Previous thread:
Guess the health bar II
Other urls found in this thread:
hard mode
Path of exile.
Is this a HUD mod chip? Ive been playing this for the first time and haven't seen this yet
gothic 2?
Subnautica. Play that game so much.
It’s very old alpha UI
Tales of Maj'eyal
Old obscure game.
Only patricians will get this
this one is easy
Syphon Filter?
1, but they were the same.
nope but it's on the playstation
Good Luck
fighting herds
might have been in the other thread, didnt read
my man
Chaos Legion
repostan from last thread
divinity original sin 2
from last thread
Correct. My filename was a hint that it was the 50th anniversary game for Taito. Also Gackt.
That one game with the guy that dances crazy.
Gothic 2
Make me proud
To whoever posted that;
You've probably seen it.
Its by a AAA dev and involves people from both the West and East spheres of game dev.
Magic and Mayhem
Not gonna lie didnt expect to see that here.
Silent Bomber, only ever played the demo on my PS Underground disc but I played that demo like 100 times.
have another
Chaos legion , EZ
Alpha One Dash One I'm scanning your cargo hold
Alien Trilogy?
>game with custom skins
good luck
Remaster never ever
State of Decay?
Reposting my first of 2 images that werent guessed from last thread.
post from base game only, nobody gonna know your obscure mod
Rye; Son of a Bitch
Sanctuary of Salt?
Paper Mario?
but he got it right
Good work
>State of Decay?
kicking simulator
Jedi Knight, dont think its Academy so outcast?
Heres my second one from
Jedi knight 2
Dark Messiah of Kicks and Barrelthrowing
Very zoomed
Dark Forces
I beat Subnautica but I never saw a carrot bar. What is it?
nope that was another one from same thread
thats really old hud
food obviously
maybe there's a survival mode
Make me proud Yea Forums
>tfw I only recognized OP's so far.
one of the older UI designs, it's hunger
oh shit nigga just wanted to post this
Surely somebody
Nobody seemed to get this yet, so here's another bar from the game.
It'd be too easy if I posted the uncropped version.
yeah you got it
Well done
metal arms
You're good
Haven and Hearth, based lad
There we go, nice job.
I thought this one would be harder
This one is literally impossible
>no attempts
too hard? 1997 first person PC game
Little Fighter 2
good luck
I'm sure I know this one, but I can't remember right now
this one should be easy
Magic carpet
Nice pick
Forest of the Blue Skin
try another
*AHEM* Well you see TECHNICALLY it's Magic Carpet 2: The Netherworlds but I'll let it slide this one time
Sorry mate I got nothing. Quite a lot of 97 FPS games and none of em that I know have that UI.
Honestly im surprised neither of mine have had guesses; one is a beloved western franchise and the other is a west/east collab AAA game... FeelsBadMan
Into The Breach
The first Rayman?
i know i should know this
Well Done
No idea how recognizable this one is.
Is that Project Eden?
Recognized the font
My nigga
That's Azure Dreams
nice. that was fast
Ya got beat,faggots.
Take extra ui just because nobody knows what the fuck is it.
BASED freelancer poster
btw where can I get freelancer now? is it on any stores?
This should be a pretty hard one.
I think this is Rune?
Alright fags you win if no one guessed it within 20 minutes and have confirmed hopes to every guess
Current winrars:
100% off on piratebay
>When you manage to find a AAA and hidden gem that are both unknown to Yea Forums
easy one
Call of Duty
left 4 dead 2
Siege of Avalon.
Nice, you got it
If someone gets this I will shit myself
Inquisitor. The meters change depending on which class you're playing, and you're playing a priest.
Blow it out your ass
based doujin user
From the previous thread
Duke Nukem
you got it. Duke3D
Very nice, correct
Realms of the Haunting?
Final Resistance on PS1
not really a health bar, but...
would be too easy uncropped any more than this
This guy knows what's up
One of the C&C Power Bar
Red Alert 2 maybe?
yeah you got it man congrats
Hows the new iteration of Haven and Hearth? I haven't played since they upgraded to the 3D graphics, which I thinks looks terrible compared to the original 2D
An easy one I'd say
Space Beast Terror Fright?
Legacy of Kain? Or was the first one just Blood Omen, I can't remember.
blade symphony?
Either one works. You got it right
Yeah, it's Blood Omen (1) iirc
easy or hard
How do you think HP would be represented in Real life if they ever implemented HUDS in our eyes
image of ants
yep, good user
Here's another hard one.
Jurassic Park
OK, so not that hard it seems.
Easy: It's "Trespasser".
ding ding ding.
Probably like this
guess this one assholes
Isn't it obvious, dumbass? You need to eat carrots in order to fill
i feel anxious just looking at this
hard mode
far cry 2
Far Cry 2.
literally impossible
>tfw the game is obscure that not a single screenshot of it on google has health bar
Far Cry 2: The Chronicles of a Malaria-ridden War Hobo
Half-Life Deathmatch
Max Payne
oh no no no
Tomb Raider
Ima say Max Payne 2
>disguising as enemy spy
why the fuck do people do this
It's an autistic game
Could be worse; Could be a AAA game and a game from a world famous franchise.
Honestly disappointed in Yea Forums for not even guessing at them.
Dino Crisis 2
yeah bros
soul reaver
legacy of kain: soul reaver
True Crime LA
Legacy of Kain: Soul Raver
Anyone?, i think this is easy.
>teeth number: 32/32
this fucking game, jesus christ.
Fucking hell, I'm sure I played that game and remember that you start with 3/4 bars at first.
super mario sunshine?
Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Brothers
not it but you are a true bro
halo 2
hint: he has what nintenDONT
Rape That Shota: The RPG
Neo scav
Knuckles Chaotix
zelda: lawbreakers
>mfw watched my brother play and still remember
Project IGI
Mystical Ninja starring Goemon on 64.
100% correct
nope it's multiplayer only
hint:rats cum
Oxygen, faith, carrots and water?
Doom RL
been waiting for this one
Suguri. But it's close enough, so you win.
you win a cookie if you guess this one
This one's easy
isnt this justt dead space
yeah.. you got it! great game.
diseased area 2
persona IIIII
this space game. somethings sky.
My great grandmother.
The minute I realized the jam jars were empty was the moment I realized she died before she finished making her delicious strawberry jam ;_:
Purse Owner 5
user... you have to try harder than that.
Demon's Crest.
Agent Archer go away
here's a classic
No wonder that this bunch of mouth breathers didnt get it
I wish you the best of luck
Barrel Blaster
zeno clash 2
Sure will do
that was quick
I still can't believe the top tier voice acting it had, while retaining nearly zero attention
Well maybe it's just not something you pay attention to to remember. Hopefully.
ay you got it
Sometimes I'm not sure if anyone else actually played this game
Custom Robo, gamecube specifically
Eh it was pretty popular at the time, it got decent coverage in print
Sonic Rush?
The Bouncer.
It's not a great game.
no, its from a game that came out exactly a decade before minecraft
Minecraft 2
Men of class.
Fuck i should know this
America's Army 2?
500 years in development-sector
Why not post just the hull?
That one Ghost Rider game on the PS2. Made by 2K.
republic commando
drakengard 3
another one
try something older
Alright let's see if you can get this one
i wonder how popular is this one
Smod tactical
ding ding
Should be very fucking easy for Yea Forums nowadays
Fuck you The Bouncer was amazing.
shadow complex
try harder faggot
Shadow Complex
I was just about to post it damn it
silent hill 4
MNC or SMNC, was already posted in prior thread.
touchdown4 league
Republic commando
Because that wouldnt show the sexy silhouette of the Onslaught Class
Fuck user
You got it.
I knew the background made it too easy.
how about this?
also gunship best ship
running into a lightning field and taking 0 damage
kingdoms of alamur reckoning
I wasn't in previous thread
kingdoms of amalur
Dink Smallwood
damn, that was quick but at least you have good taste
Honestly im just sitting here hoping some mother fuckers will take a swing at GuessCrop 1 or 4....
I'm the only person on here who actually played this game, so I know no one is going to get it.
dumbed down 3d terraria
Unfortunately, it's the only option, but hey, it's ok one
Alright boys, hard mode
ITT: games only you played
still no correct guesses yet, step right up
If Epic had funded Shadow Complex 2 instead of buying exclusivity from a bunch of games, I would have happily used their store. Lousy rat bastards.
Oni? I was just googling it right now to post my own.
ist spess muhreen ja?
Shinobi was such a good game.
>not being overhealed
prey 2017
fucking based TCTF bros
GOTY 2017
Subnautica is always in survival mode.
Close enough
It's Station-2 League
>when you make a masterpiece and everyone forgets about it
this should be fucking easy
Is that Galerian?
I'll give a hint, it comes from a popular fighting game.
yup, more specifically the PS2 sequel
Shin Megoomi Tensay 3
metro 2033
Looks like something from a Dragon Ball Z game
Nevermind, I fucked up, it's probably Raidou
yeah, the first vermintide
Hidden and Dangerous? I don't really remember the UI in that.
Aw ye dude, Sherwood Dungeon
Silent Storm, easy. I wish they'd make a third game.
how good is your memory?
I dunno if you're joking or not
good job
Want to say Riddick, but that one had white boxes.
star wars: jedi power battle
shame on all of you faggots
NieR Gestalt
Also, not a healthbar, but similar.
It is and I remember white boxes too
Seems like second game changed them
Will be genuinely surprised if anyone gets this
time crisis?
too hard for you guys
Fuck uh, it’s that game with the sister and the adopted brother
Project Zomboid
well done, it sure is.
best game on the n64
Some lego game?
AvP 2010 Marine Multiplayer.
Nah, it's from a GBA game
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
here's another from the same machine
That looks nothing like Perfect Dark's health bar.
Well, I played Hammer and Sickle, but it was really meh.
hint 1: dos
hint 2: eastern european
hint 3: turn strategy
its some kind of harvest... some kind of BODY HARVEST
Best healthbar ever.
cataclysm: dark days ahead
very incorrect
well fuck me, seemed similar
it's not blast corps, so it's obviously based on a lie
Change the thread name to: Show how autistic you are.
Trails in the sky?
health bar kino
I know it it's bionicle heroes.
shadows, way too easy
Winback was fun
look, so are you, because that isn't blast corps
lol brainlet cant into non-mobile games
sw shadow of the empire
you got it!
battle brothers
good luck
Mechwarrior 3
damn, ive definitely seen this one before but cant remember at all
yer a wizard 'arry
i swear i fucking seen this one somewhere
Looks like Arcanum but it isnt, now i wanna try that one.
one of the harry potter games. 1 or 2?
Make me proud anons
ye sorcerer's stone
was this that porn game with the fat chick?
a GBA game? vaguely familiar.
I remember Ross did a video on this
nope here's big hint
i doubt anyone can quess the name even with it
Klonoa PS1/Door to Phantomville
Yeah, Ross did a video on it.
Requital or something like that, based on some Russian movie.
no one got is last thread
Alter Echo
Yea tome 4, how the fuck is that hard mode, its one of the most popular roguelikes at the moment.
I wish someone would release a SP version of the 2D one
I just want to relive the memories