Attached: Artwork_Edelgard.png (826x1128, 725K)

What did she mean by this?

Attached: 1559847533061.jpg (750x536, 83K)

>kneeling when you're her teacher
I think that's a no mate. I'll make her the greatest house there is though.

y-yes madam

Fuck off flatty

She looks really cute, like a doll

Her empire will be conquered by the Leicester Alliance.

Why do only the main heads of each house look like they had any thought out into their design?

>blonde roastie
How about n-
>asian neet girl is sworn to her
Edelgard is a beautiful and noble lady!

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Attached: 1541137644367.png (348x324, 78K)


How does japan get away with depicting Hitler in their media?

Of course I am legally purchasing Fire Emblem: Three Houses! I am choosing the Golden Deer too! How did you know?

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1080x1331, 91K)

Fixed your ugly asymmetrical face.

Attached: Untitled-1.png (404x489, 325K)

Attached: VotRrKr.png (615x694, 336K)

I'm gonna put babies in her!

The only one that will be kneeling is her so that I can paint a dick on her gigantic forehead using my semen

>Golden Deer
My nigga

Attached: Lorentz_Portrait.png (1200x1200, 720K)

What a boring design.

looks like a Targaryen

I only kneel before my one true mistress

Attached: Sothis_feet.jpg (960x1080, 216K)

Why does everyone have that sword? Sothis has it, Byleth has it, green haired not-Rhea has it, future Edelgard has it.

>Golden Deer

>Golden Deer
More like Golden Queers

>not-Rhea has it
When? Seiros fights against the liberation king (who does have that swrod) though.

> future Edelgard has it.
You mean Flame Emperor? No he doesn't.

Seiros has the sword in the E3 trailer.
>Flame Emperor
No, I mean future Edelgard, from the artbook. It's a blurry ass picture but she does have it.

Attached: seirossword.png (973x673, 1011K)

Pic related is the artbook image.

Attached: artbook.png (617x766, 487K)

The sword is being held to her head.

Attached: 1553263037385.jpg (863x1200, 240K)

Most likely spoils of war, it's no secret that Seiros and the 10 Heroes along with the 10 Saints BTFO the Liberation King and hid his existence from humanity.

Is she? She's in a wierd stance if so, maybe this instead .
The leaks do mention she goes full Hitler so maybe she's fighting Byleth.

That's not my empress.

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Attached: SnackDFC.png (332x467, 210K)

Can you fuck her or not?

Even as a girl.

IS trying hard to pull another Lucina. I think she has a better chance than Azura.

Isn't Azura still decently popular?


Cute and funny

Cucked by a shittier VA
It's Kira Buckland

Fire Emblem is the absolute pinnacle of shitty American anime dubbing anyway.
No reason to use the dub when Kumiko voices the dragon.

Attached: 1544075143564.png (605x630, 374K)

What is the context of this image?

>best girl loses


>this is a boy
I thought he was just an ugly girl jesus christ

Attached: D8asOEsV4AA0IXs.png (800x801, 276K)

I'm really surprised by the amount of people that thought it. Looked pretty obvious to me. Just an ugly dude.