What the serious fuck is wrong with this audience?

What the serious fuck is wrong with this audience?

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real life NPCs

for what? expressing joy?

This is a marketing event. Paid actors obviously.

nigga you see that fat fuck behind the girl with outstretched arms?

he is fucking crying
people are retarded dude

Flew out their entire office or paid people do it. One or the other.

Aren't they mostly bethesda employees and their families?

They are payed shills

yeah, people express emotions, some more than others

how lonely are you, btw?

>Flew out their entire office


Attached: Screenshot (141).png (373x388, 100K)

>expressing joy
Yeah I would to if I was a paid shill

you're such an immense fucking faggot that you sit and defend people crying and screaming over videogame reveals

Paid or griefing

well done Todd, well done!

Attached: Screenshot (142).png (819x730, 407K)

yes. imagine being fucking excited about video games? it's embarrassing. They're all acting like they're having the time of their lives. Meanwhile the west is falling and every video game developer is catering to degeneracy.

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and your upset about that?


No, I feel they are pathetic as are you

that answers my question, thank you
you are very lonely and very mad because of it

yeye have sex

your upset

They all look and sound like they browse Reddit 24/7.

The end result of corporate eugenics

They've blown their life savings on Bethesda stock and are desperate.


Paid shills obviously. Quite annoying, desu.

>seething this hard

yeah never heard so many people yelling for absolutely nothing

obvious paid shills


>expressing joy at the title of a DLC
>expressing joy at a random guy saying his job title

If they were shills why did they go crazy over literally every word said during the elder scrolls parts but were totally quiet during the Commander Keen section.
I think they might be genuine brain damaged skyrim fans.

>standing ovation for a mobile game
>all that screaming for literal nothing

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over literally nothing

>he is fucking crying
To be fair, it was THAT bad


This guy just came

Honestly just sounds like a bunch of drunk people tryna have a good time.

well the middle front is entirely made of bethesda employees and the rest of everyone anywhere near a mic is either a shill or employed by bethesda.

>t. eric butt



This. I would never date anyone would makes fun of people for being HAPPY. What a sad state this site is in for mocking people for enjoying things.

i'd be happy about the easiest paycheck i've ever received too

The woman cheering in that image is literally just cheering over a female dev walking onto stage.

They were plants if you didn't notice. The main guys in front yelled and interrupted constantly and werent removed or told to stfu

They were right about Angry Joe.



>Elder Scrolls Blades is coming to Switch
There's no way there weren't paid shills in the audience

a total combined IQ of one.

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It's all employees and compensated people. They have ques for cheering. It's all just one big ploy to get zoomies to charge moms boyfriends credit card.


It's not even a secret or anything that anyone with enough money can hire a crowd.

Did none of you see this guy have a spaz attack right after the Doome gameplay?

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I fucking LOST it there


They're all wasted, bethesda offered them drinks

you mean employees?

Bethesda put something in their drinks.

Sup Scoof

drunk employees

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This, if you have any interaction with people you can hear genuine tones of voice vs fake ones. Genuine hype and excitement do not sound like that. Tone and intent of voice are hard to fake.

probably being paid too much

Pic related.

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It was the front row.
The whole front row stood up cheering multiple times. Literally nobody else was excited. Pretty hilarious. They also mic'd the front row pretty hard.



I hate the man who kept screaming YEAHS and WOOS. I hate him


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That guy needed to calm the fuck down

Constant Onions injections.


>"imagine being fucking excited about video games?"
> Yea Forums - video games
Holy fuck do I hate this board

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>Missing the point
Stupid fuck


Wait, was Battle Royale their best offering? I just skimmed through the thing but HAHAHAHAHAHA

I'm all for being happy but this crowd was total fucking cringe to listen to. Cheering Todd Howard a guy they should be lynching for last year. Cheering Fallout 76 a game that literally ripped off all of its customers. Being happy that they worked on battle royale rather than fixing a game that is still fucked.

The cheering from that crowd was next level cringe after the shit Bethesda has pulled recently.

Any pic of the yeahguy?

>that guy screaming each time someone said something


>cringe basedpilled blacked YOU JUST KNOW banjosteve cucksoy IT WAS OUR TURN BROS nazi btfo seethe cringe dilate have sex incel

I forgot how fucking awful this board has become. Watching E3 with Yea Forums was usually fun, even if the actual show is shit.

Attached: adachi tired.jpg (300x169, 30K)

>players are the most important cucks for us
>shitout 76
>mobile shitkeen to scam kids for money

We are all become shrimp


I knew I'd see this lad posted sooner or later.


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Seriously this. Video games are a hobby, and not even a very productive one.

Imagine if there was, say, a model train show with conferences from the different manufacturers and someone announced a new model and it turned to the crowd and some faggot was doing the söy face. He’d look like the biggest tard.

At least with model trains your work leads to something tangible. The same cannot be said of vidya.

>$20 was added to your bank account

fut the shuck up /pol/ scum

Quintessentially American.

she actually looks like a russian babushka

she's probably cheering when she sees the nazis being killed

imagine being a thisposter
I bet you say “this” irl like the thisposter you are, now that’s a shameful hobby.

You know what my favorite sentence is that includes “this”?

Check this 5 baby.

>tfw you have to be grouped in with mutts

Jesus could you be any more dramatic you whiny faggot? Go outside you dumb nigger, the west is thriving, despite what polshits would lead you to believe because homosexuality is legal.

Bethesda event had Bethesda employees in the audience

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