Who tf asked for this?

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It unironically made me consider buying the game.

me :P

I did and I am glad legos are DLC! I always loved legos growing up and sometimes I'd create fictional settings out of legos that resembled video games and I'd play with my lego figurines as if they were video game characters. I still play with legos that same way when I feel like it.

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This is even better than the hot wheels expansion
I'm so fucking excited

it looks fun

I don't understand what you're trying to convey, but do you not like Lego?

*steps forward*

Me, the HW expansion was fun as fuck

The retards that have turned multiplayer into the cancer that it is.

>Hot Wheels expansion
>people thought they wouldn't do something silly again
Are people retarded?

>Who tf asked for this?
Everyone who enjoyed Hotwheels. That said this doesn't look nearly as good, there is a serious lack of loops and speed boosters. They need to fix that.

I do, but I don't prefer lego cars to cars

people who wanted Hot Wheels Part 2. Anyway everything in FH4 has been garbage so the Lego expansion is likely to be best content in the game.

Multiplayer is fine now, wallriding and ramming are both more or less dead and have been for a solid month or two.


>look mommy! i posted the epic funny!

Why do you mind more people enjoying the game due to new content, then? From what I heard it's a good game already.

I didnt ask for it
but I didnt know I wanted it

I just watched Lego Movie 2 on Saturday, so this was a great surprise.

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