Its their second, smaller studio. This smaller studio also helped with Wolfenstein
Arkane's Deathloop is a mobile game
Cameron Ramirez
Adrian Barnes
where is the dishonored 3 trailer bros
Leo Jackson
>cgi trailer
literally vaporware
Cameron Morales
Dishonored 1 and Dishonored 2 also had their first trailers be CGI.
And Nu-Prey, now that I think about it.
You dummy.
Evan Diaz
No Prey 2 announcement?
Easton Scott
It's the main. Arkane Lyon is the company were Arkane was created.
The secondary studio is in Austin created in 2010
Gabriel Torres
How do we know it's solely a mobile game and not a console game with a little complimentary app on the side like so many others?
Luke Brooks
Please be some mobile tie-in thingie and not the main game.
Caleb Sullivan
Timeloop game will rely on collecting notes/data after each death. Mobile app can be used to check that stuff on the fly like the pipboy app
Isaiah White
No one knows yet.