Friend says "bye guys" in voice

>friend says "bye guys" in voice
>no one says bye back

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>stays on voice chat waiting for someone to say bye back

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>last seen : 962 days ago

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>leaves before anyone can say goodbye back


>this thread
you fucking zoomers I swear to god

>leave instantly
>feel rude
>wait for someone to say goodbye
>feel spergish
>only say goodbye in unfunny meme ways or just making a loud noise into the mic

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>say "goodbye"
>"goodbye an-"
>leave quickly

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>everyone starts signing off voice chat until it's just you and the one girl in the group alone in awkward silence

>tfw that person is me

>everybody tells you goodbye specifically
>dont reply

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has this actually happened to anyone? seems kinda weird if no one bothered to just quickly say bye

>friend invites another friend you dont know
>he leaves you with him
>awkward silence

literally me
can someone explain me why does this happen?

>leave without saying bye
>start getting mentioned and @s to get back into vc and properly say goodbye

it means that the people you call 'friends' are not really your friends

>leaves without saying bye

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this is what i do, i just assume they all cheerfully, loudly, wished me well, then talk about me for a bit

>say bye
>wait 2-3 seconds

>pretend to be afk to avoid saying good night or to leave suddenly and weirdly

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>say "bye guys im getting off now"
>everyone simultaneously logs off when i do
this is what it means to be alpha

>sit in voice hoping others come talk to me

"goodbye and also blow into your mic if you hate niggers FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFSHHHH-"
>User has disconnected from the server

based and tylerpilled

jesus christ is this what socializing is like for autists

>someone joins and is all quiet

>Say alright brb
>Dont appear online for 3 days
>Alright back

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>Who joined my channel?
>I came in here to be alone

>"hey guys I gotta go. I have to sleep early"
>*everyone asks why*


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>be in chat with 5 ppl
>3 ppl leave
>just you and 1 other
>haha i'm gnna go too cya
fucking feels bad

>Play multiplayer team based video games on european servers
>No one ever fucking talks or responds to a thing I ask or say
>Eventually get frustrated and either flame them or leave and uninstall the game
Am I autistic or are they?

Jesus christ I knew some autistic fleet commander on eve online who was like this. I'd be looking to theory craft ship fittings with him and they'd be like "listen fuck off I've got DOTA to play". No one liked the sperg.

>get invited to guild
>no one welcomes me
>next 7 people to get invited
>everyone welcomes them

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Sorry user, I'm a shy boy. It takes everything in me to get a conversation swinging. Kinda the same reason I've been on a grand total of THREE dates.

>Voice chat

Literally why when text chat exist?

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>three dates
fuck off normiefag

You're overthinking it. They were probably AFK. I sincerely doubt unless they were inviting people they already know that they'd magically exclude you out of all the others.

i meant i'm the one who leaves pepehands

>this is what it means to be alpha
Nah. It just means youre the puppet in the group. Autist #1 can't talk to Autist #2 without using you as an intermediary. You're basically office furniture

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Three dates by your mid 20s is pretty pathetic in my books. I'm not some 16 year old who still has time to get his shit in order.

I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that you posts increasingly terrible quality pepe images on Yea Forums.

post peni-
>three dates
neck yourself

None of the three went anywhere. I've never been in a relationship.

>join guild
>"Whalecum! XD XD"

>ask if anyone is interested in helping me do X

>guild diva comes online and starts complaining about creepy incels stalking her on instagram teehee

>last game
>"Alright, I'm gonna sleep, see you guys"
>just me and a friend
>"Hey bro look, a rate thread on /soc/ !"
>proceed to mock people and get rated for the next hour before eventually going to sleep

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>three dates
Hahaha how is that even possible haha only three dates? haha zero for me, buddy

>friend says bye in chat
>waits until everyone says bye to him


>Join a guild
>Hey enter on this discord/mumble/TS
>To talk with voice
>Leave the guild

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>having such a thin skin you need constant validation

Say bye back next time, nerd

Me and my friends have called this phenomenon "the silent dip"

It annoys us when someone can't just say "oh nice playing good wins good games later all"

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Me too. Bye anons.

They were with women though. I'm gay. Might as well have been hanging out with a friend.

You don't have to talk on voice. It's just we're talking guilds here, MMOs, it's nice to be able to communicate things on the fly.

Why do you call them dates then?

So I can feel less shitty. They didn't know I'm gay.

Atleast you had three people interested in you enough to go on a date with you.

because people want to play and not type lmao

>"becuase I'm tired lol bye"

It's good for any type of multiplayer action game where I don't want to hit "T" and sit still for 3 seconds while I try to coordinate gameplay with my teammates.

>playing with a group
>one person suddenly says "cya guys" without any previous indication of wanting to leave
>instantly leaves as we're processing this

*Leave channel*

that's why I say "bye fellas" or something to that effect and almost immediately leave

>using voice chat
I've never tried this. I'm very shy.

But im the most talkative retard, one of the guys dont even talk.

i always talk shit about the one leaving, i bet they do the same to you

I tried it once and couldn't say a single word. Fuck me.

>I'm the most retard
Of course

I hate being in groups where I have to be polite. Our conversations usually end with "I'm out later faggots" answered by something "Later you stupid nigger" My best bros always talk shit to each other. I truly believe banter is the sign of a good friendship

Three more than me.

i usually top dps so that's fine, i'm more valuable to the guild, you'll be phased out once we hit harder difficulty content

>being a literal woman

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>he cuts himself off by disconnecting
is there anything more alpha?

Only women and faggots talk shit about their friends behind their backs. You are just a giant pussy who can't say it while they are there

>"sup dude, join our discord!"
>thanks, I don't have discord haha..

based ball sucker

>ask steam friend what his discord name is
>"I don't use discord because uhhhhhh haha it gay and Yea Forums told me it bad!!"
>types like 14 year old overall

>Playing a game
>Decide to swap to different game
>Sit talking about what we should play
>Get off topic and se sit talking shit for an hour
>Conversation dies down and we sit in complete silence for three hours as people slowly leave the call one by one.

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>"yes you can join our MC/AQ40 just sign up in the discord and speak to one of our officers in the voice channel"

ITT: Discord trannies.

>he says bye and then waits until someone else responds with "bye" before logging off

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>Having friends means your a discord tranny

I wish someone would have gone on a date with me but then again, I would have probably refused out of sheer shyness.

>"Bro, join my guild"
>You have been invited to Bara Quest

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Come at my level guys

>heard online best bud planning to report me and get me banned. He was following instructions on how to frame me up too

>join server and whole group starts switching servers

>be chillin in my house in game and suddenly nukes fly thru windows and an avalanche of swear words

Im a notorious "merchant" in fallout76...still this is a bit uncalled for

wait, what. I thought it was weird if u left without hearing bye. have i been looking like a fool all this time?

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and then the convo is inevitably hey, hey, you good for saturday nights? yeah, k cool bye. coulda fucking done it in text chat faster

I mean, I'm still a virgin so. Not like it made a great deal of difference.

They're literally just gauging whether you're an insufferable sperg. You're more likely to get a place over others if you can actually converse and get on with the interviewer.

I don't even care about losing my virginity. I'd just like to experience genuine affection.

based, i'd join

I didn't experience genuine affection on those dates. Bit hard to give a shit when there's no attraction there.

>person says ''bye everyone''
>remains in game
>check back later they're still in the game
>they say it again

if you wait longer than 3 seconds maybe

Never claimed you did. Just wanted to clarify that my virginity is the least of my worries.

unironically the best way to handle the situation

I aggressively go out of my way to give personal byes to everyone in the group before i leave

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Why didnt he just make an afk channel, my alliance had those and we where just facwar shitters

I hate the PVP balance in vanilla.

If you dont say bye to your friends like a basic human being after they say it then you should question how you were raised you rude autist.

No one likes a rat user.
If I was guild leader you'd be out straight away.

same desu
I mean it was ChaosTheory. You ever heard of a sperg in NC. called Stuart Hutchinson? Probably not. Because despite being in a senior FC position and being in charge of the combat department he let ChaosTheory fall to shit by handicapping skirmish FCs to flying only Retributions and Deacons while refusing to lead anything larger himself. It didn't help that Syrianna, our exec, was away for IRL financial reasons. It's so fucking sad that it fell apart. The majority were krabbing cunts that could only F1 but then again which alliance doesn't have that situation? I miss my PVP bros. I haven't enjoyed the game since.

based chad

Only trannys text chat only

I'm not a tranny.

Do games even have mic support anymore? Zoomers are such autistic snowflakes that they can’t interact with each other or handle a little banter

>cute girl in group says she's going to sleep
>proceeds to pm you asking to watch anime together
I'll regret screwing that up for the rest of my days.

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How did you screw it up?

Have se-

Oh never blew it now. Also FYI anime girls have high libido and are into nasty stuff

You are like a little babby I have xbox friends that haven't logged on in 2000+ days.

They removed mic support from Mordhau because of autistic snow flakes. Real fucking shame. Recently I got to see this in R6S. Uninstalled on the spot.

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does your guild even do anything or do they just gossip and hit on each other all day

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mordhau never had mic support

I was told it did from some thread on here. Was it on the beta or something?

Met in a certain 2d korean mmo and became good friends. Looking back it was kind of obvious she was interested in me, but I was oblivious to it and thought I wasn't good enough for her plus thought I'd ruin friendship if I confessed. She probably thought I wasn't into her and moved on. Some drama and time later we had an ugly falling out and haven't spoken since.


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>playing single player game
>friends keep inviting me to discord channel
>not to play video games
>not because I'm needed
>just to chit chat
>get upset if I say no even though wanting to focus on a video game is a perfectly valid reason to not join
I just don't understand.

I got to know her well. She was actually one of the rare wife-material breed, user.

>See people in a voice channel talking
>Join in, wait for some silence to say hello as to not be rude
>No response
>No talking at all
>Leave channel
>See them talking again

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>Thread almost dies after user posts

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haha is that princess a boy haha?
that would be kind of gay haha

Follow in my footsteps

>time to go
>say bye and leave without waiting
>if I'm having an ongoing conversation with friends I try to wrap it up and say we'll I've gotta go, see you
>if I can't wrap it up I say sorry but I've gotta go and leave
>if I am for some reason stuck in some situation that's hard to leave but need to go, I alt +f4 out and forget about it as surely as they will forget about it by the time I next log in
>if they do remember for some reason I say sorry my Internet cut out

Sounds pretty based.

>leave call because too shy to say anything
>friends call me back immediately thinking there's something wrong

What if he is talking shit about female members? You can't talk shit in public because of white knights.

So why is discord a literally a tranny platform?

i always say something like

>aight shits getting gay im out

no matter what the conversation was about

I do the literal opposite, I start sugartalking people who just left. I'm not sure what drives me to do that.

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>faggot says GOODNIGHT THREAD!
>literally nobody likes him

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>joins server
>"sup nigga"
>gets banned

>"bye guys"
>someone mockingly says "bye guys" in a nerdy voice

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>"later guys"
>delete account

>yeah you guys seem pretty cool i'm down for some more vidya later
>never talks again

>joins server
>"sup nigga"
>niggas start talking shit

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i always say hello or bye to people if they say it first, feel bad when they don't get a response

>people join the chat
>pretend to be afk
>they start talking about how annoying you are and how they wish you weren't in the group
>have to keep pretending to afk for another 2 hours after they've left

>afraid of other person leaving call first
>so i leave abrupty when i think we're done talking
>you should say bye to me
>feel bad and apologize

I actually know this obscure reference and I'm not sure how to feel about it.

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what the fuck do you do on a date?

>sometimes in middle of conversation
>dont know what to respond
>dont say anything, pretend to be afk
>let 2 minutes pass, fidget with my mic and say "im back"
>listen to them repeat the same thing

wait you niggers actually say goodbye to people? you only say goodbye to people you have no plan on seeing again.

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>don't talk for a bit
>someone asks "is user afk"
>don't correct her
>have to sit there breathing quietly for a bit while thinking of what to say when I "get back"
>can't think of anything

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I do this too much as well.

Damn y'all are autistic as shit

>gotta wake up early for my daily edging session
>logs out

>guild made a list of everyones birthday
>it's my birthday
>nobody congratulates me
>next persons birthday shortly after mine
>nobody congratulates
>few days later
>they noticed and congratulate the second person while completely ignoring me
Thanks a lot guys.

I like your honesty.

damn dude

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>"Night guys see you to-"
Never gets old when you only bully one or two guys on the server like this.

Happy Birthday!

i do too. i usually scream it and i dont think my friends like it, because i also do it in public.

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>playing multiplayer
>joining a VC

>Guy joins
>Hear him say 'Can you guys hear me?"
>No one responds

>having a mic
fuck you all. rage as much as you want but you will never force me to buy a headset. I don't give a fuck about your whiny onions voices. Faggots.

Fuck anyone who does this.


>make excuse to leave cause dont want to play
>they start asking too many questions
>finally start just saying i'm not in the mood, don't wanna play this game
>they think you are depressed and suicidal for no reason

Thank you.

But i heard it was much easier to get laid if you are gay.

It's not obscure. The video has a million+ views.

I knew bullies enjoyed this shit so now i just remain silent hoping no one says bye back to them as they gtfo.

Unironically what I did when I still had friends to preserve my ego knowing nobody would say anything back anyway. Then I stopped talking to them for awhile and nobody even bothered checking up on me so I said fuck it.

Thanks doc