We can all agree this is already by far the worst E3 ever.
We can all agree this is already by far the worst E3 ever
Other urls found in this thread:
everything everywhere is getting worse
Cause Sony ain't there
This has been PURE garbage.
It's all up to Nintendo at this point.
The botton of the barrel is a myth
Theres no limit to how shit things can get.
You mean you're getting older and realizing this child hobby isn't for you?
Yeah its not even funny bad
It's just bad bad. Cyberpunk looks amazing though
agreed but kill yourself you subhuman frogposting trash
>No halo infinite gameplay
>No fable 4
>No ES6 or starfield info
the fuck am i wasting my time for
Xbox was good
the only way this e3 can be save is if steve gets revealed for smash tuesday and Yea Forums fucking implodes
Well looks like it's up to Based Ubisoft to save the E3
Seeing Commander Keen getting raped makes this personally one of the worst E3's
Lol yeah the 10 minutes of generic gunplay with generic slow-down power they showed last year sure looked amazing
It's literally the only game worth a damn that will be shown at this E3. And it's something we've known about for years.
Literally no new IPs nothing interesting. Vidya crash can't come soon enough.
Grow up
People being accused of Nazis because they dislike the "killing nazis" obsession. It's not that these people are Nazis, it is that the wrong people are changing what a Nazi is, so people who once occupied a thought or ideology not associated with Nazis, are now being branded as a Nazi.. It's like a battle royale where the safe zone is shrinking, and that shrinking represents a definition of something expending over into other ideas, labelling them as a whole under that brand, to justify killing or controlling those people.
Everyone has a right to be angry about this.
You're too old for video games that's why you don't enjoy them anymore.
Time to have sex incels.
Well, I sure got some stuff I wanted. New, hopefully better Elite Controller, Ori release date, and Cyberpunk release date.
>Literally no new IPs
Ghostwire Tokyo
nintendo's gonna save e3
Video games in general are shit now a days
I enjoy older games and media then I do modern ones so what does that say?
I do enjoy video games, doesn't make this a good E3.
We can agree that frogposters are shit and clown pepe looks like he has down syndrome.
>Having anything
Nintendo will DOMINATE
Feels great. When millennials realize they are abject failures we are going to get some real kino
Very original looking Wojak there, user!
Until next year, sure.
Clown pepe is the result of being exposed to the worse of the worst of society constantly (using /pol/) so much that you think all society is like that.
The world always had degenerate puddles of people doing horrible things, the internet just made them able to be seen on a daily basis finally.
2004 was worse
Ubisoft will be okay. Rr-right guys? I just hope they don't show 10 solid minutes of that pvp boat game. It's so fucking dull to watch.
Hating conference means you hate games and are getting to old for them? Are you trying to prove your dumber than frog posters or smarter?
>Bawww why don't they like trash
Ladies first
Can't wait for their next sparse open world game.
> boomer spotted.
Leave it to Godtendo to save this event. Tune in on Tuesday.
Haha, sorry. 'Feels Guy'!
Gussy it up all you want, Pepe is shit, like the fag OP who used it.
That's the "No Sony" effect. And that's coming from a nintendofag.
>No waggle
>No netflix/hulu/youtube
>No hub for your home
>No share function
>Very little play through a scripted sequence for 10 minutes
>Worst E3
Zoomers second E3
Nah mid 2000's was worse. Remember the charts and business shit that would go on for 20 minutes.
Capcom is winning and they haven't even had their turn yet.
>Metroid leak confirmed
E3 saved by nintendo
>alt-right dogwhistle in the OP
yikes, not a good look op
>dancing on the graves of old franchises
>everyones a dyke or a monkey
>millenial mothers are making games
>season pass everything
>our post apocalyptic simulator is so castrated people wave to each other and leave supplies laying around
I've only watched a couple trailers, but every one I watch is so horrible. Were video games always this cringey?
>lilith flipping off the camera
>the commentary over the Dying Light 2 trailer
>the death scene in the Cyberpunk trailer
>the entire "12 minutes" trailer
Even the Elden Ring trailer/voice acting/character design was so cringey. Am I just getting old or is there something going on here?
xbox was OK, but why the fuck did bethesda even show up? to talk about commander keen mobile? I'm glad I only watched the tail end
>Spongebob BfBB Rehydrated
>Destroy All Humans! Remake
THQNordic are the only ones that won E3 before it started.
Oh my god.
Just buy the fucking products you alt-right incels.
lmfao keep crying about your shitty bethesda showcase incel
Blair Witch game alone makes it the best in years stay mad
He means the west is decaying, people are acting like clowns ascending to paradise, right before mexicans bash the heads in. Honk Honk.
>Everything is cutscenes.
People got mega hyped for Cyber Punk when it was first revealed and all they got was a cutscene. Why are people like this?
>Somehow MMO adverts haven't seen a lawsuit over blatantly false advertising.
d-don't worry, they're gonna announce a new character for Smash! i-it's totally gonna be hype!
Xbox was good. The gamepass content they showed was immense.
Bethesda was good outside of all the shitty mobile games. That Tokyo game is one of my most hyped games now.
Bad show is bad
Compare to RE2's trailer or dmcV
Regardless of our opinion of the games now the hype and unexpectedness of their announcements was legendary
nintendo can walk in with 2 games and take the cake easily
>animal crossing
>astral chain
looks like nintendo won e3
its better without sony tbqh
at least theres a little less gay shit
Average at best. Had a somewhat decent first half, and the entire second half was pure shit
It's been ok if you've been following and wanted info on already announced games, while the surprises have been from that Ghostwire game to Commander Keen for mobiles. Compare that to Sony's conference, where we only got info in 4 new games (one of them was Tetris, one of them was REmake2 and the other 2 were awful exclusives).
Of course, outside of Phantasy Star Online 2 and DBK there's been no weeb games so that's probably why you're bitching the fuck out in these threads.
What's the Metroid leak?
It’s called Sony not being there, E3 goes to shit without them
No, Microsoft was ok. Bethesda was a dumpster fire, though.
Someone leaked a lot of Microsoft and Bethesda's conferences and also brought up that Nintendo would have a new Warioware title and a 2D Metroid.
At some point, you have to stop looking at stuff that makes you angry. Not only does it often affect way less than you think it does, but it often happens that the outrage news you subscribe to is fake/a lie. This isn't just for /pol/, Twitter is even worse in that respect.
I don't think it's bad to tell people obsessed with the worst of the world to get off the computer and go sniff some flowers.
Animal crossing is all I want.
Wanna know how I know you're a millenial?
if sony doesn't come back for next year E3 is doomed
its better without them tbqh
I couldn't stand to hear about the exact same games for the 4th year in a row
I can’t wait until the recession hits and you wake up
That actually sounds interesting i'd like that better than what i'm seeing.
Go read classic literature. Learn to paint. Go camping. Take up gardening. Learn a language. Ride a bike.
You just have to pry yourself away from the Internet to find the good in life. But you won't because complaining about how everything is going to shit for (You)s gives you a bigger dopamine hit.
its all up to konami actually
Sony had the worst conference by far last year though. It was so bad that not even the guy hosting the Sony stream realised it had ended. I remember watching it live with my friends and ir was hilarious. There was that long intermission in the middle as well. It was just an overall terrible conference and they should have just stuck to releasing YouTube trailers like they are now if they're going to not even attempt to have a good show. At least everyone else is putting some effort into it.
What, so I can whine ineffectually on the internet about how niggers and jews took all my jobs, while spending all my time on Yea Forums and not bettering myself?
Go outside user.
Of course a clapistan would be upset about recession hitting ya and not prepare yourself for any catastrophe.
>new xbox project shares my newborn daughters name
It's all up to EA
E3 is the punchline my clownman.
The entire genre is becoming corporate and mass marketed now like everything else, nostalgia and such has nothing to do with it.
nice job picking the most whorish name possible for your daughter
2013 is still worst of all time, but this seems like a close second so far:
Have sex
Yes, because everything revolves around video game, you pillock.
Every year this is said and every year it's true
literally rhymes with harlot
It's just really, really boring. You can tell everyone is holding back for next-gen.
>Naming your daughter Scarlett
It's like the second most whore name after Roxanne
>Even the Elden Ring trailer/voice acting/character design was so cringey. Am I just getting old
I don't think anyone over the age of 17 uses the word 'cringey'.
Every year is a little worse than every other year.
I thought 2017 was better than the previous year. 2014 was also pretty nice. Its a subjective kind of thing
I guess we’ll have to rename her. Any recommendations?
AMD is the only thing I'm hyped for now.
If E3 is the "worst ever" every year, is any E3 actually bad?
E3 used to be complete ass and was way worse than this year. As far as game reveals go we've gotten jack shit, just a bunch of games we already knew about.
This. Soiboy kike enablers have literally ruined everything with their willingness to throw money at every piece of garbage they come into contact with
Get a job, poorfag.
isn't this the HWNDU guy who is now apparently a pro-wrestler?
Some Grandma name like Betty or Evelyn or Helen.
>Honey, listen. I was talking to people online on an anonymous video games board, a-and... and they told me, Scarlet was a whore's name, so... I think, based on their input, we should uh, change the name on her birth certificate...
Name her Laura
They already won the generation, this E3 would have just been a victory lap.
Bethesda>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Your mom's dick>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>xbox
>is any E3 actually bad?
We only watch it because it's the annual video game event
And what if that takes another 10 years?
He will be living his life while you let a decade pass being stuck under a self imposed rain cloud
their announcement is that shitty isometric contra game.
>won the generation with literally 1 game worth playing
Now THAT is impressive
B a s e d
Yea Forums is the best place for insight
>Time to have sex incels.
>It's another pepe thread
I was actually in tears laughing during bethesda's show. The shit was insane.
Pornstar names;
Betty Bangs
Evelyn Eversquirt
Helen Hellion
At the least we know Nintendo has games on the floor so there will be some gameplay. The question is will it be good.
It just hit me. No Fable. Just end it here Bros...
What, you do not like Frogposters and Clown world posters? I can't imagine why anyone would hate them!
Nothing will top 2011.
AMD has the best CPU's now in terms of raw performance, not just value.
No Sony = no party
I can't even remember anything that was announced besides Carrion
Sony won without being there lmao
>Vs Xbox who tried to sell indie games for an entire generator
>Or Nintendo that literally sold cardboard.
yeah man, Sony won simply by not fucking up as hard as everyone else.
its pretty hard to fuck up animal crossing or pokemon to be real. Astral chain looks pretty fucking solid, as far as unknown variables goes who the fuck knows.
Snoys will be shitposting hard as fuck tuesday no matter the quality of games so brace yourself for that, the cope from them has already been unreal and its only day 2.
Also smashautists will be in a frenzy after a new fighter is announced so theres that too
If a single word you said was true it wouldn’t need to be said. The only reason you felt the need to reply is because what you’re saying is in fact not true. You’re a loser and you always will be.
good this really puts my expectations in place
>More hollywood actors
Just why? This E3 doesn't even have cringe going for it. It's just a flat out bore.
This is probably the last E3 ever. Do you think Sony would actually come back to E3 again after this dumpster fire?
Spiritfarer and Microsoft Flight Sim looked cool
Maybe playing Halo on the Scarlett might be cool, but we're not going to know shit about it until next year
Doom Eternal will be good. Wolfenstein Youngbloods might be good if it's more like New Order and Old Blood than Wolfenstein 2. I'm looking forward to actual gameplay of GhostWire.
Besides that, this E3 has been a fucking joke. Whatever EA was trying to do was pathetic and Sony didn't even fucking bother to show up.
>an entire generator
why are all snoys such brainlets
>muh labo
to be real nintendo has more exclusives worth playing then censorstation4 after like 2 years (probably why its already passed ps4 in japan) but they also had the massive fuckup that was the wiiU first
still incredible how many units sony sold on the back of fifa and cod with literally only bloodborne as an exclusive for the first 3 years of its lifespan
Don't you mean he looks like he has clown syndrome?
yes, his name is mansoor and he recently won 50-man battle royale at saudi arabia this year which stole the show.
>what is single-thread performance
>what is high refresh rate gaming
There's a lot of reasons that all contribute to E3's declining social status.
Waning interest in upcoming games, lack of transparency between consumer and developer, general distrust with promises and roadmaps going nowhere, the list goes on.
You could name plenty of other reasons, and they would all be valid points to an extent, but all this piling on top of each other just makes the whole E3 experience much more lackluster than ever before, and it's starting to very blatantly show.
Nice reddit spacing
This, they were the only ones who delivered out of fucking left field.
Good job talking mad shit while being uninformed as fuck.
Also, 3800X was on par with 9900k in PUBG.
All that shit is just resigning yourself to a life of mediocrity fuck that.
Sony hasn't made a game worth playing in half a decade so it doesn't really matter
people used to post like this all the fucking time even back in 2010
only reddit fags complain about reddit spacing
>Reddit spacing
Of all the things you could choose to criticize in this post, you chose to attack the spacing... You are actually retarded
>Cinebench benchmark
>taking benchmarks directly from AMD and assuming they are accurate
Are you memeing, or are you actually this dumb?
E3 is more popular and mainstream that it has ever been, yet the actual quality of games is still rapidly declining.
Doom is gonna be hard to fuck up. All they really need to do is more of the same
Look up royalty female names.
What an absolute lad, I miss jihadi jesus. I wonder how pol bart and jackie Yea Forums are doing
I don't understand this reddit spacing meme
There's a lot of reasons that all contribute to E3's declining social status.
Waning interest in upcoming games, lack of transparency between consumer and developer, general distrust with promises and roadmaps going nowhere, the list goes on.
You could name plenty of other reasons, and they would all be valid points to an extent, but all this piling on top of each other just makes the whole E3 experience much more lackluster than ever before, and it's starting to very blatantly show.
Which one looks more visually appealing? and reddit spacing is double spaced afaik
Intel is in the gutter idiot, keep up.