What are we getting first?
Starfield or TES VI?
Its been 4 years since Fallout 4, they need a new major title fast.
What are we getting first?
They said Starfield was first the last time everyone asked
>they need a new major title fast
lol no
Starfield confirmed. It'll be a couple years out if Todd is to be believed, he said that FO76 was as much of a full bethesda title release as any of the other and that the wait between FO76 and the next bethesda game studios game will be about the same as any other wait.
starfield first, daddy todd said so on stage. i think it will be a mass effect clone, but you directly control your ship to fly around, and instead of scanning planets you fly down on to them to mine minerals yourself with your spaceship
Tod's suicide
Tod's gunshots
todds diarrhea farts live he turns his ass towards the audince and shouts
> here comes the pudding
Todd snorts cocaine and calls it a potion
Starfield in 2020
TES6 in 2022 earliest
Todd's lies
Starfield is a risky new IP, so considering Fallout 76 was their last big risky project and it was so bad it shattered even fanboys' trust in the company they're probably gonna play it safe and go with Skyrim 2.
Will we see Starfield gameplay tonight?
Starfield you retard they've been saying this for years
Pete Hines just confirmed no TES6/Starfield will be shown
Fuck newtitles, I just want them to release oblivion or fallout nv/3 on switch so I can murder people in comfort
IIRC they already said as much.
Going to be a boring show.
Literally the worst news possible. What could they possibly show to win us over that isn't Starfield nor TES 6? Fallout 77?
That elder scrolls mobile game everyone forgot about
Everybody heard RUST lite and stayed away in droves.
76 has disappeared like a fart in the wind.
It will have no impact on Bethesda's future at all.
Its going to be an absolute L just like the last two years
Based and wisepilled