The collectors edition just got leaked!!!

Attached: WuECqPa.jpg (1487x834, 221K)

wtf is this dildo statue?


I thought I was the only one getting de-hyped for this game.


you browse Yea Forums too much...

I don't see anything I want.

That looks so fucking shit what the fuck.

what would you want from a collectors edition?

We already had a thread an hour ago, you're late
Fucking reddit fag

I'm fed up with pre-order and editions locked content already. I fought CDRP was better then this

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I dunno. I don't buy CEs because on the off chance I want anything from them I can just get it on ebay later without having to pay for all the other shit.

>an hour ago
wtf i saw this shit yesterday

This has to be a joke. Looks like something out of Saints Row
Please be a joke

That was the standard edition, how retarded can you be?

>Statue of V colliding with bike
>user thinks it's dildo.
I question your sexual orientation.

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the last hope for mankind is bannerlord

What am I even looking at? A bunch of stickers? What's the shit on the bottom left?

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I know most CEs have awful statues but that shit is the most generic shit I've ever seen. If you'd tell me this game would be for a generic Ubishit or Activision title I'd believe it, not something called Cyberpunk 2077.

Who even buys collector's editions anyway?

its bonus wallpaper and bonus digital soundtrack or some shit

Why is Mac on that bike?

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Its still the full game, thats extra stuff outside the game.

I was wrong anons
I thought the game was going to be a GTA clone, but even Rockstar has more class than this

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I do, and resell them for a thousand 6 years later, like I did with Witcher 3

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