You're going to kill Nazis. And then kill Nazis in VR. Then stab Nazis. Did I mention you can kill Nazis...

You're going to kill Nazis. And then kill Nazis in VR. Then stab Nazis. Did I mention you can kill Nazis? Because I should remind you that you can kill Nazis. So buy our Nazi killing game where you play as a Nazi killer who kills Nazis.

Attached: Nazi.jpg (826x1053, 165K)

Other urls found in this thread:

We've been killing nazis in videogames for 30 years, stop getting triggered


>swedish presenter


>t. Nazi scum

Kill whitey

Attached: Average Democrat Voter.png (815x600, 183K)

I'm not sure I understand, who am I killing again?

Imagine my shock
Come and get me you swedecucks

Attached: 92E0B584-6735-482D-8B4F-E85CF12B314C.jpg (644x644, 61K)



>Getting triggered by people killing Nazis


Attached: natzees.png (1288x761, 2M)

Imagine being mad at nazis getting stabbed

will be buying this game

Imagine being such an underage contrarian fucknugget that you actually get triggered by killing Nazis.

have sex

I am going to buy this game just to spite /pol/.

Wait. So you're saying I can kill nazis?


>/pol/ seething
/pol/ seething
>/pol/ seething
>/pol/ seething
/pol/ seething
>/pol/ seething
/pol/ seething
>/pol/ seething
/pol/ seething
>/pol/ seething
/pol/ seething
>/pol/ seething
/pol/ seething
>/pol/ seething
/pol/ seething

Attached: 1557843792646.png (601x582, 149K)

do you think sweden is overcompensating for their refusal to actually participate in ww2?

can we get a game just like this but with commies instead

Yeah, but 30 years ago people believed it was a good thing. Now just about everyone knows better.

I was just enjoying killing Germans, I didn't care what their political beliefs were

its a bottle neck. We live in a world were there was and remains one bad guy. Nazi. its fucked up, man

Only if you want to be on the wrong side of history.

Based, fuck germs



>commies killed 200 millions
>nazis killed 20 millions max


have sex
fuck whitey

>Now just about everyone knows better.
go outside, autist

That wasn't real communism.

Every white person is a natzi these days. They're actually saying kill all whites.

'Nazis' has been code for 'conservative/non-leftist' since at least 2016, don't pretend like you don't know this

based and redpilled

nazis mad nazis mad

only high iq people like us on Yea Forums can see through their bullshit

gameplay looks pretty fun to be frank my dude

look buddy they know who is buying this shit. when was the last time you gave a shit about wolfenstein?

It looks the same as all the other Wolfensteins. So not bad, but nothing new.

Remember when Wolfenstein was amazing? Its slipping away

Attached: v2z8km.png (719x540, 493K)

how was what the nazis did bad? if they went on to promote full blown eugenics the human race would be 100x better off in even the near future

How do Nazis think they're capable of killing all the lesser races when they cry every time someone says mean words to them?

Literally none of you should be getting offended out of this unless you are a Nazi


>Nazi's weren't human despite even worse human atrocities across the span of human civilization.

How about everyone gets fucked? I can't wait until every single piece of life is extinguished on this god-forsaken planet. Fuck all of you, reply to this post to show me how much I fucking hate you all. Let it rip, c'mon. FUCK YOU

Ikr. Look on the bright side.
Maybe mindlessly destroying order, and purity as some ugly tranny woman thing will redpill more normies on who the real good guys are.

that talking point has been regurgitated so many times you are dry heaving, my friend

Triggered Nazis. Aww, want a medal, you little racist fuck?

Attached: Not Even Conservatives Accept Pol.webm (406x720, 1.49M)

>lol dude, it's just fictional children! Literally no one is getting hurt by this! Let me lust after them in peace!



No (You) for you

Yeah, it was about killing Nazis back then too.

I bet he did it to trigger people and it's clearly working lmao

Attached: 1434063543971.gif (185x171, 940K)

>Yea Forums
>high IQ

>also Yea Forums
>when Yea Forums is actually filled with ESL spics

You've never given a good response.

it wouldnt be an issue at all if people these days actually knew what a nazi was

1/10 the sales of wolf 1 this will fail harder

funny you deflect instead of answering the question. You faggots literally always deflect or sprout off meme buzzwords when everyone anyway confronts you. Fucking kill yourself.

Nigger killing Nazis is the most American thing you can do. Your great great grandfather would be disappointed in your traitorous ass.

r/the_donald seething

sure thing, goebbels.

You can point people with this mentality at any "bad" group and justify the killing of innocent people. This is exactly what dictators like Hitler did.

The irony would be funny if it wasn't so scary.

kill yourself sjw nigger

>implying I'm American
>implying America is always right


My response is that history is colorful and you got shown a black and white photograph. you got lied to. there was no holocaust. camps? yes. deaths? yes. Did jews serve in the wermacht? yes.

how about you leave or die nigger

Lmao you /pol/ faggots are such fucking bitches. Blow your fucking brains out pussies

Your great great grandfather has a hundred times more things in common with the guys he killed than he does with you.

Maybe because nobody actually wants to kill lesser races. We just want to protect our own. So when you encourage, and propagandize the murder of our race, it is upsetting.

It wasn't SJW about it.
It was over the top,unrealistic inspired by 1980's Naziexploitation. Similar to the Blaxploitation films like "Boss Nigger"



Then your opinion doesn't matter third world scum

die Nazi scum

if you advocate for the genocide of minorities and creating an ethnostate then you deserve to be killed tbqh


Attached: sadfasfadsf.png (100x134, 23K)

there with that i can kill you public you subhuman faggot i won you subhuman sjw niggers cant win let alone throw a punch


Woah, cool it with the antisemitism.

You're braindead. Don't reply to me again

I don't mind killing nazis but holy fuck stop pretending it's novel. it's the absolute opposite of novel.

>great great grandfather
Are you 3 or something?

Oh, so lying.


It was fun. New order was meh and the sequel was so boring. I rather storm normandy again on multiplayer. But its never gonna happen.

You got triggered over a fucking videogame you piece of crap hahahahaha you're a shitty faggot

no im above you i can throw you into gas chamber and be called a hero as you die

Get over yourself Gramps.
70+ years after the war and everyone realized the Nazis were the good guys

Sorry but whites killed nazis and we'll do it again.

Attached: tenor.gif (360x346, 170K)

Holy shit htis is a matter of history, you faggot. The United states kills en mass in brown countries right now, today. nazi never did that. US, britain, france and saudi arabi are commiting genocide in Yemen. and before that, iraq. You got shown ONE bad guy when you were a kid so you would never see the real killers of today. Our own governments. Fuck you ignorant faggot.

And what a hero I will be.

Attached: 1559818447190.jpg (714x662, 37K)

you are subuman and have no right as a human you are going to die alone screaming and begging for your antifa mommy

minorities don't belong in white countries and aren't human honestly

you will be forgotten even by your own family

KEK look at you shitty seething faggots, a fucking videogame make you rage and piss your pants. Fucking waste of life bitchtards

Treasonous faggot


Attached: 1560045243571.jpg (698x824, 352K)

I mean you’re technically not wrong. White people are the biggest threat to white people.

>i can throw you into gas chamber
not with your limp wrists LMAO

Yer the one who is ignorant. Genocides are being commited TODAY, now. BY the US, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia. Did you read it? or will lull your ignorant ass to sleep every night by just believeing the nazi were the only ever boogie man to exist.

nah you are the seething nigger here get in the chamber nugget

then: just generic bad guy
now: nazi = every straight white male

I hope they never used the masturbation machines on him before he escaped, still a baby.

We've been killing nazis in videogames for 30 years, stop making a big deal out of it by having to mention it again and again with a smug smile on your face, it's almost as if you are using it as a metaphor for something else mmmmhhhhhh

Wow, what a brainwashed faggot. Most /pol/ users are more tolerant than you pieces of shit. You dont even know what a Nazi or a fascist is. You're all just looking for someone to deamonize, and play hero against because you hate yourselves.

Nazis aren't white. Only humans can have a race.
You're more like insects.


Attached: whiteys.jpg (680x1771, 561K)

Dilate tranny lol
Sjw soicuck

Nazoomers on suicide watch

you are sub 90lb i can tell from the post nigger you are less human then a dog

Animals have no God.

fpbp, not wanting to kill nazis is unamerican

Attached: Pol Breakdown.jpg (960x652, 267K)

This, I found the fact they tried to push it as something new and refreshing just grating

If you believe that then you can be brainwashed into hating innocent people by anyone in power.

That's just the reality of it. That's where the phrase "history repeats itself" comes from.

He sounds like a Nazi

>(((White people))) are the biggest threat to white people.

This is accurate. Moral posturing high horse riding faggots with nothing to their names looking for good boy points.


Pathetic fat racist faggots BTFO

damn nigguh
>le sad bus

>Only humans can have a race.
Woah. Cool it with the white supremacy there bucko

you are a traitor to the state and will be thrown into furnace

VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over

Attached: 1557018395191.jpg (361x437, 48K)

Ignorance really burning you up? Did i tell you to much about the real world?


I'm 6'2, 190 faggot.

you are not going to live a happy life wait you never lived you are subhuman

Please have straight sex.


Attached: download (2).jpg (236x213, 10K)


You lost the war, winners write the history books, you will be seen as shit for the rest of time. You picked fight with America and got BTFO, now we will kill you in videogames and make you cry.

no you are not subhuman

sorry, user, your day will never come. stop blaming everyone else for your problems and you'll be alright in the end

what the fuck is this larping? "you"? its not 1945, idiot

that's weird, I remember communists losing the cold war

you are a stain on the human race and will be removed

The American public scored 4.5 out of 5 on the Fascist-scale personality test in the late 1940's. Americans were as "Nazi" as the real Nazis were at the time.




cope, I could absolutely break you in half twink

>People inherently approve of government control during war times
Wow, color me surprised.

Go dilate

>I may have sold our future to the Jews and helped create a massive authoritarian state we currently live in, but hey, I killed those Nazis for trying to get some land
Day of the pillow when?

Attached: 8AB50EDA-4F3E-499C-B9A3-F6249AB16FD2.png (1156x900, 912K)

You're acting like killing nazi scum is a bad thing
It's almost as good as killing filthy commies



Whoa guys we got a actual badass here

Attached: 1543686450726.jpg (918x1200, 119K)

>late 40s
>war time
Seriously, go dilate.

Jesus fucking Christ stop fucking complaining about this every time Wolfestein comes up.

Attached: 1560127759132.jpg (1051x1079, 140K)

You're kind are the ones who deserve a slow painful death. Niggers, and spics are only looking out for their best interests. I can't blame them for that. As far as I'm concerned though, any person who would turn his back on his race, and let his children become slaves isn't even human.

FUCK niggers
and above all else, FUCK NAZIS

Attached: 1553713653826.jpg (661x661, 41K)

Have sex

the same people you're defending right now think you're a nazi just for being here, no excuses you just are

Jews was waging war on palestinians in 1947. massecreing them.



Attached: 1556951304033.png (1300x1500, 509K)

seething /pol/tards who think fascism regimes are fun.

Newsflash: Hitler would have wanted you dead as well.

Attached: upscale-243683274001212.png (430x474, 359K)

Feels like trump is biting the pillow everyday

Attached: pols Hero.png (499x496, 279K)

nah you are not human therefore weak and dead

This one is fake.

Don't try to backpedal now

where are the commie shooting sims?

>this one
I see what you did there.

Attached: 1553716185596.jpg (1024x819, 138K)

This is what all the ignorant screechers in this thread dont understand.

Yeah and we realized Hitler was right

Attached: 1553713890808.jpg (1200x1200, 2.49M)

you are a failure to humanity and your family

Being this stupid

In just think it's cliche and dumb to be thinking that people would be going around calling themselves Nazis in a post war environment.
What do Communists in China call themselves?

Newsflash: Jews think anyone not in the tribe is a subhuman who’s only worth is to serve the Jew.

Pretty interesting how the Jews got to kill lots of Palestinians after they got allegedly genocided. Weird, isnt it? And only two years later. You'd think they wouldh have the man power and also more empathy. Why are Jews, who got allegedly genocided, out there, now, genociding another people? The palestinians, that is.

Rich coming from the faggot twink

>I killed those Nazis for trying to get some land
Yeah sure that's all they did, Cletus.

Attached: 1553714402915.jpg (707x1000, 354K)

I liked the first of the nu-Wolfenstein games, also the dlc for it was good too. New Colossus was just trash.

Newsflash both nazis and jews are faggots

Attached: 1560118553192.jpg (852x356, 65K)

Whatever the Chinese government tells them to call themselves.

All the people complaining about killing nazis are straight White guys soooooo.

Attached: 1553714451347.jpg (1078x1107, 509K)

Because they didn’t get genocided but that’s obvious

>>Newsflash: Hitler would have wanted you dead as well.
He would also have killed anyone not blonde and with blue eyes, right Mr. Steinberg?

There was no genocide. All the books written by the camp "survivors" talked about a bunch of loony shit that no one talks about anymore becasue it was a bunch of hocus pocus lies.



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Attached: 1493501171581.jpg (1024x1020, 197K)

>he doesn't believe in the holocoaster

well the nazi arent around anymore. only peole htat faggots call nazi. start telling more poepl that jews are trouble since they are still around, ya know?

Trannies missing the point over this game. Let's be honset, Everyone who is not far left is a nazi to these people.

>the US is bad today
>so please stop criticizing Nazis, OK?
lmao, you deserve the rope, Hans

Attached: D8U8_o0UYAEqwbw.jpg (1024x1024, 134K)

Guys this is good keep going, all the /pol/tards and redditors are here arguing, maybe we can actually have a half decent thread somewhere

Regardless of how much people despise Nazi, saying the same work every few seconds makes a poor presenter.

Well it is 2019, after all. not 1945

I can feel the anger behind this post, amuzing.

That's not really relevant to what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that the social attitudes of Americans in the 1940's were not that different from those of the Nazis at the same time.

Attached: thank_god_we_saved_the_west_from_hitler.jpg (1240x1754, 424K)

Reminder that Wolfenstein was never, ever good.

nah you're a racist faggot aka nazi. kill yourself

>lefty faggots still think /pol/ likes trump

Attached: first the flag then the fag.webm (854x466, 2.29M)

But the guy looks like a fucking nazi.

Attached: 1553714620544.png (1200x1790, 3.41M)

It's not really about nazis. It's about the modern politics they trying to mix in. Progressivists playng a good boy so hard they actually made a full circle and became absolutely intolerant of anything that not praising homos/diversity/feminism and other bullshit nobody cares about. That's literally just propaganda at this point.

Listen here you little degenerate, there is literally nothing wrong with national socialism and liking Hitler, it's normal, come on, it's the current year.

saying Nazi every few seconds? Its like twitch spamming emotes

you mean like all the other countries in the world at the time? You have no idea what the world has been like, you sheltered rube.

Genocides are being commited, today. Educate yourself, child.

Attached: 1553716246685.jpg (850x1063, 135K)

Killing nazies is fun

RtCW was alright


this is what indoctrination looks like. Dont let the jew design your childs curriculum. You narrow minded twit.

>Genocides are being commited, today. Educate yourself, child.
Exactly. People should pay attention to South Africa.

So does the fact that New Colossus was a huge flop prove that everybody actually supports Nazis now?

Attached: Thinking_Face_Emoji_large.png (480x480, 101K)

Why's it always Nazis and not Imperial Japs?


Attached: 1510401090161.jpg (1080x1080, 774K)

Because its fun to kill Nazis.

What are you, a Nazi?

Attached: 1543086931769.jpg (850x1480, 289K)

based, fpbp, op btfo, etc

lmao what a delusional shitter

Fuck nazis.


Attached: 1553719976385.jpg (600x936, 151K)

absolutely intolerant of anything like... nazis?


>cutscenestein isnt good

because the indoctrination was only about nazi

Israel is the nation the SS dreamed of, a combination of racial, national, political, and religious supremacy all in one.


Attached: 1553709246215.jpg (744x1052, 142K)




What, you mad that virtual representations of your fellow biggots are getting mowed down in droves?

would still kill without hesitation

Cause japs aren't le evil racist white man that we read about in holocaust class and China doesn't make many WWII games to put all their ridiculous anti-jap propaganda in

Attached: 1510768917908.jpg (874x1024, 120K)

Or WW2 era Americans

Kill nazis=kill white people.
Also having a women do it too just to signal to the larpers more.

More like a Tourette Syndrome

the protagonist of the series is a ww2 era american though

Attached: 1543613360337.png (1208x1920, 1.09M)

Attached: 1528315480487.png (620x876, 136K)

>as long as I am mad at nazi everything else in life will be great
One trick pony

Attached: 1539555538169.jpg (510x680, 57K)

Then that would mean on average he's ideologically similar to the Nazis

yeah but then we realized the nazis were the good guys.

Except they did have racism angle with other asians, and they do have the superiority beliefs with the idea that the Japanese people are simply MORE than other people, hence Yamato-damashii

Attached: 1541402331323.jpg (850x1200, 173K)

Attached: Sorry that you're gay.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)

I identify as a nazi gamer and there is NOTHING you discord trannies can do about it.

Attached: 1539307059615.gif (300x577, 279K)

he's jewish so probably not

do you even play these games or do you just complain about them?

Bethesda is totally imploding as a company right now, it's incredible to watch. Classic SJW parasitic infection. We see the same pattern happening to company after company, and now Bethesda

Too bad, Fritz.

Attached: 1519689902341.png (343x455, 245K)

Here's the thing folks.

He's saying "you can kill Nazis!" as if you're likely to actually meet a nazi.

It's not like he's treating nazis like mega dino monsters. They're a stand in for conservatives. If you think this is okay, you're not crazy, but I don't agree with taking at your liberal anger by killing nazis in a a video games.

Correct they know better ways to kill Nazis

Attached: 1525731938907.jpg (1028x700, 660K)

Jews behave exactly like the fucking Nazis, are you serious? They even have the racial supremacy master race complex

And after 30 years, people realized that they shouldn't have been killing them.

Nazis aren't around anymore. They tried to be tough, got their asses handed to them, and will go down in history as losers. There no point in making any comparison to modern day politics.

And japanese racialism is almost never brought up when talking about WWII while european racialism is demonized endlessly
Wonder why

Yeah but we used to just kill nazis and it was fun. What the fucks with all the terribly written cutscenes and obnoxious characters and that being 80% of the game? the other wolfen games were this terrible right? it's become garbage.

if nazis had sex, would they still be nazis?

>it's totally fun to kill nazis. I love killing nazis. fuck nazis to death.
>everyone I don't agree with is a nazi!

Attached: 1509481983756.png (162x191, 66K)

Absolutely based

Attached: 1525225717651.jpg (2700x1800, 1010K)

Attached: 1513355639286.jpg (1920x1080, 322K)

damn, jews sound pretty based

Nazis have the most sex, that's why they're nazis.

Attached: 1506470462185.jpg (743x1150, 1023K)

white trannies are included on that since they are biologically male
cope and seethe more and did I forget

Attached: basedpepe.png (1000x1000, 77K)

what did he say? was it just the stupidity of repeatedly overstating a given gimmick that's expected and not a selling point.

No matter what side you're on, his presentation was odd.

Did the DOOM guys go:
>You can kill creatures in this game. You'll kill lots of creatures. You can stab creatures and kill creatures.

Did the Halo or Gears presentation go :
>"This game is all about killing aliens. You can kill more aliens than ever before. Kill aliens."

This man is fucking obsessed with Nazis and they're living in his head rent-free, probably along with Trump.

Attached: gif.gif (370x335, 1.53M)

Attached: 1507322734510.jpg (724x1024, 73K)

>if you disagree with me you're crying

Reminds me of the 2016 Boomer meme of "Everyone who disagrees with me is a triggered snowflake".

Attached: JW 8.png (683x797, 86K)

As a /pol/fag, it made me laugh when he said that. As if I could feel threatened by such a puny faggot-looking liberal.

Attached: 1493679793441.jpg (480x627, 55K)

There are lots of self hating anti-zionist leftyfag jews with kike guilt
Nazis fought their own war while jews rely on America to protect them from arabs and do their dirty deeds in the middle east

She cute, but bullied Warsaw Pact Poland-chan is cuter

Attached: 1446511927510.jpg (600x517, 166K)

I'd rather live in a fascist country than a marxist one any day.

Attached: 1488586671712.png (644x598, 120K)

Attached: Illuminati.png (621x702, 198K)

good goy

I'm not a goy.

Do you know that when the alleged gas chambers were investigated, they found wooden doors?

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>Nazis fought their own far
>forcibly conscripted Eastern Euros were Nazis who did it of their own accord now

Fair is fair, Hans.

Ask Ivan's wife after Hans had his way with her

>Oy vey goy! Why don’t you believe us?

Attached: EB06F512-82D8-4799-AA72-9A5ABD9B0677.png (366x546, 204K)

Attached: 1508986908218.jpg (296x314, 21K)

I love getting hyped about all the different ways I can kill people
but only if it's Nazis though haha

>28.2 per 100,000

Dwarfed by the tranny suicide rate of a whopping 40%. The 28.2 out of 100,000 are disproportionately trannies too.

Attached: Trans 1.jpg (688x377, 50K)

Is Nazi code word for black?

Attached: 69458825_p0_master1200.jpg (926x1200, 249K)

Isn't Gears about molemen rather than aliens? i haven't played it since 2

>have sex

Is this the new *snap* this is going into my cringe compilation?

Attached: Trans 2.jpg (2656x1664, 1.09M)

Attached: 6790a03778548db405558471816ed.jpg (1414x1000, 342K)

literally replaced by doggos

Attached: wdata.jpg (680x1771, 267K)

All right, I'm not going to engage here, because honestly this is just gonna be a waste of time. If you're genuinely curious about the science/logistics of the Holocaust, there's two great websites where you can spend literally weeks reading to your heart's content.

Facts are facts, doesn't matter who's saying them.

Well, no. Of course it's not a coincidence. Would a non-Jew be as interested in responding to this?

Attached: 3JxrX93.png (293x621, 151K)

>all those triggered r/the_donaldtards
Horseshoe is complete.

attempt rate =/= completion rate


Attached: 1557030819840.webm (320x180, 2.65M)

Attached: 2dc7945be630209b99fae2e1defac.jpg (1606x890, 602K)

So one dumb newspaper erroneously reporting an outlandish story debunks the whole thing? You know how many people lie about Vietnam? I bet you don't deny the Vietnam War happened.

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Nah, have sex is a month old. We're all about "dilate" now.

Explain to everyone what you think horseshoe means

>So one dumb newspaper erroneously reporting an outlandish story debunks the whole thing?
No, several outlandish stories, several inconsistencies, and terrible math that makes the Holocaust unbelievable.

Attached: A4C2BA0E-C0D0-4DDF-8FD2-C71779BAC1C3.jpg (704x527, 57K)

literally what and literally who.

>Facts are facts, doesn't matter who's saying them.

Actually it does matter who's presenting them, because there are an infinite number of facts in the universe, and it's your choice which facts you focus on and which facts you don't.

>facts are facts

You aren’t wrong. The holocaust™ didn’t happen. Judaism is a religion for psychopaths who use a notion of racial supremacy to excuse their treatment of everyone else. You are currently defending a group of genocide zealots.

you don't have to be right wing to appreciate seeing antifa parasites get knocked the fuck out.

What if I'm getting called a Nazi despite not being one?

whatever. game looks like it plays fine i will picc up

>Your great great grandfather would be disappointed in your traitorous ass.

My great grandfather was a WWII Navy veteran, and he was alive until I was 22 years old and I never lived very far from him and spent lots of time with him. He hated black people and people from the middle east, and he thought that anyone besides white people and the blacks who were already here shouldn't be allowed to immigrate. He was convinced that allowing non-whites from third world countries immigrate into the US would eventually destroy it and that there would come a day where whites would no longer be able to own businesses or find jobs because brown people will have taken it all.

It's ironic because even though he fought Nazis, today he would be called a Nazi for holding those beliefs.

You're white therefore you're a Nazi, how simple do I have to make this?

Gonna give him a (You) just to spite you.

If you don't want to give him attention, then don't fucking post in the first place, you faggot.

And you're defending a different group of genocidal zealots. You're so noble, user.

Didn't he end up winning that suit? IHR had to apologize and give him $90,000. No one's on your side, brah. You can whine about how the courts are Jewish till the cows come home, doesn't change the fact that you're objectively wrong.

Well that's just a lie. Nine million Jews lived in Europe before WWII. And once again, some people lie. Sooooo many people lie about fighting in Vietnam, but once again, I doubt you deny Vietnam happened.

Don't you have some David Icke to be watching?

No, I’m not. Because they don’t exist anyone.

But Jews? These genocide zealots get to have their nuclear capable ethnostate.

>"we just TRY to kill ourselves in proportionally huge numbers, we don't always succeed"
>"we don't actually mean to kill ourselves, and just do it for attention"
Which is more pathetic, really?

>I want to kill all the Jews
>People who want to kill all the Jews don't exist anymore

Reminder that Israel has an internet defense force and you can spot the moment this thread was flagged


>n a pre-trial determination, Judge Thomas T. Johnson declared:

"This court does take judicial notice of the fact that Jews were gassed to death at Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland during the summer of 1944. It is not reasonably subject to dispute. And it is capable of immediate and accurate determination by resort to sources of reasonably indisputable accuracy. It is simply a fact."

So he won the suit because the judge simply declared the Holocaust to be a "known fact" that is "beyond dispute". He didn't prove shit.

A lot of those East Euros wanted to kill commies already, the nazis just provided them guns and uniforms
Most of the axis forces on the eastern front were german, germany fought until they couldn't anymore

Attached: IMG_8109.jpg (726x484, 53K)

Fuck yeah can't wait to murder some nazi scum! America's favorite pastime

EDIT: Oh shit, my first gold! Thank you kind stranger

>only Redditors hate Nazis
Where have you been for the past however many years old you are?

I’m not a fan of genocidal psychopaths who believe their race to be superior to everyone else. Nazi Germany don’t exist

Israel does, and it shouldn’t

Fuck nazis

Attached: polbtfo.webm (480x270, 1.31M)

I hate election tourists so much.

Are you denying that Jews were gassed to death? I'm not asking about the number of deaths, I'm just asking if you're denying that there was some number of Jews who were killed at Auschwitz by gas chamber.

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Punch Nazis, and punch. Fucking. Redhat. Chuds.

i just feel bad for the nazis at this point.

can't we just talk this out?

>t. the quintessential frenchman

Is there actual evidence for it?

>I want to kill all the Jews
>People who want to kill all the Jews don't exist anymore
Pick one.

>Are you denying that Jews were gassed to death?

Yeah, the assertion is retarded.

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common traits shared by two extreme contrary sides
ex. "retards get easily triggered by bait"

i just don't get why they're making such a huge fucking deal out of it. it's fucking wolfenstein, no shit you're going to be killing nazis

The only webms commies can post are suckerpunches, gang-ups and attacks from behind.
Sad and pathetic like the people who post them!

nazis seem like whiny cunts judging from this thread. we should kill them or something lol

>Facts are facts, doesn't matter who's saying them.

They're not "facts". It's a bunch of ad hominem attacks, poisoning of the well, and whataboutism 90% of the time. The few "facts" are cherrypicked quotes from historians that don't address the main points nor address relevant counter arguments and sources from the opposing side. Selective evidence is easy to deceive with.

It's a waste of time to read a 90% opinion blogpost written in bad faith.

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Don't tell me what to do