiver

Attached: DC7F73D9-1DAF-44AA-BDC4-7C9E0E0084C7.jpg (370x482, 63K)

one last one for callie

Attached: 1551114221793.jpg (1686x1686, 2.43M)

But sir, I am an amerifat. I just stay up late

Attached: f16ac859-50bb-4355-85ab-2e71b27159c8.png (1050x1200, 793K)

It's been a good thread, y'all.

Attached: need flop.jpg (768x768, 285K)

well then thank you from an amerifat who has to sleep