Help us develop a new mirrors edge!

Hi, I'm a head developer at DICE and we need help brainstorming ideas for a new mirrors edge sequel. Here are the ideas that have seemed to stick so far:
>No open world
>Story mode is level-based like the original but there are tons of branching paths to each checkpoint in the level.
>Time trial mode features levels exclusive to that mode as well as each individual story mode level.
>Cutscenes in story mode are kept to a minimum, or maybe none at all. Most of the story is explained through in-game dialogue and collectables.
>No gun combat. All enemies will be placed in such a way that the player will always be able to run up and disarm them.
>Map editor. There is early talks of a map editor that players will be able to create levels and share them online. No talk of any multiplayer yet.

Any other ideas, guys?

Attached: 310317-mirrors-edge-catalyst.jpg (1467x782, 225K)

Big fake Asian titties

Big real Asian titties

Should add muslims and rape scenes with like 30+ muslims raping characters, and the cops can't do anything about it because it would be racist to arrest refugees.

Give her a dick

Faith should become an accountant. . . with big asian titties

Big Asian tiddies

Give her a girlfriend

Real Asian Titties Fake Big

Clothing damage and realistic titty physics

also cute cat ears and a sexy swimsuit

The problem of the combat is that it was forced as hell in Catalyst, not that you can shoot guns.
Shooting while wallrunning would be cool.
Also small tits.

I'll put another vote in for big asian titties.

Make everything like Mirror's Edge 1

Get some good writers and invest in some story and lore, because all singleplayer campaigns you've made so far suck a big sweaty donkey dick

Also dinosaurs

I want to believe

>No gun combat
those singular clip matrix-esk gun fights were kino, bring them back

Attached: The Matrix.gif (350x193, 1.5M)

Please retain the original game's aesthetic and don't use the generic cyberpunk world from Catalyst. That killed a bit of the charm for me.

Can you focus the missions on killing minorities

>No gun combat. All enemies will be placed in such a way that the player will always be able to run up and disarm them.
Already sounds like shit. Makes it too easy if there is no thought involved

The opportunity window for a Mirrors Edge game is already gone.
DICE should just make a new IP that has the elements that lead ME to become a cult classic
>great art direction
>great music
>innovative design
>tightly designed
>being a clear passion project

Nuke Sweden.

Make Faith have a dick, but don't make her a transgender shill.

>TFW I will never be able to smell Faith's sweaty Asian girl cock after she's been out running all day.

Male protag. Women can't parkour


I FUCKING LOVE MIRROS EDGE. toying with Ansel in ME:C was absolutely mind blowing.
I think what gets me off the most is the atmosphere / ambiance of these games. the OST is excellent as well

> story explained through collectables
No, don't do that.

>No gun combat. All enemies will be placed in such a way that the player will always be able to run up and disarm them.
Lazy. Just give the player limited ability to shoot and sprint/wall run/slide in different directions. Something like a 30 degree angle off the character's vector before the character starts turning in the direction of the crosshair, with maybe holding right click to cancel the feature for more precise movement. Maybe its activated by holding right click instead?

Actually try to work gunplay into the core gameplay and reward players for combining them. The only problems with guns in the original game were that they slowed you down and the most effective way to use them was popping in and out of a single piece of cover to score kills until the game stopped dropping in new enemies. Fix those problems and you're fine.

Have faith become a dildo tester who rides fat dildos and sneaks prototype dildos out the office home

Use guns mainly to open up new paths.
Instead of shooting at people, let the player use them to do stuff like blast open doors faster, cut ropes holding things you can jump on, etc

No guns. She shouldn't be stopping to get a good aim or a good cover. That's not the spirit.
Give her escape roads, possibilties for her to flee and sometimes slow her chasers down. Pushing a cop off the roof so a mate has to help him out

Think of it as a racing game. Motion controls. VR. Slow methodical movements represent momentum and pacing. Button presses and aim provide challenge and control. Long routes through a city deviation doesn't make sense because the runner KNOWS the fastest route. Dinner has capability to go through or over enemies. Around enemies means loss of time. The higher you go the faster you move less obstacles but more heat in both senses of the word, you're not suppose to be up there. Many "race" routes preloaded through big city. Game's story has a plot climax that matches architecture. Starts out in a ghetto climaxes in the heights of a city center dissipates in a suburb.
Done. You're welcome. Pay off my debts.