Arkane's Deathloop is a mobile game

Its their second, smaller studio. This smaller studio also helped with Wolfenstein

where is the dishonored 3 trailer bros

>cgi trailer

literally vaporware

Dishonored 1 and Dishonored 2 also had their first trailers be CGI.

And Nu-Prey, now that I think about it.

You dummy.

No Prey 2 announcement?

It's the main. Arkane Lyon is the company were Arkane was created.
The secondary studio is in Austin created in 2010

How do we know it's solely a mobile game and not a console game with a little complimentary app on the side like so many others?

Please be some mobile tie-in thingie and not the main game.

Timeloop game will rely on collecting notes/data after each death. Mobile app can be used to check that stuff on the fly like the pipboy app

No one knows yet.