EZA Thread

Easy Allies at E3

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I miss when we had threads about Giant Bomb instead of these soi faggots that unironically do the soi meme face and jump on chairs at game announcements

You know you fucked up when that clown huber gives you a C score.

GB is more SJW than resetera trannies

Huber just won the betting special by a landslide.

Pretty sure GB aren't the ones going on about "Love & Respect" like a bunch of pussies


Keep playing Dream Daddy faggot

>I miss when we had threads about Giant Bomb
make one?


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It seems so obvious that microsoft wouldn't name drop nintendo, why was that such a daring bet in the first place?

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>Fucking huber got the nintendo bet right
Kyle needs to get every bet right for him to win. Holy shit Huber

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There's obviously something going on behind the scenes. Besides those rumors, I don't think it would have been the first time that Microsoft mentioned the Nintendo Switch during a conference of theirs.

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Yeah, well just wait until E3 is cancelled.

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step aside plebs

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didnt watch their MS reaction, did anything funny happen?

When did Ian become tolerable?
He very rarely seems to bother me now a days especially compared to Mike "TSA" Damiani

when Damiani started talking more about politics than he did

"ONE WORD." - user 2019

when he finally admitted he doesnt like videogames outside fromsoft and some indies and stopped trying to force his opinion on anything

which one of the eza members is most likely to turn out to be a pedophile?

Ian's always been pretty funny. On group streams, it's just him, Huber, and Kyle that regularly create new hilarious bits. Jones is great at unintentionally setting them up for jokes.

Just lost his dad, with his mom gone too he just became an adult real fucking quick I think

Damiani for sure

I cant believe he is still around and he is still spelling it "confiemed"
Id pay to see what he looks like sitting down watching EA streams all day everyday

Only one who also doesn't have the ability to get a girlfriend

ben or damiani. i could see damiani showing up on to catch a predator

>Huber didn't like Gears
Microsoft fucked up.

i mean they all could be pedophiles
a very high chance of that
but yeah damiani has the highest

do you think Ben will play it for even 40 minutes before getting destracted by another shiny toy?

literally counting the days until the swat team breaks down damiani's door

He's got to be a bot
No way someone that autistic actually exists

>I just came over to play Nintendo

I know Huber pretty much just won this whole thing but is there like a list of how the rest of the guys are doing so far?

Pedo: Damiani
Rapist: Ian
Soliciting hookers: Ben
All around sexual deviant: Jones after Amanda divorces him and takes the kid, leaving Jones to pound out hundreds of fans in his garage
Falsely accused for sexual harassment: Kyle

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To be fair, both trailers were fucking awful

>Im the anime guy I see anime thing I clap and pretend to be excited then I say "this is a win for anime", everybody loves me because anime is quirky and fun so it means I too have a quirky and fun personality

Will anyone play PSO2? I think people forget that a lot of that game was rerunning very similar dungeons over and over. Will that style work long term now? On original xbox, absolutely... Not sure about now.

Huber is genuine.
Fuck off, CrapGamer zealot.

>Rapist: Ian
At one point in his life I wouldn't be surprised if he thought of slipping a roofie into Elise's drink

I thought he was mocking people who like anime when he said that line.

Brad bet $420 on Todd Howard not apologizing. It will maybe come down to their minimum bets.

Oh no he was serious, not the first time he has said it either.

this is some hella doom music

Who said this? Ben or Damiani?

He's genuine but that doesn't mean he's not stupid. Nigga had a hype induced stroke when shenmue was announced and now he can't hate anything, and still gives microsoft the lowest grade of the bunch.

What are the kino Kyle streams?
I really like PokePark 1/2, Terranigma, Goemon and Banjo until the finale.

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Obviously Ben
Damiani largely pretends to hate anime and says its all inferior to Korra

I've already raked in some big money with xbox not saying nintendo and no episode 4 characters in star wars

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why do people like that show

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Strong Female MC

Some great Kyle jokes. He roasted Bloodworth.

I didn't realize it was going to update in real time. Here's my updated moments of me raking in some good don bux

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you aren't gonna win any awards with results like that but at least you're coming out in the black

The action scenes? the webms Ive seen look cool. I personally couldnt watch more than two episodes and I was on a binge spree coming from just finishing avatar for the first time, this was like a year ago too, still couldnt do it, everything about it put me off completely from the start,

How long was Phil?

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>ben hosting
This sucks
It would be a great panel with Kyle, Brad, or Ian taking Ben's spot.

bethesda deserves the fallout 76 of eza hosts


Well we already know that Damiani wants to fuck Pokemon so he's definitely a furfag

Nothing too bad so far, one bets I'm "1up/1down".

Will probably get btfo'd during Bethesda.

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Tail of the Sun

Ben LOVES Doom. Who else but to have him host!

Keighley went in on Pete Hinz before the xbox conference and pretty much asked if they were going to acknowledge fallout 76 failing and what they did and he said that they were going to talk about it tonight and apologize. So we may get a tie but it all comes down to if Todd is the one to do it.

what doesn't ben "love"

By my count it was less by the time he started saying "thank you... thank you..." but more by the time he started his speech.


I have 33 seconds from announcement to start of speech. But they may count his "okay... okay..." at which it'll be 24 on the nose.

He is so fucking awkward
Im sure he faps to all kinds of weird shit
I mean I do too but I wouldnt be awkward about it, social skills go a long way to make people respect you

Why are they all so old now?

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Congrats user, you're on the lead

Fucking Huber is literally if you dumped all your skill points into luck. I'm just glad I am a hardcore fan of Shenmue and RE and Yakuza like him because I just get to have great time.

I fucking hate Huber.
He constantly speaks like he is trying to sell something to you at E3 stage.

It's probably going to council, which sucks because I have 300 on the over, god speed user

proof it's your ticket, you fucking liar

I hurt myself today, i should have bet more on the Nintendo bet

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>people actually thought Banjo would be announced for Smash at Microsoft's conference\
Wat. What would they even do? "Hey here's a character we own on a game you can't play on our platform, enjoy."

I knew I should have just gone all in on the Nintendo bet. I was too conservative.

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>don't be mean or disagree with me love and respect heart heart heart

Ian definitely fucked Noah before it turned 18.

Ian was more tolerable then Damiani. At least I get funny shit from him

Bosman v wozniak

Tail of the Sun, Bosman v Woz, Nintendo Labo.

I'm doing okay.... I could still do well if there's no FFVII release date.

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Honesty, complete sentences, brevity

He could've just said he didn't have any childhood crushes and people wouldn't have thought twice about it. Fucking autist.

>Didn't find ben that annoying
>Anons list all the faults that Ben has
>starting to get annoyed by ben as well
Fuck you anons, I didn't need this when huber was also annoying

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I used to like Ben but eza destroyed him

I wish he had a genuine personality I really do

I feel like the more you watch eza stuff, the more it becomes obvious that ben is a complete poser.

I remember in 2017 when monster hunter world was announced and everyone was like "i'm so happy for ben!" even though he's played maybe half of mh4u before this. The other guys also build ben up as "that dude who's really into things" so he sticks pretty rigidly to that persona. This year his new obsession is doom and halo

I turned on him after the NISA stream where he interviewed Kodaka and Suda.

I found really funny how much he didnt get TSA after saying he was such a huge NMH fan

I didn't know people not liking Ben was a thing , what are people saying make him so bad?


One Mirrion Troops immediately realized Ben was a poser in their interview and called him out on it.

Motherfucker did a Don't skip on The Silver Case so how the hell did he recommend that over TSA?

Like has he actually played phantasy star online before? I have no clue because he likes to build himself up to be a super fan of stuff he's either played only one game of or not at all

>it's just like... Ugh... Sigh... Th-... The thing is... Sigh... Like, you know?

they think that someone who really likes a lot of things is lying

He played it once on stream for like 2 hours

Is that it? Because I recognise he does it and it's never bothered me.

If you cant see how fake he is you must have very low interpersonal skills

Should have put more money on nintendo at xbox not happening.

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>Has surface level knowledge but is trying to show he knows more about stuff then anyone.
>Tries to pretend he likes this niche thing that he won't care about a week later.
Prominent example of this is the Maximilian episode where he thinks he's on the same level with the Pewdiepie of fightan vidya yet all he does is regurgitate simple info and just follows Max along.

One of the reasons I like Damiani a lot more than Ben. At least Damiani honest about liking the same three games

He is a huge bandwagoner

geoff didn't need to shit on bosman that hard

wait, what happened?

"I just learned I'm fired from the show..."


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I'm ready!

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What did he say

What did he shit on him about?

Fuck I need a bigger TV, still rocking my 32" from 2013. I'd much rather just invest in a better monitor though.

Nothing. They made up a dumb skit, it was pretty bad and Geoff said they had to fill time with something.


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The TV is 55 and the monitor to the far right is 32

after their shitty segment geoff was not shy about pointing out how shit it was

>No Fable
>No Banjo
>Most trailers were boring cg shit

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Bought it for 25 yesterday and trying to forensics to find nudes. Having trouble updating this crap tho

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Was this supposed to be funny?

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Got my pc to the left of it

I'd say it was an awkwardly funny somewhat GT-style useless-Bosman skit in exchange for a little EZA plug.

Any chance to a clip or link of this kek

No, read everyone else's (you)

Graffiti Kingdom has affected Kyle too much.


go back about 13 minutes

>go back to easy allies, good luck with that pateon, don't need it
>kyle's face afterwards
holy shit geoff

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thanks bro


surely everything, including Geoff's comments, were all part of the bit, right?

Like imagine if Huber was in Cyberpunk 2077 wouldn't that be awesome and funny hahahaha

You have to login with apple ID and verify like 3 times

Login the app store?

This is a test: did these faggots ban me for making EZA threads?

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they need to

Is ian joking when he says from soft is done and that sekiro was bad?
Did his father's death really mind rape him this hard?

But they didn't.

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Here comes the smug

Is he gonna say it?

>Your autism

>actually thinking Todd would apologize

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Was this supposed to be an apology?

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>[Deathly silence]

Jay White?

>that nervous laugh

I want to die.

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Just watched Kyle@Geoff. Holy shit, that was bad. Maybe he is right in not bringing back Final Bosman.

Did Huber make a comment on winning the betting special?

Based Bethesda not giving a shit about censoring profanity.

anybody who thought this faggot would apologise, it's your own fault. todd would NEVER apologise

He never did

cute asian girl

muh dick


female tak fuji

fucking faggot incels

Oh no I'm in rove

Kawaii ne

god mikami is so fucking based

eatu dicku

Damiani no question.

>History of lying (look up him cheating speedruns)
>childlike mindset
>almost certainly has never had a serious relationship, quite possibly a virgin
>the way he tries so hard to demonoze any sexuality almost comes off as projection.

Maybe there's no smoking gun, but I wouldn't be shocked

seething white roastie

too busy watching hockey, did bethesda do literally anything worth note yet?

So mikami isnt directing? Thats fine I guess. Honestly looks like some SMT shit

Ghostwire reveal trailer was good.

Cute japanese dev

Ben talks about PSO all the damn time though.

Something just smashed the camera

ghostwire teaser was okay but I hope it's not a multiplayer thing

My audio keeps on desyncing.

for sure is

why does everyone hate nazis so much?

Ian for sure, he fits the part of the guy that desperately tries to promote progressive social causes only to go out and commit actual crimes against real people

He did like 6 Generations streams with the community in 2016.

It's eza chat, they're all part of antifa

competing branch of socialism

>dingus baklava

because (((somebody))) told them too

Is there still a chance for Todd Howard to apologise, bros? I gambled it all on the manlet

Its completely rational to hate a group of people who banded together to exterminate people even if you wouldn't have been one of their first targets. The Yea Forums contrarianism side is far more irrational and delusional


>group of people who banded together to exterminate people
so did commies

yea fuck commies too

He's left the building

kyle is a failed comedian, but because otoshi game keeps laughing at every bit he does on his stream (some are funny) he keeps trying

Everyone hates Nazis but the only people that feel some kind of desperate need to constantly remind everyone that Nazis are bad are usually really hate-filled people and just desperately using the "yeah well I hate you because you didn't vote for the person I liked or you enjoy media I find offensive that's not as bad as hating you for race reasons" mindset to justify their horrible thoughts to themselves.

Yeah but everyone calls everyone nazis today

I never thought I'd say this but can we hurry up and get to the Ubisoft conference already?

The future of videogames looks bleak.

looking good so far man

could've sworn I overheard 'nintendo' from the stream while I was taking a wiz though

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thats true. i'm=talking about actually german army

Nothing in this e3 so far has captured my interest in any way

remember last year when they refused to even put the devolver conference on and then got BTFO when it had like three cool games

>15fps DOOOM