People cheered when they talked about Fallout 76

People cheered when they talked about Fallout 76.
Please tell me they're actually paid actors and not real people.

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oh no people like video games the autistic virgin incel nazi hivemind of Yea Forums don't like


It's hard to cope, isn't it?

Bethesdrones aren't people

>oh no people like video games the autistic virgin incel nazi hivemind of Yea Forums don't like
Come on everyone fucking hates fallout 76 except a bunch of retards

I bought it on release.
Played it for 2 months and left.
The game has potential and maybe I'll go back to play it again when that wastelander update kicks in.


i'm about to put it back on now. its kinda fun, but only since i'm playing with my cousin. update sounds cool, wish it was sooner though. i'll probably be bored and move on by then

so Yea Forums likes fallout 76? :smirk:


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just rewatched it
>wow we created post apocalyptic world and everybody is so nice xD

yeah you fucking retarded manlet, cuz you ban people for doing pvp in fucking pvp servers
somebody fucking shoot this hack already


they're not actors, they just mic the rows with the developers/ultrafans because they know they're going to go nuts for fucking everything
when the camera shows the whole crowd you could usually see that it's literally just a row or two in the front that are clapping

To be fair the NPC update looks fun though it should have had NPCs from the beginning. I mean WoW, ESO, and Neverwinter all have npcs there was no reason 76 shouldn't have had them.

I'll try it for free and see if it's worth sticking with. If not I'll just go back to ignoring it.

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why is this a thing now, is this just a way of fishing for (You)s, if not why do you come here?

It's just bait


now say it without frogs, nigger

it's funny to shit on gamers and make them mad

i unironically want to genocide / gulag gamers in 2019

mfw when gaming is a mental illness but gender dysphoria hasn't since 2013


Finally gonna quit gaming I think. I said the same thing last year, and have quit most games, but I now realize it will never get better and I regret sitting up for this shit.

Enjoy your mobile games, and other substanceless drivel.

Kill yourself, Frogshitter.

Fallout 76 is horrible from a tech standpoint, with lots of bugs and bad performance.

But if you like other Fallout games, the game design is actually pretty good and there is fun to be had.

I enjoyed about ~75 hours or so of gameplay with FO76 before getting bored due to lack of endgame.

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