Is potato the peak female form?
Is potato the peak female form?
i want to be dominate by charlotta
It is.
>not even tall enough for a standing blowjob
not sure about this one
Of course
Why does she have the moonlight greatsword
i want her to step on me
Ultimate life form
literally walking onaholes so yes
Walking what?
Absolutely based ohoho
now thats quite a funny picture
Shantotto is a hot potato
I want Arulu to crush my penis between her thighs until I fucking pass out.
Too smol
Finally, a good thread
This is a beautiful and mature woman.
That's what she tells herself
smol is fine too
>has to tip toe and hang on your shaft with her hands for support
The best feeling
I'd dick that potato
Who gave this child the Moonlight Greatsword
I'm convinced
>no GBVS at Microsoft conf
I think the dream of getting something is dead bros
It isn't on xbone
I don't know why her voice makes me so hard.
You get hard from rhymes?
I was hoping for a multiplatform announcement to get new characters
Lazy taters
Best potato on the left
that's the Yea Forums I remember. thanks, user
Holy shit. Calm down.
Cygames only announces stuff like that either during their Granblue talk show, anniversary streams or scheduled fan events
Jesus Christ IMAGINE
Yes, but use the other hole you monster
which is fucking dumb if you want to market it to the west which is a thing they clearly said multiple times.
I want to be that couch
>Lowain bros hypothesize about the existence of the secret girl's room on the grancypher where all the female crew relax and act lazy
>it turns out it actually does exist but it's full of potatoes drawing tasteful gay porn of homoknights
>Lunalu doesn't dash their hopes and dreams by revealing this classified info
thanks, I'm hard now
The game will be dead on arrival in the West, you could already see during the beta, JP population was like 80%+ of players. Nobody really cares about the game outside Japan besides people already well aware of granblue.
Not peak. But after actual shortstacks, they're the best.
If I pulled off that crown would she die?
Why not both?
It is more of the fact that she is so smug about doing them.
It would be quite humiliating.
fucking fag janitor should be jerking off like the rest of us
That would be acceptable.
you're a small girl
How does that crown stay on?
Head penis
You wouldn't a drunk potato, would you?
>those hips
>giant tits
draphs are the superior race
Steak and potatoes are a great combination
Yes, I'd get her pregnant to rush into marriage
This thread is making me want to fuck potatoes which is silly because they are built for eating.
What is she doing?
I'd feed her eggs
did someone say potatoes?
she's crying :(
Thank you for remind me that exists.
All the eggs?
What makes you say potatoes aren't for eating
I want to ____ a potato!
>Not eating a naked potato
Cum inside
That they did
Do not do this.
>Ywn get a potato gf
>Ywn be a potato gf
Not with that attitude.
it hurts
What are some other games with potatoes than Granblue and FFXIV?
Why is her sword bigger than her?
I want to fuck the potatoes so bad bros
it's not fair
Draphs are better
Juyjiro lalafel flash
came to post this, giant potato a best even being 10' would be great
I've tried looking and I just can't find the source for this. Got a name or author I can look up?
pic says HiRoB816
Hirob816. For future reference the Pixiv ID is in the filename
Superior life form
What's the purpose of doing this?
For some reason it reminds me of this gif/webm on a porno that used to get posted around on Yea Forums in which it was this one chick's birthday and she and her friends are huddled around a cake. The guys are huddled off to the side and one of them is jacking off about to blow when he suddenly runs over to the to the girl whose birthday it is and jizzes on her face.