>Custom Navi CPU
>8K resolution
>ray tracing
>rocket science
>and most exciting of all: an SSD
Xbox Scarlett just WON.
>Custom Navi CPU
>8K resolution
>ray tracing
>rocket science
>and most exciting of all: an SSD
Xbox Scarlett just WON.
Scarlett 12 teraflops and ps5 8 teraflops confirmed ...
And immediately after they show Halo running at 30fps.
A mediocre pc, in other words.
>what the fuck is a cinematic cutscene
>Literally the same as what sony announced for the PS5, even down to the SSD
what the fuck?
Does AMD just pitch the exact same SOC to all it's partners and tell them "yeah dude, it's totally custom silicon, I'll even silkscreen your logo on the chip"
yeah itll flop all right
why do you fags keep comparing a PC to a console?
I'm actually surprised that they even mentioned framerate. One of consoles biggest downsides is frames being locked to 30 or below
Based on what they announced it's gonna be practically identical to the PS5. They used the same exact talking points.
They announced the same PS5 points exactly.
What the fuck its all the same shit AGAIN
all shit cerny said a month ago
Yes since it's cheap and effective.
M-my pc already has this
>Navi CPU
>low budget pc for the price of a mid range pc with games that will be 99% playable on pc
Because if they want to pull out the big boy numbers they need the games to back it up. Why should I drop money on a xbox when I can make a custom pc and play all their games? All they keep doing is making commercially prebuilt PCs with a smaller game library
Why is xbox one x so shit this is only 4times more powerfull so 8k at 8frames get the fuck out of here 120frames on what original xbox games the con is on and they can fuck off with their bullshit
project kyle
>Every game will be streamable on Xbone
>8K resolution
Peasant pls. Stop talking about shit you don't know.
I like how they said "capable", as it it can do it but we won't use it.
Consoles were never designed to compete with the PC market
Seriously why claim that shit?
It could do that for tetris or a netflix stream but nothing else
>XBox and Playstation continue their journey to both become the exact same thing
>That thing being a mediocre, locked-down PC that gets hyped up as if it's extremely cutting edge
>And the retarded fanboys will continue to defend their symmetry because of a handful of exclusive titles that wouldn't be exclusives if people weren't so fucking rabid with console fanboyism
They'll probably blame games being too "huge" to uphold 120 frames. I'm curious if they can at least get frames locked to a minimum of 60 though
No. They will always go for more explosions + 30FPS instead of less and 60FPS.
AMD are still making both the Nextbox and PS5 APUs, they're going to be largely similar in capability again as long as they're releasing within 6 months of each other.
That's exactly why they will. Even if it's only technically correct under very specific and uncommon scenarios they can and will use it to market it. You can't say that they're lying.
Hahahah they will push for 4k at 20frsmes 8k at 12franes
Navi is a graphics architecture lmao
Name a mediocre that can do 8k 120fps ray tracing
Because by now even retards should know it's bullshit by now.
Im honestly curious, how the fuck are they going to try pulling this off? What bullshit are they going to do to make the casuals think their playing at these frames and resolutions?
The next Xbox won't even be able to play Quake 1999 in 8K with 120FPS with ray tracing.
They got that nigger ray tracing the graphics and shit
>pushing SSD when M.2 is already the standard
why are consoles always so far behind the curve?
Well, look at right above you. He thinks that because all those specs are listed together that means that all three will be happening at the exact same time.
So that guy with the dumbass beard is gonna be a meme, right?
what about the GAMES
debate me loser.
Everyone on Yea Forums was talking about how it would cost autistic
The disclaimer at the start said the cutscene was using in game assets.As in the cutscene was not pre-rendered.
Cheap for AMD, Sony and MS not you
Can anyone explain how they claim to use SSD as RAM? Did I get something wrong? As far as I'm know they're both different types of memory.
M.2 is just a form factor, it's still an SSD. That's like saying
>putting HDD when SATA is already the standard
No that like saying
>Putting HDD when 2.5" is already the standard
u can use RAM as SSD, i think it's called ramdisk or something
if you have a lot of ram u wont need an ssd basically
the opposite is true too
Sony has a patent that show they don't just have a regular SSD. They have even changed the insides of the SSD to be optimized for gaming.
so that basically means the Sony SSD can draw as much storage as it needs, it has infinitive storage.
look up virtual memory
OS saves a page file when physical memory is exhausted
>it has infinitive storage
Ok so I am a tech retard. Just asking for speculation here.
- 8k in one year when 4k is not even the standard? What tvs can handle this?
- What kind of pc matches this? Will a modern decent setup with say a 2070 be able to match it performance wise? Obv not 8k resolution...
Nothing can. Especially not the new XBox.
No it means more along the lines of being able to just absolutely blast the ram with the data they need. 10+ gb/s of data from the drive easily, and not just peak speed but sustained speed. Most people have like 180mb/s right now for their HDD's but they transfer like 80mb/s or even lower on average.
it will never be a powerful as the newest PC and has literally no exclusives, what the fuck is the point of this console?
>- 8k in one year when 4k is not even the standard? What tvs can handle this?
None and the only thing it will be able to display in 8k are streams and 2D games.
>Will a modern decent setup with say a 2070 be able to match it performance wise?
Absolutely. They will not sell this thing for 800 dollars or more.
I'd imagine it can run video content upto 8k, might be able to play certain games at 4k 30fps.
You have to realize what the word "capable" means. Just because the hardware CAN achieve those benchmarks doesn't mean constantly, consistently nor all at once. Lots of mid-range gaming PCs are more than "capable" of those performance levels right now: especially since there have been patches to allow Raytracing on non-RTX cards.
Ease of access and ease of use.
Interesting. Thanks for replies.
the new Gpu is basically a 2070 hell the ps4 was basically a 750ti. it run more powerful on the console because of optimization but a year after it'll be outdated by PC standards
it just werks
You have to realize the $70 GT 1030 is capable of 7680x4320@60 Hz aka 8k with 60FPS.
Only when displaying video but it is still capable of it.
The next Xbox/PS5 won't be able to display any AAA games in 8k let alone in 8k with 120FPS.
They will probably struggle to hit 60FPS in 4k with ray tracing enabled.
Fuck off Blue Nugroho
you wish, those numbers will be for the "pro" versions that'll come out in 2-3 years
>the new Gpu is basically a 2070
That would actually be powerful as fuck.
The 750Ti wasn't that powerful in late 2013 in comparison.
8k screens that run at 120fps don't fucking exist
Lol lets be real champ more like 32% of then will be available on pc
xbox scarlett is a teraflop
You'd get 60fps with a 2080ti in minecraft with ray tracing turned on lol. This console i doubt very much will be using ray tracing they probably just mentioned it can do it not that it will cus it'll tank everything.
>mfw Solid State Drive and SSD
Why do retards keep falling for the ''capable'' and ''up to'' marketing meme?
Because the majority of people are retarded.
>mfw playing 165hz 1440p in current gen
just how retarded do you have to be to buy a console in 2019 and beyond?
>those ranges
Oh boy, time to buy an OC Strix 1070i, charts do not lie.
Understated any accurate post.
"the combination of the soc and the solid state drive"
fucking retards
Who's we?
>Falling for this shit
No, using "in game assets" doesn't mean "not pre-rendered". It just means it's using models and textures from the actual game instead of custom cinematic ones.
So here are some quick translations so you don't fall for this bs marketing again:
[Not actual gameplay]: 100% made up cinematic
[Using in-game assets] Models and textures from the game running on a custom engine, probably pre-rendered
[In-engine footage] Pre-rendered cinematic done on the game engine
[Rendered in-engine in real time] Runs on an ultra-powerful overkill PC
[Not representative of final gameplay] A bunch of custom animations and scripted sequences that would never be playable, probably runs on a super-powerful PC
[Actual gameplay footage] Spruced-up gameplay running on quality settings that will never be available and with custom post-processing shaders to make it look more detailed, probably running on a super-powerful PC
The most exciting thing is the SSD combined with the solid state drive