What is your HONEST opinion on this creature?
What is your HONEST opinion on this creature?
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very cool
pretty based
is tiis reallly the best time for this thread?
pulled a useless 'mon from the brink into relevance, like a lot of 4th gen evolutions
He made the Togepi line unbearable to me. I always hope they make an alternate evolution, because I really love Togepi and Togetic, but Togekiss just looks... weird. Bloated. I don't know. I don't like it at all.
My Lord and Savior in my Platinum playthrough.
I love this poke
he cute
he para
he flinch
he win
My opinion is fuck off to/vp/
funny noise
Yea, I'd have sex with it I guess
>Air Slash
>Nasty Plot
Was cooler as a normal type
One of the many reasons why gen 4 was based
It's okay. Paraflinch spam sounds extremely obnoxious to fight but I don't really play Pokemon competitively.
The only pre-existing Pokemon who gained the Fairy typing in gen 6 to suffer from it, since it no longer gains STAB on Tri Attack.
Togepi should've been a standalone Pokemon. Every transformation after that was dumb and unnecessary.
No joke, one of my favorite mons. I've had one with me since Diamond, he's my bro.
Like everything good mega evolutions could have been, but better.
the fairy typing benefitted it defensively. Sure it gained a weakness to poison and steel, but those typings are pretty rare offensively. Togekiss has aura sphere and fire blast which can handle steel types too. Having an immunity to dragon and a quad resistance to bug and fighting is pretty good. Resisting dark is really good too since every team runs knock off now.
reminds me of a Bomber.
Why does the official art for this dude suck so bad? Even the anime got it better.
Massive disappointment that I wish didn't exist. It was good for a summer with flichhax 13 years ago.
It is my fourth favorite Pokemon
i wanna FUCK it
Fat but I love it
I thought it was a Kirby enemy
Gen 4 was the last Pokemon Generation.
It's always gonna be the 493.
Unironically my favorite Pokemon.
Feel free to ask me anything.
I always loved Togepi and Togetic as a kid, and now Togekiss is my favorite Pokémon. I don't play much Pokémon anymore, but I always try to get one when possible.
One of my favorite pokemon, great stats and moves
a bit dumb looking, but very fun to use
>opponent sends a steel type
I like it
Now what do you think of this big guy?
Unironically one of my favorite pokemon
One of my aces in SoulSilver, rather unexpectedly as I never cared for Togepi before that. I'm fond of this fat lad because of that
Best Pokemon there is. No one can surpass it.
Cool but I prefer Tangela
one of my favorites too. all of the cross-gen evolutions have THE best cries
*unzips any electric type*
Togekiss and Tangrowth pretty much carried my most recent Platinum Nuzlocke.
He's pretty fucking based.
Looks like an ideal Pokemon for hugging, but is a bitch nigger to fight against
Cute. Looks cuddly. I want to hug it.
Next Smash DLC fighter
For real though? This guy carried me through platinum.
It has some fuck huge stats, and is able to stay relevant despite being mono-grass.
That's a fat fucking bird
faggotry personified. Try to paraflinch some more bitch nigga. Only topped by skymin in terms of sheer gayness
A lot of the cross-gen evolutions are pretty underrated.
i like him a lot, he has a fun design and serene grace paraflinch is a fun meme to play around with
I just noticed that the official art doesn't actually draw all the vines like with Tangela, and learned that this is reflected in the 3D model by just making it a blue vaguely bumpy blob. I don't think very highly of it now.
it's fun for stuns
You are now imagining tangrowth without the vines
There's a few TCG cards that give it more detail.
Did a Nuzlock and didnt know it even learned Aura Sphere. RIP my Mamoswine.
too pure for this world
This is why Pokemon should've stayed 2D
Very cool
It would probably look a little too terrifying
This, literally.
This picture makes me feel feelings
Not the worst.
Got my first one this afternoon. I thought it was shit years ago, but now I see it's based as fuck
I just wish it had a neck.
I love my malware duck.
Too bad it's less usable than Corsola.
I love him the most too!
Majestic but poachable
togekiss is C U T E
I like this faggot, tangela was a wasted mon and seeing it get an EVO and more lore was great.
>Perfect size and shape for hugging
>Probably very soft and warm
>Makes everyone happy
>Really good gameplay-wise
Why is Togekiss so lovable?
I rolled with one on Pokemon Battle Revolution and wrecked ubers with it. Togekiss was my MVP and that really solidified my love for it.
Tangrowth is a good squiggly noodle boi.
Are you joking? Porygon Z is one of the main special attackers in battle spots singles
based as fuck tankmon. runs an assault vest set like nobody else can.
why aren't there any doujins of grass types using vine whips to violate Erika/Nurse Joy?
time to cover this animal with semen
Togekiss is lewd!
sucks toes
Yes, Yea Forums realized today is a Groudon day so the threads have slowed down.
>doesn't play past Gen V
your move
Looks like a Boeing 747 on Acid
You're gay or a woman, right?
this. I don't know why the FUCK they keep making megas instead of new cross gen evolutions
You still get walled because you only have one flying attack
You should use flamethrower instead of nasty plot, this way you're able to counter pokemon like Skarmory and Ferrothorn while being free to switch against rock types since your Togekiss is there to harass and not to setup and sweep
The last *real* Pokemon Gen, anyway.
Based nonetheless.
Some pokemon can't be saved by evolutions, Beedrill could barely be saved by a mega
Platinum and Gen V are the series peak.
>we will never get a generation as big as V again
Green spaghetti Mama.
One of the best non-legendary/Ultra Beasts in the game.
Really good and well distributed base stats, good ability, typing and move pool.
Some really interesting builds as well.
Classic Serene Grace Para-flinch set or Super Luck 100% crit Air Cutter for doubles.
Paraflinch is for singles
In doubles Togekiss is better off as a tailwind setter and supporter
Nope, straight male.
I primarily like it for gameplay reasons, but it is really cute.
Should Togekiss get Moonblast and/or Hurricane?
Yes to both.
We all know Togepi was supposed to be unique and become Lugia but they pussied out.
>Straight men can't like cute things
it's high school all over again
>wwn get a generation as soulful as V ever again
>when it has superior serene grace air slash
He cute
I like to prevent my opponent from having as many turns as possible to increase my chances on winning. I also enjoy landing critical hits while doing so.
>You now remember the ojou-sama Togekiss from DPP's anime
I found gen 7 pokemon to be equally charismatic and memorable but there was only a handful of them and they're mostly unusable shitmons
You should try battle spot, there's no evasion clause and you can be as disgusting as you like with minimize Chansey and Blissey
Oh man the Gen 7 bugmons oozed soul.
Same, cuntpunted its way through the elite 4 like it was no big deal (along with spiritomb).
No because you get 6x SpA and ignore the steel typing.
It's okay.
Yeah, most of them were actually pretty good.
henlo toge!!
>I don't know why the FUCK they keep making megas
they don't
Absolutely based, Tangrowth is my favorite Pokemon. He's a nice chonky boy.
paraflinch is only marginally better than evasion
What is your HONEST opinion on this game? I love it, it combines the best games (G/S) with the changes/soul of the best gen (4).
You know, I hated Gen IV when it was revealed, but now it's my favorite. I hated Gen V, but I warmed up to it a bit.
But gens VI and VII are still shit, by and large. Some of the Pokemon were good, and the girls, but everything else was pretty shit.
Bug is the type with the most soul.
>Based Heracross, the Bug Boss
>all of the Gen 5 Bugmons
Bug has soul.
Nah there are many ways to counter paraflinch but only a few for evasion, and they're not that viable
Best pokemon games ever, it's a shame my pokewalker was stolen.
What's your opinion on this little guy?
Amazing games. My only major complaint is not properly scaling the Kanto Pokemon and gyms, but otherwise it was fine.
Give 5 another shot. I didn't like it at first and now BW1 are my favorite games.
In hindsight, forcing you to only use the new Pokemon was a great idea as it made you experiment instead of relying on Pokemon you're experienced with.
Not that cute and kind of forgettable to be honest.
Better than Shaymin or Manaphy tho.
>What is your HONEST opinion on this game?
It's the most overrated game in the series. It didn;t fix the core issues of the original. FRLG is the best example of a Pokemon remake done right.
>bug has so much soul that there is a pokemon that represents the soul of bugs
Just choice scarf or priority.
Eh. I still don't like the region and some of the 'mons will never get better to me.
4th favorite mythical.
I actually started to appreciate VI more after playing though USUM, VI has some soul and a lot of beautiful areas, USUM just feels very inorganic and kind of blocky in a way, it's the plain yogurt of the series.
Why are bug types consistently so good across every generation?
>best games (G/S)
You're kidding right?
>Battle Tree Doubles
>Pair a Quiet Vikavolt with a Life Orb and Oranguru using Trick Room
>Protect first turn
>Literally kill everything in the game
It grew on me for sure
it doesn't fix many of the issues of the original like the level curve and the weird middle game, and theres some things in the original that i prefer like the lack of natures/ limited ev system which i think is still very poorly implemented for the main game,
but this is still overall a very solid game and one of the last great ones
What is your opinion on this communicator with the spirit world?
I used a similar tactic in the past, first turn I use trick room with Slowking and protect with mega Mawile, the following turn Slowking goes first and uses disable on the most threatening move while Mawile attacks.
This core is incredibly powerful, too bad I wasn't prepared for Escavalier.
He needs more HP
It is my third favorite Pokemon
Togekiss would fit in very well in the Kirby Universe, the entire line would as would other fairies like Jigglypuff.
Did that gimmick from Dunsparce with Paralysis, Confusion, Flinch and Serenes grace, except better.
>give almost every single gen 7 mon such a shit base speed that they're unusable
I know Game Freak is full of retards, but that is beyond fucking retarded.
this guy right here, posted one of the greats.
cant get enough of those Super Luck crits
I call mine Nightly Build
Even if you don't like the Normalium-Z build with Conversion or (and) Hyper Beam, you can run a choice specs sets and still get a lot out of him.
I wish Murkrow's base stats were increased, it has so many cool gimmicks but it can't pull them off because it's so weak
>Some pokemon can't be saved by evolutions
There's no cap on stat increases by evolving. Mega Evos just add 100 total stats and a random ability that tries to break the game.
They haven't made a mega since 2014, what the fuck are you talking about.
I got it as a starter during a nuzlocke so I named it "god's gift"
True but many trash pokemon are already third stage
I would prefer if they just increased their stats and gave them more abilities rather than adding evolutions and mega evolutions but gamefreak will never do that, aside from lame +10 boosts
Looks like a panty
haha if I had a Togekiss we'd be matching
>*flinches your path*
A good but not great Pokemon. Its massive movepool and interesting typing make it appealing to use in almost any game.
he was my main man in HG/SS
Easily the best character in Explorers of Sky
Pretty cool guy.
Won alot of battles online with just airslash procs with him choice scarfed up
Really cute.
what is your opinion on this big bun?
better than togetic
How can faggots unironically think that Gen 4 crossevos are bad. Every single one except Lickylicky and Ambipom are each fantastic mons. Most are still widely used and considered threats in the current meta and have been great since their introduction, some even getting better like Gliscor.
The babies are a whole other thing entirely and I think they are all useless except for Budew. Baby Pokemon's intended use was to obtain certain Pokemon earlier, but the babies are either put near the middle where their stats are awful, or late game where they are worthless. Budew is the only one who gets this right, being able to get it before the first gym and letting people get the newly introduced Roserade. Chimecho is fucking awful but they gave it an even worse version of itself, Munchlax is notoriously difficult to obtain, Mantyke is right before the 8th gym, Happiny is useless, Mime Jr is cute but useless, Bonsly is fine but you can catch his evo before you can him so useless
I remember when it was everywhere on Battle Spot and Gen 6 OU. Good times.
God tier. Assault Vest or Sitrus Berry Belly Drum obliterated teams in XY. Bravest Bird didn't stand a chance
Yeah, nearly all of the evos were fantastic.
And at least most of the babies look nice. Munchlax is peak cutemon.
It's an evolution of my favorite Pokémon and is pretty amazing.
Aura Sphere
Added bonus of never missing
they're easy to make both cute and cool, and their bodies are already detailed
>Munchlax can only appear on 4 honey trees in the whole game
>random for every save
>have to wait 6 hours before a Pokemon can appear
>even if you found a Munchlax tree it has a 1% encounter rate
what the FUUUUCK, Game Freak
Captain Savemyass
For me it's golisopod
>Liquidation in your general direction
Bugs are the best type
It IS extremely obnoxious.
and the award for best shiny goes to
I like how it looks like a freaking Mafia Boss. Wouldn't have minded a more sleek design but this works well too.
Lickylicky is bad because the tongue is shorter, the rest are good or passable.
Probopass is weird but I like it for some reason and in some anime I realized those strange "arm"-things or rocks it has are also small faces and noses that can fly around.
This is one of the best if not the best gen 5 mon
>Knocks off your item
>Dragon dances
>Brick breaks you
>Gets poisoned
>Sheds skin
Heh nothin personel kid
This changed my whole view of Probopass. I used to think he was just a goofy forgettable mon, but now I know he's really cool
Are Sword/Shield going to have any Cross-Gen evos?
What was the post?
there are a huge amount of mons that were done dirty by becoming 3d
see: any that have vapour/cloud etc as part of them like this poor bastard
There was a massive leak a week before the Sword and Shield direct that had 1:1 information down to the names of new Pokemon, characters, and the new feature, Dynamaxing. That leak claimed that Farfetched is getting an Evolution as well as certain Pokemon getting new forms when Dynamaxed. Everything was right so there's no reason that wouldn't be
That naming him Biff after the B52 Bomber seemed appropriate.
I'm fine with reusing the same models since they are very high poly, but for god fucking sakes update the animations. It really fucks over a majority of Pokemon. The fucking Stadium/Gamecube/Battle Revolution games look 10x better despite having bad models because the animations are dynamic and extremely well done. Look at this fucking thing
his dumb faggot tail looks like a foot to me
Wow, that looks fucking stupid. Stupider than mega evolution by a couple magnitudes.
>The fucking Stadium/Gamecube/Battle Revolution games look 10x better despite having bad models because the animations are dynamic and extremely well done.
maybe that's becuase they had like ~200 pokemin instead of 850
gamefreak are a bunch of lazy cunts but everyone comparing new mainline games to stadium and such are retards
Very cool.
fuck you
rhydon is a virtually perfect design.
magmar and elecabuzz did not need such edgy over-designed evolutions
>except lickilicky
Everytime, it hurts having the worlds most hated pokemon as your favorite
Here it is in motion.
It's neat in a void but it bothers me that Togepi's line goes from angel fairy thing to bird.
Yeah, that was the anime I referred to. It's a neat design. Reading the Pokedex entry explains the stache too, as stupid as it looks.
You say that now but game freak got a lot of criticism for Gen 4 having so many Pokémons that are just evolutions of a Pokémon from previous generations.
They have had the models for well over 8 years and still have done nothing with them. While that argument about having less to do in Stadium games is true, that doesn't dissolve Game Freak of anything. The 3D games all reuse assets from the previous games and no one complains because it looks visually striking. If Game Freak updated animations, poses, and models slightly over the course of the past 6 years we wouldn't be having this discussion right now. They have clearly shown that they are not putting their effort elsewhere in the games, with NPCs still moving on a swivel with nothing more going on than an arm movement at most times. I would have cut them some slack in 2013 and I still do for XY, but defending them now is outrageous
It's missing the smoke coming out of its nose.
Tangela was saved by an evolution
please understand
>Used to think I was the only person who liked Ambipom
>Suddenly some guy comes out of the woodwork and shoots it to UU
What's ambiporn? Frogs?
Lickylicky would be more liked if it was actually good. Meh stats with a meh movepool and controversial design never equals a good reception. I think he's goofy in a good way and I never understood the tongue complaint since I thought it was always implied that most of it was curled up inside like pic related. All his stats being under 100 except for HP really did him dirty
Evolution of Aipom, Ambipom
Look man, you're entitled to your own opinion but how the hell is Electivire and magmotar edgy. Also Rhyperior is good in doubles and actively helped Rhydon by giving him a niche with Eviolite in gen 5
>Drummer Gorilla... grass/fighting? Needs a picture to go with it.
>fire/fighting meme returns? I was hoping for an electric type.
>Intelleon is going to be Sherlock Holmes, and probably water/psychic. Though, Sizzile seems to suggest a fire typing.
>generic normal type starter rodent
>skarmory v2
>tanky/support grass type, otherwise very generic
>looks like a fossilmon
>tanky/support normal type
>I'm expecting a physical sweeper
>Another meowth/persion variant? Peculiar they would get so much attention.
>Either pelipper or a regional variant.
>A boring, but effective sweeper.
>Both official legendaries look like fighting/steel types.
>started out fairly unremarkable in Gen 2
>then over the next few gens, got handy buffs in Huge Power, better attacking moves, and the Fairy type, among other things
A true underdog story.
I hated it. Went into this expecting to love it because of all the praise it gets but it was a complete let down for reasons this guy already said
Was really amazing and I remember playing it for many hours but I liked Emerald more, nothing can beat the Battle Frontier.
It's a pretty great game, though it somewhat upsets me that the shitposting cabal has adopted it and to a lesser extent platinum.
Part of my team.
I legit did not know Togekiss was that good competitively, I added Togekiss and Tyranitar along with the Iron dinos because they were cool.
>Yes, Yea Forums realized today is a Groudon day so the threads have slowed down.
Really only Ambipom, Lickylicky and Probopass are meh. It's only unfortunate with Ambipom because Aipom is somewhat of a mascot pokemon, but the other two nobody really cares about.
>nothing can beat the Battle Frontier
but HGSS also has a battle frontier imported from Platinum. Unless you prefer the Hoenn one which is fine, I like Gen 4's more because of how more organised it is as well as the changes added in gen 4 like the phys/spec split
What he's referring to is the /vp/ meme associated with Groudon, "Wow it's fucking nothing". A Pokemon TV show in japan said they were going to reveal new info about Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire live. When the time came it was a 20 second cutscene of Groudon and Kyogre coming out of the water. Now Groudon is synonymous with shitty announcements like today. "Groudon Day" meaning nothing important was shown off today despite being E3
PBR was shit but the various arenas actually looked nice. As you said the models were still bad, but I'm still disappointed that SnS isn't going this route.
Paraflinch makes me want to fucking die. Cool mon though.
The music was great too.
PBR wasn't all that bad, especially since it was the only way to play with Randoms online. I feel bad for those who expected something like Colosseum and XD though
Most of them look good but Rhyperior and Magmotar look terrible which is a shame because Rhydon and Magmar were two of my favorite Gen 1 mons.
Still felt like it could've been better, or at least have some other distractions like Stadium mini-games, that said the Stargazer doubles sure didn't fuck around though. Weird that there hasn't been an equivalent of these games since Gen V onward otherwise, and those plus another GCN game equivalent will probably never happen again with the main series being on the Switch now.
Now I feel kind of tempted to romp through one of them.
You forgot this youtube.com
>Still felt like it could've been better
oh definitely. Still pissed about that fake ass reveal trailer youtube.com
I thought they would do one for Gen 5 but by then the wii wasn't worth investing into and the 3DS was around the corner. They themselves said that they wouldn't do another 3D Stadium like game because "seeing pokemon in 3D isn't special anymore" and that the 3DS games got that covered. If you want to play through a GC game i'd suggest Gale of Darkness as it irons out a lot of problems with the first, but i'd also suggest the rom hack Pokemon NeXt Gen. It changes most of the shadow pokemon, wild pokemon, trainer battles, adds new moves and physical special split, new abilities, and more. It's pretty fucking good projectpokemon.org
I'll look into that. Suppose there's no real niche left in trading Pokemon back over to a GBA these days?
>Suppose there's no real niche left in trading Pokemon back over to a GBA these days?
ehh not really since the exclusive moves you get are usually sing, refresh, helping hand, heal bell, etc. But it's still a nice feature and fun thing to do if you can transfer them to the 3DS. Not to mention bringing in GBA Pokemon to do Mt. Battle and the various post game coliseums is fun