Finally got a gaming PC together thanks to my friend and I would like some suggestions of must own PC games.
PC recommendations
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Open x-com.
Doom -games
Duke Nukem 3D
Shadow Warrior 3D
Half-Life -series
Quake 1 & 2
Serious Sam -series
STALKER trilogy
FEAR + expansions
Portal 1 & 2
Far Cry 1
Crysis 1 + expansion
Max Payne 1-2
Worms: Armageddon
System Shock 1 & 2
Fallout 1 & 2
Killing Floor
Red Orchestra 2 + RS
Warcraft 3 + TFT
C&C: Red Alert 1 & 2
Witcher 1:EE
Talos Principle
Nier: Automata
A Hat In Time
Resident EVil HD remake
Silent Hill 1-4 "Enhanced Editions".
Penumbra: Overture + Black Plague
Underhell: Chapter 1
Cry Of Fear
Afraid Of Monsters: D.C.
Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild UHD
MGS Rising Revengeance
Skyrim SE
Fallout New Vegas
Night in the Woods
Deus Ex
Deus Ex human Revolution
GMod (if you have friends)
Warhammer 40k dawn of war
Warhammer 40k dark crusade
Warhammer 40k dawn of war II
Half life 1
Half life 2
Half life 2 episode 1
Half life 2 episode 2
Enter the gungeon
Forgot about:
Hat in Time
Max Payne 1, 2, 3
Portal 1 & 2
top tier shit
And Minecraft
get Warband to hold you over until Butterlord is released
I posted Minecraft already, you Bellend
I actually played KF1 when I was a poor bastard how active is KF1 since KF2 is out
Alan Wake!?
Fuuuuuuckk i thought they removed it for good last time, how long as it been up?
literature club
it's been up for a while, the license only expired for a couple weeks and then got renewed but there was a lot of fuss about it
still decently active, KF2 is a bit divisive compared to 1 but still pretty ok now that it's gotten a bunch of updates
Most of the good PC games are already multiplatform, but there are lots of exclusives because they don't really work without KB+M controls. Also, there's an absolute shitload of quality indie games on PC, but you have to look for them.
As far as what to buy, it really depends on what kinds of games you're into. In general, PC is a great platform for Action RPGs/Hack'n'slash (Witcher, Diablo, Divinity), Open-world (GTA, Far Cry), FPS (DOOM, Serious Sam, Rainbow Six), RTS (Total War, Company of Heroes, X-Com), and of course, MMORPGs.
There's also a seemingly neverending list of classic games that work fine on modern machines. I highly recommend the Half Life, Deus Ex, and Max Payne games.
Pic unrelated
Pathologic 2 has just come out; it's pretty fantastic.
If you want some older games, play the Freespace series; get a flightstick as well for it. You also might as well try out Tie Fighter and Starlancer too.
KF is a simple game, but very addicting, I spent a lot of time there.
play rance 7 my dude
and great tier shit, but your mileage may vary because of my shit taste
Wait for summersale so you can get games for like 80% off
Also try buying the valve complete pack on sale its about 2 more weeks for the sale.
always wait for big sales to buy stuff
What did he mean by this?
Awesome then I shall buy both loved it when I played it at my friends when he had it maybe me playing it might get him back on.
do you have a high res version of that pic?
stalker shadow of chernobyl
a hat in time
sam & max
dragons dogma (modded)
Dark Messiah
Messiah (if you like weird shit)
papers please
neon chrome
hotline miami
fight n rage
rain world
ground control 2
red out
trail blazers
yokus island express
soldier of fortune 2
serious sam series
nightmares from the deep: cursed heart
shadow hand
guaca melee
Darkest Dungeon
Dungeons 3 (it's better than Dungeon Keeper)
Alright I will hold off my intended purchases till the Summer sale would really hate myself if I bought them now just for them to go on sale.
there's no good games don't bother. the last game i have that I'm maybe maybe considering is deus ex, the 2nd newest one but it looks shit. i have 300 games and don't play shit
Hard to say unless you provide more specifics on what you like / don't like in terms of genres and playing style.
However... If you just want "big title games throughout history"...
FPS Genre:
Doom 1
Quake 1
Duke Nukem 3D
Half Life 1 & 2
Unreal 1
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2
Doom 3
Portal 1 & 2
RTS genre
Command & Conquer (just get the 10 year anniversary that has all of the early games in it)
Total Annihilation (your choice if you want the expansions)
Supreme Commander 1 + expansion
Warcraft III w expansion
TBS genre:
Civs 1 through 5 (6 is still too expensive & still going through it's DLC schedule, wait until that's finally over)
Alpha Centauri + Alien Crossfire
"Pure" Adventure genre:
MYST (don't shoot the messenger; It was hugely popular when it came out)
All of the early Sierra "Quest" adventure games pre-1996.
All of the LucasArts adventure games pre-1996.
Isometric / Non-First Person RPG genre:
Ultima 2 - 7 (plus both Worlds of Ultima)
All of the Bioware Infinity Engine titles
Fallout 1 & 2
ARPG genre:
Diablo 1 - 3 (plus expansions)
Starcraft 1 (Starcraft 2 as well if you want)
Titan Quest (w/ Immortal Throne, other expansions optional)
Grim Dawn
Torchlight 1 & 2
Other First Person games:
Deus Ex 1
Both Ultima Underworlds
System Shock 1 & 2
Thief 1 & 2
Fallout 3 & New Vegas
Elder Scrolls 3 - 5
Flying Sims:
Wing Commander 1 - 3
X-Wing series from LucasArts
I'm sure I've left out a ton of stuff. There are some genres that I don't follow so I'm sure there are worthy lists for them. Have fun.
don't fall for the steam potential trojan shit. Use gog instead. PC gamers still own their games, unlike console gamers.
game I've forgot:
witcher series if you like story stuff
desktop dungeons
shenzhen IO
>sam & max
I've never played any click and point adventure games but always wanted to try them, any you'd recommend
anything made before 2013
Shadow of Destiny/Memories
Silent Hill 2-3-4
Hit the Road is pretty good, the later sam and max games made by telltale are mediocre though
If you are interested in round based strategy games (or the like) try:
>Total War: Medieval 2
>Total War: Warhammer 1&2
>Total War: Three Kingdoms
>Civ 5
>Crusader Kings 2
Material Girl
Couple of japanese porn games
Age of Empires
Cossacks 3
Command & Conquer Tiberium Wars (get the steam one that is moddable not the origin one)
Insurgency Sandstorm
Black Mesa (Xen chapter should come out pretty soon now)
Hard Reset Redux
Jurassic World Evolution
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
the first Call of Duty
the first Medal of Honor
Serious Sam BFE
Stronghold Crusader HD
Wolfenstein 3D
Wolfenstein The Old Blood
Warhammer 40K Dawn of War
Armada 3 mod for Sins of a Solar Empiure Rebellion
System Shock Enhanced Edition
Tropico 6
these are just a few I can recommend scrolling through my steam library
but yeah op you will find out that ptretty much all games where you need precise aiming like FPS, TPS, RTS are far superior and easier with a mouse and KB
and for all the other games like platformers, fighting, sports games get an XBOX One wireless controller and you are set
Xbox Game Pass with Xbox exclusive games is already on PC
>implying you didn't go and get a PC because you were tired of seeing all those games you couldn't play on your old console
you know exactly what you wanted to play OP, fuck off and play it
Insurgency Sandstorm, A more casual "tacticool" shooter. Calling it a tactical shooter is a bit of a stretch, but its a lot of fun.
Squad, good team based game, it takes a minute or two to understand, but after you "get it" its a lot of fun. doesn't take too long to learn.
All the STALKER games, recommend bug fixing mods for them though just for some added stability, maybe graphical mods, weapon mods, or damage increase mods, but they aren't required.
Tabletop Simulator, its a simulated tabletop and you can play card games, board games, Tabletop RPG's etc, in it. Shitload of workshop content.
Risk of Rain 1 and 2, depending on if you like 2D or 3D, rouge-like's
Mordhau, medieval game where you run around bashing peoples heads in with hammers or slicing them with swords and shit. Fun time, has a pretty good tutorial so you learn the basics easily.
A very short list of stuff off the top of my head. A lot of anons already listed a lot of the stuff I'd recommend.
Here's some must-own indies that will be on the cheaper end to get (or free)
>Another Metroid 2 Remake
>Cave Story
>La Mulana
>Trine and Trine 2
Also Klei games (and Klei published games) are on sale right now on Steam, so I'd highly suggest looking into Crypt of the Necrodancer, Mark of the Ninja, Don't Starve and Darkest Dungeon
Skyrim with 256 mods
Gotta go fast.
Games that I play you can Pirate:
>Star Sector
Games that I play that are mp centric
>Deep Rock Galactic
Games that I play that are free:
>Space Station 13
Oh, and one thing about the STALKER games, play them on the "hardest" difficulty, because anything lower then that and you're actually gimping the entire game and actively making it play poorly.
sam & max is one of the best, but there are plenty of good point n clicks for pc and amiga (emulated).
Monkey Island series is very comfy
Nightmares from the Deep series is a very light but comfy point n click
Dropsy (it's a devolver digital game, so it might be darker than you expect)
the last door (cthullu stuff)
I think the "black mirror" series is good, had no time yet to play it myself
the book of unwritten tales is fun, but at some point late in the game it had a graphcis bug that didn't let me continue
tales from the borderlands is quite good
overclocked: history of violence was fun
loom is kinda unique, you may wanna try it
ceville was fun
goblins 3 is pretty good, as it's very creative and each level(screen) is one big puzzle after which you move on.
leisure suit larry love for sail is fantastic, and I enjoyed reloaded too
a new beginning has a pretty hot main characters and a interesting story (only finish the game if you are in a good mood, the ending hits you like a truck)
vampire bloodlines the masquerade is not a point n click but it's close. Also this kind of mystery and detective game. It's the best non porn game on this planet. The most must play. If you play it for the first time play it without mods. No plus patch. Just default gog installer (which comes with the bugfixes).
dude. KILL yourSELF
You should practically play ALL the games ever made on PC (again), as the difference between the original and emulated / enhanced ports can be significant.
star control 2 is a classic, but not everyones cup of tee
Splinter Cell
is that a no?
If you like Myst I would really recommend Quern.
Redpill me on games that work only/best with a mouse and a keyboard (strategy stuff for example, I don't know anything about it besides Starcraft).
any shooter, strategy game, or anything where precision in general is required. the only stuff that controller is better at are stuff like platformers, racing games, and some 3rd person action games like the souls series
yes that list is pretty good
La Mulana
pretty good stuff
Here some more good games:
Zombie Night terror
Door Kickers Action Squad
Worms 2
into the breach (nice for trainrides if you have a tablet pc or laptop)
Renowned Explorers is a game TotalBiscuit loved
Diviniy Original Sin
Ghost Master
Ether Lords 2
Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive
Kerbal Space Program
Samorost Series (point n click games)
SteamWorld Dig
Nosferathu Wrath of Malachi (unique horror fps, with nice weapon feedback)
Unavowed (point n click game)
if you like unique games check out "ECHO", the clip is from that game
tons of porn games I can't name on this board
>Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl
>Dark Messiah
>Neon Chrome
>Fight'n Rage
>Darkest Dungeon
>Yokus Island Express
You've got pretty good taste. Wanna hang out?
>Redpill me on games that work only/best with a mouse and a keyboard
Shooters, fucking obviously.
Insurgency sandstorm is pretty damn good
True, especially with the new HC mode.
I'm still leaning more towards SQUAD at the moment though.
one important thing to remember: never buy games you don't plan on playing right away. PC library is MASSIVE, even just part on steam, because it grew continuously for like 30 years, and if you just buy everything that looks fun or was recommended, you'll end up with 350 games on backlog, like me in just few years