>Everyone else wearing normal clothes (mall tier clothes with custom t-shirts to advertise their game)
This lady is wearing a $1000, Hermes Scarf, a $2000 YSL blouse, and $1200 pair of shoes....
>Everyone else wearing normal clothes (mall tier clothes with custom t-shirts to advertise their game)
This lady is wearing a $1000, Hermes Scarf, a $2000 YSL blouse, and $1200 pair of shoes....
If you look good, what's the issue
that's cool alright
wow you know a lot about scarves and blouses
All women are whores, cheers
you actually recognize the brand and value by looking at it? user....
How do you even know this, unironically have sex, you fucking faggot.
How the fuck do you know that pricing anyways?
user, you need to KYS
>This lady is wearing a $1000, Hermes Scarf, a $2000 YSL blouse, and $1200 pair of shoes....
How do you know? I smell a fag...
How the fuck can clothes be worth so much? Are they laced with gold or something?
Sadly this.
it's just for status signaling
cause i'm /effay/ faggot. Only things I couldn't price out correctly were her jewelry.
It’s a sucker trap. For people with more money than sense. This girl is in $100,000 debt, I guarantee.
Are you Patrick Bateman?
Hermes' silk takes a lot of effort to make, and good leather is expensive, the blouse is hmm indeed, yves killed saint laurent.
she looks like she's wearing thrift store clothes
sure doesn't look rich
>spend the triple of all that in a giant dick with wheels
>indulge in unhealthy habits
I bet you make worse economical mistakes.
>mall tier clothes
Is that bad?
Huh, that guy directed God of War 3.
an yet she looks like a goblin compared to our girl
>wanting to look rich
>Imagine being this much of a pleb you can't recognize high fashion...
Look at the stitching of the blouse and the material. It not cheap material (Technically all material is cheap but it the labor that really bump those things up), Also the scarf clearly woven from single strand silk.
tfw 30, still wearing clothes I bought when I was in grade 9-10. Other than that I just buy packs of plain white t's.
You could've told me she bought everything she was wearing at Target and I'd believe you. /fa/utists are worse then audiophiles.
Good leather I can understand, but a full racing suit costs about half of what OP says she's wearing.
So you're gay or bi but in denial?
Fancy clothing is faggotry
Also acting like your better than another with clothing is faggotry.
Slave to consumerism
>still wearing clothes I bought when I was in grade 9-10
not for long, grandpa. you about to start gaining.
Something is worth what someone is willing to pay for it, and women are terrible with money.
dumb slut probably can't even pay her bills. I bet she's in debt to her eyeballs. What an idiot.
I mean I don't see anything wrong with dressing how you like, but I don't think I've seen someone act superior to others because of their clothing outside of /fa/
Yeah because the nerds and other white trash that appear in these have no style whatever
this, but ironically
anyone else getting into tracksuits? where can I get some cool tracksuits?
Hope so, I could bulk up a bit.
Being a slave to consumerism is wearing clothes that will tear in weeks, supporting the planned obsolescence scam and chinese slave factories, also cheap tint is unhealthy, nobody thinks they are better with clothing, you project your superficial belief unto others.
Target can't get you that kind of fit. That all tailored high fashion.
I don't get to wear these things as much. I stick to soft bateman tier (allen edmonds, j crew, I own a few Hugo Boss and Giorgio Armani suit) plus several pairs of allen edmonds and tom fords.
talk shit post fit
>This lady is wearing a $1000, Hermes Scarf, a $2000 YSL blouse, and $1200 pair of shoes....
How do you know any of that?
Are you a woman?
Women are entitled sociopaths, designers know this.
Neither does she, she just loves to waste money like a typical roastie
no i'm a guy, but I've bought gifts for my mom and sisters before. I've learned to recognize material and certain indicators.
(fit being too good, material looks very nice, hermes always has a very artsy look to their scarves)
Nah. Just based on OP's shitty angled screenshot, she looks pretty good
> but I've bought gifts for my mom and sisters before
lmao, what a fucking faggot.
>entitled sociopaths
No, that's all millennials.
That's why millennial creatures need to be put down like the rabid dogs they all are.
Jesus fucking christ that like 7 years of clothes shopping for me
Absolutely true and every one of them will even admit it if they’re with the right guy and he asks her to tell the truth, it’s how they evolved
holy fucking, I can guarantee you look like shit
>actually going clothes shopping
fuck you buddy, I don't need to look pretty for strangers.
How the fuck do you know that? Are you a faggot?
>mall tier clothes
wtf does that mean?
>that goblin face
>man jaw
>huge nose
If she breathes SHE'S A THOT
>holy fucking,...
ESL pls go
They are not normal clothes they are fucking embarassing manchild clothes and you're fucking pathetic you little peanut brained sheltered trash you fucking only child dressed by your mom you insect you are nothing compared to the fashion industry
fuck you guy, no one wants to buy super expensive clothes...
I wish it was that simple
Macys, H&M, you know normal mall stores.
You will spend the same amount over time, you short lived bug.
I haven't used shampoo in 2 years
and you will be in eternal debt.
Good. Everyone else looks like a fucking slob.
itt: fags and trannies pretending to be women discuss clothes
I'm just a fag though, why would I ever pretend to be a women.