Why is Bethesda trying to turn Wolfenstein into some cringe fest about "killing evil Nazis ohh! I want to kill those...

Why is Bethesda trying to turn Wolfenstein into some cringe fest about "killing evil Nazis ohh! I want to kill those Nazis so badd!"

Literally no one used to talk about or think about Wolfenstein in this way. It was just "let's play this cool shooter, it has some cool weapons." People thought the Mecha Hitler and shit were cool if discussed at all, not the cringe shit they're doing now.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Literally no one used to talk about or think about Wolfenstein in this way
Yeah we did. It was a game about killing nazis. There was literally nothing else to but besides that. They even shouted really quirky German things as they died.

because you're not supposed to think mecha hitler is cool, you're supposed to have a visceral reaction of rage upon hearing the word nazi, despite the fact that nazis essentially ended 75 years ago

The nazi killing was always its selling point, what you should really raise an eyebrow at is the sudden GIRL POWER

>Literally no one used to talk about or think about Wolfenstein in this way.
Yes they did you retarded zoomer. They all screamed mein lieben when they died and it was hilarious. The fact that you were killing Germans and Nazis was part of the fun.

We gotta fight DRUMPF

I wonder if Philippe Pétain will be in it since it takes place in France or Vinci France.

Nazis deserve the worst form of torture imaginable for failing to deal with the Jews

th real problem is those girls are "fellow kids" tier.

Imagine being offended at how people disrespect the actual Nazis

This. All the Nazis did was ensure that the Jew would have a permanent scapegoat. I fucking hate Nazis so much because they were the single greatest propagators of Jewish power in history.

They were always hilariously evil exaggerations ready to be slaughtered by the thousands.
Just accept that despite hating them, you're actually the most brainwashed faggot by the twitter left most of all. Since now nazi is an actual title for you to get offended over in general, not as an accusation.

yeah, i remember thinking about it that way.

Literally no one used to get offended over nazis being killed in video games, but look where we are now. Things change.



>No one used to talk about Wolfenstein in this way
They sure as fuck did you retarded zoomer, the fact that you were killing nazis was the selling point.

>failing to deal with the Jews
now there's an understatement, they literally helped create Israel

Because it's code for conservatives. All Nu-Wolfenstein is is a powertrip for SJWs.

Wolfenstein is about zombie mazies from hell.


they were never trying to kill them to begin with, jews have been accusing people of similar genocidal acts for ages and they always will

Everything is taken to seriously.

People need everything to match their views of the world. "Truth" has become subjective.

It's really fucking weird how they felt the need to say "kill nazis" every other sentence

That's not why hes offended though, its the shitty social commentary that detracts from the game.

Yeah it was you fucking zoomer faggot. German people used to get pissed off because the game's enemies were basically German stereotypes.

Sorry OP, that's wrongthink.

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he was trying WAY too hard to pander

woah, could you put a trigger warning when posting antisemitism? this is a blue board. i inherited holocaust survival from my great grandfather who heard about someone from his hometown dying at auschwitz.

uhhhhh where are the black nazis?
battlefield 5 has them why not wolfenstein?

zoomer sjw fags

go back to /pol/, skinhead

WTF Nazis just have a different political opinion that doesn't make it okay to kill them!
So much for the tolerant left...


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tfw you get to play black German soldiers in WW1 but can't play them in WW2 even though only in WW2 did blacks fight for the Germans in Europe. youtube.com/watch?v=8VjfKxlO-QA

It's not disrespecting the nazis. It's disrespecting me, the consumer, by trying to emotionally blackmail me into playing this game by making it sound morally justified by killing nazis.

Daily reminder that Yea Forums is inhabited by literal, unironic communists who think the USSR was a good rule to live under


they are usually called "discord trannies"

Because activists and propagandists lump everyone they disagree with as nazi's and then they imagine they are shooting us.

>"fuck nazis am I right guys"
>um i am feeling personally attacked here
man I'm glad I don't have your brain

Yea Forums has gone fucking bonkers since the 2016 election. Moot used to hate all these nazis on this site, now we're filled to the brim with underage edgy newfags calling for actual fascism on Yea Forums. Meanwhile any and all attempts to tell this idiots to fuck off back to their containment board is met by being called a discord tranny. This shit is fucking sad, I just want to play and talk about video games.

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im sure youre so happy to have your tranny 40%er brain

Just once I'd like to have an actual discussion on Yea Forums. The other boards aren't like this all the time, you know.

You’re thinking of Doom. Wolf has always been the nazi killing game.


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Since when did the site give a fuck what moot thought? Moot hated raids too.

When you make a game that has Nazis in it, you have to make it especially clear that you do not intend in any way to make the Nazis look sympathetic or human, not to mention heroic.

Anything less is career suicide.

no heroism in state sanctioned mass murder son

Opening Post Best Post

Of course not, Israel has not right to exist.

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I think you don't understand. The people that are pushing for fascism are the same people under the guise of "tolerance" and "PC culture". They raid all of Yea Forums cause they think everyone here is part of some sort of Nazi moon base. We call them out then we get told to go back to /pol/. Only rarely do I ever see a person larping as somebody from 1940's Germany.

It's funny cause they want to be all artsy and morally ambiguous with certain topics to win those awards. Then to top it all off pretend to be edgy by having gay characters when 20 years ago they wouldn't even risk suggesting that a character might be gay cause the yare cowards.

Lol, ebin trollin

show me 1 humane or empathetic nazi

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You really don't want to play this game.....
>Inb4 radical centrist and both sides are equally bad

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Don't worry user, those Nazis aren't humans, any mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and children they have and the suffering the death of the evil Nazi will bring them is acceptable collateral. What's that? If he didn't don the uniform he would have been shot anyway? Still his choice user, still his choice.

Killing Jews is a humane act. It saves everyone else the trouble.

Israel has no right to exist.

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fucking abwehraboos out in force

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Seething nazis

bethesda is run by jews

>empathetic or humane
lets see he murderes millions of germans, and soviets and leaves europe in ruin
he creates the worlds most destructive ideology alongside communism etc etc

>Only rarely do i see someone larping as somebody from 1940s Germany
There are literally people in this thread claiming that the nazis didn't kill enough jews.

Russiaboos are pathetic subhumans, why are you surprised they're hanging out on Yea Forums?

>accusing people of similar genocidal acts for ages and they always will

You’re not wrong. Jews were literally never enslaved by the Egyptians, it’s an entirely made up tale.

The games were always about killing Nazis. It was never about killing "white men" though. TNC was a mistake.

See explain to me this, why is people such a hard on for hating Wolfenstein 2's story? "hurr black bitch say black people suffer, not white people", are people so god damn retarded they cant remember any of the rioting and protesting that happened in the 60s because of the civil rights shit going at the time? all wolfenstein 2 was trying to do is reflect on the civil rights stuff that happened in the 60s but in it's universe while the nazi's won the fucking war and took over most of europe and the US.

>steamrolls to berlin

If you think hating Jews makes you a Nazi you’re going to have a rude awakening when you realize the reason people hate jews is the reason you hate Nazis.

Jews are racial supremacists who commit atrocities, the only difference between them and Nazis is they get away with it.

but killing nazis is morally justifiable and objectively good.

>w-w-why is everyone calling me a Nazi?!?!?

Historical fact.

You don't need to be a Nazi to hate jews.

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The owner of Zenimax is a jew. A jew so jewy the others jews in the banking sector couldn't stand him.

>muh Nazi persecution
>muh Jew boogeyman

Im ding-dong diddly beggin all you virgins....

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Difference between disliking jews and saying that the genocide done against them was actually a good thing and didn't go far enough all while claiming that Hitler was actually not that bad.

reminder that Mossad answers to no one, not even the elected officials of Israel

they answer to their religious texts alone and leverage the entire diaspora to subvert and destroy their enemies (all non jews)

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Because Wolfenstein is a game where you kill nazis, zombie nazis, and robot nazis, it's not for social commentary - it's an exploitation flick in playable form.

This is why Return to Castle Wolfenstein is good and nuWolf is sõy. It's trying to hard, and even worse, it can't decide if it's camp or commentary.

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>They're marketing this game on killing nazis and that offends me

Fuck degenerate skinheads, fuck Jews, fuck Nazis, Fuck niggers, fuck neocons, and fuck trannys

>Literally no one used to talk about or think about Wolfenstein in this way.
In the 1990s, Nazis were cartoon villains. It was never expected they would making a comeback.

If you are complaining that people in 2019 want to kill nazis, you may need to reflect on whether you are part of the problem.

Quit sperging about your shitty nostalgia.

Remember when Nazis were actually kinda cool and dangerous and were doing Occult shit in RtCW or as late as Wolfenstein 2009?



It was long before this cringy "LOLOL WE'RE A BUNCH OF SWEDEKEKS AND DON'T YOU ALL LIKE KILLING NAHTZEES?" when they were still developed by id Software and RavenSoft and without all this cringy Marketing either.

Which is kind of doubly concerning since these literal retards honestly believe that 50% of the United States right now is Nazis that voted for Cheeto Hitler.

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What is wrong with the people on this site?

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Wolfenstein 2009 was a such a cool game and I'm convinced everyone that hates it never played it

because its a basic bitch shooter
this is literally the only way they can get anyone to talk about it

kikes own vidya you dumb retard, what do you think?

>"Because Wolfenstein is a game where you kill nazis, zombie nazis, and robot nazis, it's not for social commentary - it's an exploitation flick in playable form."
Wholeheartedly agree there, but there is no reason why the games timeline shouldn't be able to reflect on real world history in it's own timeline without being criticized to the moon and back, don't get me wrong, I will admit I found grace kind of cringe, but I understood what the reason why she felt the way she did when BJ came to seek her help.

Reminder that nu-Wolfenstein is made by coward Swedes, a people who were too scared to kill real nazis in the 1940s when it counted.

>Killing Nazis in a series about killing Nazis is cringe
I think you're confused.

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OP shut the fuck up.

>It was a game about killing nazis. There was literally nothing else to but besides that.

That's not good enough any more. It used to be a game in a new genre but FPS games are well out of their infancy. That juvenile shit doesn't cut it anymore. You need actual features.

>When people get so tired of being called Nazis by the left that they actually start to indentify as Nazis and get offended when actual nazis get attacked.

What an utterly insane timeline

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Imagine the gall of a country of cowards who surrendered then made up lies about what they did to help in WW2 telling America what America should do.

>The nazi killing was always its selling point,

Not good enough. There needs to be an actual game with features, which they simply do not have, otherwise they would have said something about them.

>"I'm not a nazi, I'm just a conservative!"
>"But I will complain if anyone ever says anything bad about the nazis."

I think you're confused. Nobody in the thread is saying that Wolfenstein is bad because you kill Nazis, it's because the way they presented the game was retarded

There was/is no nazi comeback retard. SWJ faggots just call anyone they disagree with one cus they are triggered little bitches like you

We live in a society where people are so gung ho about being a contrarian that they would defend a Nazi for being bullied in their depiction in entertainment media. How embarrassing.

imagine being so stupid and disconnected that you genuinely think wolf3d.exe wasn't about killing nazis with a gatling gun

Doing nothing but killing demons is good enough for Doom

The fact they even have the swastikas in it blows me away. How many people would make themselves outraged at this to try and fill the void in their purposeless slices these days?

>perpetuating the myth that the holocaust happened.

Poor form

in b4 teehee milkshake weapon

That was kinda the problem.

I disagree. You want to make a game that's social criticism of the allied powers (and conveniently, mostly the US) in the context of WW2, don't parasitically latch on to an existing franchise to do it. Imagine if fucking Pokemon decided to divert itself to narrative obsession with dog fighting.

I hate how they're turning Wolfenstein into Call of Duty. We're so away from the glory of RTCW

Why are commies so fragile?

It's less to do with identifying with Nazis, more to do with how 'Nazi' has become a term to describe anyone who isn't a radleft progstack moron.

Nazi dogs?

Starvation is bad for your bones.

t. underage shitter

>There's no Nazi comeback OK
>Now stop saying mean things about Nazis it's starting to hurt my feelings

Go back to your normie board.

>"You want to make a game that's social criticism"
No I want a game that accepts that "Hey just like in the real world, our game set in that same period probably had some of those same issues" it would be stupid as fuck to say "Hmm well game is set in ww2 but that's the only thing it shares with the real world".

based and fuckboyd

Nazis, japs and bankers literally invaded on other countries and did stealled their shit and enslaved people.
I have no sorry feelings, for those dudes. Bomber Harris do it again.

Have sex incel tranny seether

yeah they did, even Todd himself did

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I wouldn't really call them commies, since even Communist Russia had a sense of unity, family, traditions, etc.
The thing being pushed today is more like a despotic matriarchy, at least that's how it feels with all the talk about only females in charge.
By worker, they mean themselves, the actual workers are still going to have to pay a shit ton of taxes, only this time for gender reassignment surgeries for their fellow "workers".
Everyone who supports the idea of modern communism thinks that they'll be card carrying members of the state, instead of the next on the list on the chopping block to stop counter revolution.

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user, that sounds a lot like something a nazi would say.
You’re not a nazi, are you user?

The second game flopped, so doubled down to appeal to the 'sjw' type, sadly they don't play games they just use Twitter.

>calls anyone who disagrees with him discord tranny marxist commie

Nice bait, here's another you

>Gaslighting SJWs can't adress a point

Thats a big yikes from me brother

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hopefully they need another political boogeyman soon and dredge up anarchists or defeatists or fifth-columnists or bonapartists or some other long-defeated ancestral enemy

I think you're confused.
Everybody complaining about killing nazis is a /pol/ retard.

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>This is coming from the same people who used to call feminists "Femnazis"

Of course, every normal person knows being a Nazi in 2019 is just cry attention.

what else?

Stop saying "n" word.

Internationalists have basically hijacked pop-,marxism to sell to an idiotic class of latte larper commies with the goal of open borders in order to permanently depress labor prices and castrate the ability of any state to act in the interest of its nation(s) by diluting them.

These useful idiots will be discarded along with everyone else in the coming ecological and climate collapses.

>insect subhuman
suck my fucking dick faggot

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Imagine getting triggered about killing nazis in a video game.

'feminazi' has never been a term used to imply actual naziism. Don't be obtuse.

So I'm kind of confused, when did killing Nazi's become a bad thing for people? Like why are you whining about this? Are you a Nazi? Are Nazi's the new like, "the south with rise again" folk? Also why do you keep calling people who think killing nazi's is cool trannies? Nazi's are losers and and killing them is cool.

PS. I'm not a tranny.


That's cool and all, but there are only like one or two posts that complain about killing Nazis in this thread
You're either making a big to-do about nothing or you're intentionally building a strawman

Is literally everybody but me retarted?

also he cute

>Shove politics into your game, heavily left wing politics
>Adopt the "Punch a nazi" slogan of hate groups like Antifa
>Same extremist groups who regard anyone who isn't SJW to be a Nazi

yeah can't imagine why anyone would clearly see through the bullshit on this one, Mr Shecklestein.

Every conservative radical rightwing white man who hates Jews is a Nazi, you know? We've got to do something about those conservative radical rightwing white men. I mean, are we justified in committing violence against conservative rightwing white men? I'm not sure. Am I saying we should punch all conservative white men? I don't know, we have to consider it. I guess at the end of the day violence against white men is historically justified. Remember the 6 million.

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remember the nazis are the bad guys an we're the heroes

this but unironically

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Based and agreed

>killing nazies is "heavily left wing"
Good to see Yea Forums still suffers from brain rot.

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Subliminal messages

What the fuck are you on about?

Smartest comment in this thread

How much of a faggot do you have to be for killing Nazis in a video game to offend you?

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Care to adress the point instead of gas lighting you fucking nigger tranny?

>I'm not a tranny.
That's a suspiciously specific denial, mister / miss.

Seething incel tranny have sex if your flesh wound hasn’t healed closed yet

Remember, you're basically a nazi if you don't buy this game.

And you know what we do with nazis, right?

Wtf I love Nazis now

>using the term gaslighting
holy shit, you're a full fledged SJW. You guys even argue the same way they do. Haha! holy shit, this is a troll right?

I can't believe it's been 75 years since far-left antifa supersoldiers stormed the beaches of Normandy.

This meme could not be anymore fuhrer from the truth

>kill the most of any ideology
>leave entire nations backwards economically stunted shitholes
>always collapse or go back to capitalism
>marginalism already btfo'd marx's theories of the ltv and surplus labor
>useful morons and trannies still defend it online

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you are a dumb fucking faggot and your feelings are hurt

wolfenstein was and always has been the nazi killing simulator

shut the fuck up and fuck off you dumb gay faggot child, get molested

You need to make a coherent point first.

gaming as a whole is very fucking cringe now, can hardly remember the pre sjw community

>emotionally blackmail me
>morally justified
Resetera is that way.

>Shove politics in your game
It's a game about killing nazis and has always been that, this is not a recent development nor is killing nazis "heavily left wing politics"
>Adopt the "punch a nazi" slogan
The slogan fits the game though, since that's literally what you do in the game.
>Everything that isn't SJW is regarded to be a nazi
I hate SJW's just as much as the next guy, but I have never been labeled as a nazi. If you're being labeled as one, maybe that just says something about your worldview.

And that’s a good thing
Implying anyone cares if they are called a Nazi
Grow up and have sex

Begone with your shitty bait thread revisionist scum, you never played Wolf 3D or even RTCW.

marketing to sjws because theyre the only people dumb enough to drop money at any game that jerks off their ego

>shut the fuck up and fuck off you dumb gay faggot child, get molested
so much for the tolerant left

It was just about killing nazis. It never had you ally with fucking marxists or have #RESISTANCE hashtags in the game.

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If people keep calling you a nazi, maybe there's a reason got that?

Reminder that people who fantasize about killing Nazis are just fulfilling their murder power fantasies.
Reminder that Antifa is a left-wing terrorist group that physically assaults people for being pro-life and chants "LIBERALS GET THE BULLET TOO"
Reminder that fascism is not in any way a serious threat to American democracy.
Reminder that the largest Neo-Nazi rally after Charlottesville had less than 30 people show up, but had thousands of counter-demonstrators nearly riot.
Reminder that "Nazi" is not a catch-all term for anyone who disagrees with you.

>All these SJWs trying their heart out to pretend the last Wolfenstine wasn't left wing as all hell.

You make it so obvious you aren't from here

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And you deserve my dick in your ass for eternity for being a faggot anti Semitic

The reason people have a problem with shit like "punch a nazi" is because "nazi" is a progleft dogwhistle for "anyone who isn't us."

Don't want to give hormones to an 8-year-old? You're a Nazi.
Don't think your government should "rehabilitate" soldiers from ISIS whose beliefs include that it's okay to marry and rape children and women's genitals should be cut off? Nazi.
Think your government has a duty to citizens before foreigners? Nazi.
Are you a white heterosexual male who doesn't believe that this puts you in some sort of sociological debt? Nazi.

And so on and so forth. This does actually serve to push people into radicalism on the other end as well, because if someone tells you "do what I say or I'll smash your skull with a bike lock and set your car on fire," you might find yourself in an enemy-of-my-enemy situation. Polarized politics hate moderates.

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>tolerating Nazis
>tolerating anyone who defends Nazis

Oy vey

Youre a Nazi. There you go faggot

I want to make porn of the two dykes getting corrupted by ubermench cock, fatalpulse style

>make fun of Nazis
>yeah well communism is bad
You're right but I don't see how that makes NatSoc good.

Yes I am a Nazi and I agree killing Nazis is bad
You type and talk like a redditor as if your projection is going to get someone to lose there social credit
This is Yea Forums
I hate niggers and I hate jews but most importantly I hate discord trannies

>Doing nothing but killing demons is good enough for Doom

It has actual features. Like the way health works, the fast paced movement.

nazi germany had a far superior living standard than any point of the ussr

Go to sleep underage

>how find someone who joined post election

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It literally is. You think we killed them for political reasons? The average soldier fought against them because basic commodities became unavailable because his country was preparing for war and he wanted things to go back to normal. Most soldiers after a thirty min chat with hitler would probably want to share a beer with him and go visit some rallies.

Probably the only way they found to give the franchise a gimmick for attracting zoomers.

but youre an actual nazi tho, you deliberately mixed yourself in with regular conservatives then when your spergery got to its peak you did a charlottesville rally filled with rune flags and nazi chants.

When you know that there are 20 percent poisoned skittles in a bowl of 100 skittles, do you not throw the entire thing away.

This is 4channel /pol/cel, and you have to go back

If you want an honest answer, it's because "kill Nazis" is a cynical applause light that hypercapitalist companies use to try and appeal to the hip young woke demographic. Yea Forums has detected this and is pushing back against the faux-edgy marketing campaigns.

Imagine a gaming company in 2002 who sends a chocolate bar to "support the troops in Iraq" for every copy sold. Clearly, the point is to leverage a contemporary political movement to sell you more shit. Whether or not it's okay to kill Nazis when they're occupying your country it is, and whether or not Bethesda believe it's okay they do, are both irrelevant, because if killing Nazis wasn't a hot-button issue right now then they'd shackle themselves to literally any other cause that had sufficiently widespread support with their core demographic.

Yeah, I'm sure Dresden was a great place to live.

I was wondering why TF2 appeared on there first but then I realized the game was in development for almost a decade before coming out.

>When you know that there are 20 percent poisoned skittles in a bowl of 100 skittles, do you not throw the entire thing away.

Guess we should kill all the blacks, too.

Do you even know what a Nazi is?

Have sex

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Lots of real estate available depending on when you moved in.

Moron. I meant before wartime.

That doesn't mean NatSoc is good or that I'm a communist if I make fun of Nazis

You just proved his point. Make one side Nazis, make the other racist tranny communists, and if you don't like it then WOW HOW IS KILLING NAZIS POLITICAL


This is the future we have now. If we don't embrace /pol/ and allow them to drive off the SJWs. Then this place will become a politically correct, SJW shit hole. Their entire practice is to de-platform anyone who doesn't subscribe to extreme leftism. Yea Forums and its anonymity would very much be danger were it not for /pol/'s crusade

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>leftist memes
pure cringe

top fucking kek

I was only bothered when the credited themselves as the inventor of the FPS when they are only related in name nowadays

There wasn't a before war time. They were at war the entire time they were a thing. Spain to getting cucked by Murrica and Russk

Clutch those pearls harder

doom and wolfenstein have always been absolute garbage

this is actually true from what I've seen on Yea Forums

Are you jealous, libtard?

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and yet it still had a higher living standard than the ussr. sad!

Shouldn't have started those wars then.

Name something good conservatards have made, protip: you can't.

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It's alright. You can choose to deliberately not understand. Just remember which "side" will have all the guns.

lol, as if antifa chickenshits could be even remotely comparable to allied soldiers
just stop with the LARPing, the WW2 comparison with your little faggot dyke meetups are fucking pathetic and everyone sees it


>lol, as if antifa chickenshits could be even remotely comparable to allied soldiers

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Learn to code

Because they're pandering to current day politics

/pol/tards are upset anybody who's rational disagrees with Nazism. Even their beloved God Emperor has stated that they're nothing but trouble.

Wolfenstein isn't reality, incel

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It's funny, the very same people who stormed Normandy and captured Berlin to rid the world of the Nazi menace would be derided as Nazis themselves by their own grandchildren

feels weird when you consider how misused the term nazi is these days, I don't think anyone has sympathy for actual nazis but its almost like a subliminal message

Aside from the dude in the middle these guys don’t even look ugly. If you are going to cherry pick at least do it well.

I'm shaking in my boots anonymous neet Yea Forums user, I'm sure you'll personally lead the charge against the SJW hordes

>Wolfenstein will never again have a moment that tops the final level of Spear of Destiny

>these guys don’t even look ugly.

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no but when you consider some of the left thinks anyone right of centre is a nazi it takes on a bit of a different meaning no?


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That's not an allied soldier either.

This is true answer, however some of them did nothing wrong and was forced against their will.

Buy our game fa-... go-... proud individual.

Imagine there was a faction of braindead retards calling half of the country DEMONS. Imagine they would call the president a DEMON every day, imagine they would post articles in mainstream newspapers about how DEMONS are on the rise, people are radicalized into DEMONS by watching YouTube videos, how "PUNCHING DEMONS" is good and there were gangs of these masked retards on the street doing violence and trying to find and "PUNCH DEMONS". They'd call anyone who supported the president a "DEMON", punching even veterans of WW2 where they actually fought against "DEMONS" and Black or Jewish supporters of said president, which the "DEMONS" are known to not have particularly liked.

Now imagine there's an edgy vidya company that started repurposing what was going on to market their retarded vidya game about DEMONS, they would go on to repurpose a slogan by the president into "Make America DEMON-Free Again.", they would go on posting things like "DEMONS are not 'FINE PEOPLE' or calling for people to PUNCH DEMONS using hashtags like #NOMOREDEMONS.

In another context it might be fun to have a DEMON killing game, but you don't get how in a current political context where there are bands of roaming retards calling half of the country evil DEMONS that deserve to be PUNCHED it just might piss some people off?

It doesn't matter one way or another to me.

Do you chapo types every wonder what happens if someone sees you posting the same shit again and again. Atleast /pol/ uses different infographs, but your images you can count on one hand

It's a "dogwhistle" as the far-left likes to complain so much about. Make a game about warring against commies or Islamists, the same bloggers would accuse you of subliminally advocating for the murder of socialists and arabs.

you're right here's a superior antifa warrior storming the beaches of Normandy

Attached: strong wymyn.jpg (1280x720, 136K)

It's almost like there are different extremist groups fighting for your brainspace in an internet information war. Whoa! Better give in rather than think for yourself. They will call you names if you don't do what they say!

I don't really need to make fun of it after the sequel bombed hard compared to the first.

You should punch demons though.

>233 posts
>110 posters

Leftists are going all out tonight

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>Muh left
Can't you right wing crybabies bitch about something else. Nobody cares about some boogyman. White people wouldn't have declining birth rates if you incels actually gone out with someone.

Sorry, I'm just a reasonable American who realizes Nazism is a failed idology. This isn't 1940 anymore.

Americans regardless of political affiliation are subhuman.

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I hope so

I hope they are gaslighting people into accepting the use of violence against racial supremacists, because then maybe we can talk about the Jewish problem.

They didn't invent the 1st person shooter either. There was a magic game that came before wolfenstein 3d that was the first true first person shooter. Doom popularized it by perfecting it.

Yeah, we didn't just have a decade of CoD's where you kills Muslims and Russians*

*see communists

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> stairsburger

Attached: 343.jpg (200x211, 10K)

Call of Duty and Medal of honor was a good games.

>failed ideology
>when Israel exists and is essentially an SS utopia

Times change, the Nazis were the good guys.

I can tell you right now your newfag is showing because Yea Forums never talked about video games.

Im a nazi girl and im afraid of the future, killing ppl just for the wrong beliefs :(

>I have never talked to a leftist or left my basement dwelling: the post.

Because anyone with the wrong opinion is a nazi in 2019

>Da joooooos!

Attached: a6eov4r5va231.png (640x853, 961K)

This but unironically

Would Homefront be the equivalent to Wolfenstein just instead killing commies?

>I am gay: the post

Why is killing Nazis cool? They don’t really exist. Zionists do, but you don’t see games about killing them.

Almost none of this is actually happening and none of this is happening as frequently as you lead us to believe in this post.

Israel is actually a despotic shithole even if nuNazis are also retards.

>Da straight white men!

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Still not seeing your argument, if Nazism failed why did Jews have such success with it?

Fuck off

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Holy fuck the left cannot meme at all lmao

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Nice revisionist history, faggot. Killing nazis was always considered cool until it apparently became a fucking political statement to hate them.

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>People literally laughing at an I AM SILLY comic
have sex

You aren't even making sense anymore

What is wrong wrong with killing nazis and japs, they bad guys and deserved death because of being "bad".

Heil fucking hitler you kike piece of subhuman shit

Death to all jews especially the ashkenazi. “Kill fucking ashkeNAZIS”


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>They don’t really exist

>Pride month
>He isn't gay
I bet you kiss girls faggot

>Holy fuck the left cannot meme at all lmao

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>it’s ok when Jews have an ethnostate and commits atrocities excusing their behavior with a belief of racial supremacy

>Israel is literally an ethnostate where Palestinians are treated as second class citizens
>Ignores the point entirely
Good to know you have no argument

It's almost as if MAGA-mouthbreathers make themselves paranoid by grossly exaggerating their perceived enemies or something.

You do realize the majority of leftists are against Israel too right?

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>What is the Holocaust

>american ww2 soldiers
>heavily conservative
>most hate niggers and faggots
>very nationalist about america
>comparable to the modern day left at all

You're just denying reality at this point. Simple Google searches can prove what that user said.

Why are leftists obsessed with fighting figurative racist and fascists and not ones that actually exist

Absolute fucking cringe. Go dilate.

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Reboot Wolfenstein is made in sweden.
Do the math.

>this game is bad because people said mean things about the president

this. Nazis are an easy universal bad guy, just like demons. Doom and wolfenstien were made almost specifically without plot because it was assumed you wouldn't need a motivation for killing them.

damn, niggers can't even talk peacefully.

Stay in your room nazi

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The issue is that you're pretending that the vocal minority of a group is the mainstream school of thought within that group. I have never met a leftist who called me a nazi, I have never met a leftist who called someone a nazi just because they were conservative, these people exist only in strawmen or cherrypicked twitter posts with 2 likes, they are by no means a significant threat.

>Not so subtly imply that the president of your country and everyone that voted for him is a nazi, and then encourage violence against those people

Once these people win their cultural battle, and get rid of all these so called nazis, I hope they realize that they'll be next in line for the rope.

Killing nazis is good and should be encouraged

>if I google "i'm right!" then I'll be right
You can also Google stuff that says you're wrong you fucking smoothbrained shitter.

Question 2 is wrong. Multiple SS members denied atrocities that they supposedly committed and it was only after being subjected to over 2 weeks of torture were they able to get a confession. This is why people question the Nuremburg Trials seeing as getting a testimony under these means would be worthless yet the courts held them in high regards.

>Mecha Hitler is hilarious!

>Mecha Hitler is a racist bigot! #PunchNazis karl marx rox I love to kill and stab them oh yeah. You taste that blood of the Nazis mmm *eye bugging out on stage* oh i love the feel of the warm blood oh yeah btw im a totally normal sane person because i hate nazis

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>armband on the wrong arm
lmao if you think this is real.

oh my god a fucking reasonable opinion

>I can find a literally who on twitter calling someone a nazi, this means that this is a common occurrence in the real world.

>what is the media

delet this

Why are you trying to pretend that fringe groups don't actually do this and that less extreme liberals somewhat go along with it because they're useful idiots who genuinely believe they're doing the right thing by doing so? I'm not even conservative btw.

I would but I have to wage it up at work tomorrow.


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>what is the punch a nazi commercial

your strawman just prove him right

>but killing nazis is morally justifiable and objectively good.

The entire conception of a "Nazi" is ridiculous, ahistorical, cartoon nonsense and thinking that the cartoon nonsense has any real application to morality is an absolute joke.

Why is punching a nazi controversial to you?

I'm not pretending anything. You said YOU KIN GOOGLEZ THAT MEANS ITS TROO which is fucking second grader logic. I'm not here making social commentary. I'm criticizing YOU for being a fucking idiot trying to tell other humans they should think this or that when you say shit THAT STUPID. If you're THAT FUCKING STUPID you political opinons are worth the paper I wipe my turdcutter with.

mixing political discourse with jokes (especially ''''ironic'''' larping) is retarded and nothing to be proud of
Just look at what identitypolitics mixed with Poe's law did to this shithole

oh yea a vocal minority like the entire democratic party and the woman who got the majority of the countrys popular vote who ranted about nazi frogs, every left wing media outlet, etc. total vocal minority bud

Stop telling the truth!

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Edgar Allen Poe was a liberal and a Marxist plant.
Yes, this is a joke.

are you
> implying
that this videogame isn't somehow cartoon nonsense

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its not bethesda
its swedish devs at Machine games unhappy with the title they're given

because its good PR for them you fucking brainlet
they had a good old IP and suddenly it became HOT to do the thing their game did, even if it didnt scream it
so they doubled down on it, i dont see why you would be upset about this unless your an actual nazi lol

shut the fuck up, nazi

me, but unironically.

That wasn't even me, but you're denying his point despite it being pretty accurate lol. No most liberals don't do that shit but people trying to pretend it doesn't happen and it doesn't influence other "normal" liberals to some degree is disingenuous at best.

thanks for the triggerwarning;^)

This is so true that you had to mass reply to it to make it so.

It’s almost like it’s not true. Gaslighting faggots.

This is a shit /pol/ thread but there is a grain of truth. Nazis in the original game were alive (for the era) and threatening. Upon seeing you instead of blurting out some random screaming (ala doom or any other game) they shouted orders ("halt" etc) and had to turn to open fire instead of immediately attacking. They looked scary which was the point, they were things that were an actual threat to BJ especially Mecha-Hitler who had become more machine than man.

This is lost in the modern games because they're all just generic sci-fi now. Most of the troopers wear gas masks, so their faces can't be seen. They do the same generic shooter dance of shoot without considering cover. It's boring.

The political mask applied falls flat when compared to this. If the Nazis in the new games seemed human and real then fighting them would seem scarier.

You literal fucking retard. You incomprehensibly stupid mother fucker. Can you have a serious conversation without resorting to muh meme arrows that completely ignore a poster's entire point, or has years of anime reaction images ruined your ability to form a sentence?
You can Google "Hate crimes on the rise USA"
You can Google "YouTube reactionary right pipleine"
You can Google "Antifa attacks"
You can Google "Candace Owens harassment" and "Ben Shapiro harassment"

These are easily verifiable facts, refuting your original point that what the original user said "never happens". These aren't isolated incidents from fringe individuals, these are everyday events covered by the mainstream media that people have wrote extensive journal articles on. But of course you don't care, educating yourself takes too much work, it's easier to shitpost on Yea Forums to make yourself feel superior to people.

Way to move the goal post. This post here claimed that none of this is actually happening and that the user is merely deluding himself into thinking so. Yet that commercial is proof that there are people, some on whom are in the mainstream media, that will attempt to demonize those they disagree with and attempt to incite violence. Try harder tranny.

Have you ever talked to an actual democrat in real life or is your perception of what the democrats believe solely based on how they're portrayed in far-right internet communities? Can you link me to a single article or story in which a left leaning media source calls half the country nazis just for being conservative?

back to tumblr falseflagging tranny

It’s not even about the Nazis. Thing is that’s literally all this game has for it. It’s a generic basic bitch sci-fi FPS with Nazis thrown in solely for the sake of having a universal enemy to quench normies’ murder boners for a week or two, and treating that as if that alone redeems absolutely everything wrong

good opinion right here

They aren’t stupid just dishonest

Sure thing, there aren't insane retards going around calling everyone a "DEMON", trying to shoot politicians of the "DEMON" party at baseball games, hitting "DEMONS" with bike locks over the head, there's also none of them going to prison for assaulting (even Black or Jewish) "DEMON" president supporters.

There are also no roaming bands of masked retards attacking veterans of the "DEMON" war: youtube.com/watch?v=ZlV9C36zPAk or attacking blind veterans of said bar for daring to raise the "DEMON" flag: youtube.com/watch?v=nRoVCKKn_NM

It's all just made up and not happening.

Attached: DEMONS.jpg (2636x2407, 1.42M)

please (you) all of us so I can prove you wrong

why do you keep pretending hillary clinton didnt rant about nazi frogs and how alex jones is a nazi and such on television in front of the world? answer the question.

Momocon 2016. Can tell by badge and carpet. And Chick-Fil-A

The reason why they do this behavior is because it worked with the holohoax.

>Killing Nazis Is Bad, Here’s Why...

I never once said it didn't happen. I said, specifically, that using Google to search "things that say I'm correct and the boogeyman isn't" is not a thing you hinge an argument on.

>I have never watched mainstream news broadcasts, been to a university campus, lived in a major city or used any popular form of social media

If you were smart this coordinated damage control is far superior proof than anything you can show him.

When things are so universally true, it doesn’t need to be said. But leftists cannot trust the judgement of others, so they behave in the way you are seeing now.

But he could find ONE single example of what he said and he would be correct even though we all know there would be hundreds of instances.. so why bother even disputing what he said in the first place?

Isn’t there a quote about this?

It’s not happening to it is happening and you deserve it?

As a jew, threads like this worry me a lot.

Facists are demons.

is this a joke

The Narcissist's Prayer?

+the rest of the world

Yeah, you should. West is slowly becoming fascist.

No and you’re gay

i just didn't like how hard they were trying to appeal to a crowd that doesn't buy their games

Maybe cool it with the treating everyone like cattle thing

You think you're smart but you're not.

My post doesn't say it isn't happening, it says that it's not happening as often as you're claiming it does. Antifa has had no effect on my everyday life, I have never been called a nazi for my beliefs, my life has been virtually unchanged by the current political climate. If what you were talking about was so drastic as you claim it to be, there'd be no way these event would not permeate my everyday life in some way. However the fact of the matter is that they have not, and I see no reason to work myself into a reactionary frenzy because of a handful of people.

As a non-jew, tweets like this worry me a lot.

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>I'm a nazi
Lol wtf that shit's over bro, irrelevant since 1945

>I just want to talk about video games
>wahh wahh nazis make me so angryyyy
rly makes me think

should be easy enough for you to post a clip of it then

Projection: The Post

Not surprised if people are worried, considering the Christchurch guy. Neo-Nazism is a disease.

I can't seem to find a single story about Hillary Clinton calling Alex Jones a nazi. I'll answer your question when you answer mine - Can you link me to a single article or story in which a left leaning media source calls half the country nazis just for being conservative?

>3 retweets 10 likes

How obsessed do you have to be to be down to these literal who mouthbreathershaving infographics made?

Attached: 800px-Mommsen_p265.jpg (800x1256, 350K)

Done 3 of the 4, try harder next time.

lmao I cannot believe how you can be offended by nazis being badguys. what the fuck country did my grandpappy fight for?

Wolfenstein was always about killing nazis but with the surge of """right wing views""" on the population they have to remind/drill the cattle that things such as nationalism, race awareness among white people and other things are bad because le nazis were bad people xDDDD.

It's just capitalism trying to protect itself.

>Mao's great regime lost to this


Attached: Sparrow.jpg (800x536, 48K)

Кaк бyдтo этo чтo-тo плoхoe.

Males commit most murders. ALL Males are subhumans who should be removed to protect society.


So reading the thread doesnt it all just come down to this

kill yourself fat fuck

I just don't understand why is it impossible to view Nazi Germany as a complex historical situation? Like literally every other regime in any country is analyzed in this manner. This "kill NAZIS in AMERICA, remember they're the BAD guys and we're the GOOD guys" is so cringe. The war was fought for geopolitical reasons and nothing else.

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Far-leftoid pandering to their delusion that there are nazis hiding behind every bush, when really it's them hallucinating about anyone to the right of Joe Biden and then coming up with rationalizations to assault and censor people they disagree. It's a religion that needs constant reinforcement from the media, people are really keyed into it so the Swede guy was trying to score cheap pander points based on that.

Males commit suicide more than women. Males are dangerous degenerates who should be sequestered from society for the betterment of humanity.

Nazi and japs kind a cool and shit, but demons and aliens are a new tendency.

Yea Forums is so contrarian that the mainstream not liking Nazis has made brainlets start heiling

this but unironically

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You people have got to be the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. This strategy doesn’t work. Just be honest.

well i mean american games pretty much kill anyone, you got the russians, the nazis, middle easterners

No it's not. History proved them right.

I want to play as the mecha hitler

The Christchurch guy was literally an Israeli

Literally just remaster Wolfenstein 09.

Holy mother of redpills. You just got me to hate nazis.

>The war was fought for geopolitical reasons and nothing else
It doesn't matter. What matter is how many people died and how many lifes were ruined.

>BAD guys and we're the GOOD guys" is so cringe
Bad guys want to do bad stuff with you good guys want to help you.
Nazis and japs doesn't wanted to help you in some meaning.

>burger politics
Can you faggots just have a civil war and kill yourselves already.

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Because they are calling Nazis Trump supporters

males created society though so that makes no sense

So why are Bethesda using parallels to today's political climate and just these events affecting actual people getting hurt and called "DEMONS" to market their shitty fucking shooter game reboot, if this was just a game about "Shooting DEMONS"?


>trump supporters support Israel
>Israel behaves like Nazis

Are they wrong?

kill yourself nazi lmao

>If you are complaining that people in 2019 want to kill nazis, you may need to reflect on whether you are part of the problem.
This is your brain on Marxism

Burger here, we're far too degenerate, fat and lazy to do anything more than whine on the internet. Even the French fried faggots can riot better than we can. Any "white" supremacist in America is a mutoid anyway and probably defends jewshit like Christianity too.

Yeah this is just the editor of one of the biggest liberal media outlets in America. No big deal, right?

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fuck off assblasted stormfag, killing nazi faggots will never stop being cool

>only Wolfenstein wants you to kill Nazis

Attached: nazi zombie.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

They were proven right.

Just take the black pill OP
More we think about more depressed we got

>It's just capitalism trying to protect itself.


Also let's not forget that amerimutts love to suck jew cock.

Every human race has tried to genocide another race, sometimes successfully. Tribes kill and eat other tribes. Villages rape and pillage other villages. Countries erase other countries. Third world immigrants displace modern Caucasian civilizations and create third world ghettos.
>F-f-fuck N-Nazis! XD

And japs too.

No big deal, right?

Attached: DoO5OmVUwAA0stm.jpg (600x730, 97K)

Is it? The only thing I've ever seen from Buzzfeed are those shitty videos they put on Youtube of zoomers being quirky,

this is all an elaborate demonstration to convince you faggots that globalism is a terrible idea because larger more powerful/influence countries can exert power over smaller countries and ruin the concept of popular sovereignty. we won't stop until the rest of the world returns to nationalism

Anyway the game looks good
they remembered it just a videogame
the last game took it too far with the kkk, an ugly black woman with an afro with a jewish scientist and more dumb political bullshit

problem is it kinda looks too call of duty.

you're right, this dude gets zero engagement on twitter yet he has a job at a major publication writing hit pieces with enough swaying power to take down big youtube channels

jewish nepotism at play

But he's not. He's ignoring reality

When I played the older games I would laugh at the over the topness and enjoy the good game play. That stuff is gone now and it's just a gritty political shooter. Liberals ruin fucking everything. Even that Wolfenstein where you have magic powers which was terrible is better than nu-Wolfenstein.

No, not really. Never heard of them and those tweets were probably read by 10 people, 9 of which disagreed privat

Crime is crime, God didn't create punishment without reason.

Yeah how obsessed do you have to be? Those crazy nazi's amirite

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It’s an American world. You’re just living in it

This is how Reddit posts.

I played almost a decade of RTCW and W:ET and nobody gave a shit about nazis in MP. I think anyone who says that it was a real selling point is probably either too young or is making shit up based on what they expect. Yes, you were shooting nazis and they were never the good guys. They were, however, badass. As you played RTCW you didn't go "oh these nazis are so evil." You were more like "holy fuck this looks cool *shoots gun*." SP was more about occult, technology, and interesting level design than shooding da nazis. MP was 100% pick whatever and have fun, nobody ever brought up this retarded shit.

In fact there were more people intentionally picking Axis in MP just because they were cool aesthetically and they had cool guns. Plus if I remember right, the MP40 was mathematically better than the Thompson in RTCW, so that helped.

RIGHT. A nothing burger! lol! If this isn't a big deal at all, you won't mind me posting it then.

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So apparently if you're not a Nazi, you're a Commie and vice versa.
What the fuck is it with people on this shit board going to such extremes?

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No you haven’t.

And then

Love the projection.

I wish it was American and not a nation-less corporate (and largely Jewish) hegemony.

/pol/ triggered
>/pol/ triggered
/pol/ triggered
>/pol/ triggered
/pol/ triggered
>/pol/ triggered
/pol/ triggered
>/pol/ triggered

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The real answer is because it makes people like you butthurt and all press is good press.

Millions died in WW1, yet you're still someone allowed to have a nuanced view except for American patriotardism. I have a nuanced view in regards to the USSR, yet it's totally unacceptable to have the same for Germany. The simple fact is the cattle need to fed their founding myth for neoliberal democracy.

Liberals are sociopaths. They are training you to shoot and hate "nazis" in this while the media says anyone right of Stalin is a right wing Nazi. The goal is to make it easier for them to put a bullet in you.

Nazis are fine on Yea Forums. Commies are fine on Yea Forums. Every politic is entitled to his or her vidya.

But fuck ERP-posters and discord trannies who post off-topic anime threads.

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Yea Forums is /pol/ you incel.

me tribe good, u tribe bad
grugs who don't pick tribe worst of all

>get called obsessed
>start spamming replies to a single post
oh yeah, you're obsessed

No big deal

Attached: DlflqINWsAAwUeO.jpg (1418x1080, 203K)

based froggy friend


The computer you use the Western Civilization you benefit from.

>videogames can train you to shoot in real life

Attached: Alex Jones Fidget Spinning.jpg (583x437, 50K)

Again, user. You don’t have to do this. This is what separates humans from insects with no empathy. We all see the same thing. They know this, and have no faith in people coming to the conclusion that they want them to.

Take a deep breath and believe in humanity.

absolute obsession on display

>fear mongering

Are all lefties this stupid these days?

There are hundreds of "tribes" or ideologies, but according to everyone on this board only Nazism and Communism exists

You already know the answer

It's more mentality and brainwashing then actually training you to use a firearm. It's not just games either but everything.

>everything I don't like is Nazis is not fear mongering

replace white with black does it still sound stupid?

Exactly. Like what even is there to be obsessed about? Open calls for genocide being acceptable in the mainstream? Who cares!

Attached: DmDwFDJUYAAnjDv.jpg (678x368, 43K)

This is our site.

>globalism is a terrible idea because larger more powerful/influence countries can exert power over smaller countries and ruin the concept of popular sovereignty.
That's gonna continue to happen and has always happened regardless of globalism.

>we won't stop until the rest of the world returns to nationalism
And how will that stop larger more powerful and influential countries exerting power over smaller countries? If anything nationalism leads to just that.

Why did it sell like shit then compared to previous games?

>Get proven wrong, start crying about obsessed.

yet another left-tard who thinks throwing the word "triggered" at anyone who criticizes something is effective banter. Off you go to misunderstand and then fail to appropriate some other right wing meme.

Because current year and orange cheeto hitler


Fucking weird times we live in that someone is triggered by a game about killing Nazis.

And it failed to sell.

Let them be mentally brainwashed all they want, won't change shit when they actually snap and actually attempt to do some harm.
Look up the countless videos of these losers getting knocked out when they actually try to start fights, you should be welcoming this shit. It's entertaining and illuminates who they really are as people, mentally unstable.

I’m going to complain about this on their twitter page. They need to be MORE DIVERSE.

Nationalism ended empires

Of course it does. People googling stuff they don't like so they can stew in their self created hell for the purposes of waging internet warfare are absolute retards. We used to make fun of SJWs and now you say I need to be one.

Yea Forums is /pol/
Turns out the Nazis were right.

>Commies are fine on Yea Forums

Attached: GolodomorKharkiv.jpg (650x471, 93K)

>Turns out the Nazis were right
You say that now until you realize they killed fat people for being fat

We did accept Nazis as these "ultimate villians" as they were evil, relentless and efficient. We admired them as much as we hated them/feared them.

Current cuckold events have forced the connection between nazis and literally anyone who speaks out against the far left.

Nowadays the world nazi itself is cringey and that's sad to me honestly.

Don't cut yourself on that edge bro.

>proven wrong
>literally the only place I've ever read or seen any of this shit is on Yea Forums
>we're not obsessed, we just repost all this stuff we hate so you can see it when obviously it'd be better to not give it any sort of notice at all

Yeah, you're obsessed

I hate to break it to you but Wolfenstein is a fictional video-game. Video-games aren't real life user.


So your fat-ass would be executed

Your not coping well with evidence being shown to you that’s proving your points wrong. It’s like you know your wrong.

Not that weird when you look at how shitty Jews behave

Heard it was like Doom but I was disappointed when there were no wolves or cool guns. Just lame soldiers and a windows 95 screensaver level design.

When my entire point was that you can google anything you like and create any reality using what you find, I don't think showing me shooped cherry picked bullshit is nearly as potent as you think it is.

However, your obsession is pretty potent. That much is true.

Go play GTA IV and kill some jews then

You are not intelligent at all

I didn't claim I was. You are talking about intelligence in place of your original point though, so I think we all know who REALLY isn't intelligent, Mr. Projection.

>you ready to kill nazis? Epic to kill those nazis!
It’s cringe af, I know they’re bad I don’t need some dumb europoor to wink and nudge me and let me know how much im supposed to hate a defunct political party from across the ocean

>mentally ill people trying to push their agenda blatantly all over various different types of media to change the wests way of life
>you're just obsessed bros get over it it doesnt even matter

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That was my first reply to you.

You are not intelligent, but you are very bitter and insecure.

Almost every country involved in WW1 was responsible and wanted that war in one way or another. Also casualties among civilians were much lower than in WW2.

Even if that's true everyone on Earth is such a paragon of virtue right?

Am I? Are you sure? I've never known someone who brought up intelligence as a point of argument to be intelligent, so I guess that makes two of us, user.

Currently playing Wolfenstein 2 and while the gameplay being fun as fuck the story is the most abominable thing ever translated into the media

The anti white propaganda, the nine month preggo fighting on the battlefield, all the Jews are wiped from existence except one that is magically your lawyer while being hunted for being the head of a revolution, the whole only blacks and foreigners are resitants in the USA, making Hitler pissing and committing himself in the most cringe inducing scene ever, making blazko a weak fuck that never stops crying about his feelings, that horrendous scene with the preggo chick, the fact that BJ’s father is a racist and a nazi for no fucking reason despite willingly marrying a Jewish girl, the fat nazi chick whose only purpose his to be laughed at because she is fat and white and because interracial sex.

Seriously fuck this trash game and everything it stands for, I have never played a game so fun yet so unbelievably badly written and unappealing to follow through.

Glad I payed only 5bucks for this shit and zero bucks (0 ZERO) went in the pocket of these trash Swedes devs.

Really Sewedes are the plight of humanity, I hate this people with all the fibers of my body, If you are a Swede, kill yourself, everybody despise you.

I’m mad as fuck

>muh current year
>"please make a safeplace for we nazis!"

war... war never changes this is from like 2004 or something

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Times change, the Nazis were the good guys.

looks like we have a gamer on the verge of rising up

>Implying anyone cares if they are called a Nazi
/pol/ cries everytime they get called nazi, tho.

Ok if safespaces are pathetic why can't a notable video game company make a game about killing jews?

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How many times do people need to point out that the entire entertainment sect is heavily endorsed by jewish propaganda for people like you to get the message?

>now frogposting seething /pol/goloids
lmao, anything else?

It's become problematic because everybody associates Antifa Lefties as being Nazis now.

Point of argument? It’s not an argument. But if you want it to be one you just now proved your lack of intelligence by somehow reading it as one.

You aren’t intelligent, you’re a fucking idiot.


Already rose up by not giving them my hard earned cash :)

And I’m certainly not getting the next game brand new either, used items all the way, as that wonderful character Grace would say : «rise up motherfuckers»

>see Nazis
>"What the fuck? They must be referring to me!"

I think this says a whole lot more about you than it does about them. Glad your crying won't stop this series from being made.

>person seems themselves in a positive light
It’s a good thing to have confidence in yourself, I know it’s a foreign concept for you

>ur dum

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How is it shitty?
I thought it was fine. Nazis are subhuman after all.

Absolute brainlet posts. Nazis, aliens, demons, no one gave a fuck who the enemy really were just as long the game was good. It's insufferable virtue-signalling.

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>Eastern european girl forced to labor camp.

Must be thinking about the soviets.

It was literally both groups which is why so many slavs hate Russiya and also hate Krauts.

>zoomer trying to rewrite history
just die lmao

cancer thread

Atleast you aren’t ignorant about it anymore

>a bunch of literal neo nazis waving a swastika flag protested a pride parade in detroit today
>"n-no, nazis aren't real!"
shut the fuck up and kill yourself nazi scum

You don't even have to be a Trump supporter nowadays to be called a nazi. The term gets thrown about so casually nowadays that anything to the right of globohomoism gets you called a nazi.

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Nope Hitler was caught bragging about finding tank factories in eastern europe and putting civilian to work in those.

Pow partisans and jew got labour camp.

this, nothing else to it

This is the result of what watching too much anime does to you. It makes a edgy zoomer faggot.

Found the discord tranny. DOTR comes for you, and soon.

I'm 26 you fucking retard

>Found the discord tranny. DOTR comes for you, and soon.

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Both groups orchestrated mass murders, theft, were rife with nepotism, used forced/slave labor etc.

>Glad your crying won't stop this series from being made.

No but people refusing to buy their shitty game will

I haven't seen that label thrown to any on in their face and I've only seen happen to and by;

1. controversial online media pundits, the most egregious example
2. subtweets from literally who's which is shitty behavior but it's like thinking it's the end of the world cause some guy on /po/ wrote an essay saying he hates black people and the jews. It's ridiculous
3. Op eds the worst part of any paper. Honestly if you see an article shit talking white people 70% of it being a shitty op ed.

For the most part it's defaulted to just extremism nowadays, at least from what I see. Hell, most people call christchurch a far right extremist attack, rather than a neo nazi one.

Yes i'm not a revisionist but i'm saying nazi never used eastern european civilian in labour camp.
Sure they had camp filled with pow,jew,partisans,traitors from within etc.
They were pretty welcomed as heroes in eastern europe liberating the countries from communism,reopening the churches etc.