Admit it. It was KINO as fuck

Admit it. It was KINO as fuck.

Attached: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png (694x361, 551K)

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I like the oldschool Cyberdemon. Gives me a boner.

>in doom

Attached: kaz.png (526x431, 384K)


the new UI looks like crayola colored dogshit, some portions looked cartoony, kind of worried about the game desu.

also no release date, so fuck that

Heaven doesn't really fit Doom, but gameplay was good.

maybe its classic look is hinting that it comes from the OG Hell dimension where Doomslayer/guy came from AKA Doom 1-64.

Doom was easily the best part of that conference


All the powerups looked shit too.

they finally got the cyberdemon right but everything else was meh, I'm still pissed about those flashy effects and the fact that there won't be a way to mod them out

What the fuck are you talking about? It's coming out in November. They announced it on stage.

Post hell knight art.

but automap isn't casual?

... The release date is November 22nd.

There were not that many Doom games fuck off

>enter the slipgate
Quake confirmed.

It's trash, just like Doom 4 was.
>Commander Keen Mobile game
>we invented FPS, despite no-one from the orignal id team still working there
>same slow pace with next to no enemies

All Bethesda is doing is dragging out old IPs, pumps out a cheap low quality game and cashes in on the nostalgia and chumps eat it up.

Did not one catch that they claimed to have invented mods for consoles? I'm pretty sure Epic did that already with UT3 mods on PS3.

Uhhh. BROS?!?!?!?!

Attached: look how they massacred my boy.jpg (1200x675, 53K)

Oh look another moron that thinks OG DOOM is good

Attached: Doom_vs_NuDoom.webm (320x240, 2.68M)

here's your (You)

Attached: 1507049606319.jpg (428x416, 23K)

I don't like that design.


>classic designs
>heaven lore
>relatively fast combat
Seems genuinely good to me.

Just turn it off like you could in 2016.

Are you trolling or just dumb?


now if we can just get the classic barons back we'll be golden

Can I get the collector's edition for PC?

I would cream my pants if we got the goat snot boys back.


He gets wrecked mid game since we saw doom guy had the sword thingie before later parts of the game.
And he probly fucked Heyden to get it.

My guess it goes
>begging/introduction in hell
>get back to your planet for some info dump and use tech there to get out
>back to invaded earth
>on your way to fuck up hayden
>take your sword and start dimension jumping to learn how to get rid of demons
>this is where you visit those weird places
>back to earth
>get rid of daemons
>fight hayden again

hes just getting some upgrades bruh

Someone had too much time on their hands.

>>we invented FPS, despite no-one from the orignal id team still working there
That would be a lie either way


Someone's a normalfag