>canon girl is best girl
Canon girl is best girl
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I don't know who she is, but looking at her, I can already tell that she's a cliche blonde tsundere slut who falls for the MC like nothing.
best girl coming through.
>that doujin of her getting fucked by a bug and getting filled with bug eggs
Go back to your dead general.
>red eyes
Reminder that Elliot x Laura is canon and there's nothing you can do about it.
You mean Towa?
Based and Virtuosso-pilled.
Epic meme
you're a man of culture, I see
>cliche blonde tsundere slut who falls for the MC like nothing
This is my fetish.
Never played the games before, but she's right up my ally. Can you romance her?
No you can't. She's mine
based glad that we get happy ending too
>Literally every other blonde in the setting is superior to her
Nice "best" girl you got there
Good taste
Men of good taste, I see
You have every tool available to find it retard.
based and beautypilled
Olivert is the greatest thing to ever happen in JRPGs
oh no no no no Alisabros...
towafag did it again
>he says while posting Alisa
Best girl coming through
just want to say that cold steel 3 is BY FAR the best in the cold steel series
You forgot the twintails but oh well these trope is best girl contender anyway
More like the only good one.
In which way? As a newfag what caught my attention (compared to ther RPGs) was all the worldbuilding and details about NPCs who all have storylines. Is this still emphasized?
sen still has all of that, but it comes with an absolutely putrid main character who embodies all the worst shonen anime tropes and drags down his supporting cast.
No, I was asking about 3 specifically (the one I haven't played), compared to the first 2 in the cold steel series. Sorry if I wasn't clear.
my bad.
best imouto
take notes, wannabe harlots
more like loose
I do not agree that she's best girl, but goddamn I am so pissed on how I was rused by Yea Forums saying she is a batshit insane tsundere from beginning to end.
I started playing CS1 a few years back. We get to the part where your teacher pitfalls all of you for your test and she lands her ass on top of you. Get's called a pervert and then slapped if I remember correctly. This time I was "fucking hell Yea Forums's right after all".
Cue fucking 2 hours later you actually see her try her best to apologize for what she did, then 4-5 hours later finally does so and says that she was the one mistaken and finally fully apologizes to you. After that, FUCKING NOTHIGN HAPPENS ANYMORE ABOUT HER BEING A BATSHIT INSANE TSUNDERE YOU FUCKING LIARS. She's actually one of the most level-headed classmates you have and supports the class really well. She jokes about the time as well saying this like "I'm just kidding." and shit. So fuck you Yea Forums and your insane tunnel vision holy shit.
I still chose Emma in the end though.
First impressions are pretty important, though