Paper Mario: New Story

What do you want to see in the new paper Mario game?

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That's hot.

>Paper Mario / PMTTYD gameplay
>Unique characters
>Bigger areas
That's it. I just want a new type of original Paper Mario game.


Image apparently doesn't know what a dress hoop is

Too fat

Hmm, I'm gay but I'd fuck this

Gourmet Guy but he's female

Cellulite and stretch marks.
That’s what prevents this from being hot in real life.

Too skinny

This should be a warning flag for every straight person in the thread that finds this hot.


Oh fuck someone recommend some chubby pornstars to jack off to tonight

Attached: chumming.jpg (1338x1600, 227K)

Not that.


how long till fatfags invade this thread, besides that artist?


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I don't want to see a new one

fats tits but I'd argue she's only suboptimal chub overall

Mazzerati Monica for BBW

Peach's Inside Story with that bodytype


Attached: 1557251627773.jpg (1157x1210, 137K)

How do obese people wipe their ass properly? I’ve witnessed a man almost unable to zip his own fly he was so fat. At that point his ass is probably straight up shit city.

paper peach>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>regular peach

God bless you. I lost my shortstack folder ages ago. You give me hope.

Shower after every shit?

jesus fucking christ I want to see more obese peach!!!