ITT: Yea Forums rates which Zelda games are the most kino in descending order
ITT: Yea Forums rates which Zelda games are the most kino in descending order
1. Link's Awakening
2. Breath of the Wild
3. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Majora's mask is supposed to be number 1
It's wrong
Majora’s Mask
Link’s Awakening
Twilight Princess
A Link to the Past
Skyward Sword
Zelda II
Oracle of Ages
Phantom Hourglass
Wind Waker
Spirit Tracks
Ocarina of Time
A Link Between Worlds
Breath of the Wild
Zelda I
Oracle of Seasons
MM is overrated tbqh
Wow an expansion pack
4. Zelda: The wand of Gamelon
I haven’t played Skyward Sword because I don’t have a wii. Would it be worth picking one up? Also I hate motion controls
I’m playing Link Between Worlds right now but I’m not very smart and having trouble making it to some of the dungeons in lorule. I have no problem solving the dungeons but it’s finding my way there that’s a problem, at at 3/7 completed so far
BotW is that bad? Shit I was looking forward to it. So it really is just Legend of Witcher?
You can play it on Wii U, honestly it's hard for me to reccomend it. I like the game but I don't think I'll ever replay it every level is "that level"
>BotW is that bad?
no he's shitposting
Expansion packs are soul, dlc is soulless
Also the real #1 is four swords
Oh right, that’s why Adventure of Link is up there in the top rank
I don’t like MM, the mask change animated and the moon always freaked me out as a kid and now I associate it with being a scared kid. Also the whole deku link arc is the opposite of fun.
>4 swords + lttp extra dungeon in D tier
How do people who are this bad at puzzles still pretend to enjoy Zelda?
It's repetitive as fuck and being in a low tier doesn't mean it's automatically bad, just worse than what's above.
Someone disagreeing with you doesn't make it a shitpost.
Fuck you, AoL is up there because it has the best combat and magic use in the series.
>Phantom Hourglass not at least A tier
you're wrong
Go play it alone.
Any other good games on the Wii U that could help justify my purchase?
>four swords that low
>phantom hourglass above anything
>botw worse than spirit tracks
>lttp that low
>tp and ww on the same tier
nani the fuck!?
Oh well I was a kid when I played it and it kicked my ass, left a bad taste in my mouth
I've played through it with link cable on GBA and alone on 3DS.
almost everything in nintendo history can be slapped on there
Majora's mask is so goddamn good, guys. I'm gonna play through it today with my gf because she's sick and I have to take care of her.
1. butt fuckin
2. ass pussy
3. pussy meat
4. dome
5. wackin it
6. elbow n arrow
7. nutcracker
8. cleveland steamer
I won't include games ported onto switch.
The HD Wind Waker and Twilight Princess games are fun, I prefer this version of Wind Waker for replays
Super Mario 3D world is really awesome
Wonderful 101
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Pikmin 3
There's a few, but unfortunately not many and it's expensive. The best thing about the Wii U though is that you can play Wii games in HD without needing to track down component cables.
Out of the ones I’ve completed my list goes
1. Wind Waker
2. Ocarina of Time
3. Link Between Worlds
4. Twilight Princess excluding the wolf parts
5. Phantom Hourglass
I love LoZ but I have poor spacial reasoning so some puzzles are difficult for me but satisfying when solved.
Care to elaborate?
>four swords that low
It's extremely boring and FSA is slow on top of that.
>phantom hourglass above anything
It was interesting in parts and the dungeons were decent.
>botw worse than spirit tracks
>lttp that low
It's been a while since I played it, but I didn't enjoy the world very much and the dungeons were a pain to go through because of all the back and forth.
>tp and ww on the same tier
Both have completely mindless combat and next to no good puzzles.
It's fun if you take the time to learn from your mistakes.
And it was pretty dull on the 3DS, like Minish Cap but worse.
I was born 97 if you can’t tell by my list
you're entitled to your opinion, but I don't think anyone will agree with your bizzarro taste
Good list desu.
I guess, but you can't defend shit like this being so present in Zelda by now. Where's the fun in playing something with no challenge?
>Playing MM for the first time
>enjoying it, but only feel like it's okay
Oh my God, the exploration in this game is utter garbage. When you have shit-tier exploration in a Zelda game then what are you doing? What is so good about this game to you suckers?
>being so present in Zelda by now
it's basically just WW and SS that did this
TP > WW > MC > MM = BOTW > OOT = LttP = SS > LA:DX = ST > OOA/S = PH > 1 = 2 > LbW
TP, certain parts of the DS titles, and BotW with its reused assets are all on or near this level of simplicity, hand holding or not.
Out of what I played...
>Best there ever was tier
>Best of the series tier
>Damn good tier
>Passing grade tier
>I'd rather get waterboarded tier
>with its reused assets are all on or near this level of simplicity
what does that have to do with handholding?
Also, what parts of TP had handholding?
I'm saying that despite not having hand holding like WW, the puzzles still manage to be just as simple overall.
MM isn't even top 5
botw unironically has the most involved puzzles of any zelda game
It's dark and atmospheric or something
What does that even mean?
the puzzles in botw are more interactive with more variable options/outcomes
Okay, but that only ended up holding them back.
in what way?
Not a bad list at all
For one, like I said, they're reused assets. You can apply the same logic to something you've already seen so there are less unique puzzles than it may seem. Also, a lot of those varied solutions end up just being different ways to exploit the physics and go around the puzzle rather than actually solving the puzzle itself.
you breath of the wild contrarians are so fucking gay
reusing assets to make puzzles is good puzzle design, though, as it means the player knows what those elements are and how they work. Any good puzzle game will have as few different objects as possible.
If you think doing the same thing over and over with minute differences uses actual brain power maybe.
most of the shrine/beast puzzles are unique