Doesn't even show up

>doesn't even show up
>still wins

Attached: Chadguards.jpg (480x360, 15K)

too busy at pride marches

Even when theres literally nothing for you guys to talk about, how do you manage to still be the worst fanbase here?

Attached: 10FFEFA79B274575A1DC8FFB32D9FE67.jpg (1024x1024, 88K)

You are like a little baby

Attached: 1557919198955.jpg (233x217, 8K)

don't you have a tranny parade to attend?

Attached: 1559831968240.jpg (1644x823, 463K)

how can you win with no games?


Attached: 1560114294757.jpg (1920x1080, 200K)

Who cares


No games > Funko pop games

>moves HQ to commiefornia
nothing personal snoytard

Attached: 1557918854722.jpg (640x604, 63K)

>single handedly wins e3

I laughed out loud when this happened

No Rocket Racer, no buy

I just bought a second PS4 just to thank Sony for distancing themselves from this trash fire.

none taken. keep the fags in the uk.

>A shape of a giant circle and a stick going through it where his crotch area is supposed to be
What did he mean by this?


can't win without ape escape 4

All these “people” are going to fry in Hell

>Bans degenerate loli/weeb shit from an entire console
Sounds based to me.

Attached: DBD6172F-7223-4DAB-87AD-10DCFFC22E17.png (595x591, 95K)

How would the board change if wojak posting got filtered to be a randomly selected wojak from the pile?

Attached: Sigma.png (1280x720, 666K)

>recognize the outstanding contributions LGBT people have made to our great Nation,

obviously shopped