What terrible opinions and guests will they have this year?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Please not that stupid blue haired girl again.

the only thing tolerable about this website is listening to jeff talk about games. as soon as any of the other cucks speak i want to turn it off.

Doesn't matter. I stopped watching shortly after they hired that tall guy and the girl and started letting the girl dominate the conversations despite her not knowing dick about video games.
Also they refused to cover Kingdom Come because they misunderstood what the lead was trying to say and they went full lefty autismo about it.

Fuck Giant Bomb. Listen to some Australian cunts talk about video games instead.

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Is Dan still based or have the sjws gotten to him?

>Watching any GiantSoy after Ryan's death
Why would you do this to yourself

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the former unfortunately.

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>giant bomb in 2019

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the latter* sorry long day.

Jeff is onions sjw tier as well.

>Giant Bomb in 2019
>Ben is in every fucking quick look

Thanks I hate it.

why would people want them to seriously take a look at a historical RPG anyway?

>Their fanbase actually defended this shit too
How the mighty have fallen

How long can Geoff last? He's been walking dead for years.

because it's a really good game and it was pretty successful when it came out.

whats this about?

you still have to respect his seniority and opinions on the game industry as a whole. the only times i've enjoyed giant bomb in the past 6 years were when jeff was ranting about something like Anthem being dogshit or Stadia.

They didn't even cover the devolver conference and everyone looked disgruntled as fuck. Dan looked like he was yelled at and was trying to keep quiet.

>fucked up teeth
>keeps choking on his own saliva and pronounces words wrong
I fucking hated listening to that mung fuck. I'm glad their dumb ass show's dying.

Looks like a youtube thumbnail im guessing

Yeah it's either Ben or Abby annoyingly saying the full name of other staff at the beginning of every quick look. I'll take Ben anyday. Abby knows fuck all about games.

>watching zombie Giant Bomb

>tfw dan is going through the "I'll grow out my beard to compensate my hair loss" phase

>Imagine being a 50 year old obese male who never mastered basic hygiene or fashion. You’re career? You play video games. Ironically you don’t even enjoy it.

How hasn’t he killed himself? Is he proud or happy about how he used this life?

Jeff is a giant faggot and you're blind to it

They're unironically making YouTube bait video thumbnails/titles now in a desperate attempt to attract zoomers.

that really was a weak excuse from jeffery when you look at half of the boring shit they do QLs for.

Most people nowadays are just waiting to die

Says the neet who plays vidya in his parents basement. At least he's getting paid for it.

I'll take neither. There are better video game podcasts out there.

Did Drew come out yet? Did his company where he puts out one 20 minute video every 3 months fail yet?

I think weak is the perfect adjective for current day gb.

Why did Jeff hide his playstation trophies nowadays? Is he really ashamed that he barely plays most games?

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That's fucking gross.


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What's the problem with that, Anonymous?

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Butthurt faggots are still with this shit.


Pretty sure he's only 40.

nobody's butthurt. they just lost lots of credibility considering the kingdom come's fantastic and easily the 2017 goty.

>haven't watched the giant bomb e3 in two years

haha wow I can't believe it's been so long

Love it when Alex mentions some popular film from before 2000 and she has absolutely no idea what he's on about.

You forgot the best one
>Who is Konami? Is he famous?


god she's obnoxious

>hate Giant Bomb
>saved an Alex Navarro reaction image

Dan was never "based"

Dan and Paul were based as fuck bitch.

Make a subhuman comment, be treated like a subhuman.

Dan is Reddit Incarnate

No we don't want him either.

only reason to pay attention to Giant Bomb these days is to listen to Jeff talk about 20+ years old games

not even that

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I disagree with you, but keep kishposting.

>Current Giant bomb

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it's just after all these years I've heard it all from him and it's not that worthwhile trying to get through the podcasts to hear him occasionally talk about that shit, especially to people who don't really care about it

his solo streams are alright though, but that's not GB

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Giant Bomb was never good

people just liked it initially because of the shitty way Jeff was fired from Gamespot

Their gameplay previews and Hitsmas specials are legit fun to watch, and their Persona 4 lets play was fucking amazing. I ignore most other content they have.

Ranking of Fighters is cool

I mean it was good for its time, but it really hasn't evolved or improved. We have so many more ways to consume media and there are better video game related channels and pods than giant bomb so there's really no reason to keep watching them especially as they keep descending into nonsense.

The Slay the Spire quick look almost made me rip my hair out.

But I'm not zoomer enough to watch modern e-celebs

At least Jeff finally got that PSO2 he asked about for years.

this, but unironically

The guests are shitty because they leave it up to Alex to book the night shows. Of course he’s going to get the worst people in the industry.

Obviously you don't know about his tracksuits

i wanted to stop being a boomer so i've moved on to twitch

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The site was great up to the death of Ryan Davis.

I don't like her input but having different views on a certain subject isn't bad.

>tfw all the threads kept getting deleted
>tfw the discord got deleted

our accent is annoying as fuck, stop putting it out there

>Who is Kojima?
>Video game -X-? Never played it. Movie -X-? Never seen it.
>UGH I'll never catch up on all these games I have to play anyways here's some fucking shitty-ass indie game nobody cares about, it'll be in my top 10 because it's one of 10 games I played
>UGH this monster hunter game is impossible to understand despite being casualized to an insane degree
>No playable female characters? No thanks. Playable female characters are attractive? No thanks.

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Ryan (R.I.P. in peace)

Drew (press F to pay respects)



everyone else who was ever there (Austin, Patrick, etc.)

>What terrible opinions and guests will they have this year?
A bunch of retarded insufferable sjw guests.

>not Top Tier
>Top Tier


The fuck is going on with Jason? I seem to recall him mentioning a divorce at one point, then he mentioned his “husband” on the podcast, only to talk about his wife a few weeks later.

so why does their e3 streams look like pixelated bullshit? looks way worse than normal.

I think you imagined all of this.

Jan HIGH TIER for sure.

I legit forgot all about them. Guess I really am over them.
>10 years ago

idk i think you are imagining this

but Ben is gay tho, right? he mentions his "partner" frequently, and they way he says it seems like he's been told to not say "boyfriend" (which is weird considering how pro-gay journos are these days)

hi Jan

This. Miss you big man.

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>but Ben is gay tho, right? he mentions his "partner" frequently, and they way he says it seems like he's been told to not say "boyfriend" (which is weird considering how pro-gay journos are these days)
hes dating some nonbinary freak aka a woman

You don't have to be a zoomer to enjoy videos or podcast. What is wrong with you?
I'm 29 and don't engage in online drama, but I love video games and occasionally watch some people on YT or listen to people talk about them.

With that said giant bomb died with Ryan.

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I like the Bombcast except whenever that fucking faggot Ben talks about some fucking stupid indie game for 40 mins that nobody gives a fuck about. The Beastcast is shit mainly because of Abby completely (and partially Alex).

I believe Ben is with a trans gendered person.

Ryan (R.I.P. in peace)

Drew (press F to pay respects)



everyone else who was ever there (Austin, Patrick, etc.)

they have been no fun zombies for 8 years now

>Also they refused to cover Kingdom Come because they misunderstood what the lead was trying to say and they went full lefty autismo about it.
i didn't know "not mentioning it beyond a post of on jeff's tumblr" meant going "full lefty autismo"

It really isn't, stop being a fucking jabroni. Filthy Casuals is actually great too. Also nn aussie girl talking is one of life's treasures and my second thing I love about Australia.

I'm guessing Brianna Wu is going to appear if she hasn't already because she's made "a game" and is running for congress lol. Had to endure her on TWiT the other week, ugh.
It's not that far off. They misread a single person's tweets and decided to not cover it because of that and then pretty much lied about it. "Nobody was interested in playing it" my ass. That's pretty goddamn lame.

>no no no guys giant bomb is really dead for real now seriously they're gonna stop any day now
>[endless gossip about drama between the staff members]
>wow isn't [new staff member] so shitty? i miss the old days when [old staff member] was still there
there, that's the entire thread

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This horrible thing is his "partner".

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sup Ben

"Nobody was interested in playing it" means nobody on their staff you moron

kys nigger, welcome to Yea Forums

whoops, forgot
>[baseless speculation/criticism about staff members' personal lives and relationships]

What's the drama?


I assumed he was gay this whole time, but this....this is worse.
I know what they meant you fucking dolt and it's 100% bullshit. Do you know how many people they have on the staff? KCD wasn't some super niche tiny release? Tons of people were plenty hyped about it.

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every year it's always "woah did you guys know x secretly hates y" or "z is weeks away from leaving the site"

Ah I wasn't aware that you knew the personal gaming tastes of each person on the site. Which one of them specifically sent you a letter saying "I wanted to show off Kingdom Come but mean ol' Jeff wouldn't let me"?

The only "gossip drama" posts I ever saw were shitposts jokingly claiming Brad was secretly a neo-Nazi

i heard brad's leaving

its not a secret...

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Stop being obtuse, go watch some giant bomb or angry joe, you simple faggot.

It wouldn’t surprise me. Brad always struck me as a closet pol poster.

He's a straight white cis male boomer with no skills, no one will hire him.

Keep enjoying your shitty game no one cares about

/pol/ is that way, faggot

well as long as they love one another, i guess

it must be the hair cut

>caring about giantbomb when you could watch Demo be drunk and retarded

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>the only good games are popular ones like nintendo

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I dream of a world where Kish joins GB instead of Abby.

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He should go back to making anime reviews instead of being a twitch thot

it gets tiring watching Jeff beat up on Jason and Ben for the better part of an hour

i miss mary

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>kingdom come
>shitty game
>no one cares about
Wowza lol

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I miss Maryposter.

2013-2015(?) RIP.

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The fact that Giant Bomb has become the most despicable pile of shit it utterly depressing to the very core of my soul. I wish that they would shutdown not only for my sake but for the sake of Jeff. I wonder, is there any saving him? I just want him to stream old games from his spare bedroom and post on his blog and not have to subject himself to this nightmare any longer.

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I miss my mom

Jeff died when Ryan did. There's not saving him because there's nothing left to save.

jeff is a liberal. he likes all this blue hair feminism shit. quit pretending like you know him.

>the most despicable pile of shit
Polygon, Kotaku and IGN are still around tho

I want her to use my balls as sunglasses.

Post dream GB scenario (apart from Ryan not being dead)


All in one office. Drew's BF Alexis would pop in often, as well as Dave Snider.

>when abby does literally anything

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no, but being uneducated, cringy, annoying and totally unqualified for simple thing as covering fucking video games, is.

I was hoping Jeff would let out a RICK DYER MOTHERFUCKER when Outer Worlds keep talking about "Halcyon."

>WEED3 was 3 years ago...

pretty much this plus Brad
Jason and Rorie can come too as long as they stay behind the scenes running things 95% of the time

I actually gave Ben and Abbey a fair chance. I dropped GB hard right before the most recent GOTY started and haven't looked back.

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>Giant Bomb

wanna place bets on which member of Giant Bomb started this thread?

>Abby and Jeff (Bakalar) can't ever shut the fuck up about PT

I liked Doritos Crash Course, but you don't see me talking about every fucking week.

reminder: PUBG is the 2017 GOTY

most to least likely:

as bad as Ben is (he's not that bad), he's still 10x better than that bitch.

You would have to be dumb to think that comparison makes sense. PT showed a control of horror atmosphere and mystery that makes the cancellation of Silent Hills a tragedy.

Jason? Nigga come on.

I'd say Rorie, did it just for lulz.

it's after 5PM, Rorie is passed out drunk

what's the context for this? used to watch GB a lot don't keep up anymore and the biggest difference nowadays is how neutered and emotionless everything they put out is. i'd love to see a moment where someone actually acted like a human

Ben is the worst. Constantly sucking jeff’s dick and is too busy making bad jokes or ice cold takes to let anyone else speak.

something about dans eyes

Wait, didn't he have a kid?

remember to sage and report eceleb threads

oh that's gay lmao

gb threads predate the coining of the word "eceleb"


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if you think he's worse than abby you must be brain damaged.

Brad changes his stance and opinions more often to match and please Jeff.

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That's too generous a title for these has-beens

You nignogs realize that had he lived Ryan would have been just like Jeff and gone right along with the prog shit killing GB, don't you?

I quit listening to them for awhile after the whole Star Spangled Beasters retardation and started again probably 2 months ago.
I've quit entirely again after Abby's """thoughts""" on Death Stranding like a week or two ago.

Hearing her outright dismiss Kojima games despite having never played one, then claim with authority "he needs an editor" and continuously be shitty about people talking about it was too much.
Dan is a fucking moron about the MGS games too but holy shit Abby has absolutely nothing of value to say about anything at all but yet feels the need to speak.

So they get grandfathered in.

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Remember when Jeff and Vinny were funny? Now they're just jaded and dead inside.

Haven't watched Jeff ghurstman since game spot days fuck him fuck gs fuck journalism and fuck you fuck ecelebs

I really can't be the only one deeply in love with Abby, right Yea Forums?

I'm being fully honest I am so smitten for this gal I'm so happy for her E3 vlogs as I find her super cute and funny :3

dilate and kys incel

whoa calm down, gramps. you'll have a stroke

Were you team Gamespot back then or something?
Just couldn't get enough of Tor coked-up Thorson.
Abby, this isn't healthy.


The two groups you are accusing me of being a part of have nothing in common

>trannies arent incels

>Abby, this isn't healthy
Girls want to be her; I want to be with her

It's actually amazing how dismissive she was being while saying "I'm keeping an open mind about it"

does anyone under 30 listen to Giant Bomb? i mean, the whole reason they hired Ben and Abby, and to some extent the increased lefty virtue signaling, reeks of a desperate stab at reaching a younger audience

im 24 and hate ben and dabby

I'm frankly surprised that they are still afloat. Who are the sycophantic autists supporting these lame niggas livelihoods? As far as the OG crew, it's just sad to see how jaded and tired they all have become.

Look at the gb thread on resetera


>Who are the sycophantic autists supporting these lame niggas livelihoods?
almost me since i was considering getting Giant Bomb Premium during the sale

Younger audiences are too busy watching Ninja or twitch thots. GB missed the train on eceleb status by alienating their older audience, and are now trying to appeal to a younger audience who have already latched onto some other outlet. At this point it's just about maintaining what little they have, which is the retardera audience.





basado list

Maybe nobody out there besides 8gag and /pol/ agrees with your shit-for-brains political views, so you should stop trying to force them on people and bringing them up at every opportunity, attention whore.

Why are you browsing resetera?

>try giving everyone a fair chance
>even got to appreciate Alex's autism and the fact that gbe was at least trying to put out regular content
>gbw with ben just turned into a depressing mopy terminally unenthusiastic circlejerk of boomers
>abby literally never got any better because vinny babied her constantly
>content was also spotty since nobody had any sort of commitment to content other than QL's
I stopped watching a long time ago. They should have closed shop when Ryan died, and if not that they certainly should have stopped with Vinny having to leave.
It's a real shame because they use to be mature but also willing to have fun. Really the only "adults" in the scene which was refreshing when everyone else is disingenuous or a manchild. And they really still are, there's no replacements. The whole thing just stinks.

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so what was 00s gaming journalism like that granted any of these bozos any industry cache?

im not. after people left neogaf all the gb people and fans left for resetera. i know dan, jeff and brad all have accounts there.

As opposed to modern luminaries like angry jose and pewdipi?

What the fuck does Brad do nowadays? What does the GBW do? Podcast and UPFs?
Also I see what you're saying but Dan is an actual retard when it comes to things he likes. Metal gear is the best work of fiction to ever be created?

Ever have a friend suck somethings dick so hard you decide you'll never touch it? Fuck that whole conversation. I'd hate fuck Abby. I want to see her bush.

does abby have hairy pits?

It was fucking awesome, now that you mention it.

>Dan is an actual retard when it comes to things he likes
see also: pro wrestling and Mario Party

Much more innocent time, better games, and the self-awareness that games are basically childs-play-things and not to be taken seriously.

I die any time wrestling was brought up. It's bad and they say it's bad. It's not funny and no one wants to hear about it.

they were always jaded and cynical. the difference is now they're not allowed to have fun or be sarcastic. they lost any sort of dynamism they may have had in their late twenties-early thirties and now just have giant sticks up their asses.

Maybe you should dilate and then kys

I was pretty shallow about his looks too, but he seems to know his vidya.

t. ultimate warrior

Wrestling needs to be expunged from existence

Awesome. No women, booth babes, no wrongthink so you could say write what you actually felt.

Oh and I can't prove it but this is Jeff by the way.


I want a book of old e3 party stories. Before it all went downhill.

I hate that I understand what you're saying. I wish I didn't

I'm 24 and I've been listening to them since I was in middle school.

>What does the GBW do?
i liek Ranking of Fighters

>still listening to them
user you need to let go
it's not healthy

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Nice comeback, cockbreath.

i pretty much have. i only tune in to e3 to see what jeff has to say

How do people tolerate Ben? His voice makes me feel nauseous. It's like some kind of gross-out ASMR.

There is a certain way they talk down on games that arent helping their coverage. They almost always try to shit on nintendo. At first, I thought it was just fanboyism, but after realizing that they have very little friends/contacts with nintendo, i began to realize that something had to have happen for them to constantly shit on them.
Maybe nintendo tried to shut them down and they still hold a grudge.

the ultimate ranking, with Patrick and Austin nowhere on it

she looks like she fucks black guys

how do people pirate gb stuff now?

>It’s an Abby answers a question with sims/katamary podcast

they suck off Mario games constantly, and Quick Look tons of games on the Switch

Jeff hasn't been cool in years

i cant though

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Used to love GB especially around e3 when they would take over the streams and have the night show. I slowly fell out of watching them, might watch thier e3 coverage this year for old tiles sake

Agreed. Should have ended after Vinny left. Though there was some fun Drew/Dan stuff for a while.

recently? cause they were never like that when i use to still watch them
hell they were the only people besides Yea Forums to constantly talk about that rabids + mario xcom game

>no wrongthink
Please direct to the gamespot opinion pieces on niggers and women out of vidya.

it's a sad state of things that he's still the only respectable critic with any kind of seniority.

>Pat putting GB on blast a couple podcasts ago

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I can't stand East because they always have to coddle Abbey and I loath West because everybody there seems dead inside.

I still enjoy the fighting game show and play infinite as background noise on occasion.

I recently made the mistake of listening to the podcast, because it's literally just their excuse to go full SJW for 2 hours every week.

RoF was great until Ben showed up. The old Demo Derbys were great too, especially when Drew was sitting in on it. The old Mario Maker shows were also good.

i miss old demo derby with dan and drew. rof was ok but then ben had to fuck it up. why is ben in like every gbw video anyway?

At least Abby isn't on there. But it's so tiring listening to them just moan and sigh over anything that isn't western brown and gray shooter

>that tiny amount of time before the new hires where GBE seemed like it would breathe new life into the site because they were actually having fun
>then abby came with 0 actual experience and no background in videogames and you'd think things would get better in a couple months when she takes her job seriously
>but they dont since her job is not serious and she can just not give a shit about anything and collect paychecks

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tbf no they didnt. their fans roasted them for it

>jeff and giant bomb are longtime experts on games! listen to their experiences of games!!

This was a thing maybe 8-10 years ago. Now just about everyone is up to speed on history of games and what's out there. "I played this 3D0/PS2 game the other day" isn't really informative of anything. In any case all he does is shit talk most games, especially popular ones, and interjecting sjw politics

>flight simulator reveal
>no one even mentions drew's name
Come on....

who? who's drew?

>whats system shock
You praise her by even mentioning such an old pc game. She hardly knows what things like Halo, World of Warcraft, and Silent Hill are. Her only knowledge of SH and RE recently have been because of P.T. and since playing RE2:Remake

>extreme blood gore talk (things like Mortal Kombat, etc)
>they giggle in delight and love it
>in-your-face gay sexualization, naked men man on man flirting/kissing etc
>cheering and pumping fists
>any indiction of male-female attraction

It's like every fucking video or podcast. Guy on Game Tape video jokes about booth babes and Jeff has a conniption

you just described like every gaming site

Abby feeling the need to go.


Because it's pride month should tell you all you ever need to know about her.

>haha the random bullshit from kojima/resident evil is great!
>hell yeah i'll watch 20 marvel movies, 9 seasons of game of thrones, 9 metal gear games, 15 resident evil games!
>haha not everything has to be citizen kane and serious so i love superheroes, mario and wrestling!
>you dont agree with me? what a closed mind bigot racist nazi

>japanese games? kingdom hearts? ughh no way, so kiddy and convoluted and you have to play like 5 games. what shit

That doesn't surprise me one bit. Where was this though? Recent Beastcast or something?

Some tweet I happened to see while scrolling the front page of GB.

Read comments on any video. It's scary how mechanical and AI-like it is. The mods are as bad as resetera, just you don't get the visual representation of "USER BANNED BECAUSE.....". Only comments like "haha great video guys, Abby's bit was amazing I love her. Keep up the work guys you are Epic!" are allowed

Anyone who acually forces themselves to consume GB shit would realize it's Alex far more so than Vinny who babies Abby. Every fucking thing she does in game Alex has to defend her and go "No you're great you're amazing! We're all wrong, the game is wrong/problematic you are the best"

You'll realize eventually western liberals absolutely hate Japanese games that are not catered to western tastes, have extremely narrow-minds and only prefer games with brown, guns, and cliche committee approved writing

>tfw you realize abby is the reason they stopped playing fmv games
alex was triggered enough by them. he couldnt let abby be too.

Who the fuck are you talking about? Because Dan hates superhero movies that aren't batman.

For a site that "is doing great" Vinny sure yells a lot about that you should subscribe and they sure have a lot more premium sub sales these days.

>let me take one of the 10 thing you brought up and find one aspect of one of those things that one of the 10 members didnt like
>haha your entire post is disproven
You can NOT be this dumb.

are you talking about dan or not faggot?

Stupid fucking kid.

>Durr I don't have to be entirely correct when accusing someone.

What did he say?

Same for GoT, don't know anybody on staff that likes that. Other than that, nobody but Dan likes most MG games. Your description doesn't fit shit.

GB sure are heterophobic

Why do I punish myself like this? Why do I still watch Giant Bomb content despite me actively disliking their politics and constant pandering to social justice?

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This and the Bombcast pre-Ryan's death were all I used to listen to.

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I can only muster up the care to listen to the Beastcast these days and even then I'm constantly muttering to myself what a stupid child Abby is.

Pat from what?

>i don't understand how humans interact and speak
>your claims of how the people act, which are corroborated by and agreed on by all the people in the thread, is now incorrect because i selected 1% of your exaggeration and said it was wrong.
Yes this is actually stupid. Grow a brain.
And I was being nice giving that point, because yes Batman is a superhero and Dan likes it. So actually it's not even wrong.
I never said Dan. I guess you assumed so because I mentioned Kojima? Look at what's in front of you instead of always trying to project your mental fantasy onto the real world.

Like Yea Forums, there is something good just often enough to keep you there. Something like Metal Gear Scanlon, All Systems Goku, or Yakuza playthrough comes up. Then also it's at the point where people find entertainment and solace in coming together to bitch at something, especially during E3 or GOTY.

I hope so. She's insufferable, as is the entirety of modern GB, but I'd pound her jiggly ass and then squirt thick ropes all over that Jewey face of hers.

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>And I was being nice giving that point, because yes Batman is a superhero and Dan likes it. So actually it's not even wrong.
That was in reference to the Marvel movies you dipshit.

>I never said Dan
Just answer the question then faggot, who're you talking about? It doesn't fit shit.

>wrestling gif

That GB died when Ryan passed away and that Vinny should never have moved east, but he's gotta do what he's gotta do. Woolie was taken aback by how real shit just got.

She'd get it. This isn't Dan by the way, but she'd get it.

Not Dan.

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I thought most of the people still subscribed to GB were over 30

yeah GFW radio was the shit. i really wish there were gaming podcasts anywhere near as good as those two shows were.

About Giant Bomb. You clearly know what I'm talking about, but you for whatever reason want to take your impotent rage on me but have no actual comeback, counterargument, or worthwhile insult so you pulled a generated response out of a hat hoping it would apply to this situation rather than forming an independent though and it did not work out. Sorry you are such an angry, ignorant NPC.

>oh man when's the bus going to get here? it's taking a million years
>ummm ackshully it's only been 18 minutes

why does the nu-right get that triggered by giant bomb?
it's probably like 2 months between times when they say even a single peep of a political view slipping out

>About Giant Bomb.
Well, Giant Bomb in general also doesn't like GoT, or MG, or Marvel movies. Kojima is debatable, as is wrestling and superheroes. Doesn't fit Giant Bomb either. You're an idiot.

>zoomer who just signed up to giantbomb doesn't understand why people hate nu-bomb
It's all so tiresome

>Giant Bomb in general also doesn't like GoT, or MG, or Marvel movies. Kojima is debatable, as is wrestling and superheroes. Doesn't fit Giant Bomb either
>people at giant bomb dont like wrestling, superheroes, or game of thrones

Ah the classic "I was BTFO and completely wrong so let me start saying obscenely stupid things to give the impression I was intentionally trolling all along!

child, no
if you're not buying a physical good, it doesn't cost anything
it's been that way on the internet since 1994

>"I was BTFO and completely wrong so let me start saying obscenely stupid things to give the impression I was intentionally trolling all along!

>nuh uh u
Keep hitting the randomizer on that generated response program.

>nobody but you brings up Nintendo
Rent free

>replying to a post from like 4 hours ago

I listen to the Bombcast from 2009 to 2013 just before Ryan died. I've listened to each podcast at least 70 times. I dont listen any new Bombcasts or Beastcasts.

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Point me towards one time they ultrasonically praised GoT.

>no jan
Best staff addition in a long time

>Dan says wrestling or metal gear
>abby says bjork or sims
>everyone else tries a tiny bit harder

only 901 likes on the Microsoft E3 2019 conference. Holy fucking shit is that low. This should be the busiest time for them. They are done, aren't they? Like wow.... No one is watching...

Safe to say they faded away. I've been watching the crew since Greg Kasavin, but they lost me when they went full retard as SJWs.

Jeff had a choice, to keep it real or bend over for the San Francisco pegging, and he decided to side with the faggot radical liberals. They're just too much of a pussy for me now, and i'm fucking literally gay. They have no balls to stand up to anyone now. Completely cucked.

I stuck with them for a long time, but it's time for them to fade the fuck away.

Would you fug Abby?

fuck no. patrick in drag would probably look better.

No way could that show survive in this day and age, sadly. I'm so glad Shawn Elliott never had those faggots fuck his game career up over it. He's been smart enough to know not to dredge up that old era again. SJWs would eat him alive now.

their e3 stream only got 8k views, dude, it's abyssal.

>they had credibility in the first place

GB isn't a super serious game journalism website like where hard hitting reporting about "important" games happen.

Anyway, KGD is a European game and a quick check of the forums indicates most of the discussion was not in English. This is why it wasn't covered, simply because KGD wasn't that big in the US in the first place. It's a historical RPG about knights and kings, perhaps the most boring subject for an American that lacks a monarchy.

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can cbs shut down gb already?

>GB isn't a super serious game journalism website like

Started listening to Beast Cast recently on a marathon. It's basically.

>what have you been playing?
Vinny: I told Max not to play what he wants but a classic game I like and want him to play. Here's our experiences with this game (typically Mario or Zelda)
Dan: (recently) I just read some books! (before) I played recent game! It's a lot of fun/its ooookkkk not great
Abby: I watched ellen, listened to Bjork, went to the theater and didnt play too much this week./ I played a little bit of Sims/Red Dead.
Jeff B: I don't play video games. I went to a literallywhat theatre play and cried.
>x was announced. looks cool/meh. we have to wait lol
>1.5 hours of something related to games staff being laid off, unions, alex's personal poltical soapbox hour

What game do you want? What was your favorite x game? if you were a X what you do?
Vinny: I like building and making things!
Alex and Jeff: Hmm I don't know
Abby: Something stupid
Alex: That's a better answer!
Dan: Wait are doughnuts actually made with dough? Are nickels made of nickel? etc
>hey this was wrong

For a livestream that's not bad. Top streamers get roughly 10~15k.

It's sarcasm, originally redirected to gamespot which was where the "serious" all-inclusive reviewing and journalism occurred. People treating GB like it was anything but four people doing their own thing don't understand what it's all about.

In the context of game reviews it means a European focused game like KCD isn't going to get the same coverage Dota or random indie games get since those play better with Americans. And really the most insulting thing that can be said of GB is that they openly tolerate having a Dota player/addict in their ranks.

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I would def drain my balls deep into her throat & asshole but I wouldn't get near her cunt with your dick, u just know it smells like cottage cheese even after washing and has dan's beard for bush, for sure has big droopy lips that hang enormous too the kind that flap in the breeze and get caught in zippers in tight pants fuckin no thanks

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I’d rather be gay

God damn, it's harsh to say but it's fucking true.

>gb will never be like this again

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It's almost like they were having the usual yearly sale a few weeks ago

I haven't followed GB since Dan and Drew left. Is the Google Doc dead, is there a new one?

google doc got taken down a couple months ago. same with the discord. seems like gb is getting desperate to get people to sub.

nah it's just that they got better at it. Remember they're a part of CBS, and CBS in general is seeing most of their businesses die off because they are primarily a TV/radio broadcaster. GB is one of the few profitable things going for them at the moment.

It's also why Jeff will never, ever be unemployed: he will literally be doing sports radio if nothing else. Already he's making 10x off broadcast royalties through his GB minute reviews then he makes off the site, simply because the radio industry is really starved for content at the moment. He also makes royalties off podcast snippets that make it onto radio.

Ben is so fucking bad that he makes me miss actual clinical-retard Dan Rickert being out west

He IS a faggot radical liberal, you naive child.

>GB is one of the few profitable things going for them at the moment.
>Already he's making 10x off broadcast royalties through his GB minute reviews then he makes off the site, simply because the radio industry is really starved for content at the moment. He also makes royalties off podcast snippets that make it onto radio.

I listen to the radio all the time and never heard those snippets, where do they air them? Also how in the hell is GB profitable to CBS?

based. finally somebody said it.

I want to Marry Kish

Bro Austin was better than Ben. At least Austin had some good taste.

>one dude
>an entire company
By the way they fucking HATE streamers/youtubers for stealing their thunder, hilarious to listen to the salt from these dinosaur media outlets.

better than abby too. he was a huge fag but at least he could explain things. abby on the other hand...
>duh its problematic i think
>ummm feminism??

Which is funny because they were ahead of everyone with video content in the early days (pre-giantbomb). Too bad they got lazy and complacent.

Your local CBS news outlet, you might not have one though (which speaks to the state of the larger broadcast industry). It's also not much, literally 60 second clips of him reviewing recent videogame "developments" eg AAA games. Podcast snippets tend to be attached to larger "media" type newsreels about current games.

>Also how in the hell is GB profitable to CBS?

well, just look at what it has to compete with: broadcast radio and broadcast TV both of which are in a death spiral of less viewers -> less ad revenue -> less new/good programming -> less viewers. On the other hand GB is a subscription-based service that has moderate growth, or is at least stable. It's a reliable source of income for a company that increasingly does not have it. Why else do you think CBS actually gave them space in their own AAA TV studio? Not only do they not have enough existing TV content to fill that studio, but GB makes more money then KPIX could make on their own.

On the whole they're one of the healthiest parts of CBS, short of their billboard/sign division. I don't know if this is indicative of how well GB is run, or how poorly the mainstream media is doing at the moment. Probably a bit of both. Jeff is a person who will profit from it no matter what happens.

abby was hired as an editor and is shoe-horned into everything so yeah, but its not really her fault. people are just autustic that they are in dire need of diversity

well yeah, and they got preachy and socially clique ridden, that whole games media industry has nobody but themselves to blame for driving millions towards streamers and youtubers.

They're afraid of the rot that had happened with broadcast media, where there's no growth and all current/future job placement is based solely on who you know and not any sort of merit. Vinny especially so considering that he's a broadcast engineer, an occupation that is rapidly going extinct. The fascination and obsession with having "diverse" editors and writers is done to keep everything as fresh as plausible, since they're so close to an industry that is undergoing cachexia.

Why did Vinny go full boomer mode?

streamers and youtubers are the games media industry, how new are you? Remember the pivot to video? All of them stream now and have been for the past four years. It's why Twitch is more cancerious than Youtube, but nobody notices because Twitch is both profitable and has far better moderators.

is this really a boomer?

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when wasn't he a boomer? They're all boomers and became boomers the moment Youtube celebs got big. This crops up every time Jeff mentions how e-celebs and "influencers" have their own door at e3 but actual journalists don't. It's also why they were the ones who called all the legal trouble YTers got into over undisclosed sponsorships.

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he talks about guns seriously every now and then which is enough to preturb their basedboy forum addicts. He continues to do it knowing he can't be banned for it. He's a boomer.

He also talks about cars seriously which is another hardcore boomer trait, and talks about home DIY work which is another boomer thing.


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Look at his physique this E3 and hair. He looks like the boomer meme.

Years of drinking the soi-infused SF water and then having kids.

It's shitty to judge how others raise their kids, but Vinny sounds kind of shitty desu.

Almost encourages Max to be gay, like in his story at the store where he wanted some cool boys toys and Vinny just had to insist to him "You CAN get these pink doll toys too if you want."

Then constantly forces his own liked games and childhood onto him instead of letting the boy do what he wants.

>he came home and wanted to play this mobile game his friends liked
>i fought against it and finally gave in, but deleted soon after and said lets go play switch

didnt he make max take some weird social justice classes and had him dress up as a girl for halloween?

and at the same time they had to lock the forum thread where users threatened to report Vinny to NJ's CPS for letting his kid touch his guns and shoot them. You have no idea how far the cuck hole goes.

ive never listened to the podcast so i dont know what other such stories lie in there

notice how all the halloween tweets are deleted because women thought his costume (pantsuit + wig) was sexist

also all NJ students have faggot tolerance classes because it's NJ.

once vinny, drew and dan stopped being so involved and they brought in ben+abby the show really went to shit

Not just the Pewdiepie thing but they constantly go on tirades against people who use a no-no word, regardless of context and call for their heads and jobs.

But anytime one of them slips a racial slur it's ok to just laugh it off.
Recent example is during goldeneye Alex made some "whopper" italian slur. but it's ok because he didnt mean it and he has italian friends lol

no its ok because italians are white silly

Italians are white in the US, sadly. This means you can use racial terms against them. Also Alex looks Italian, you can see it in his non-Europoid facial structure. With darker skin/hair he'd be indistinguishable from a moor in the same way Vinny (also Italian) is. Abbey has this problem too because she is a Jew.

The only GB members with primarily European haplogroups are/were Jeff, Ryan, Brad and Ben.

Isn't it racist to lob all ethnicies and cultures with semi fair skin as "white", all medium tannish skinned people as "asian", and all darker skinned people of any nation, culture, religion, or identity as "african american"?

I'm like 20% Bosniak so do I get to play the race card then?

Jason is way worse than both of them.

That's not how it's done. In the US anyone with a spanish surname is automatically nonwhite, all blacks are nonwhite, and asians are honorary whites. Further explanation is never needed as everyone else is generally considered white, including all arabs.

> all medium tannish skinned people as "asian",

This is a British thing. In America anyone with tanned skin with a Spanish surname is nonwhite by definition but tanned people with Italian or arab names are white.

>mmmmmmmm fuck i love anime
>ugh this anime is icky and bad
>god i love fighting games
>gets his all beat all the time in like every single one

No because Turks and arabs are universally considered white in America. Even Bin Laden types with an Abe Lincoln beard, turban, and hunting vest.

Got an example of them tirading against somebody for using a word they didn't realize meant a slur?

>In America anyone with tanned skin with a Spanish surname
Not according to mainstream media. They refer to them as caucasian. They lump them in with white people as well.

For context GB was created in 2007, a year after Dead American Radio came out. Broadcast radio was sick back then, their condition has since gotten much worse from life support to a palliative coma.

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Wrong. Example: former LA Mayor Tony Villar aka Antonio Villaraigosa. His parents took an Italian name to not be hit with segregation laws, and he himself took the nonwhite version of his name to get social justice points. He's considered nonwhite despite having a legally white name, but using a nonwhite verson of it.

This sort of trickery is also used with Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, nobody can call them racist against spics because they themselves are nonwhite. It's why most of the vitriol against them is in regards to gays.

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It's funny to me how you've constructed this straw man in your head and expect people to buy into it.

You think so? Then why are any Latinos being arrested referred to as caucasian? Why was George Zimmerman referred to as caucasian? This look like a white man to you?

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god i hope we can have a thread for the ubisoft conference.

Just keep that in mind as you progress through life and see the pattern continue.

>they dont hate japanese games! they love resident evil, dmc, metal gear, and mario!

Those are all japanese games.

abby loves all nintendo games!

because zimzam killed a nigger which is beneath a spic, duh. It's relative but when it's not relative he's nonwhite. That's why everyone got so upset over the media branding him as a racist.

hes starting to get the hair

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>they shit on anyone in the industry with vaguely non-hard liberal views as if they're a serial rapist, including their work regardless of quality
>they continue to downplay Randy Pitchford's actual crimes, confirmed or alleged, because he's an outspoken SJW cuck

Anyone that is actually open minded has no need to proclaim it all the time.

>Ever have a friend suck somethings dick so hard you decide you'll never touch it?
Yeah, when I was like 13. Also I wasn't, for example, a music critic refusing to listen to fucking American Idiot and all other Green day shit or whatever despite it being so popular with my critic friends at the time.

He's had that impeding doom shine since the 90's.

>>they shit on anyone in the industry with vaguely non-hard liberal views as if they're a serial rapist
Yeah, let's hear more about your fanfiction.

remember when the most disappointing moment of the year was the oculus fag spending money on trump and it hurt their feelings

when there were legitimately terrible videogames that year too, they were just so assblasted

Noth, the VR autist guy who wore sandals, the guy who made Kingdom Come Deliverance, the guy who made that blade runner pixel art game they showed at E3 last year.
Alex literally screamed "HE'S A WHITE SUPREMACIST" about the VR dude on game of the year 2016 or 2017 because that dude happened to support anti-Hilary memes on reddit and that being discovered was considered a "scandal"

Notch, I meant

A bit hyperbolic, but yeah I hate this hypocrism. It's always "this single dev stands for racism so the game is bad", but with BL3 the game suddenly isn't made by a single person.

>remember when the most disappointing moment of the year was the oculus fag spending money on trump and it hurt their feelings
Didn't that also turn out to be only half-true or some shit?

I'd never really noticed, but when they started talking about what games they would discuss, and one of them mentioned Wolfenstein 2. They all got this deathly serious look on their faces and they were like "Yes...yes, we're gonna discuss that game." And implied it had so much relevance, as if nazis were just goosestepping outside their windows as they spoke.

I think it was Jeff himself who said Giant Bomb was going to cover Kingdom Come, because it wasn't relevant or something. But he made sure to mention that the dev's "personal beliefs" didn't help the argument or whatever.
Despite that game being a super successful debut from a nobody and getting great reviews from legit outlets.

That didn't stop them from yelling heinous shit about the dude being a racist monster for 30 minutes and also suggesting he didn't actually do any of the work he's notable for.

Giant Bomb is for those that dailate on Discord.

Reminder that nobody but them and probably other "journalists" gave a flying fuck about that sequel and they still thought it was a good idea to devote an entire category to "wolfenstein 2 moments"

Remember when these trumpanzee cultist retards didn't drown every conversation with their drama and butthurt? I sure do.
Thank god for the flood of mongoloids that graced the site with their presence in 2016.

Does anyone have good vidya podcast recs? I try to listen to both bomb and beast casts but always have to shut it off after ben jan abby alex or dan derails the entire discussion with some stupid bullshit

that image has nothing to do with dan, if you don't have any proof dan has been corrupted i will assume he's still based, can't take the kansas out of that beautiful man

i despise that fat cunt greek and i don't even know why, he's just so wholly unlikable

remember when dan got hounded on twitter for weeks because to the giant bomb tranny audience he "seemed like" a trump fan and had to go out of his way to clarify his political opinions even though he's essentially a video game comedian?

I don't know if I'd reccomend them, but I listen to
>easy allies: can be pretty cucked, but they genuinely like games and can be funny
>castle superbeast: formerly the super best friendcast, two assholes say in-jokes at eachother for five hours while shit talking videogames
>big think dimension: some no-name youtubers and a twitter fag talk do a generic videogame podcast, but it makes me laugh occasionally

remember how video games and politics were only related in the sense that out of touch politicians were trying to ban mortal kombat and grand theft auto?
weird how it went from that to every game needing to be a political statement once women became a vocal presence in the industry

exactly, he's smart and knows how to toe the line, he's obviously a-political and doesn't have trump-derangement-syndrome, but he wants to keep his job, which is fair enough. he says what he needs to say to be allowed to continue living in ny/sanfran sjw hotspots. he just wants to talk about video games, you could see how frustrated he was back when abby was talking about dream daddy, because to dan he doesn't give a shit about niceties or inclusivity, if the game isn't good then it doesn't deserve a spot on the list. i've been watching/listening to dan since 2011 back when he was at gameinformer and he really is a genuine guy, he's got a solid heart that can't be corrupted by the marxists, he has plot armour

he's also actually a published novelist (regardless of air force gator's quality, I've never read it or his depression auto-biography) unlike the mass of wannabe writers calling themselves journalists
if his books are trash it makes it even funnier

I had to tap out when they hired the zoomer clowns, the only content I've looked at since then was all systems goku, which was surprisingly good.

Anyone listened to that podcast dan does with his wife? I know he started watching anime on that and I'm curious if its any good

I've noticed on the podcasts too whenever they get deep into politics for an hour (every week) it's primarily Alex, Vinny, Jeff B, Abby Austin, or whatever guest going on it while Dan stays silent nearly 95% of the time.

He really doesn't give a fuck about politics.

Recently they keep roasting him because he said politics arent in MGS. You could construe the nuclear topic as political sure, but "nukes bad" is small, surface level aspect of MGS which doesnt go out of its way to hit you over the head with it which is what I think he means. He was also not wrong in saying that, aside from the main story of the characters, MGS is more philosophical than political.

But nah Alex and the rabbid sjws are like "lul everything is politics if you twist the word and force it upon any situation"

It's very hard to toe the line in media. Silence isn't good enough. For them silence = racist nazi. You must actively virtue signal. It's amazing that their nightmares of fascism, control, restriction, bigotry, silencing people, etc is being propagated by they themselves rather than their enemies

>implying it's a woman problem and not a ((())) problem

by the way zion don is a cuck

they just ignore whatever dan says or treat it like it's a joke, even though he's technically the most senior "journalist" at giant bomb east, since Vinny spent the first half of his career purely doing A/V work
It's especially grating when Abby does it
MGS isn't political in the sense they meant, Dan is correct, the themes present in every MGS game deconstruct bureaucracy and government influence and action on the fundamental level, not based on a party politics

>back when he was at gameinformer
I miss the days of him and Tim Turi.

yeah that period of Replay was legendary, i've stopped watching the show a while back, it just got progressively more boring, tim and dan were the heart of that show

I don't consider jewish males to be men

super replays were kino
I still go back and watch illbleed sometimes

dan and andy reiner explore a strange caveman world for 6 hours. classic

>any game that she played
>I enjoooooyyyed it
>gets visibly angry whenever somebody talks about something that she dislikes

I'm going to miss Super Replay.

>they continue to downplay Randy Pitchford's actual crimes, confirmed or alleged, because he's an outspoken SJW cuck
Show me a time they've been in support of Pitchford.

Philosophy is politics

>I don't know what Indiana Jones is and will tell you multliple time in different videos and podcasts because I think it's a virtue
such an annoying cunt. Vinny fucking her on the side makes the most sense, she's a charisma void.

At least take the effort to spell your 'new', hot meme buzzword correctly.

he doesn't at all, ben.

No you fucking retard. Philosophy is philosophy.

brad does literally nothing. I love whenever Jeff indirectly exposes him by talking about industry inside info. brad only knows whatever kotaku talks about today. he has no interest in video games outside of the podcast and reading headlines. he also stopped playing any games completely as far as I can tell.

he's better than abby. he can join in conversations and hold his weight, he may be a weird looking dude who is kind of awkward but abby is straight up infuriating, she has zero redeeming qualities in her role/job

when they laugh at him potentially having child porn on a zip drive he left at a restaurant, instead of condemning him as being a pedo or at the very least a retarded pervert on top of being a scam artist
when they laugh about him not being around to intro the borderlands 3 trailer instead of saying "good riddance to that scumbag"

again, notch said "cry more" to a tranny on twitter or whatever and they start trying to revise history to suggest he had nothing to do with minecraft's success when the new dev team removed his name from the game
just like they did for palmer lucky having "not actually" done any work on VR shit because he didn't support hilary clinton

if you don't see a childish and destructive bias in this, you're part of the problem

I miss old Gerstmann. Getting fired for being honest really did a number on him.

maybe I'm as crazy as you(not whatever retarded shit you say about nintendo and GB), but I think Brad is an extreme fanboy of xbone. he defends it endlessly.

Jeff lost his shit after the Kane and lynch shit gamespot pulled on him . After that he became more and more docile and is now just following mainstream input seemingly without a thought of his own.

No, people under 30 watch Funhaus

isn't this totally wrong? getting fired lit a fire under his ass, he started his own damn company, that takes drive. ryan dying made him docile/tired

Ryan dying is bittersweet. He never really rolled over for SJW shit except that time he had to apologize for calling somebody "faggot" or whatever, which is just funny
But I don't know if Ryan would still be Ryan if he was alive today

>Abby "Racy! I like it!" Russel
>Abby "pirates eat ass" Russel
>Abby "in the street all the time on the subway everywhere I see men's dicks all the time" Russel

Abby "I was hired even though I know absolutely nothing about video games but because I'm a WOKE woman and I do improv and stand up comedy but all I do is bandwagon whatever funny thing Vinny or Dan say and repeat it until its driven into the ground" Russel

>those views, likes and even stream numbers
Holy shit no meme, they really are dying. Satisfying to see honestly, Jeff got tons of feedback about how the new hires were bad fits yet went stubborn and doubled down. Reap what you sow.

> I do improv and stand up comedy

The sad thing is she's terrible at these. She's a gender equality opportunist, getting through life easy because she's a Jew with a cunt.

The way some people defend them I sometimes get the impression the gb staff are actively looking at if not posting in these threads.

I mean, jeff always references the common conversation topics, shitflinging etc which clearly isnt on their own website

All those stats seem similar to previous years. The only conclusion you could really draw from them is that they're not growing.

>ben in some bombcast months ago: look at their like to dislike ratio
>jeff:... that doesn't mean anything
>ben: it totally does
I think he was talking about youtube rewind iirc, not sure though, pretty embarrassing that he doesn't apply the same logic to their youtube dislikes.

>it's so hard for women you guys!
>nevermind i got millions of people's dream job over them who all have extensive talent, experience, and qualifications for the job

Did you see their new YouTube thumbnails? They've gone full clickbait.

When people start trying out different tactics like this it's a bad sign (for them).

Haven't they ironically done this a few times?

Maybe but it's not being played ironically here.

Dan is smart to keep his head down like that. People have gotten so set in the shitposting mindset that they don’t really so that anymore and will just write or say the most obscene shit to derail a conversation or trigger people.

You can be truly free and love a long joyful life if you just stop caring about shit. People are so depressed and guzzle down pills every day because they think things have never been worse, but just ignore it. Focus on the good things.

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I mean I was "fired" from a game news outlet because I said I wouldn't buy Wolfenstein. Twisted into antisemitism lol

No you semantic retard
Philopsophy is part of everything
Especially politics

That’s wild. Was that in America or somewhere else in the world?

Can’t picture people here in Denmark would do that. They just go “wow explosions and guns. Cool video game!”


so many triggered kids here

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SF-based outlet, though I am living in Japan.

Neogaf dogs sent like 2 emails bitching and that was enough. Announcement on Twitter had like 20 people saying it was virtue signaling bullshit so I got some satisfaction from that at least.

Wasn't paid for it anyway, so let that tell you what the gaming journalism world is like

>really enjoyed the latest game tapes with just Jeff, Jan and Brad
I really can't stand Ben

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that fucking tweet ugh

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oh shit it's that bitch that gave some dude a thighjob

All you are doing is defining politics to mean any opinion or statement about anything rendering the world completely meaningless.

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The Xbox one?
Some of the shit they said irked me though.

>fan makes light hearted joke about meeting booth babes
>jeff freaks out and called him disgusting

>show japanese game
>brad: "this was before they realized its western games people actually care about"

but its everyone else who is racist and bigoted

This. The left in general are obsessed with high level words and chunks and can not intellectually operate on lower levels

You're right but maybe I just don't really care because Ben isn't there

i count 9 "this tweet is unavailable" is that people he blocked or people that deleted their tweets or what, i don't know how twitter works

Maybe if you brainlet unable to handle that

>people itt legitimately trying to defend mgs isn't political comment

man, you guys really choose some weird hills to die on.

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I want to throw a bunch of salt on this nasty nigga and watch his slug/human hybrid ass shrivel.

i could buy it. mgs series definitely has its own internal world politics in the fiction, and koji is always putting symbolic imagery and plot devices in, but he tends to focus on historical politics, it's not like mgs2 was shitting on president bush or some shit, the 'politics' were more very high level conceptual shit, as opposed to politics in games as it means today, which is orange man bad, nazi bad, tranny good

Politics does not have to be about "current establishment "


Ben is the worst and it feels good to occasionally look up their After Shows and see how few comments are left.

>yfw learn notorious bad-touch creep phil kolar who dan hated and who would always be coming up behind people touching their shoulders and hugging people, turns out to be a legit creep and got #metoo'd by his own leftist compatriots after he left GI to go to polygon

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in modern day vernacular, yes it does. if you see an article from a gaming website talking about politics, what they mean is SJW rhetoric

I'd fuck abby

Ground Zeroes was all about Gitmo despite it being set in the 80s and ended with Kojima calling out Obama on his pledge to shut it down.

hey, my man, just because you've decided that 'politics in videogames' is strictly limited to reactionary, shallow, political commentary and marketing stunts, doesn't mean that's what political commentary actually is. and i'm not even going to sit here and try to suggest kojima's attempts are anything more than that - they're hamfisted 'nukes are bad', 'pmcs are bad', dan-tier shallow-as-a-puddle portrayals of incredibly dense and complicated issues.

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was Ryan liberally using the word "bitch" what was keeping the SJW ideology at bay?
I cant imagine Ben or Abby getting hired if he was still around.

i didn't decide that, the SJW's did, i'm just translating for you since you apparently haven't grasped the fact that modern journalists don't care about actual 'politics', they've redefined the word to mean sjw/antisjw/trump

when ben first started at gb he made a curiouscat account on twitter and I asked him why he looked like an OC everybody loves raymond character

He immediately stopped using it.

negro, you've literally just constructed a strawman and are trying to actually present it with a straight face. you better be trolling because if you're not you'd actually be the type of person to eat dan's egg whites.

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they're never bringing all systems goku back, are they?

user, you can't reason with these types of people.

how is it a strawman, we're arguing over what politics in video games means in modern times

I only watch Game Tapes, Demo Derby and VRodeo.

The site lost 90% of its appeal when Drew left and you could immediately sense Jeff knows it.

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Are they still not finished? I stopped listening (and watching the Kai version for the first time) somewhere around the beginning of Buu.

>the fact that modern journalists don't care about actual 'politics', they've redefined the word to mean sjw/antisjw/trump

this is the definition of a strawman.

i'm out though my man, because we'll probably spend the next 10 posts trying to
our way into forcing our worldviews on each other and then just walking away with no resolution or agreement.

you have a nice day, user.

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god i need a girlfriend

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>that boomer who listens to other boomers talk about video games


>this is the definition of a strawman.
explaining to you that SJW's are insane and have their own version of reality, complete with their own version of the english language, is not a strawman. if i was an SJW trying to convince you that that's a valid way to view the world, it would be. fucking retarded cunt

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What is it with California? Why does it fuck with people's minds like this?

the power of propaganda. although tbf there's not as much of an excuse for falling for propaganda in the age of the internet, there's not really an excuse for sticking your head in the sand and avoiding obvious facts, it's not like we live in the 20th century and the tv news and papers are the only source of information anymore. literally one click away from proof that 95% of mainstream journalist articles are cancerous lies

They technocratic elite who run the state put something in the air, food and water

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imagine when the veil is lifted, all these people who have gone ballsdeep into SJW insanity and have let men fuck their wives, have cut off their dicks, and thrown away all pretense of masculinity and submitted to everyone around them, imagine the shame they'll experience, i fully expect mass suicides worldwide, it's really sad desu

>there's not as much of an excuse for falling for propaganda in the age of the internet
quite the opposite. in the age of newspapers and even TV to an extent you were forced to get a somewhat balanced view on things. even if you could read a "left-wing" newspaper or watch a certain TV channel media would still be catered to a large demographic and have to at least appear objective and somewhat unbiased.

in the age of the internet every google search, every headline and (let's be honest how 99% of normies use the internet) every social media post and advertisement you see is picked for you specifically based on your previous behaviour. unless you go out of your way to block trackers, avoid social media and purposefully seek out multiple view points the internet will only strenghten your pre-existing beliefs rather than challenge them.

i'd rather have the chaos and freedom of 1000 different places to get information than be limited to a selection 7 jewed papers and new channels

selection of*
news channels* fuck sake

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Great argument brainlet.

>hill to die on
Oh look one of the 20 phrases NPC liberals spout all day long. Wonder who could be behind this post

We can't see page views but number of comments is a decent barometer. Shit like ASG, Mass Alex, Crime Crew, etc get 100-150 comments.

All west coast stuff has far less engagement, but especially those Ben only things which are like less than 10 comments each time.

>he used an idiom, that means he's wrong for some reason
>now let me fill my posts with nearly meaningless buzzwords
This is how you sound.

I'm not saying internet cannot be used responsibly. I'm saying in the hands of the average consumer it only narrows their view of the world which is quite a paradox considering there's more information available than ever before like you said. Partly that's the root of the problem, there's so much to choose from a person can spend 24 hours a day reading the internet and never have to face an opinion they don't already agree with.

If you listen to Jeff on Bombcast you notice he only gets really happy when they talk about old games from his past or well anything retro.

I legit don't think he likes any modern game. He's basically the true Boomer stereotype.

Favourite Giant Bomb video or moment?

mm true, kojima talked about it in mgs2 ;

Colonel : You exercise your right to "freedom" and this is the result. All
rhetoric to avoid conflict and protect each other from hurt. The
untested truths spun by different interests continue to churn and
accumulate in the sandbox of political correctness and value

Rose : Everyone withdraws into their own small gated community, afraid
of a larger forum. They stay inside their little ponds, leaking
whatever "truth" suits them into the growing cesspool of society
at large.

Colonel : The different cardinal truths neither clash nor mesh. No one is
invalidated, but nobody is right.

Rose : Not even natural selection can take place here. The world is
being engulfed in "truth."

Colonel : And this is the way the world ends. Not with a bang, but a

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They finished Buu. It's pretty much confirmed they won't watch GT unless in their own time (they showed interest in doing that despite poor reception). Super isn't even finished being localized yet. They may do OG DB, but considering they're already watching other things on their own time it's hard to imagine them doing any other series. They wouldn't like other equally long series like One Piece, Naruto, or Bleach.

Any 12~50 episode long show they will probably not feel the need (or desire) to watch.

DBZ may be a special case in which those two individuals both had never seen, it's lengthy, and has had a colossal impact on video games and entertainment as a whole.

No other anime is at that level and wants to be watched by the both of them

Quality of those has gone way down. East content is all around better

>people engage in conversation with reason and arguments about a topic
>you burst in "nuh uh imagine disagreeing. what a hill to die on"
>get called out
>project your buzzword fetish unto others while continuing to lack any form of argument
Ok bud, don't spill your soi shake

deep in the persona 4 endurance run Rise was being flirty then jeff just belts out "We aren't going to run a train on you, you whore."

You're replying to the first post I made in this thread.
You're all dumbshits, but you especially.

I don't think these people are capable of feeling shame

The thing about "politics" in video games is that yes, video games can and have had major political themes in them. To tell a story or a comment on greater themes.

But when SJWs talk about 'politics' in games all they want is our current political climate mirrored in the game. They want ORANGE MAN BAD plastered all over the screen. Exactly what happened in MK11 with MAKE OUTLAND GREAT AGAIN.

Please don't shake the baby

What does "run a train on you" even mean

>Exactly what happened in MK11 with MAKE OUTLAND GREAT AGAIN.
Didn't everyone at Giantbomb mention they cringed at this?

one man in front fucking the mouth, the fuck-ee, then another man fucking the back

moving in tandem, like a train chugging

Many from the following:
Persona 4
Deadly Premonition Jeff/Vinny
Metal Gear Scanlon
Fast and Furious podcast watch-along things
All Systems Goku
Yakuza 0

It's popular in American high schools

Mario Party Party
Rocket League Christmas matches

>Game Tapes, Demo Derby and VRodeo
All ruined by the presence of Ben.

Fuck, what happened to that link with all the premium videos?

i guess it admirable that jeffs employs ben & jason for health insurance reasons but holy shit they are both beyond awful


she doesn't have different views, she's wholly ignorant. There are tens of thousands of people they could have hired for that job who would do it better and manage to be less annoying than her while doing it. But she got hired because she's friends with their friend Casey and they needed a girl to get the harpies to shut up a little bit.

Ryan/Brad DP was way fucking better. They weren't actively shitting on the game and trying to get it over with ASAP.

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>T1 redout
>Too fast

i love how during the fucking bethsda segment they were mercilessly mocking the mouth-breathers in the dark room until one mentioned it was LGBTQI2A++++ and then they all immediately shut the fuck up

pathetic scared old men

It's all so tiresome

Big Jeffrey's Wild Ride

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their vocal fanbase would kiss their feet regardless of what they do

their forums make resetera look like Yea Forums

fucking shave already christ

dont give her views please

I think you have them backwards. Brad was constantly shitting on it

switch alex and jason with jan

>Dan: Wait are doughnuts actually made with dough? Are nickels made of nickel? etc
>>hey this was wrong

This was my first exposure to giant bomb.

lol, i'm glad that fatfuck died.

>tfw no frizzy haired big butt jewish abby gf

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>needed a girl to get the harpies to shut up a little bit.
chose a girl to capitulate to the harpies you mean

i'd like a link to this if anyone has

it was during the bethsda stream near the end where they had all the nobodies talking to the camera in a dark room

think it was a girl (or ''''''''''''''girl''''''''''''''') who said it

i liked hearing jeff talk about doom eternal
him staring at his watch, counting down until the NDA ran out, and then launching straight into "DOOM LOOKS FUCKING GREAT" was kino

I bet she fucks black girls.

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>Don't you ever- don't you ever say God of War to me again.

Once they started calling it The Brodeo the magic was done. Also Too much Robert Ashley and Anthony Gallegos ruined the stew. Based Shawn Elliott. Heroes of the Web was the real. I remember writing and email to help bring that segment back...pretty rad.

I don't think she even knows she's a lesbian yet

The only Nintendo contact they had turned out to be Alison Rapp, a hooker who loves CP, what do you expect?

(she has an amazing ass tho desu)

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she tweeted "i consider myself queer" which is basic white gurl code for "I'm straight but I like attention"

She's definitely already tweeted about fucking black guys so not too far off

>if you were a X what you do?
Let me fix this one for you.
>Vinny: Woodwork
>Alex: Morbid/depressing answer
>Jeff: Hockey
>Abby: Comedy
>Dan: Taco Bell

Did something happen to Dan and taco Bell after his wedding? He does not bring them up anymore at all. I know he paid the taxes on it but