Kula Diamond in Dead or Alive 6



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Other urls found in this thread:


I sleep. wake me up when the sfm is out

no one cares about this dead game

Fucking Yes.

Gonna start playing again

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A DOA6 thread here just hit 500+ replies, so you're factually wrong

It's not going to get me to buy the game but it's nice

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Who is this Nico clone?

She looks weird with DOA sameface.

>DOA: Cuckening Edition

Who sent you that image, huh?
Must be a handsome guy indeed.

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>Confusing Best girl with Nico.
Play KOF, gringo.
Or just stick to lame fighter threads.

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something something makes me diamonds if you know what I mean my dick

I want to pull those hands away and suck on those breasts.

>Play KOF, gringo
No one here does, you guys always make excuses to say why you can't play any of them. Like with DOA you explicitly only like the games because no one else plays them.

I don't follow.

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KOF is true prime fighting gaming.

Americucks just wouldn't understand.

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I want to taste her milk.

Damn this looks pretty bad, there is no impact on the punches and the specials barely look like that, half of Mai attacks weren't even connecting

You just have shit taste, gringo.

Play better games, don't bother replying.

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Should have came to Tekken, we need more sluts


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She is canonically confused between 14 and 18 years old.

And somewhat of a mutated human.

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That's a cute C____

Should have been Athena.

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What is Kula's favorite McFlurry flavor?

I can already taste the HS port and SFM/Blender porn

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Keep your psycho ball spam in KoF and stay there

I agree, fellow athena user.

I am pretty sure she likes cherry flavor stuff.

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Still want her milk though.

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Mai winning pose is worse than DoA 5 ver.

I can't wait for someone to pull the 3D model so I can see Kula fuck dogs

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Isn't she like the clone of a clone of a clone with some additional genetics fucknups that made her use ice instead of fire? I barely remember KoFs plot

>nobody plays KOF
>nobody plays DOA

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>can't handle the Psycho Ball.
Get rekt, Athena is best anything.
She even has 2 games dedicated to her and solo'd Korea Team in canon.

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I want to see that

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95% of that thread was Marie posting

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It's not about trying to fight against it, it's her annoying ass voice yelling that shit the entire match

>2 games dedicated to her
and both were shit

Hopefully she is 14-years old in this game. Still haven't forgiven koeitecmo for making everyone in this game hags just because Sweden decided to ban the game because Ayane was 16.

Why doesn't she want Marie to see?

Kula is cute!

Not a huge Kula fan, but I'm glad Mai's back.
Hopefully the rest of this guy's leak might be true, though I doubt it.
Honestly want to believe him, but the rest sounds a bit unlikely.

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What is my wife doing to that prepubescent girl?

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Too old

She got kidnapped by NESTS as a girl, brainwashed and given ice powers to kill K, who was given a clone of Kyo's powers.

And the KOF plot is weird and up to interpretation.
Some say that Zero's cannon could boow u0 the planet and some say it could lnly blow up cities and stuff.

Athena is better

Shut up. Athena is still the best, strongest and mightiest.

I mean, Athena was 18 in '94, and has been 18 to this day.

So ages in KOF are up for interpretation too, Kula doesn'r really look 14 anymore, at least in KOF 14 and in DOA.

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NiCO is working on it

Trying to drown her obviously


I'd rather just play KoF.

Even though I suck at it.

I'm gonna start playing this shit again.

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Of course they censored Kula's exposed butt after she does her HDM.

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Her '96 costume is great and sexy, basically you can see her butt and tits clearly in some frames.

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Me underneath


Does someone have that webm of those guys pretending to grope her butt in the KOF 14 beta?

>immediately grabs her ass
based K'

Oops wrong one.

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Bitches don't know about KOF.

That Kula theme sounds great

Why does Kula look the same at 18 as she did at 14?

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can anyone post the June SSRs for VV?

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I do not think the school games are canon.

That's a given since there's a dead Samurai Shodown character in the pic

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Remember some days ago when a faggot said Mai would look worse because DOA6 was supposedly a SJW game now?

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New DoM when?

Everything is fantastic, except Kula's face. Should be rounder

>Fiona SSR is a APL suit


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well that is the same faggot who never played a doa game and spent the entire thread baiting

>Ice > Fire
Uhhh??? No one play pokemon?

As far as i know the canon is this

Goddess Athena games -> Nakoruru dies and her spirit becomes one with nature, allowing time travel -> Athena Awakenkng from ordinary life -> Athena becomes Psycho Soldier at age 17 -> All SNK arcade games and fatal fury just before Geesse dies -> KOF games anf Nakoruru returns via time travel -> Gesse dies ->Garou

Her ice can somewhat nullify K's, i think.
They are just dumber Shadaloo, give them some slack.

Preserving her innocence

It looks good with the zombie skin at least.

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Geese only dies in the original FF/Maximum Impact timeline

Thread theme

Best Kula theme remix

Agreed, but that's what happen when a character goes to another franchise with a different artstyle. Faces almost always takes damages.

Would anyone know if they ever say that the Zero cannon would blow up the world or something?

>Not Leona

>Not Athena

this game has some crazy same face

I could've sworn KoF 2000 was pretty consistent in saying it's only capable of destroying a city in the endings

>cute and funny ice wielder revealed for DoA6
>cute and funny ice wielder revealed for Samurai Shodown

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>Not Shermie

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I mean, zero kept saying that it would being up a new world and all.

But dang. I guess my powerlevel self will not be able to justify planet level kof.

Does Shermie actually have eyes?

Is there any series that suffers from sameface worse than DoA?

>Athena never
she even has a lot of cute costumes to use

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Those could easily just be costumes for existing characters.

I'd love a Blue Mary outfit for Tina and Yuri outfit for Hitomi.

You have to work hard to be able to see them.

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It's a mystery

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Remove Mai
Put Angel.

Can you buy the Pirate/any costumes separately ?
Might buy Tina's and Hitomi's.

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Too bad DOA6 is almost dead online already. What a fucking waste of resources.

people say it's all edgy grimdark murderous sadistic eyes hidden underneath
but the truth is she has saggy red eyes from being on the computer all day and hardly ever sleeping


More like Dead on Arrival

Tell me when Terry, Blue Mary, Mian, or any Art of Fighting character is in.

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Does she ever actually show them in artwork?


To my recollection there isn't a single piece of official art that ever showed her eyes

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>nico clone
I sleep

Based retard

Kiseki series

>DoA6 thread
Nop . that was a DoAXVV thread nobody wants to talk about DoA6

Why are their face so damn expressionless

butthurt-kun makes sure of it

Attached: DOA6 2019-06-05 20-14-51-20.jpg (1920x1080, 448K)

indeed. KOFXIV in all its PS2 graphics glory at least had more soul than this shit

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>looks better than KOF XIV but has DOA face

>Most of the girls got breast reduction surgery
Will they fix the girls ? if not then fuck off and go shill somewhere else.

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only one draft sketch by shinkiro, i don't know where i saved the file though

we missed you baitbro

Attached: DOA6 2019-06-05 20-32-07-51.jpg (1920x1080, 173K)

Fuck that, I would consider giving up Kula for Angel

they were gonna try to do mortal kombat face but realized it was a doa game and not mk game

Calm down sweetie you and the other 2 people that plays DoA6 can have all the fun .

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that spic wasn't even relevant enough to be in SNK Heroines

calm down there's still lots to jerk off to, no need to get hung up on a fighting game

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they probably had no idea how to simplify her moveset for heroines

dead ip

Wake me up when the bikinis are back in the game.

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And Kula looks better in her outfit anyways.

What did you do to my German?

Kula doesn't look all that great right now, in particular it looks like her ice effects aren't finished. Still kind of a neat pick- I've never been much of a KoF fan, but I usually went with Team K' when I did play, so that's cool.

frankensteined her

Attached: DOA6 2019-06-06 21-32-49-88.jpg (1940x1122, 390K)

The game is so dead that not even the modding community gives a fuck about it so they are left wich that costume / hair swap thing .

Can they just copy Yakuza already?

But she was already perfect

Just waiting to bring back the Virtua Fighter girls

we can rebuild her! we have the technology!

Attached: DOA6 2019-06-05 20-53-40-98.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)

>Make a DoA game
>Nerf the tits
>No bikinis
>***1*** Lewd costume
No wonder why DoAXVV have ten times the player base of the main game .

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>MONTHS after release
>Still no mods
>Game still dead

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She should have someone else's hair instead of Mila's

mila is best hair

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I like bobcuts though

To nobody's surprise.

I love my wife Kasumi!

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same face the game. jesus fuck doa faces are fucking generic trash. mai and kula deserve better .

Her DoA6 main costume sucks tho

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how would you feel if Team Ninja did the models for Kof15

I only came here cause OP's image made it look like I had a post ITT

would be a huge improvement, even if they all have the same face

I love every outfit she wears almost as much as her!

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Pissed off. 14 looks lousy, but that's shaders more than models. Samsho doesn't look tremendous either, but they'll get better by the time 15 comes out. I'd much rather SNK do it. DoA faces are soulless garbage.

Call me when Leona is added.
The models of KOFXIV are fine.
The lightning and shaders are fucked and makes every model look really bad.

DOA6 didn't really improve much, pretty much a downgrade across the board. Except maybe the hair. The lighting system sucks. The characters look like they have no navels. Shit like pic related.

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has a new/better one came out? still doesn't look that great so..

What the hell?

make everyone look like George Clooney like in the art

Yeah i notice that . DoA6 looks decent from far away but once you start looking at the details you realize DoA5 - X3 and VV looks much better

seems like they're not really sure what art style they want to go for

instead of focusing and improivng one style, they keep jumping around

shitpost-kun is up. prepare for half of any doa6 threads to be spammed with shitposts

Oh, didn't know about that.

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Looks a bit better, but trying to make the game look like Street Fighter 4 isn't really the right direction in my opinion.

I don't know why, but I sorta had a feeling it would be her, that or Angel. I am pretty fine with this

>Half of any
DoA6 was never welcomed on this board thanks to the design choices and marketing campaign of KT and TN . You should tell your boss to make a good game next time.

>Any legitimate criticisms must be a shitpost

Okay, retard.

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no one ages in KOF but Kyo

>bitching about pornography

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>DoA6 content
Who cares about that game .
Doesnt look that bad but maybe is not worth spending 80+ bottles to get in the higher spots . Is anyone here farming the event ?

They should have given Angel's outfit to Kula like in SNK Heroines.

Who is this chick? I think she might be my new favorite

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You realized this is a DoA thread , right ?

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Kanna the Oni

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Dead games must stand together.

Leona would be terrible as a costume because none of the DoA girls are remotely similar to her in any way.

source on this



>they only did because it's precensored
If this were 5 or older, they would've gone with the 2nd most popular girl, Angel.

>2nd most popular
Wew lad.

>2nd most popular girl, Angel.

>2nd most popular girl, Angel.

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My second favourite KoF gal in Dead or Alive? Sex as fuck.

I like her too, but
>2nd most popular

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>Blue Mary
DoA6 confirmed for shit taste.

They need yet another loli bait bro try to understand

We have numerous non-loli chicks anyway

Yeah, I miss her, really enjoyed he in NGS2 and DoA5

Leona or bust

I would be excited if people actually played the game. DOA6 is already dead as fuck on PC.

>more cunnyfag bait
DOA fags deserve their game to be shit on, pure unrivaled shit taste

More people would if Shimbori hadn't fucked up by talking about the game

Muh dick

I have never bought a single DoA game. I just jack off to pictures and modded DoA5.

I am really happy for Kula and Mai.

It's such a shame at that because the game is actually good.
Very cool. I do the same.

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should've been mature or vice baka

Why don't you play it if it's so good?

Especially given you can get the entire game free thanks to DLC unlockers

Because the game is fucking DOA

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>It's a I can't stop jerking off while playing episode

I wanted Fem Terry more


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How do you manage that?

Hope she gets something like this in this DoA.

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>fighting game

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Geese is pretty bad ass, I'm glad he made it into Tekken

Oh stop it user fighting games are fine on PC. In fact Tekken 7 on PC is the definitive version. Also if worst comes to worst you can always find a Discord for the niche titles.

wtf, fanservice is back

Not at all active anymore on PS4 either

>It's such a shame at that because the game is actually good.
I don't know, I think it's a definite step down from Doa5, and SCVI

Why does Japan always have shit taste

I know, I'm sorry. I have a PC & console but I personally prefer fighting games on console, I also just wanted attention from shitposting.

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What would your SNK top ten look like?

It's ok user. I still love you

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>no k'

This artist will be pleased for sure.
>no more Rance
>no more Rance with his art

Can you explain why Mai is forgettable but made in this game again?

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She's SNK's Chun Li
It would be sacrilegious if she wasn't in the game

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>Mary #1
nice fanfiction fag

>She's SNK's Chun Li
L-O-L that's Athena i.e the girl that literally got whole games dedicated to her character.

Kasumi is still prettier than Mai. That old hag should have stayed home cooking dinner for Andy.

the nazi girl with the pigeon isn't even a kof character

Most of them aren't.

And Mai is, you retard?

It's a SNK poll, not strictly KOF.

Why isn't Kyo #1? Isn't he the main character?

By having your gf jerk you off while cosplaying as the character you play?

She's kinda a kunoichi, DoA has lots of kunoichis. They fit together.

He never finished high school.

For me

It's Momiji

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What's wrong with APL suits?

>tfw we getting porn now

Stat-wise I think anything other than POW/TEC isn't that great.

same, finally get some good kula sfm porn. esk-0 needs more KOF porn. hopefully fluffypokemon gets on this soon.

I'm not even excited for the porn. Kula looks so much like the average female doa face that I may as well fap to any other girl. Mai looked fantastic when she was added to 5. Why couldn't Kula get a decently unique face?

Low stats basically they Do have a shit ton of APL but becouse the stats are low you end up getting more or less the same score

I'm in the european region and it takes more then a couple of minutes to find a match on PC

>Worrying about stats in a 'game' where all you're meant to do is jack off
I'll never understand this mindset

>Mai has been crossed with DOA girls multiple times in the past by tons of artists
>Now it's official

Hellabunna needs to come back. He needs to fucking come back.

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She's been a guest since 5

Higher stats give you a higher score, which give you a higher ranking and let you progress farther, both of which reward you with more stuff. Are you retarded?

She is in KoF XIV