Pride Month

Thoughts on companies celebrating pride month? Thoughts on homosexual inclusion in video games? Discuss vidya faggotry.

As for me I'm really digging this pride month 2019 theme.

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OP is a fag

dont care

/pol/ non-vidya thread?
/pol/ non-vidya thread.

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We need more gay vidya porn

Well I mean yeah.

Give me your money homosexual. Why didn't we do it before gay marriage was legalised nationwide? Shut up homosexual.

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Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>A Hat in Time raises awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Creative Assembly continues raking in cash despite "backlash" over forced woman soldier inclusivity in their games
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>Square Enix refuses to add lolis and shotas to Final Fantasy XIV due to ethical and moral reasons
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)

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I don't care. Forcing something is the best way to get hated by everyone

am*ricans are a disgrace.

The theme is literally free.

This but white "people" instead

Genuinely don't have any idea why Yea Forums hates lesbians, its hot which boosts your credibility as a straight man and hating on it is a sign that you're either a dirty fag or an incel whose jealous that women will have a higher chance of fucking each other than he ever will


>letting people choose something is "forcing"

>oh no a rainbow!
Kek. Is real life forcing fag shit on you when you see a rainbow?

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based as always

Multibillionaire corporations can easily relate with you. This is totally not a virtue signalling guys.


Yuritards are the biggest anti-male cucks possible.
Why don't you kill yourself? You are everything you hate.

When can I get my Schizophrenia and Psychosis pride month?


I'm indifferent

I'm more annoyed by people either complain or praising it.


That is an irrelevant point.

You are suggesting Sony is profiting from a free theme.

Literal pinkwashing
I'm a faggot and I just want quality video games with compelling stories, engaging gameplay, and an immersive world

Take your trash corporate garbage and give me video games

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How will /pol/niggers ever recover?

I don't hate lgbt people, I hate the fact that I can't wear rainbows anynore without immediately being associated with them.

Fucking fags pushing their degeneracy into the sky!

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All I read is "I'm one of the good ones".

Sony doesn't need to profit for it to be virtue signalling. If I record myself donating money to charity and upload it online, I'm not profiting from it.

That's exactly right, my fellow user, this theme on our Playstation 4® is totally free and available for ALL the gamers. Please continue to support our products!


I think it's great and a celebration of western liberties and freedoms. Now that the church and christianity no longer controls us by force we white people can finally stop pretending to be what we're not and come out of the closet as sodomites, trannies, zoophiles, and pedos, and finally live an honest life in our true nature with our significant other, be they man, woman, dick-girl, man in furry suit, stuffed animal, or even a group of new people every night. If we now try to censor our own countrymen expressing their sexual desires then we're no better than ISIS.

I don't know man, I like video games and they're in a relatively bad state now
I like men too but that's not relevant to video games

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>Apex Legends has a literal monkey jap
>Chris Avellone himself said that he doesn't write anything political and a choice for the players
Last one is too much for a shitpost reply, but apex got away with a monkey jap, based indeed


Oh, it wouldn't be a problem if I lived in a first world country, I'd wear brightly colored clothing everywhere if that were the case.

holy BASED

>I like men too but that's not relevant to video games
What are you talking about, there's no gaymer without "gay"

To be honest, rainbow is THE symbol of same sex relationships nowadays.
It's like having a PhD displayed in your room and arguing that it's fake and only for the aesthetic.

Why would you want to wear rainbows unless you take it up the ass? They're hideous colour-coordination.

This is specifically a topic about companies celebrating "pride month" though
I don't mind a gay character in a vidya if it's well-written, but they rarely are

I just like bright colors and have no dense of fansjion.

bifag here fuck pride and fuck this condescending pandering

Pretty gay

Note how the uncle toms are always the bis everyone.

The guy who made Fallout is gay, take that as you will

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No shit.

>Greetings my fellow gays! How do you do?



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stay mad

(((White))) people?

If you add a white triangle in the middle, you got a nice Pink Floyd theme.

>disgusting people removing themselves from the gene pool
I'm satisfied with it
Just remember to always wear a condom when hooking up

Yes user, thank you for that big-brained observation there. Point is, it's still pandering to a consumer base even if they're not profiting directly from it. They're still benefitting from it, just in a more subtle and indirect way. You kind of need to read between the lines when it comes to this kind of thing.

I find it disgusting and make sure not to buy games from those companies. Maybe a pirate if I'm generous.

>Thoughts on companies celebrating pride month?
They ain't celebrating. They are using the month to market their brand to the LGBTQ community.
>Thoughts on homosexual inclusion in video games?
It's never seamless. It's always "Hey, I'm LGBTQ and this is 80% of my character".

You sexuality should be a bullet point in the encyclopedia of your life story. Not 8 out 9 volumes.

This. You deserve this for using roids

Americans ruined the rainbow.

>You sexuality should be a bullet point in the encyclopedia of your life story. Not 8 out 9 volumes.
Yes because people forced into hiding their sexuality and a basic component of their biology never think about sexuality. Do you realize how stupid this sounds?

Imagine if you had never spoken out loud about liking girls and actively hid the fact that you like girls in a world where it's not common to like females and even shunned, especially during adolescence. Do you really find it hard to understand why gays are the way they are?

It's like companies celebrating Christmas and Easter.
Another trick to pretend they're more then a system in the service of making money and nothing else.
Not that there is anything wrong with the above, but it's repulsive when they try to hide it.

>Imagine if you had never spoken out loud about liking girls and actively hid the fact that you like girls in a world where it's not common to like females and even shunned, especially during adolescence
I don't see a problem. I really don't want to know which people you take to bed and I don't talk about my sexuality either.


gas imminent

They'll burn in hell along with everyone else that supports that bullshit

Leviticus 20:13
>"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”
Deuteronomy 22:5
>“A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God."

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>doesn't understand what instead means
More proof of being subhuman

Now tell me. What was the person doing besides hiding his sexuality? Playing a sport? Working a Job? Hanging out with friends? Doing shit most of his life does doesn't pertain to preaching that they are gay, bi, pan, trans, whatever?
Guess what takes up more of your life than telling other people what you want to fuck?
Everything else.

You have NEVER once mentioned even in passing sexual attraction to a woman of any kind?


get a hobby

>being proud of taking dick up your ass and mouth

Clown world.

My point is repressing often has the effect of making the facet of your life you're hiding very prevalent on your mind. The more you hide it the more obsessed and paranoid you become. Pretending sexuality isn't a big part of what makes an individual the way they are is nothing short of delusion. Maybe you don't notice how important it is to development seeing as how the world is 99% straight literally everywhere, but to fags that is nothing but a reminder of how different they are and reinforces their obsession with their sexuality.

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Pretty much. I only talk about it if it's relevant, like in private with someone I want to date.

Who gives a shit.

Who said anything about repressing your sexuality.
Just say your gay, straight, bi, trans, an attack helicopter, or what the fuck ever and then get on with your life.
Because nobody needs to know 24/7 what your sexual preference is. If your Sexuality if the majority of your character.
Then you are not a person. You are a sterotype. A caricature. Because if you bypassed your sexuality people would see nothing else there to talk about.

What's with the crazy getup, doc?

As a faggot, it doesn't endear me to a company for them to post lip service about pride month because it's all money driven behavior. Inclusion in games is nice, but it's always done really poorly and in your face.

>Just say your gay, straight, bi, trans, an attack helicopter, or what the fuck ever and then get on with your life.
It's not that easy, especially when you're a kid or if your family isn't supportive.

21/Gay/Loves trans visibility/(insert please notice me cringe line here)
every time. Literally NPCs

extremely based

Stop making fun of usssssssssssssssssssss

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Don't really care, they can have at it.

Anyone who does care and is vocal about it being bad is probably secretly gay and can't cope.

Sexuality isn't a big part of what makes an individual because it's a given.
It's like caring about your legs.

what is this 2017?

Woke capital started to become a thing after occupy wallstreet.

You connect the dots.

its a shitty marketing tactic that should be illegal
>dude lets exploit these people's mental illness for profits
it reeks of jewery that you could smell from pluto
video games

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>Sexuality isn't a big part of what makes an individual because it's a given.
This is why sexuality is literally everywhere; advertisements, parlor talk, even fucking cartoons right? Be honest with yourself, how often do you think sexual thoughts? Sexuality in and of itself may not dictate who a person is, but experiences influenced by sexuality, ie hiding or embracing it, definitely does.

Why is /fit/ and Yea Forums gayer than /lgbt/?

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neogaf dying truly was a blight on this board

>what is capitalism

because /lgbt/ is mostly trannies. also /fit/ being gay is just a meme touted by thirsty fags. half the people there are lifting specifically for women.

t. fit gay

Then take your time and do it.
Your unwillingness to say it isn't your entire life and nor are you doing nothing else between the time you realize your sexuality and telling people but stewing in it.
Your sexuality should a footnote in your book. Nothing else.
Instead you choose to make it the background radiation. You choose to not be a person.

Because /lgbt/ is not in the closet.
They go out, have sex, then they're done and move on with their lives.
Yea Forums is in the closet.

/fit/ is a bit different because they're vain and obsessed with muscles. They're obsessed with bodies and so think of sex 24/7, like niggers.

Arcade did it slightly well. You have to pry to find out he's gay and then he never brings it up again.
ME:Andromeda was the fucking worst.
You find a NPC and the first thing out of their mouth is how they are trans. Not even a fucking hello Pathfinder.

>be me
>have fag friend
>unironically based
>is latina
>hates illegal immigrants
>hates faggots that are faggots just to act like faggots
>has a playstation
>I send her a screencap of the gay ps4 theme
>She tells me she uses it because it's a legitimately high quality theme, and also free
I mean, it IS pretty good for a theme, as opposed to the usual jpeg background replacements.

I feel like that theme needed a little more color. It's kind of basic.


i hear more people bitching about pride month than actual promotion of lgbtq pride

really says something about the state of reactionaries

if people werent fucking useless cattle that buy everything that they see on TV, capitalism would be fine (mostly)
but no, everyone has the collective IQ of a rock nowadays which is why we have lootboxes as commonplace now in vidya and retarded funkopops and other bullshit being shoved down our throats because of retards who wont stop fucking buying that shit

Krogan romance please

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>fag friend
That's a dyke, not fag
"Faggot" refers to dicks bundled together

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Things to have Pride in
>AIDS, HIV, Throat Cancer from eating ass
>Having shit on your dick

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>I like men too but that's not relevant to video games

If sexuality isn't relevant to video games then why does Yea Forums have 200 threads a day about vidya women they want to fuck.

Gay is a fag to me, regardless of what it is they grind their genitals against.

/lgbt/ more like /tttt/
/int/ used to be pretty gay too

I'm not really surprised that Yea Forums has a few more gay lads than you'd expect, the /vg/ general I'm in also is pretty gayified

everyone has a different experience don't they. fag

because Yea Forums is constantly raided by resetera and discord trannies

/vg/ is literally 100% faggots though