Which one will rain supreme Yea Forums?
Which one will rain supreme Yea Forums?
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Movie actor > TV actor
>Walking simulator vs futuristic gta
idk dude hard choice
They're both movie stars, idiot.
>main character vs side character with 10 min of screentime
zoomer detected
How does it feel to be completely retarded?
So Norman Reedus is known for shit other than TWD? I'm being serious
the one that isn't developed by a pretentious japanese hack
Only thing I can think of is Boondocks Saints
Boondock saints, mate.
kojima always was and always will be a hack.
Did you not get the joke faggot?
Meme harder
Wasn't that a cartoon?
You play Norman Reedus
You just see Keanu in your head who won't influence the world until a TWEEST where he tries to jack your body. I think Keanu will be better than Mads for sure, but since you will see and actually play as Norman Reedus its just better
no? perhaps you should google something before sounding like a retard on the internet
Ure a joke
>John Wick vs The Boondocks Saints
Kino Reeves > Norman Fetus
Sorry I've never heard of your literally who movie
yup, zoomer
I'm just glad there are five months between.
the virgin reedus vs the chad reeves
No matter how shitty and boring the gameplay in rdr2 is, you're a fucking tard if you don't think it's attention to detail is absolutely insane.
The one that's a video game.
Kys you dumb nigger.
Not him, but I didn't.
Just what is it with these fucking faggots and their obsession with Rockstar?
>t. I only watched The Walking Dead
Ever heard of the The Boondocks Saints?
one day kojima will worm his way up to getting an a-lister in their prime
Just what is it with your obsession faggots?
Damn I fucking hate the eleven year olds on here
death stranding, clearly
nah you are thinking of the Boondocks which was a cartoon based off a comic strip and much better than the actual thing he's talking about which is a movie for edgelord teenagers.
we’re hitting peak zoomer levels with your posts
The fact that Rockstar delivers impressively polished games.
And you know what Rockstar has above CDPR?
That they realized long ago that getting celebrities is a waste of budget.
They manage to get good acting from literally-whos.
Meanwhile, hacks like CDPR and Kojipro rely on getting your attention with celebs, all because they know their games by themselves can't.
>rain supreme
I hate americans.
I love this film so much
If they're releasing early next year why wouldn't they show off gameplay at this e3
To me? Both. Everything else that will suck.
>there are people in this thread that unironically rate Boondock Saints for other reasons than Rocco
Like it or not, Rockstar's games represent the gold standard when it comes to the sandbox genre.
Rockstar games are horrible sandboxes though. They're cinematic corridors pretending to be open world.
Being known for that edgelord shit movie from 20 years ago or TWD is actually worse than being unknown.
I don't think Keanu plays a big part in CP2077, whereas Reedus is supposedly the main character and the whole game will be centered around him.
Reeves is obviously a much bigger star, but Reedus will just as obviously have the much bigger part in respective game.
Need to be 18 to post here boss
Keanu and Cyberpunk
I love hideo but he fucking lost.
samefag desperate to prove his movie crush isn't a mainstream zombie netflix faggot
>getting celebrities is a waste of budget
>acting from literally-whos
Madd Dogg from San Andreas is voiced by Ice-T, get a clue dumbass, lmao.
they're both going to be great
Read the third line, idiot.
There's a filmography, faggot. Your ignorance and age is showing.
Can somebody more tech savvy than me flip this horizontally?
Done, bro.
>rain supreme
Fucking seriously, faggot?
>Check this 5
Samuel l jackson, Denis Hopper, Ray Lottia Peter Fonda. Just to name a few
The Witcher 3 > Metal Gear Solid 5