Afraid pcfags?

afraid pcfags?

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>Microsoft's new policies are to bring Xbox games to all their platforms
>Microsoft is also porting new games to steam including the MCC
why should pcfags be afraid again?

>why should pcfags be afraid again?
Because xbox will be stronger than any PC in the market atm while only costing 500 bucks

>...for a mid-tier PC that year
>please pay $60/year to use your internet goy

>Xbox backwards compatibility
The literal only thing I would care to play from four generations of Xbox shit is Lost Odyssey. Every other exclusive is western garbage. Xbox will never be worth buying unless you like clunky traversal cinematic games

Console games are made using PCs. You need us more than we need you.

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Do Xbox fans not realise Microsoft has given PC all their exclusives yet?

how sad

lol the both lack games tho, which is the most important thing anyways

So? I can still play all of their games on my PC. I'm not missing out on anything.

>only 120fps
le sigh

>Because xbox will be stronger than any PC in the market atm while only costing 500 bucks

>120 fps

how fucking tech illiterate do you have to be to believe this

But you'll have games from the OG Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One and the Nextbox.

the only thing consoles have going for them is optimization

How many times are we gonna go through this song and dance? It'll be about as strong as a mid tier PC at launch and will be horribly outdated within two years.

>Switch games inevitably come to the PC (or are emulated)
>Some PS4 games are coming to PC
>All Xbone games are coming to PC

Why should PC players be worried>

>having to wait a decade to play a game again you didn't realize was shit back then

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>Because xbox will be stronger than any PC in the market atm while only costing 500 bucks
lmfao the delusion.

Are there really people dumb enough to believe that?

lmao at boomers thinking backward compatibility matters

if the game is worth ANYTHING, it will be remade to bring in tons of money

based Phil stepping up with the lies to BTFO Todd

everytime new console is released i read the same this tiime the console will be more powerull .. and it always end it the same way

>even the best PCs cant do that
>somehow a $500 console can
based microsoft

>he doesn't own a console that does 300fps in 16k while jerking you off and cooking you breakfast


how illiterate do you have to be to think that's what it says? it says 120 fps, 8k. it means it can support 120 fps or 8k. that's literally hdmi 2.1. no where there does it say games will play at that.

Microsoft are tech geniuses.

>backwards comp with ALL xbox consoles
didn't people say the PS5 would do that too, then sony came out and said it was just PS4? why do you people fall for shit like that?

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>Because xbox will be stronger than any PC in the market atm
It's not.
>while only costing 500 bucks
It won't.
Consoles do this every gen and boast about being the next best thing and throw terraflops at shit in a vain attempt to impress people. And every single gen they end up falling behind and actually holding the entire fucking market back.

Sorry dude but xfags and pcfags are bros now

most console players tend to have single digit IQ, what did you expect?

not really, microsoft has been good to us lately, if only because they want to rape google and epic's assholes

>fuck up so hard by alienating your fanbase by foregoing backwards compat and making a shit console
>have to try way too hard to compensate and pander to the point it actually holds future back

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>you can have 8k at 10 fps or 240p at 120 fps user! And that's just in standby!

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difference is even xbox one has back compat support with all previous xbox consoles already so it's not unbelievable.

Their games will be coming to Steam too. So it's only Tim Sweeney and Epicfags who are afraid right now.

every fucking time a console releases its the same shit
>good specs and optimization
>cheaper than the PC equivalent
>company most likely selling them at a loss while planning to make it back with the games
>6 months later it gets overpowered by the latest CPU/GPU release

Quality bait. 250 replies guaranteed

Goddamn Yea Forums

How many times do you cucks say this after every new console is out? I remember you cell fags saying the PS3 was more powerful than anything else on the market

>Because xbox will be stronger than any PC in the market atm while only costing 500 bucks

pure delusion, and ignoring all of history, this claim was made by the first Xbox, and the second, and the third, it's always bullshit. At best it can do what they always have done, graphics comparable to a moderately lower priced PC. Even then, there's no cost savings, most people never seem to understand what "Externalized Costs" are, you're paying more over time for an immediate discount. You pay more for games, you pay more for services, you pay more for peripherals, and you pay for lack of services, choices, and abilities that a regular PC always had.

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>When they still cant get 4K running well

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This, they're kinda like the Elites when they allied with the UNSC in Halo 3

Isn’t Scarlett just the project name for Lockheart and Anaconda?

>afraid pcfags?
Way to out yourself as a false flagging Snoyfag
Why do you liberals always do this? Thank God PC fans here are intelligent enough to see through your lies

$500 super console*
* - Streaming box with two years service FREE

>Some PS4 games are coming to PC
More like majority. The only ones not coming are first-party (obviously off-limits) and Fatlus games.

Why would I be scared? If anything I'm glad that consoles are finally taking steps towards acceptable performance instead of sub 30 fps shit shows.
Microsoft is doing a pretty good job and has had a pretty good track record as of recently. Remember that they're also adding KB+M support to many games. Hopefully console players won't have to suffer with sub-optimal control schemes and abysmal framerates.

Smart anons here
Microsoft are helping make PC look even better so why the fuck would I shit on Xbox?
I don't care about console war shit anyway, but this reeks of a Sony fan getting desperate

PC sucks ass. i regret falling for the meme. Controller support is shit on PC. Only thing a GPU is good for is cracking hashes or video editing.

no games?

lmao everytime

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Enjoy 30 FPS on consoles, pleb.

>Make an extremely powerful console
>It has no games
What did they mean by this?

>Controller support is shit
>GPU for cracking hashes or video editing
I would've believed you if not for that

PCs have been able to do that for a long time.

>Because xbox will be stronger than any PC in the market atm while only costing 500 bucks
So MS is going to lose billions of dollars selling an expensive machine at a massive loss? Its going to be the PS3 all over again?

Until consoles become modular, allowing updating by plugging in new parts they'll always be shit.

>I don't know what a GPU is
All you had to say was that.

remember when PS4 was gonna run every game at 1080p/60fps?
me too

>afraid of truncated pre-built PCs

They said that last generation.

Yeah, you will be paying for that game pass. Enjoy making MS the Netflix of games.

No matter how hard consoles try, it's physically impossible for them to compete with pcs.
Why would anyone be afraid?

Consoles compete with other consoles.

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You fall for this shit every console gen. When will you learn?

Possible if you upscale 480p to 8k.

I personally have an Xbone S and several PC friends on my List, my coworker's brother plays Sea of Thieves on PC and he groups with me and my Xbros all the time

It's more likely that by the time it comes out PCs will already be up to speed and above these specs, just like every single console that's released from last generation and the previous generation.

I bet my GTX970 will still be stronger than any of the "9th gen" consoles. Pathetic.



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I don't know why, I don't think sony cares all that much. They don't really have a direct competitor right now due to all their game exclusives and nintendo not caring about the hardware race itself

microsoft makes more money off software sales now anyway, whether on windows or xbox than the selling of the xboxone hardware itself
they are just selling the games too...

>big numbers yay!
Give me games, damn it.

>120 fps
For movies and maybe OG Xbox games.

>not playing quake 1 at 4k 120 fps

if you guys really think this will be the case i can do nothing but trully belive that you guys have gone full retard . I will be impressed if the new console manage to reach steady 4k 60fps with PC ultra settings level of detail wich i really doub they will .

8K 120fps
Sure if it's running Space Invaders or something.

>120 fps
its 2019 and most console games are still 30 fps and sometimes even less
whatever Phil is smoking i want some too

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xbox one X is still a failure because no games.

so no.

Suuure. Just like how the XBone and PS4 were supposed to run EVERY game on 1080@60 no problem right? You console Players never learn.

>They don't really have a direct competitor right now
They're competing for attention and shelf space. Nintendo is definitely competing with them, aside from the biggest AAA blockbusters the Switch shares a lot of games with PS4 and its dominating PS4 in Japan and both are neck-and-neck in the US.

>microsoft makes more money off software sales now anyway, whether on windows or xbox than the selling of the xboxone hardware itself
This has always been the case, Xbox consoles have always been sold at losses. Both the OG and 360 sold at losses for quite some time.

Shit, I might buy this just as a way to play original Xbox and Xbox 360 games.

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pcfags are too busy getting cucked by Epic

Believe all Twitter posts. Believe all Twitter posts.
If he posted on Twitter it's true

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What games do you want, weebshit or cinematic walking sim? Everything else that matters is or will be released on Xbox
>Borderlands 3 (admit it, there will be discussion threads)
>Outer Worlds (see above)
>Titanfall 2
>Witcher 3

We'll never get through the backlog.

>afraid pcfags?
Not really, in fact a new generation means our games can improve again because technical limitations vanish for a while

not really

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120fps at 8k?
why would you lie on the internet


Thank you.

this means literally nothing
the console is capable of 120fps? the only hardware that is dependent on is the display. crts from 25 years ago had these high refresh rates.
games will run at 120fps? lmao we are STILL hearing schmuck devs push for 30fps standards on console.

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>Just like how the XBone and PS4 were supposed to run EVERY game on 1080@60 no problem right?
The worst part is that they unironically could if developers were actually interested in doing 60fps instead of pushing visuals and effects the hardware can't handle without compromises like horrendous pop-in, shit FOV and/or draw distance.

Best case scenario it will be able to display the Xbox logo when you turn it on in 8k.

>Xbox Scarlett

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Of what, an always-online box where you can get banned from most of your games for racism?
No thanks. I'll stick with a PC, and software that no 3rd party could prevent me from playing (at least not without trespassing).

I just don't have any interest in a mid-tier PC (from the date it was released) that charges me to use my own internet.

>Xbox Scarlett
More like Xbox gamelett.

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Maybe don't be racist and you won't be banned for being racist :^)

It’s got soul, unlike Pepe and Memesborne

I’m a consoleCHAD and I hate PCfags. But let me tell you, console can NEVER defeat PC graphics. Is impossible, and that’s fine

maybe at 720p

-It's theoretically going to be 120fps capable
-It's theoretically going to be 8K capable
-It's theoretically going to be capable of doing good graphics

Everything put together, it will hit 30fps 4K medium graphics.

consolefags are so fucking dense holy shit

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I'll give you a 6/10


What the fuck is this, the dark ages?

How's you Ninja Gaiden Black playthrough coming along bro?

a console is DOA if brazilians can't afford it

All games are always going to eventually end up 30fps on a console because the games are competing against each other for your attention and having nicer graphics is an easy way to do that.
Unless MS mandates that all games must be a certain FPS, it's never going to happen.

Last gen neither 60fps nor 1080p was the standard on console, now all of a sudden we're getting 8k and 120fps? Is there actually a single retard who believes this?

this will literally never happen it's fucking impossible because everything shares common components

>pcfags and their shit $1000 machines that can barely run games at max are literally seething right now

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Not him, but NGB is an original Xbox title, not a Bone title and he was clearly talking about newly developed Bone games.


>chat bullshit
>get (You's) every time

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I mean if I get 4k with fps that never goes below 30, I would be happy.

why would I buy a spyware machine that chains me down into a HellZone of microsoft's Creation???

bummer. gonna have to upgrade the whole pc when this comes out. Im a neet so idk how I'll do that..

I appreciate that the OP is a ruseman, but how do people fall for this shit every generation? How many fucking times can a man be lied to before he gets the fucking hint?

Yeah like, I'm pretty sure my PC can't run that. And I have top of the line hardware.

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user get 8GB RAM more for $20.
And a NH-D15 or repaste your heatsink.

my pc too can run pixel indieshit at 8K 120fps

>Even if future consoles are able to reach what PC can today, they will be outdated the moment the actually come out.

Not at all.

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Nah. Im on the pc and thats were my games are. Im kinda old and must have my keyboard and mice and all that. Nothing against consoles, I once owned a super nintendo. Had fun. More power in consoles means better pc games so its all good. Peace.

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you are lucky that consoles dont have grafix sliders otherwise you would see that they are all on low famalan

Dunno, people are just retarded in general.
Pic related.

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I ordered a 2x8 and thermals, it arrives on Wednesday.

Thanks for caring though, user. I do appreciate it.

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They might actually hit 1080p60 reliably this time.

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>these people itt who don't understand the BC
It will be 100% BC with the Xbone, therefore it will be able to play the same OG and 360 games as the Xbone.

holy shit this resolution meme needs to stop

Aren't those the specs for the devkit?

Why would I be afraid when Microshafts just released game pass on PC for $1 to get all Xbone games?

This. Even 99% of 4k screens max out at 60hz.

Every time without fail.

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Will it finally be the weeb machine that it always wanted to be now that sony has abandoned it's inner weeb?

this smells of bullshit

>120 FPS 8k

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Give it time. We are nearing the point where Sega is willing to Port over Atlus games and it has already began with Catherine.

I'm running pic related OC'd to 2015mhz. Good luck getting close to it.

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this is what they try to say every generation
nice bait

>8k at 120fps
What connector are they using for this, exactly? Even assuming they had the hardware for it (they don't) and a panel capable of it (they don't), what connector is being used to send that much data to the panel?

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They say this every time tho

Compressed Displayport 2.0 / HDMI 2.1.

Virgin PC incels COPE

Mind you it says SUPPORT, which is perfectly fine and realistic. It doesn't mean any fucking game ever will actually use it.

Yeah, VERY compressed.

(X) Doubt

> horribly outdated within two years.
IF they are lucky.


>8k 120fps
>last one can't even 4k 60fps
yeah yeah, I'm shaking in fear right about now

Last one cant even do 1080p@30FPS.

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Yeah, I remember the talks about 1080p 60fps being the standard for this gen and we all see how that turned out.

No, in fact we're grateful. Consoles always hold back graphics.

Haven't worried about consoles since the 90's. PC will always be supreme, even dated hardware. I got to sample the generations of consoles over the years. I own a toxic ps2 and had a fat ps3 given to me by an old girlfriend. They both hardly got used. I have friends with modern consoles and it's the same experience. You're forced to play with what seems like at least 10x the children who have no business being babysat by a console. The level of play is worse, server counts always lag behind, players depend on exploits and cheesing due to the terrible controls. Reasonable levels of skill are met with constant rage and screeching, hate messages and drama. PC I can easily network with and play almost exclusively with adults and bypass in game chat and use our own. There's really no comparison.

>actually holding the entire fucking market back.
Titanfall on xbone was 17GB, titanfall on pc was 50GB because they had to use uncompressed audio only on pc because of the fucking dual cores. It's about who holds whom back. Even without consoles games are not goinf to be much better or enjoy ur no sales because poorfags are not going to able to play ur game on their csgo/dota/lol pcs.

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>Fps above 25 on consoles

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This is an actual B&RP answer.

>ps2 reached 1080i 60fps interpolated in late titles
>the ps3 promised 1080p 60fps and did it only with some 2d macromedia flash platformers because THE POWER OF THE CELL
>the ps4 promised 1080p 60fps and failed hard so they push muh cinematic bullshit to cover their tracks because THE POWER OF THE CLOUD
>the ps4 pro finally got some of the games reaching 60fps sometimes and everyone dosent give a fuck beacuse muh cinematic 18fps because THE POWER OF MUH CHESSBOARD UPSCALING GUYS... WE HAVE 4K (not really)
>every time a new console is about to be released everyone goes like UHH PC IS DEAD, THE NEW SHITBOX WHATEVERTHEFUCK IS GONNA KILL THE PC INDUSTRY TO A HALT
>end up with a few exclusives that run average and are less interactive than a DVD menu and lots of multiplats that are the PC version on lower settings

Im sure there is a pattern here...
But meanwhile, im still waiting for any console game to look like this, not even asking to have real time shadows or destruction enviroment, just the looks...
For the rest you might need to wait like another gen.

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That chart is absolute tripe. There's no reason why the console games should cost $20 more than PC games. When you eliminate that false fact, you find that owning a PC for games is the least expensive option but only by $136 (BTW, the image has got real credibility not being able to add up the costs of a PS4 correctly) against the PS4 and by $236 against the Xbox.

Subtract out the $480 for the on-line services and the consoles are clearly less expensive. I don't know about Xbox but there are PS4 games that do not require PSN+ for networked play. Furthermore, the subscriptions give players some free games which are not factored into the prices.

>goes from sub 30fps to 120fps
>and also 4k to 8k
i dont believe in magic

consolewar fags are cancer. if microsoft puts out a good console for a reasonable price I'd have no problem buying it.

lmao they're literally just advertising that it uses hdmi 2.1 and all the console retards are eating the shit up

your cpu is hotter than it should be and you don't have enough ram

Why the fuck would someone want so many fps?

nah if the spec leaks are true a GPU equivalent to a 2070 and CPU equivalent to a next gen ryzen make it pretty powerful compared to most PC's that people actually own accroding to steam stats

>the ps4 promised 1080p 60fps and failed hard so they push muh cinematic bullshit to cover their tracks because THE POWER OF THE CLOUD

You moron, that's Xbox shit, PS4 was all about that supercharged PC. At least shitpost properly.

>dude [console manufacturer] has super secret technology that will make their video game console the strongest computer on the planet all for the price of 400 dollars
How do people keep falling for this?


Navi is releasing this summer. 2070 is going to be mid tier by next year.

I got ~20fps playing Crackdown 3 at 8k maxed on a 2080. If MS wants to sell me a faster GPU at huge loss, I'll happily let them.



>120FPS 480p
Try again kiddos

The absolute state of Xcucks

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>>Because xbox will be stronger than any PC in the market atm while only costing 500 bucks
>this was said about literally every console in human history
>100% of them turned out to be overpriced shit-tier pc with less features

it's bait, but for anyone that genuinely believes this, stay delusional.

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That's good, but PC always outperform them in a matter of months like they did to Original Xbox, Xbox 360, etc. Overall, PC is still the king in the video game.

If i remember properly both talked about doing cloud computing doing part of the calculations or something server side, and none did.
>supercharged PC
>is as powerfull as a 2009 laptop with a GTX780

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This is what consolecuks actually believe.

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that's a pure meme.

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>top of the line hardware
>8gigs of ram

Afraid of what? All games will be ported to be eventually.

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>no raytracing

literally got my pc parts from a dump that where sticking out of a pile and it does twice that.

>ACTUALLY doesn't understand the BC
being 100% BC with the Xbone doesn't imply 360/OG compatibility if the dedicated 360 sound hardware that's in the One isn't also in the Scarlet

> XBONE backwards compatibility
If XBONE had games to play, this would be a big deal.

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If there weren't enough idiots out there to fall for it, the console market wouldn't ever survive.

No, I hope your console does well. More games is good for everyone. I'd be happy if it gave me reason to buy one. Either I spend some cash and play more games or those games come to PC and I get more games. It's win win and I'm happy for you.

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because they literally do cost at least 60 dollars a game? You're a fucking retard.

That finger on the license plate is great.

>will be stronger than any PC in the market atm
They say this in the runup to every console generation and it never pans out.

>Only 120fps
Might as well be 30. It's unplayable trash if it isn't 144+

No, because all of your games are ours too.

Serious question: what are worthwhile Xbox exclusives?

All platforms get cheaper games now. PCfags' best excuses they have are better ports most of the time, no multiplayer subscriptions required and all the other inherent benefits the platform has. (Most games, customization, genres, liberty, warranty, multitasking, etc)

It's pretty disingenous to dismiss all other platforms because of "muh steem sales" only.

In terms of hardware, PC clearly has clearly always have the upper hand. If anything this new generation will make future PCs even stronger than before.

People still believe new consoles will handle older games much better but they need the DEVELOPERS to pay attention to them so they patch the actual damn games, or else the X1X/PS4 Pro fiasco will happen all over with games stuck at 1080p like GTA 5 or 30fps like many others.

Halo, and Forza and that’s it
Gears hasn’t been good since 3 and most Indie titles exclusive to Xbox go on Steam, and most of Xbox’s exclusive titles get canned anyway

There aren't any, unless you include the made up term "console exclusive" which is now being used to inflate the number of exclusives because of how dry this gen has been.

PC games are cheaper and you can always have fun with the game files.

why would us pc chads be afraid
we support xbox 100%
microsoft is based for giving us halo on steam
hope you xbros win this year

So I can buy an Xbox, hack it to install Windows or Linux, then Install GOG on it?

>top of the line hardware


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bet you run out of memory all the time

it's always fun to see these threads every 3-5 years. I'm sure the scarlett-g will live up to the hype after the scarlett doesn't

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only on new ports
backwards comp games be damned

Huh it's weird how PC has been able to do similar things for years.

Wait until they announce Steam for Xbox.

They specifically listed the frame rate of the game, not the refresh rate of the display unit

A toaster could do 8K OR 120fps, it doesn't mean anything.

Where the fuck are you seeing 8k at 120fps lmfao, shut the fuck up.

>They specifically listed the frame rate of the game

Which game?

You're never gonna see it on consoles either.

Can someone explain to me how even the claimed specs mean anything when your average console player is on some 200 dollar walmart tv that might do 4k if they are lucky. Those are all 30 and 60 fps. In order to get 100+ anything they are going to have to start buying monitors or shelling out serious cash.

>"free" games

Most TV have 60hz.


pc is gay


PC nerds BTFO

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Fags like you are the owrst part whenever a new console gets announced since you fall for the "best thing imaginable" every single time, no matter how often you get proven wrong.

No, I'm glad, honestly PC GPU makers have been getting lazy, especially nvidia, because AMD isn't really competition on PC, so if it takes consoles to kick nvidia ass into high gear to make the 8k push (already been 4k gaming for a few years now), then so be it, only will be good for me in the long run

And to those that say 4k or 8k is a gimmick, you are a poorfag that doesn't understand. If you game on a 55" screen like I do on my PC, 4k is NEEDED for that big of a screen. For most games you don't even need AA, but if we make 8k the standard, then even on 55" or bigger AA will become 100% obsolete, which is good because it has been a pigniggerfuck of a resource hog on gaming for decades

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>120FPS, 8k
high emphasis on the comma here. its either 120fps@720p or 15fps@8k

No, why would I be?


Pc? What pcs? Yours? Or nasa's? Ofc the latter would be the highest end imaginable and couldn't be topped but I really disbelieve a pc you own can be better than new gen


No, and why would they be?
Thats your evidence, a fucking social media post by some nobody weebshit faggot?
Get the fuck outta here.

Physical copies are the only reason to have a console and Microsoft is trying harder than the others to get rid of them
PC has piracy

Afraid of what? I can run shit you couldn't dream of running on your Xbone.

>It's the usual overhyped shit

lmao Cuckbox

the moment it mentioned 120 fps everyone should realize this is fake af