Dying Light 2

The best game in the whole conference so far.
Ready for FPS parkour simulator with zombies?


Attached: Dying Light-2.jpg (787x442, 38K)

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>Spring 2020

I was really hoping for late 2019

this will be better rpg than cybershit 2077

It looks like it. Cyberpunk 2077 is just GTA with a cyberpunk aesthetic.

Dying Light was highly underrated. If you know how to invest your skill points you can keep the game in the sweet spot the whole way through and its pretty enjoyable. Hopefully they don't go overboard in 2 where by the end you're basically invincible and can solo the toughest guys that are supposed to make the nighttime scary in the first place.

Yea, that's one downside with all these AAA games and their skill trees - imbalance and progression issues make or break the experience.

>zombie game

I sleep

Also it's on Steam store.steampowered.com/app/534380/ That dude who kept spaming EGS exclusive BTFO.

lmao in ur dreams

Thank god.

Attached: 1538800346307.png (545x549, 312K)

>My name is Aids and I am infected

Literally pozzed

>Dying Light 2 releasing on Steam
>DOOM Eternal releasing on Steam
>Every single Microsoft game releasing on Steam (which now include Psychonauts 2 for sure)

Thank fucking god

sun fags on suicide watch

Tell me about it, but
>Every single Microsoft game releasing on Steam
Still no news on State of Decay 2 on Steam, I know it's supposed to be a broken pile of shit but I'm still waiting.

Microsoft's new MO is to release their games on fucking everything because game sales is all they care about. We already know the Master Chief Collection and Gears 5 are releasing on Steam

Well I guess I'm going to just have to wait for news on SoD2, hopefully it drops on steam this year because next year to much shit is coming out.

Nice. Thanks for that info.

Combat and Parkour were already perfect they just need to fix the story and characters and maybe setting

>Another fucking cgi trailer
10/10 GOTY for sure

>isn't even a specific date
I'm prepared for a delay and blatantly unfinished release.

It's gonna be Epic Games exclusive, right?




You choose a faction in game

Dying Light released in a perfectly fine state

It's on Steam.


Fuck YEES!!

I was honestly hoping for a full trailer and a release for this year. This is fucking useless.
>hot waitress/singer/stripper
>zombies are actually in this fucking trailer
>not the entire fucking thing looks like scripted bullshot nonsense like 2018's
That's good.
>no actual gameplay

Pretty sure that was all in engine with some gameplay. Have you ever played the first game?

They are gonna pull a Exodus and make it Epic Games 2 weeks before launch. Oh, and add Denuvo.

Is it the same main character?

>zombie shit
It will be mediocre in every way like every other zombie game with mediocre gameplay, a mediocre story with a shit retard antagonist.

Techland is their own publisher on PC

Are you retarded? Of course it’s not.

No, the main character from previous game is most likely dead. It is hinted that he is the cause behind the virus spreading throughout the whole world.

So do you get zombie powers from the Be The Zombie DLC in 1 at night in 2? Is that what the trailer is implying? How long has it been since Crane didn't use the nuke?

I guess this bracelet is a timer for how much time before you need to take your anti-zombie medicine. I hope it's part of the gameplay to search for this rare medicine, and should only be found at places that requires exploring and challenge. That was a thing I missed in the first game.

Attached: zdsfvbdszfvsdz.png (1782x970, 1.3M)

As long as avelonne actually delivers on his actions affect the world thing

It's called Antizen you fucking nigger, at least pretend better next time

Fuck you fucking NERD. I can't be bothered to remembering the names of a game I only played through once years ago. I don't even remember the names of any of the characters, or the city :)

>I don't even remember the names of any of the characters, or the city
Better go get yourself checked for early Alzheimer's, gramps
>Kyle Crane, Harran

Pretty sure you're either a shill or a moron

Now I remember why I didn't like the following.

The bad end for The Following was perfect for staying to Kyle's character

Why is Troy Baker voicing the lead character again? He voiced the lead in the last game in this series. Its a separate guy now. Why does he have the same voice as the last guy?

Are they really this desperate for voice acting talent that they cast the same guy for two separate lead characters in the same series?

you can side with the protectors or whatev they're called, my retarded friend

I normally don't care for zombie games too but I played this years ago and had a blast. It's an exception imo. Give it a shot.

But he died and all my effort where in vain. I felt like shit

>why is Troy Baker voicing the lead character again?
He didn't voice Crane you dumb bastard. Roger Craig Smith did.

Shocking. They sound like exactly the same guy.

This I will absolutely agree with you on.

is this mc voiced by roger craig smith?
will it come in gog?