How did Wolfenstein fall so far from grace?
How did Wolfenstein fall so far from grace?
Because it was never good.
WW2 happened almost a century ago
commies took over the industry
>entire world apparently hates and fights against da natsies
>300 years later the nazis are still in power
Makes no sense
It's just a sign of the times. Pretty much everything made these days is corrupted.
last one was the best in the series
By villifying the good guys.
It went from just using Nazis as a strong, interesting enemy to using them as a tool for moral grandstanding. BJ used to just be a soldier, viewed as respectable to anyone. Now he's an over the top moral crusader.
based loperpilled
Wolfenstein 2009 isn't so bad anymore now is it
It was never bad, just overly ambitious and meandering. 7/10 game desu
So according to you, the more outlandish and prestigious the worse? I bet you read tons of books.
Maybe actually fucking hit it you shitter.
ID was bought by Bethesda
When it started pandering to ANTIFA thinking they'd make a great target audience.
all video games are trash now
cringy cinematic gameplay
Then I guess it's time to leave Yea Forums and never come back
Nailed it.
Alright you know what? I'll go ahead and tell you how Wolfenstein reboot fucked up. Call me /pol/ call me whatever you want but this is absolutely the problem:
1) After you escape the sanitarium none of the Nazis you kill actually deserve it. Most of them are just cops in grey uniforms. I have no motivation to actually want to kill them.
2) In a Nazi occupied world where the Nazis have a goddamn fucking MOON BASE and laser weapons why am I trying to ruin everything? They have a moon colony in the fucking 50s for Christ's sake. Is this supposed to make me hate them more? It doesn't.
3) The supernatural elements of the series were completely removed, marginalized, and demeaned in favor of giant robot dogs and Nazi Adeptus Astartes. All of this technology is predicated on ANCIENT JEW SCIENTISTS WITH TECHNOLOGY 10,000 YEARS AHEAD OF EVERYONE IN THE WORLD. This knowledge of Kabbalistic supertech apparently just couldn't save them from a Holocaust.
4) The goddamn fucking concentration camp mission. Never in my life have I seen shit so fucking stupid. Apparently the prisoners are forced labor but their entire job is...pressing three buttons make a machine mix concrete. The process is three fucking buttons. Why the fuck isn't it automated? When you have goddamn ROBOT DEATH MACHINES you're telling me the Nazis wouldn't mix concrete with an autonomous machine? Fuck you.
Franchise became retarded. Devs are retarded. ANTIFA is retarded.
But The Old Blood is peak Wolfenstein
Non-americans were put in-charge of development
That was my biggest gripe of the game. I thought it would be BJ surpassing all odds by fighting through number and technical advantage through his anger alone.
But nooooo, it's the Jews that created all these stuff, so it would be up to a Jew to show you more stuff to destroy the Nazis because our dumb Shimshon BJ isn't good enough himself.
it's backed by propaganda which is a huge flaw in terms of its overall delivery. sad stuff
Don't forget the time they use a Ancient Jew WMD to commit a terrorist attack on a bridge that massacres dozens, maybe hundreds of innocent people.
I also didn't like how it was stated that Nazis only stole those technology without realizing its full potential.
If a bunch of prehistoric Jews can figure it out, surely the Nazis can reverse engineer it enough to understand it enough to utilize it.
>) The supernatural elements of the series were completely removed, marginalized, and demeaned in favor of giant robot dogs and Nazi Adeptus Astartes.
Yeah, I know the series didn't start out as supernatural, but I really hate that it's been completely removed in the main games (Old Blood was a pretty good short sequel to RtCW, though). It certainly doesn't help that it's been replaced by a hamfisted storyline with terrible dialogue. BJ should have remained a silent protagonist.
Based and redpilled
no rtcw is
Oy vey that’s anti-semitic, we are the chosen tribe
post better webms at least
Using politics as a marketing ploy. Not even Call of Duty in it's wwii phase ever used "killing nazis" as a selling point.
The first doom happened?
Wolfenstein 3d is about killing Nazis and mecha Hitler
Rtcw is about killing nazis
Wolfenstein 2009 is about killing Nazis
Sweden yes "Wolfenstein" is about killing wh*te ass fascist Nazi pigs
Nothing you said relates to anything that user said, you faggot.
>old games
>focus on gameplay mechanics
>good level design
>art is low fidelity, but still gets the message across
>new games
>everything is focused on art (style) and representation
>gorillion different animations blending together
>meshes with quintillion vertices and textures for PBR memery
>artists and programmers are working overtime just for the sake of high fidelity
>less time for gameplay, level design, etc. - things that actually matter
Take the gameplaypill and stop focusing on graphics. It's a liability.
you wanted good gameplay and a logical story? stop being so entitled user
People realized the wrong guys won.
It hurts my soul but yes.
Perfectly said
Also fuck nazis and fuck all these /pol/ incels on my board
The first reboot game from machine head played very well. The second one played like shit I don't even think they finished designing the levels because you can save scum.
>kill nazis before
>kill nazis now
cool games
I think it's done alright. Enemy Territory was amazing, Wolfenstein 2009 was great, the new order was also good. The New Colossus was a bit far up its own ass but the shooting was solid.
It's been doing better than Quake.
bethesda is run by bean counters
God the venom was such a badass gun.
quake is ded and they always want to revive with strogg shit and not eldritch horror
it gives the game away when they obfuscate stats to prevent people coming to true conclusions
Because they restored the supply lines so there were no more typhus outbreaks.
For me, it's the silenced Sten submachine gun
Creators failed to understand that the people who played those games were generally gun fetishists.
But if you like guns in modern America, you're basically a "nazi".
They mistook the people screaming about how much they hate "nazis" as being the same people who would buy their games.
The difference between this thread and
this thread is night and day
There's some crossover, but yeah, this actually has some discussion.
Did they though? It's obvious that it didn't work. They definitely realize that by now. But they're doing it again anyway.
/thread. NOONE can be a cuck and ruin a good manly American franchise quite like sweden
Companies today are more concerned with sending a message than making money or delivering good products. This should've been apparent since like 2015.
well this has a picture of rtcw which is excellent and that one looks like it's going to be an argument about nazis which is boring so i won't even look
They forgot it was about tense FPS gameplay and level design and not just Le Nazi Slaughter Simulator.
Commies took over + obvious dog whistling nazi = right wing supporter.
At this point they'd get more business making a game about Nazi soldiers that retreat into Wolfenstein and fighting a coup against their commander. Is it too politically incorrect to have Germans fighting themselves over supernatural shit? Have BJ show up halfway through the game and work together with the player. Fucking zombies and ghosts and shit have a funny way of bridging ideological gaps.
In RTCW, I always wanted to team up with the Nazis against the undead zombies on the Catacombs level.
No the gameplay still sucks ass
You have to think of it from a cultural perspective. Most of these modern WW2 games have wound up with Swedish developers. Sweden were collaborators during the war despite pretending to be neutral. It's a ghost they all live with and they have decided that reinterpreting history is the best way to escape it. When it comes to the portrayal of WW2 and Nazi's they want to make it as outlandish and make them as evil as possible even if it's comical so that when people think of Nazi's they don't think about Swedish collaboration.
Seriously, Sweden got a hold of the franchise and ruined it. It's now a cheezy brainlet zombie game.
RTCW > Wolfenstein 3D > Spear of Destiny > New Order > The Old Blood > New Colossus > 2009 > Youngblood
Based autustic rant user is correct.
Sweden had no choice, womans was stolen to breeding houses and men was under gun. Also their resources got stolen. King runned to the Britain.
That sucks.
Yeah right look what their neighbors did. Norway kept fighting even when civilians were being slaughtered as "partisans" and Finnish people were tough as nails and held on tight fighting off the Russians and then the Germans. Sweden just let the Wehrmacht roll right through and they gave them all the steel they could produce.
It’s almost like it’s an organized group of posters pushing an agenda or something.
These are just mere glimpses into individual narrative issues that are wrong with new wolfenstein but correct nonetheless.
>organized group
don't be a schizo
>On Paderborn Village mission
>Have to kill all the key SS Paranormal operatives
>Enter to their houses they are listening Moonlight Sonata.
>Go to options.
>SFX to zero
>Just the music
>Im enter to all the houses and kill them all just listening Beethoven
whitebois place is at her feet
Too bad that level sucked.
The direction of this series is actually a good metaphor for the direction of politics for the past few of decades
You’ll be able to spot the exact moment they enter this one, I’ll hold them off
Can we get our sexy nazi's back?
this, I miss when FPSs were about good run and gun gameplay, challenging AI, and solid level design.
>that user
Over the top moral crusader being seen as a bad thing because it's a trope. Yet a respectable soldier which can be viewed in the same vein isn't?
It's gonna hit the bump limit pretty soon or get deleted even quicker
that ad gave me AIDS
>2) In a Nazi occupied world where the Nazis have a goddamn fucking MOON BASE and laser weapons why am I trying to ruin everything? They have a moon colony in the fucking 50s for Christ's sake. Is this supposed to make me hate them more? It doesn't.
This is a reason why I fucking hate nazi super science narratives, and I'm not a fan of Nazis or a crypto fan I fucking hate them. So why do we constantly get stories where the Nazis are able to literally prove they are a master race when in reality they would have turned upon themselves like jackals the minute hitler die. You don't even get a good question of "is progress worth the moral cost". Don't forget they don't have a moon base - they have an advanced 23rd century level facility on Venus. I'm skeptical we'd settle Venus by 2300 let alone 19 fucking 60. Why not have the third reich be a fragile police state where the only technological progress is punitive violence? Instead of a dystopian utopia with mind blurring technology and achievements?
>I’ll hold them off
t.discord tranny
>not ET > everything else
Those people are fucking retarded. The reason people flocked to wolfenstein was cause it was one of the first, most refined first person shooters with cool weapons and graphics. Killing wermacht was kinda cool to some but it was literally just the idea of being a ww2 soldier escaping from a german ww2 dungeon that people liked, no one was genuinely obsessed with killing nazis or self righteously dog whistling (as they call it) for the murder of right wing people (nazism isnt even right wing).
It was all meant to be a cool backdrop for a game, not a huge political statement that purposefully draws weak parallels to the real world to appease fringe ideologues.
They're fucking powerless when genuine discussions like this thread still occur outside of their same fag bump limit threads.
So why the FUCK hasn't there been a full-fledged sequel/remaster of this game with an ET-style multiplayer? The hype would be off the rails, the shit would make so much money. I don't understand.
Because it would render any of their dumb new games as irrelevant to the series.
Devs forgot that the WWII/Nazi premise was never the selling point and that there actually had to be something good about the games. The first one was released when FPS games were all but unheard of. It wasn't notable because of the premise at all.
Its owned by Activision and they don't see the need for it since its already covered the normies with COD shit
nuwolfenstein is aimed at milkshake thowing bugmen who also buy apple products
>It went from just using Nazis as a strong, interesting enemy to using them as a tool for moral grandstanding
They were a generic enemy that devs were able to make somewhat interesting by including occult storylines.
sadly, this
Activision wouldnt own the rights to anything wolfenstein though, right? Even if they published the original Bethesda owns the rights
third post best post
their viking ancestors raped and pillaged my ancestors i want reparations
They do, beth only since 2014, beth doesnt hold the right for anything pre-2014 it seems
>Wolfenstein 3d is about killing Nazis and mecha Hitler
That one is really about being a FPS when FPS games were practically unheard of.
That only came in later entries. The first wolfenstein just used normal German soldiers and nazi officers but when you're one of the first fps to use them as enemies you can get away with it without it being so generic.
Nazis are good villains for a video game because of their aesthetic.
Sober up user
People bitched about the first Wolfenstein reboot with the wonderful over the top pulp aesthetic. So after complaints they went Post Modern and forgot how to make that shit fun.
other thread is absolute cringe cancer, so have this glorious and legendary panzerfaust shot instead
Watch this trailer and you tell me.
>Why not have the third reich be a fragile police state where the only technological progress is punitive violence? Instead of a dystopian utopia with mind blurring technology and achievements?
Because deep down the people who write Wolfenstein aren't smart enough to ask themselves questions like this.
Take me home.
>poltards think they have a save space thread
The Jew science spin was added to TNO to combat this probably and to keep Nazis from looking cool and competent, but it raises way more questions and frames Jews badly which is why they kinda forgot about it as soon as it was over.
When it comes to WW2 in general most are taught not to ask questions
whats tosspot doing these days... he was comfy as hell to listen to
>pretty sure I watched that panzer match live
go fuck off to b dude
working for twitch in california
doesn't seem to cast anymore
As other anons have already said, so many of these modern games stopped putting core gameplay as a priority. Gotta have those EPIC ANIMATIONS WOAH so the normies buy in.
I just started playing RtCW and it feels good to play but is not a good game. It feels like they were trying to be then CoD idk. It definitely hasn't aged well.
>w-why are they using nazi-killing to sell a WWII-based game? Antifa tranny sjw pandering propaganda!
Do you asshurt fags listen to yourselves? Jesus christ. Bethesda marketing is heavy-handed as fuck but here's a revelation: No one worth their birth likes nazis. It's not political, it's not propaganda, it's appealing to people's moral self-righteousness just like 99% of video games. The only thing different here are the contrarian assholes desperately clinging to the flag of a half-baked ideology that the rest of the civilized world stamped out in the mid 40's.
We have this thread multiple times a year. Get over it sometime.
>child pageants weren't creepy enough. we need to go creepier.
these people should have their children taken from them and given to a grandparent
Damn, had no idea he worked at twitch now. I check on the old crossfire site still once every couple years. Since I brought it up, Winghaven was playing Overwatch during S1/2 as well. Was weird to see him again he still streams stuff after overwatch but it's mostly just BRs.
modern animations are actually less immersive and cripple the fluidity of gameplay
imagine having these 3 second animations that lock you out in q3
Based schizophrenic mass shooter
Looks like the trannies have arrived already
>half-baked ideology that the rest of the civilized world stamped out in the mid 40's.
Israel exists homie not sure if you noticed
they also like to add skill trees to everything so there's a progression treadmill
Oh yeah, it ruins the gameplay for me. Not only is it unnecessary, but it's a hinderance.
>it's not political it's just political
shut up you add nothing to the discussion and don't even read the thread you are posting in
Who were the monsters? Because the more you post, the more confused I get.
>rest of the civilized world
no, liberals took over, liberalism is an ideology which includes things like capitalism. An idealist individualist philosophy.
If communists had taken over it would have been set during ww2 and you would have been glorious soviet soldier. It might have let you be female sniper.
I genuinely enjoy the gameplay in nuWolf and am going to be buying Youngblood. It's the only single-player fps series in recent years that I've enjoyed playing, despite 2's faults with the story.
My only complaint with the series is shit marketing for TNC and Youngblood, it stirs up too much crap on this shit board and doesn't actually reflect how fun the games actually are.
Nobody believes in white supremacy more than those who claim to be oppressed by it.
they mostly want a narrative where you are a badass overcoming impossible odds, and a story where the germans are actually beaten by soviet retards with a zerg rush doesn't need an american soldier or a ragtag resistance of losers
also that they inadvertently make a utilitarian case for the nazis is just being shit at writing, probably
or they are cryptos playing the long game
They do it to make up for the lag inherent with wireless controllers. Same reason most popular games these days play themselves. Just look at RDR2, the game literally aims for you if you even point your gun in an enemies general direction.
They don't understand their own gameplay systems. In TNO it wants you to be sneaky in a game where you are never under threat, and in TNC it wants you to run and gun when you don't have the health for it.
People always say that but I have never had a problem going guns blazing even on the harder difficulties in both games, the fact that people still complain about TNC's difficulty makes me think people just fucking suck at video games nowadays, because that shit was easy.
Stealth isn't mandatory in either game anyway, there are knife only sections in TNO that kinda suck but you still don't have to be stealthy.
RtCW is the only game in the series with mandatory stealth sections that will fail you if you get caught.
I'm saying that in TNO the stealth is completely pointless because of how powerful you are, but they keep trying to push it. I never played TNC properly, but TNO definitely had problems with confused gameplay design. It was okay, but it wasn't a GREAT shooter.
Stealth is completely optional, I've played the game countless times and avoid stealth almost the whole game except the knife sections.
Sure they give you the ability to get through certain sections with stealth, but there is no negative to just going guns-blazing.
>doubting my capabilities
I’ll be going to bed soon though
They shouldn't have spent the time to make it an option in the first place if they were never going to reward it, it's just normal gameplay done long.
You can do the same thing in a ton of the sections of RtCW though? There is an actual reward, keeping the alarm from going off so more reinforcements don't come in.
That's my point, the reinforcements are anemic and you are going to be able to get to the officers whether you fuck up or not.
define that word without looking it up.
Also the same thing applies to RtCW, and that's not a problem. If you are quick enough to kill the officers before they can call in reinforcements, that's the reward. Are you retarded?
>Spear of Destiny/Wolf3D
>Over Old Blood
Nah senpai
It's just another zoomer trying to role-play as a boomer, don't mind them.
RTCW was the peak, though a couple of missions are annoying, the one where you sneak into a truck and ones with near-invisible snipers shooting at you from somewhere
Although I appreciate the creativity in some of the level designs in spite of the extremely limited mechanics, Wolf3D got one-upped very fast and very hard by Doom
I always wanted to finish RTCW but couldn't because the early game is too boring. Maybe there is better gameplay mid to late but who knows.
>define that
Suffering from anemia or, as we are currently using it, weak, lacking vigor.
>if you are quick enough to kill the officers, that's the reward
There's no real time pressure because nothing can stop you from walking in a straight line. There's no reason to not go in guns blazing, because it's just a better approach.
>quit before encountering his first x-creature
Did you at least get to the catacombs?
>There's no reason to not go in guns blazing, because it's just a better approach.
Some encounters can be finished much quicker if you use the stealth correctly, same as in RtCW. But it comes down to player preference and it's one of the reasons I enjoy the game, there's no real negative to playing the way you wanna play, stealth or guns blazing. They even made a trailer based around that for TNO.
Yeah it sucks that Enemy Territory just never really had much of a successor, though it's not like the game is suddenly unplayable, and Splash Damage's stuff like Dirty Bomb is going into maintenance.
But what the fuck you mean "fall from grace?" It makes fucking /pol/ mad? You gonna wield "grace" as an excuse to be some self-righteous hipster cause the newer titles are getting press?
It's not like the game had regularly scheduled releases.
You had two games nobody even remembers exists to the point the name collapsed and id was able to snatch it up for Wolfenstein 3D then later release an okay-ish expansion, Spear of Destiny. Then later Doom comes out and the powers that be move onto Quake shortly after.
Then a wholeass decade later you get Return made by completely different devs. And then the pretty righteous multiplayer title.
Then you get '09 which mostly people don't even bother remembering exists, rightfully.
Finally, almost midway through the new decade, we get a new Wolfenstein, practically by accident of Bethesda just sitting on the name and letting one of their subsidiaries use it, that has enough success and acclaim behind to push it into another single player expansion, and then a sequel and now spinoffs to follow that sequel up.
Yeah Wolf 2 had some rough spots but shit, it's very visibly not the end of the line, and the gameplay has been making those quality-of-life improvements notch-by-notch.
>Check ET servers
>Everything full of bots
>Legacy n other shit have only like 5 servers with 15 players and not even vanilla maps
i thought the daughters in the new game were supposed to be black and fighting "nazis" to retrowave music and really shitty feminist ideology?
i mean, i SWEAR we had footage and images of this and were mad for a good while.
was this a different game im thinking of?
No. Like I said, couldn't past maybe the first hour of the game.
And that's from a person who tried to play this twice and are into pretty much every boomer FPS out there.
>i thought the daughters in the new game were supposed to be black
Yeah 2 white people can birth black babies. Your dumbass didn't even play TNO or TNC
are the early levels too easy or what?
Shit taste
that was the point of everyone being upset. they were black and either one or both were gay
You're definitely thinking of a different game, or hallucinating
You're probably thinking of Far Cry New Dawn, had those 2 nigs as the antagonists
I had the same problem with Morrowind just going around talking to people just turned me off
TNC was just badly designed. It's very linear and if you don't understand where reinforcements come from or don't see a pitch black Nazi powergunner or something in a pitch black corner you can get instagibbed if you're not at full health.
It's just a mediocre shooter, all things considered. Hardly difficult, just that it's inconsistent. Except the Courtroom mission. Fuck that bullshit. That was hard as balls but for all the wrong reasons. I guess that really goes back to poor design though.
I enjoyed it over FC5
Well said
It's not about difficulty but kinda reminds me of those tired CoD levels from the early days, the same standard military shooter with nothing to stand out. Plus the guns doesn't feel that good for some reason.
Maybe it's a problem I have with the series in general, Wolfenstein was always a kind of meh type of game for me, while Doom and Quake were faster and more brutal.
Imagine how long it must have taken her to get rid of the smell.
>TNC was just badly designed
Not gonna fault you on that one, I really enjoyed the gunplay and combat as a whole but the level design and pacing suffered compared to RtCW, TNO, and TOB.
Apparently with Youngblood they have Arkane helping with the level design so that honestly gives me a bit of hope.
>tfw never played Doom or Quake, but pumped thousands of hours into RTCW and ET
I feel like I'd love Quake.
Quake 2 could me more to your taste then.
Old Blood and New Order are both shit with bad pacing issues so many levels encouraging stealth first then fire fight to take out the stragglers.
stealth is optional you autist
Shooting nazis got boring.
The final fight still pisses me off. It's so awful, you have no choice but to run back and forth underneath the lower levels until all the grunts are dead and then play peekaboo with the giant robots because you have no cover or any way to actually fight them because you'll just get out DPS'd way before you get through their massive healthpool.
As gimmicky as the final fight of TNO was it was still extremely cinematic and cool, and uhh. Less tedious? I mean the first section is really tedious but it's still much more engaging and fun than playing Vietcong simulator for 10 minutes.
God I'm just reminded of how fucking mediocre the Venus base mission was now. It was basically two hallways and impossible to stealth because it was just two fucking hallways, and also annoying as shit to get through all the tanky robots because there was nowhere to flank because it was just two fucking hallways. That sometimes just became one hallway. The Moon in TNO was so fucking nice even though it was linear since it was OPENLY linear but, gah.
Because RTCW was so good that any other Wolfenstein game will feel inferior.
I swear Wolfenstein threads are the only place I ever see people lose their fucking minds over optional stealth with absolutely no active penalty on dual-wielding the biggest loudest guns in your arsenal and going apeshit.
The closest thing I can think of where this annoyance makes sense is a couple of stealth-mandatory missions in RTCW.
I should add that I did really enjoy the TNO and Old Blood, though.
>The final fight still pisses me off
By far, the worst part of TNC. There is no real final boss, just those 2 robots.
>As gimmicky as the final fight of TNO was it was still extremely cinematic and cool, and uhh. Less tedious?
Agreed, Deathshead is honestly one of my favorite boss fights of all time, reminded me of mecha hitler a bit.
Sliding under the flames and shooting through the holes in the wall, it was a damn good final boss. Not to mention the design of his mech was cool as fuck.
>God I'm just reminded of how fucking mediocre the Venus base mission was now
Also true, it was a shitty rehash of the Moon level in TNO.
Like I said TNC still has satisfying gunplay, but ultimately suffered because of trash level design/story.
I did not play new colossus.
I thought New Order was great...what went wrong?
Can I get some examples?
White supremacy is based in how productive societies are, when white countries were homogenously white they made the biggest advancements and passed by a mile the other societies, brownies and blacks only keep white societies hanged by the balls and stopping development, there are obligatory race quotas now, so you have to hire that black guy to fill it even if he doesn't know shit of what he is doing
t. Nonwhite
Mainly level design, TNO and TOB were reminiscent of RtCW with clever secrets and enemy placement.
TNC is just generic "more open" levels with no real design whatsoever, and a total lack of actual secrets.
Other than that, the story is worse than TNO and TOB but the gunplay is still up to par.
>Dirty Bomb
I am glad splash damage is working with 343i on Reach but I honestly had more fun with DB than with Overwatch, it was as good as launch Tf2 for a while.
Did Yea Forums ever play Dirty Bomb?
New Order was unironically amazing with steller gameplay+a surprisingly compelling storyline and characters
New Colossus was fucking awful compared to the last, introducing lots of annoying unnecessary characters that could've been good if handled properly but were instead shunted in the main cast and given more screentime than original characters, the level design was so fucking bad and was repeated constantly, the bonus mission commando hunt things were really boring, the story was all over the place, and the good characters they had just got worse
Had some good moments getting to walk around nazi-occupied territory dressed as a civilian, metal arm guy was still based, and that one afro black chick's friend was pretty funny, the actor interview scene (not the level), and the ending where you killed the chick on live TV
The best part was when Blasco's head got chopped off, that was genuinely surprising and a great story moment
>the story is worse
Did it suffer form the Trump era "We need to shove politics everywhere" thing?
I still remember the scans and it look kinda of neat, how terrible would you say it is?
I watched the ending and the part where BJ head gets chopped off and put into a Super Soldier body, it looked stupid but awesome.
>someone actually made this
good taste though
>Did it suffer form the Trump era "We need to shove politics everywhere" thing?
The "political" aspect of the game is really over-blown on here, there really is not a lot of that at all. The only thing is one black character that keeps calling others "white-boy" and shit like that but it's honestly evened out by a couple characters calling out her bullshit. A scotsman calls her cunt-rag the moment he meets her and the fat german almost chokes her out for being called a Nazi.
The hysteria is really overblown on this board, and it's not as one-sided as you would think.
There are even post-cards you can read from Germans hiding in the bottom of the sub, where they state that all they want is to go back home and see their families.
Drummed up political hysteria aside, the story was actually decent, but the ending is fucking trash and kinda ruined it for me. TNO nailed the ending but TNC shat the bed in that aspect.
TNO was very solid. Not the best thing ever and the story is honestly downright dumb when you think about it.
Especially the persecution angle when you get down to it.
>the Nazis hate all nonwhites
>the Nazis are genociding all nonwhites
>there's still a fuckton of nonwhites
>literally piles of hundreds of bodies laying around while robots efficiently clean them up
>they died from uh, exhaustion? From pushing a button too hard?
>anyways yeah super genocidal killing all the nonwhites
>that's why some 60 year old Jew is still alive in one after being in a concentration camp for 10+ years
>also its security is completely awful and worthless
>by the way the only reason you're even seeing all this is because the entire plan hinged on finding a guy at a concentration camp who was sent there 10 years ago and you have absolutely no idea if he's even still there or died from basically anything from a nasty infection while shaving to getting killed for fun by the evil Nazis and you'll probably be able to find him and just drive away lmao
Seriously the ease at which the resistance operates in the Nazi dystopia is frustrating as fuck. They actually just have their base underneath the Nazi HQ. It's so moronic. It actively detracts from how threatening the Nazis are by showing them to be actually incompetent, blind morons that could never have actually done half the things they managed to do. Oh yeah also the Nazi superconcrete is actually amazing and the only reason it's molding is because the SuperJew is poisoning the supply because #fuckNazis. But besides those major thematic missteps it's a fun turn your brain off rule of cool ride with great level design.
TNC is all of that with a story that's just fifteen times dumber with poor level design that makes the Nazis even LESS imposing by showing them to actually just be a bunch of insane morons who couldn't take over a gas station let alone the USA.
Old wolfenstein games had an excuse plot, stuff like "yeah yeah you are escaping a castle and killing the nazis between you and freedom". The plot only existed so much as it existed to give you motivation (get to freedom) and enemies (the nazis are keeping you here, oh look here is mechahitler). The plot did little else, and it didn't need to, as the focus was on gameplay.
Since the reboot, Wolfenstein has been a more narrative driven game. Even the most dyed in the wool white nationalist could have fun in Wolf3D blowing the shit out of nazis while navigating the maze like level design. Now the games are less about "kill the bad guys between you and your goal" and more about "celebrate the victory of democracy/democratic socialism/socialism/communism/whatever and do your bit to fight the power and aren't we brave we are fighting the evil power and we are so good". I don't want that shit, just let me shoot shit in new and creative ways.
This is why the DOOM reboot has done a lot better. Just about all of its narrative elements still put the focus on "here are demons for you to kill fucking kill them". It doesn't preach like the new Wolf games do.
It's funny how nobody cried about Blazkowicz killing those poor nazis back then, they were nazis, you shot them in the face. Now you can't discuss these games without le 8gag army getting their panties in a bunch about being oppressed by society for identifying as nazis or some inane shit like that.
Just look at this thread.
I thought youre encouraged to stealth because commanders will call in infinite reinforcements
>drummed up political hysteria aside
i wonder who is really doing the drumming? do you really feel it's a bunch of permavirgins on four channel dot org? do you really?
So far the gist I got is that Wolfenstein was a goofy franchise that didn't take itself seriously until the New Order at which point all the logical inconsistencies in the setting showed up as what happens when you enforce internal consistency by writing a serious story in a goofy setting
Yeah, it's a global conspiracy to ridicule you for your incoherent xenophobia, you fat embarrassment.
>At this point they'd get more business making a game about Nazi soldiers that retreat into Wolfenstein and fighting a coup against their commander.
In the 2009 game you're mostly working with some German resistance, so it's sort of that.
It does sound like a step down from TNO but at least sounds playable from all this.
Thank your posts bros, I did not want to play it at first because I thought it would be worse.
>SuperJew is poisoning the supply
For real? Isn't that kinda racist in the sense that jews and wells is the oldest anti-Semitic piece of propaganda in history?
It's not infinite, like I've already said countless times it works basically the same as RtCW except the commanders radio it in instead of hitting actual alarms.
It works fine, if you wanna stealth to avoid reinforcements, you can. If you wanna go guns-blazing and kill everyone along with take on more enemies coming in as reinforcements, you can.
It's not that complicated.
Hell as long as you kill the commanders quick enough, you can go guns-blazing on the remaining enemies without having to deal with reinforcements
>them to be actually incompetent, blind morons that could never have actually done half the things they managed to do
A lot of stuff in actual real life WW2 was chalked up to antiespionage taking advantage of the Nazi's myopia and tendency towards mythologically-tinged theatrics
Shit like the Ausmerzer's security password being something as brazen as "Valkyrie" was based on actual dumb shit the Nazis liked to do that codebreakers would take advantage of.
Beyond that, there's a subplot in TNC about how shit is breaking down and technology isn't progressing so well since BJ killed King Nazi who was reverse-engineering all the space jew tech.
>Beyond that, there's a subplot in TNC about how shit is breaking down and technology isn't progressing so well since BJ killed King Nazi who was reverse-engineering all the space jew tech.
>do you really feel it's a bunch of permavirgins on four channel dot org?
Yeah pretty much. Like someone already said the marketing of the second game doesn't even accurately represent the story of the game. It was likely some 20-something dumbasses who are part of Bethesda's marketing division that saw the current political climate and decided that it would be a good idea to use that to boost Wolfenstein's popularity.
Devs don't have much to do with the marketing of games.
vanilla maps except radar suck tho
play the updated versions
ETLegacy is good, better than all other mods and a valid etpro alternative
TNC is definitely worth at least a playthrough. Even with all its' faults it is still better than 90% of other shooters on the market.
Sorta but not really. The new games actually created a story they just kind of made cool locations first and tacked on a story later.
TNC did this but it’s really really stupid because there was no consistent idea or flow to go with so the missions feel completely disconnected and the story justifications for it all are kindergarten tier writing.
>black hackers at the top of a bombed out radioactive New York
>what do you mean food, fuel, power, computers, hacking, and WiFi towers don’t just spontaneously manifest out of thin air?
>nazi underground base at Roswell
>yeah I totally have a tunnel into it at my dad’s diner and it’s super exposed and nobody noticed for forty years even when the Nazis renovated the place
>Venus base
>yeah the Nazis totally wouldn’t notice you don’t look or sound anything like this guy and would definitely not check your luggage for weapons
>bombed out Louisiana town
>yeah the Nazis built a big wall to keep untermensh in and just never killed them
until right now at this very moment because reasons
Not that guy but the readables spread around each map give a ton of backstory on the Nazis, there's even an obituary for Deathshead somewhere
TNC is hilariously racist when you get down to it.
Jews actually run a global conspiracy of secret societies with advanced technology that could bring humanity hundreds of years into the future and eradicate disease and hunger but they lock them in deep sea vaults and then the Nazis find it and use it to genocide half the world and take the remaining half into a paradise with advanced technology and safety aside from your literally terroristic actions that kill hundreds if not thousands of civilians across all of Europe.
Are you that dense to make the connection? Everyone that is not a leftist is a "nazi" and the game marketng campaign had a "punch a nazi" slogan, mimick'ing a real world one. You either already knew this or you're too stupid to engage in a discussion in any case.
If you do the sidequests like revisiting Manhattan after BJ evacuates Grace's group and also raids the nuclear bunker, there doesn't seem to be a real reason as to why the Nazis would still be in Falloutland after you deal with the two reasons they would even give a shit, but you can overhear some soldiers wondering about why they're even there anymore and it turns out it's to scavenge shit from BJ's other rampages cause I guess they're having production issues after the heroes nuked Deathshead's base at the end of TNO.
There's also a letter from a Nazi officer discussing the implications of their entire empire being built off Superhebrew tech and what could happen if that info ever got out. A lot of the people taking over after Deathshead died seemed to be promoted beyond their level of training.
Wolfenstein was never really good compared to DOOM. Even then, the newer titles suffer from having too many cutscenes rather than a balance between gameplay and story. And even if you exclude this, most of the recent games have been about attacking bullet sponges, defeating waves of enemies, or doing sneaking missions. It's just boring as fuck. At this point they're only keeping the franchise alive because of brand recognition and the current political climate. Gotta rack in those wacky bucks from the masses!
>It's just boring as fuck
Even for all its' faults, I gotta disagree.
Name another single-player FPS in recent years that is even close to as good, besides DOOM.
Going to leave this here before the thread closes.
Haven't played it but it seems interesting, it's probably pretty good.
NuWolfenstein is my favorite recent shooter along with DOOM, but besides those the only contender I can think of is Shadow Warrior reboot 1 and 2. They never get talked about on here though.
i wish
the GOAT, Fragarea 3 coming through
good one indeed
It never was.