Fucking white people

Now can you stfu about MUH SJW BOOGEYMAN and forced diversity?
Acting like there's never any games with white guys as the main character, not to mention some of the most popular shows and movies (Avengers, Chernobyl, Stranger Things) all have majority white casts and the most iconic characters and pairings are STILL WHITE
Just stop with the bitching and moaning, you incels are just as bad as the tumblrfags

Attached: youaightwhiteboy.jpg (1544x1008, 391K)

shut up, nigger

Happily. We're back to sanity.

Why does that Jedi looks like me?


I see a wookie on that Jedi box art user.

left game has character customization, right game is going to suck so they're trying to market it to us with a white male protagonist.

have sex

Wow its almost like the majority of people making these games/movies/tv shows are in fact white.

Have sex

How's this for forced diversity
*pulls asscheeks apart and farts*
Haha whoa it's stinky in here sorry

Hey parasite, guess what? You suck and so does your shitpost.

Attached: dilate.png (225x225, 2K)

You’re correct but good luck ever rationalizing with the majority of the people on this site bud, it’s a losing fight

You're a jedi, harry

Fallen Order looks like a horribly neutered Sekiro
It's the exact same fucking "block, block, block, STANCE BROKEN, INSTANT ONE-SHOT KILL INITIATED" shit but all the attacks to block were slow as fuck.

muh bad white white man

Attached: 1560118594600.gif (382x369, 2.11M)

>a small % of the millions of Yea Forums users shitpost about sjw shit
>Many aren't even genuine, but from discord raids trying to shit things up for fun
>Yea Forums has posters from all over the world. The worst shitposters I know are from SEA
>see any old shitpost and immediately go GODDAMN WHITE PEOPLE
you're just like /pol/ with their obsession with the jews my man. Your thinking makes no sense.

Attached: 1509543138094.png (749x434, 54K)


Star wars looks like poop though

Attached: aitismgitl.gif (128x111, 50K)


The guy from fallen order is not white?


CDPR isn't a western developer, they were never really SJW in the first place.

The protagonist in SW:JFO is the only white character I've seen from the content I've watched so far. There's plenty of diversity, so stop being rump rustled.

Left game is custom character. Right game is real life actor mocap, with two prominent black characters shown.

Not saying I believe in the SJW agenda bullshit, but these aren't good examples.

He literally is. Whether he's handsome is a different debate.

Attached: shameless-_cameron_monaghan-publicity-still-h_2018.jpg (768x433, 51K)

>literally every other character in the Cyberpunk trailer was not white.
>Star Wars as well

What did they mean by this?

I'd say roughly 90% of Yea Forums is SJW redpilled shitposters, or roughly 50 million users.

If you refer to yourself as any form of "pilled" at all you've fallen for the trick.

He's ginger, literally the whitest motherfuckers there are.

>Acting like there's never any games with white guys as the main character
Name literally ONE just ONE other game where the protagonist is a male redhead. I'll wait

still looks like shit for fan boi cumpigs

Based and redpilled.

This isn't really a white people problem, it's a gamer problem. Gamers are lowest rung of white people so they are in direct competition with minorities. Just like how minorities all hate each other. Successful white people like myself have no reason to hate minorities or women. I avoid poor white trash just as much as poor minorities. It is funny watching a bunch of basement dweller whites who contribute nothing to society ride on the coattails of us successful ones and pretend they are cut from the same cloth.

Then why are people crying he looks amazing, i thought Cameron Monaghan was considered handsome?

The post wasn't about how common male redheads are, it's about how common white guys are.

Maybe they do I always thought he looked a little odd himself

Well said

White people are the most diverse people on Earth
It really fucking jiggles my cheeks when people claim they are all for diversity when they don't put in the most diverse group of people in their works.

Fucking based!!!!! Also, kill ALL fags, trannies and jannies!!

What works do not have white people?

Right one most famous role is literally a faggot.
Most people going to associate him with that.
SJW watch can sleep tight on this one.

Sounds like someone needs to git gud

His jaw game is good, same with eyes, but he's a little short

there are still negroes, there is one right there at the jedi poster you retard

That padawan kid is butt ugly desu.

I’m Hispanic, I hate blacks.

You do know that caucasians people are only the second most genetically diverse group right?

I'm an Aerospace engineer, in the 2nd percentile for income. I'm still selfless enough to concern myself with the good of society and western posterity.

Attached: jizokk.jpg (628x456, 112K)

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire

2018 was the year of sassy afro black womyn in gaming.

>Everyone non-white died
What the fuck cd projekt red

Does it matter? No race can hope to math the European phenotypic diversity.

The fucking WORST

resetrannies irrevocably BTFO

You're free to leave

>phenotypic diversity
Who the fuck cares about that? In what world is phenotype more important than genetics?

still white

nice larping

Attached: 1532646670315.gif (500x281, 1.29M)

In the world most leftists live in.

This. SPBP


>Just stop with the bitching and moaning
Not until every nigger, spic, and whore that holds a job in videogames that they shouldn't is fired. All the rainbow haired trannies and sluts in places like Bethesda Game Studios need to go forever. You faggots burned your bridges when you were handed an entire industry and then eroded it from the inside out with laziness and a lack of competency.

Ten fucking years you cucks have been slowly eating away at the quality of videogames. Ten fucking years I've had to listen to you faggots get support from the inside. "If you don't like crippled women on the frontlines don't buy the game!" and then nobody did. One among many. You have successfully destroyed any and all credibility that talented women and minorities have and you have ruined any trust people had in the validity of diversity as a concept.

You did all of this by screaming about how unfair it is that so many WHITE MEN are on game development teams. You did all of this by thrashing and bitching about how you're not represented enough and all you needed was one more chance to prove yourself. You got one more. You got ten more. You got a hundred thousand opportunities to prove that you are equal and you failed every single fucking one of them.

Well you must be a leftist then, since you're the one who stated it in the first place.

Oh no, two games, one of which has a character creator.
Kill yourself baiting faggot.
>afro black woman is looking for her father

Have you even ever touched a girl

Wrong, I'm a different user.

Remember trannies: Everything that's going to happen you've brought on yourselves.

good post