Help us develop a new mirrors edge!

Hi, I'm a head developer at DICE and we need help brainstorming ideas for a new mirrors edge sequel. Here are the ideas that have seemed to stick so far:
>No open world
>Story mode is level-based like the original but there are tons of branching paths to each checkpoint in the level.
>Time trial mode features levels exclusive to that mode as well as each individual story mode level.
>Cutscenes in story mode are kept to a minimum, or maybe none at all. Most of the story is explained through in-game dialogue and collectables.
>No gun combat. All enemies will be placed in such a way that the player will always be able to run up and disarm them.
>Map editor. There is early talks of a map editor that players will be able to create levels and share them online. No talk of any multiplayer yet.

Any other ideas, guys?

Attached: 310317-mirrors-edge-catalyst.jpg (1467x782, 225K)

Big fake Asian titties

Big real Asian titties

Should add muslims and rape scenes with like 30+ muslims raping characters, and the cops can't do anything about it because it would be racist to arrest refugees.

Give her a dick

Faith should become an accountant. . . with big asian titties

Big Asian tiddies

Give her a girlfriend

Real Asian Titties Fake Big

Clothing damage and realistic titty physics