Come and fucking get me you WHITE ass fascist nazi pigs

>come and fucking get me you WHITE ass fascist nazi pigs
uhh... what did they mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

holy shit, is that character not white?

Nazis bad

i mean, he lists several qualities about his enemies
does BJ consider the last item a negative too? does he also hate himself and his white friends for the same reason?

guys i made a thread where i get mad at a game i didn't play because it will get replies and i can't live without destroying any and all possible discourse on a topic help me

Im white and I enjoy self deprication from time to time

Have sex.

holy shit, that is some embarrassing dialogue

yeah, that'd be because you're conditioned to it. it has been injected into our culture by media propagation and your brain rewards you for acting according to your surrounding community. if you're put any thought into the topic, you'd realize how disgusting the entire idea is.

Idk, I refer to dumb ass white nationalists twelve olds as dumbass white nationalist twelve year olds. It's making fun of them for caring so much about how much they care about dumb shit skin color.

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Most fuckwads don't realize that a very large portion of the US has german ancestry. Most of them weren't the cucked versions in germany today.

I can laugh at jokes pal not everything is an attack on your race

Um, you're just describing being apart of society; we're social creatures, we're rewarded by acting according to society.

secondly, in what way specifically are we being conditioned and who specifically is doing it for what aim? very vague.

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Yeah, remember? Le Jews are not le white!

I understand a non-white person using white in a negative sense, but a white person using it against other white people is the dumbest shit i hear constantly.

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You're a fucking jew right

No he's a bottom feeder

hes a jew

It was a joke because he just ayyy yo fuck wypipo
The writers of NC really worked to make the new characters so fucking unlikeable and hamfisted

virtue signaling

no? why would you ever care about that though, you fucking autist?

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but what if i'm using it against other white people that seem to really care about what color their skin is? I think there's a distinction there.

>why would you ever care about that
not based at all, retard.

Absolute jew

>white people care about what color their skin is
99% of the time the person who brings this up isn't white

yeah i don't care about spouting meme words at randoms on the internet, ok kiddo.

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>always sunny in kikeadelphia
Going to be a yikes from me tofu eater

He's a half white half kike mutt
His dad was a white race traitor who couldn't resist the khazar milkers

what a galaxy brain take

so when people go up to white nationalists and they're shouting 'the jews will not replace us'; the real problem is that other people bring up the fact that they really give a fuck about how they look and chanting violent shit against the others'.

what the actual fuck.

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Have you been under a rock for the last 5 years and missed the fad where people send their DNA to get tested and get their "ancestry" back to talk about how not-white they are?

get a job and wash.

When people bring up white people on Yea Forums they're not white. It's pretty fucking obvious

>holy shit, is that character not white?
they are when it suits them

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He's jewish, which means he's white when it's convenient on twitter.

...yeah cause you don't get a DNA test that says, 'you're percentage whiteness is _'; that's not how that works, kiddo.

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Okay, they do. That's what alt-right people talk about all the time. Secondly, it's pretty obvious when you're just hating on brown skinned people 24/7, that you're probably white and it's going to be brought up.

If you're white and you say white as an insult, you're including yourself. No exception. You can say to that person that being white doesn't make them a better person than anyone else, but to say to them that being white makes them a bad person means you are as well.

It's not that hard to understand.

BJ Blackowicz is a jew

>doooood im 3% asian, 0.1% native american and 0.001% african im totally not as white as everybody else my people were oppressed

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The third game is not even out yet and already it is only 40 dollars for deluxe edition and its currently price down too 32 dollars on amazon.

>alt right people talk about themselves all the time
I can make up stuff too

I'm gay and I call people faggots all the time. It's just an easy way to get people below 60 IQ seething, white boy.

I like being white. I feel good having white skin, and I think it's an okay thing to feel.

Fucking white people

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Nazis are white supremacists

>you can't say nigger tho
>who cares if niggers are 10 times more likely to commit a crime

>I might be dumb, depressed, selfish and nobody likes me but at least I'm WHITE
>no you don't get it I don't need to prove anything, these people I know nothing about and I never met did some really cool things in the past and they were WHITE too, I'm telling you I'm fucking special and cool

>t. two white dudes
>one being an antifaggot with dreadlocks who has never seen a dentist in his life
>the other being a literal basedboy with bitchtits who doesn't look old enough to shave


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What's with all the political threads here lately?

Well, you're right. You just don't any nuance whatsoever. You're essentially, 'well u said white so white bad', i mean okay. If you're that dense I'm sorry.

Again, if i'm talking to someone who really values their skin color to the point of denigrating other people for how they look; i'm accurately describing, insulting and pointing attention to the fact that i'm speaking to a bunch of white retards who want to be surround by other white retards often violently.

It's not hard to understand.

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The only people who get butthurt about white people existing are non-white people. It's not rocket science.

More likely to get arrested for a crime*

are you denying the existence of the science behind DNA or something I don't understand lol

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>I don't understand lol
No shit you dont because your brain is fucking smooth.

This is hilarious because Nazism and Hitler are insanely popular in India.

white nationalists talk about having a state of white people. that's talking about themselves. Moron.

You're mentally ill.

There's various socioeconomic factors that contribute to that

Friendly reminder all of the DNA testing services have been outed as hoaxes even though they're been cited in "scientific" studies.

I mean, you're denying science. We can't really go further if you think DNA as a science doesn't exist.

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Commit was a more accurate statement

Have sex


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>its all lies from the white man!
Alright monkey, you and the others subhumans keep fighin the good fight.

Terrific backpedal there, white-guilt user.

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>White nationalist talk about themselves negatively all the time
>White nationalists talk about having a white nation
Those are two different things you actual sub 70 IQ nigger

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Nice Rebuttal. When you just resort to insults you know you lost right?


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I'm poor so I must rape. Lmao

The idea that you're not white because you're 0.05% cherokee in your DNA is such absurdity that you're literally making a mockery out of the science. Furthermore white isn't an ethnicity; there are dozens if not hundreds of ethnicities with white skin you utter mongoloid.

>BJ is clearly meant to be an ethnic Pole from his inception
>No we have to make him Jewish now, because only Jews have an excuse to hate the nazis
Yeah maybe you Swedes were cowards but the rest of Europe actually took a side.

>I mean, you're denying science.
I got something for you, work through it and then rejoin the conversation after you're done.

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>we wuz wodan and shiieet

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I'm not insulting you. Your mindset is literally insane and it's terrifying. You literally have deluded yourself into othering people on their skin colour, your very own skin colour and claiming that it's fine.

how did i back pedal?

here is me being completely consistent. feel free to use your anime ninjutsu to explain how i backpedaled?

>muh innocent niggers

go neck yourself tranny

Reminder that around that time people didn't even see a white race, they saw varieties of european blood. Italians, germans, anglos, etcetera. It's only now that America has become such a mutt-country and all other countries are overrun by different colors of brown and black that people even really talk about white people.

kys negroid

Fuck these cunts. Offended on behalf of others. Virtue signalling wanks.

>Conservatives are the ones concerned with being .05% Cherokee
Good thing we won the election, right?

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Ok, that's cool that you're gonna keep crying and throwing insults ok? But, just so you know DNA is real and when you get checked it will never, ever show that you're 'white'. Have a nice day, kiddo.

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>white ass
why do nogs have to add ass after random words

and yeah I don't like the far left LITERALLY hating white people and inserting it into games. They say it all the time in the news

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>It's not hard to understand.
You have to remember that many things are hard to understand for alt-right incels.

TNC was fucking shit, but that line is taken out of context. He is just repeating what the stereotypical strong black womyn said a few moments before.


Have sex

>You literally have deluded yourself into othering people on their skin colour, your very own skin colour and claiming that it's fine.

Did you have a stroke?

He was taking the piss because minutes before he met a niggress who was calling him that.

>criminals are more likely to get arrested for a crime

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>Maybe you Swedes were cowards

I like how your comment confirms that you're either an amerimutt, a jew or a butthurt pole (The latter two being almost the same)

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we MUST make the homeless feel welcomed

It means he was stuck in an awkward situation with a 70's blaxploitation extra and was trying to keep things copacetic.

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thanks for the completely unrelated clickbait pic, /pol/
I knew I could count on your continued effort to flush Yea Forums down the shitter

poor whites commit less violent crimes than wealthy blacks

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Imagine being so fucking cucked you equate whites with nazis.
>you fucking heterosexual, blond, literate, footfag.

Rent free

uh, when did i say white nationalists talk about themselves negatively, retard?

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>Your ancestry is 99% from Great Britain and 1% from Ireland

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>how did i back pedal?
Because as soon as I called out your statement, you changed the meaning. You're using "nuance" as a convenient excuse when in reality, if you actually did mean what you say you meant (and you very clearly didn't), you could have easily just said what you really meant to say. Or maybe you're telling the truth, and saying what you actually mean is just something that's really difficult for you.

Have sex.


Read the reply chain. It started because somebody said that "white nationalists talk about themselves negatively all the time."

There's just some faces you want to take a shotgun to, Ya know?

I've unironically had a Spanish guy tell me im way too modest about my race.

Yep, you got it correct kiddo, even if it was 99% ancestry from great britian and 1% from Ireland, it still wouldn't say that you're white. Congratulations, I taught you something today.
I'm so proud of you!!!

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He's a kike.

Have sex.

>Cops aren't infallible
Come on nigger, is that all you've got?

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Kanaya>terezi>the heat death of the universe>vriska

Pol tards fuck off, these times are for E3 threads only

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I honestly have no clue how you're this retarded.

Every time you guys do this I can’t help but wonder what it’s like to come from races that accomplished nothing. You couldn’t possibly relate to the feeling of pride in your people’s accomplishments.

No, what did I backpedal on? What initial statement did I say and then later backpedaled, specifically? You're being vague.

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>every race gets to have some kind of racial identity
>except white people

From the perspective of the writers, "white" is an arbitrary social distinction that is used by colonialists and fascists to justify racism, which has no correlation with empirically measurable biological diversity.

More like blazcuckwicz. Am I right?

Wasnt this because bj was pretending to be the black woman and started taunting his enemies with whatever insult he could come up with on the radio, even his tone and face pretty much say he is talking out of his ass in that moment.

...ok can you link which post? are you new to Yea Forums?

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You're not arguing with a white person.

>h-h-ha i never said cops arent infallible
>b-b-but that doesnt mean that non-whites arent getting arrested solely for the colour of their skin
Backpedal too hard and you're gonna go right off that cliff.

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>all of Scandinavia is Sweden
>all of Scandinavia signed up to enlist in the Waffen-SS
An intellect of your calibre combined with a fetishistic adoration for Hitler could only mean one thing: you're Hungarian.

Oh, so now we're gonna play the "pretending to be retarded game," huh? Where you pretend you don't even remember what the first statement you made in the comment chain is?

Can you read? Clearly not.

and this has to do with DNA telling you that you're white how? or black for that even, how does DNA tell you you're black, dumb fuck?

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have you considered that maybe cops are "racist" because they see niggers and muslims raping and killing people all the time

it's just logical to dislike these groups

Neck yourself, faggot

>please spoonfeed me on a conversation I immediately jumped in spewing autism
Go fuck yourself

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>racial identity
must be a non-white american
no truly white european would say that

So, that post doesn't exist then. Ok.

Sure, so is it okay for me to do that with black people?

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>stutter posting
I asked if that's all you had nigger. Things aren't all sunshine and rainbows, that's not an argument.

>niggers deluded themselves so much they think they're the victims
>being closer to a monkey than a human they think this disproves statistics and hard data
>"b-bu tha wht man hatez us1!1"

Shouldn't you be milking your wife's bull whitey?

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You really are pathetic, Baiting for (you's), Here's your last one from me.

It was written by Liberals, the are very self-flagellating on the topic of race. No idea why though, even at Uni I saw White Liberals holding up signs that said "Cancel Whites". Pretty funny when I think that of all the groups I have ever met only White liberals have attacked me for my race, Not once has a Black or Hispanic ever done it to me.

What, like referring to black ethnostate people? Yeah, sure? It's the same conditions, it's a bunch of people who really care about their skin color and wish to otherize and remove the other often violently or rhetorically. It's the same.

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>have you considered that cops are racially profiling entire groups of people not on any actual evidence but just on past encounters with criminals

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race is real

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>still can't produce the post

Hate crime against who?

So you're unable to say what exactly he was backpedaling on?

>using 1800's "science" as an argument
You know its also in the bible to not fuck your sister, right?

Reality is racist user, and white people have to act like it isn't, for some reason.

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Well, why bring up random things that no one said? I'm just trying to talk to people and it's like some kid in the corner random screeching about nonsense no one is talking about. Just stop then.

Naw its crackers and muslims that rape the most. Also why are their so many spics on Yea Forums?

Well he is jewish so the people he's talking to don't actually consider him white user.

You say that, but let's be real here, I'd be publicly crucified for saying something like "you black asshole."

I take pride in my accomplishment instead of taking the merits of people I didn't even know simply because they were born in the same arbitrary lines as me or have my same skin color.

Read the comment chain to his first post.
Hahaha, we're pretending you're not the same person.

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I'm surprised the missing link can talk

VERY bad

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there is literally no way to get triggered by this unless you are a white ass fascist nazi pig

I'm surprised the missing link can talk

stop coping for your personal failings

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Jews are white. Just accept you hate your race

>hehe ur a samefag
Ok champ, you still haven't explained how he was backpedaling

>non-whites arent getting arrested solely for the colour of their skin
Dindu nuffin

Yeah, that's great kiddo, but you're not gonna get DNA tested that you're white. That's been the point and you have to accept that, sorry.

...Uh, no you wouldn't, cause again we're talking about people who are rhetorically and violently otherizing you on the basis that they're black. It's fine and I don't think most people would disagree. The foundation of why we're not okay with them isn't cause they're black or white. I don't why you don't understand this.

>1800s science
and today science still tells us there are differences between the races
interesting how that works

It's funny how they never talk about which books exactly they burned

Have sex.

all of this is linked to poverty (read: oppression) btw

Ethnicity is not the same as race retard.

Stop projecting and form your own opinions.

PURELY socioeconomic factors, goy

I already know about hood niggers. You could still be a spic though seeing how you never mentioned them.

>white faggots would go apeshit if black people were depicted as nazis
>calling nazis white facist pigs is somehow an insult

Sometimes /pol/ gives a special kind of retard and it's a fuckin' unicorn

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I'm not even talking about your deformes skulls you retarded subhuman monkey, I'm saying CRIME STATISTICS, that are based in HARD DATA take MILLIONS into account, you postin 1 or 2 cops being racist doesn't account for almost half of all niggers being a fucking criminal.

You're trying to make the argumento that somehow because of this news article ALL crime data is false, ALL race/crime statistics are wrong and only by NOT being a fucking literal monkey you could understand how fucking retarded that is. you think the book burnings are some sort of conspiracy, you loony?

>Source: My ass

go ahead and try to say that a french and a brit are the same before the 50s champ lmfao

how is this relevant to the thread

Holy fuck i made the brainlet mad.

Shouldn't you be molesting some children, tranny?

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how come whites commit more crime than japs and have a lower iq?


a book burning denier then?
that's a wholly new level of retardation

Exposure to anime raises IQ


Japs are the superior race.
T. "Racist"

They aren't the same, that's what I'm saying stupid. "White" and "black" says absolutely noting about your actual genetic make up.

C-c-c-combo breaker!
Also based

Niggers in our cities keeps US from reaching full potential.

>molesting some children
t.something that has literally never happened

t. hyram goldenstein

>jew with germanic aryan features
They wish

Why are people in arguments like these so volatile? If you criticize anyone in any way, even a minor one like spelling, they immediately think that you're the "other side" and must not agree with them at all on anything ever.

we should replace all the white monkeys with honorary koreans, chinese and jews

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>book burning bad
>the communist manifesto

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Literally just happened, bugboy

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White jews are white. Most of them are mixed like the other modern mediterraneans with whom they cluster. Apply eyeball test.

You're calling him a tranny for telling you that there's no mystery as to what books were burned?

I know a dirty red when i see one, also Jews stick out like their nose

They arent trans, though?
/pol/ entirely BTFO

You didn't explain why someone can't criticize the dumbasses on their "own side".

the people who can't run a country on their own?

Nazis are the only people in history to do anything bad

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He said WHITE retard not USA. Just proving you're 60 IQ redneck cracker

>anime increases IQ
>actually people on this board right now who believe this

this had me laff kuh, thanks

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Just further propaganda to make discussion or understanding of Germany's racial policy more obfuscated. Can't have people healing colonialist racial divides, that's the best divide and conquer they have left, not even bourgeoisie-proletariat was as successful.

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I did but I guess that would require you to read the comment chain huh

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Why keep them in line when i agree with them?

why are nazis so easily offended?

t. SEETHING anti-anime poster

what the fuck is the point of this statement lol

>dude, I LOVE authoritarian tyrannies

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>It's another /pol/ vs SJW ragebaiting thread to advertise a product that completely fails to advertise the product because anger won't make people buy anything


TNO was such a better game it's insane.

>Implying the books burned by the nazis were good

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Why is it okay to hate white people?

>...Uh, no you wouldn't, cause again we're talking about people who are rhetorically and violently otherizing you on the basis that they're black. It's fine and I don't think most people would disagree. The foundation of why we're not okay with them isn't cause they're black or white. I don't why you don't understand this.
Alright, so if I called a black person a "black-ass facist," even if it's true, you're telling me I won't be called a racist.

Your proud white ancestors genocided entire populations, kids and defenseless elders included, and treated other human beings as literal fucking cattle, all in cold blood. What changed exactly in a couple centuries to give you the moral high ground about your "race" exactly?

Honestly anyone who reads history without bias sees how dumb the concept of races is and how changes in culture and mentality do way more than simply "white good, black bad".

Its not okay to hate anyone that hasn't personally wronged you.

Thank God I'm not American

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Because niggers hate white people and anything niggers do is good

Nobody wants to risk their job and get chimped out by niggers and cucks to reaffirm what everybody already knows

Come on Reddit, let's make it to 300!

Same here

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It's not. But it's ok to make fun of them just like any other race. Thing is just like how some blacks dont like whites saying nigga some whites dont want to get made fun of. Both are retarded.

>another white person is a child molester
Who could have seen that coming

That's not even the correct cliche. Fags diddle kids, not trannies

Anglos aren't white

Post your face when all of this started because somebody said the first person to ring up white people in a thread isn't usually white.

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/pol/ was right
/pol/ was always right

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the BJ of this timeline baseded up the family bloodline and is not Doomguy's ancestor

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Anyone can call you anything dude, that's not a point. I'll repeat for the third time, the race has nothing to do with why you're point it out whether it's a black facist or ethnostate person or white facist or ethnostate person.

If i'm pointing out that you're a black ethnostate person, someone who demonises other people on the basis of their race from their standpoint of being black; it's not racist to call someone a black facist people of shit cause that's what they're advocating for.

Idk why you keep going back to this dumb shit about how some dumb person might call you racist, that can happen to anyone basically, but I think i can easily justify and did that I'm not being racist.

Yellow and red say absolutely nothing about your hue

>what everybody already knows
Seems like "everybody" in your definition either died 50 years ago or is severely mentally challenged and fucks their blood relatives.

What are, currently, the most and least jewed game studios right now?

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*self-hating white person

>everyone of your ancestors killed shitskins just because

We don't identify birds by race and if we did we would be saying "crow race", "parrot race", etc. and you and I both know that does not account for the difference between a magpie and a raven or a quaker and a budgie despite the fact you would say they're the same race.

man i hate this dudes comics. every time i read one i can almost see the guy jerking himself off whilst sniffing his own farts.

>white people arent white

>small, closely knit community where everybody knows everyone and there's nothing to steal
>massive, rich community with lots of stuff to steal and opportunities to travel around unnoticed
yikes bro, grow a brain

To everyone in this thread: seething, dilate, have sex, cope

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In the previous scene he is talking to the black female resistance leader and she uses a lot of jive turkey cracker honky speak when she talks. BJ is just emulating her. This isn’t as bad a game as Yea Forums would lead you to believe but N.W.O is a much better game by far.

It's 2019, Sweaty, Racism is all the rage nowadays, Like get with the times bro

To be fair I wouldn't want to be associated with people arguing for a certain side of things in this thread. Also, at least on Yea Forums, if you bother to correct someone's spelling you're either antagonizing them for shits or you're really pedantic.
This guy is a good example too. Most people don't disagree with their own 'side' as much as you'd think when it comes to these types of arguments.

Your vision of a rational and equal reaction to equal circumstances is admirable, but mistaken.

>crows and parrots are the same species

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>tfw literal cucks are destroying Wolfensteins legacy with this cringy leftwing echochamber garbage

At least we still have the DOOM franchise.

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>whites did that
>blacks did that
>whites stopped doing that
>blacks still do that

I dunno chief you tell me

>tfw Muslims owned and raped whites for awhile

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nice filename bro, which facebook group are you from?



>”GOSH I sure hate white people!”
>Heard on a migrant ship headed to a white country

Have sex.

>Your proud white ancestors genocided entire populations
Not hard to do when your ancestors were so fucking stupid they couldn't even invent the wheel

you don't know a lot about biology do you

We call them subspecies you tard. Doing that to humans is racist though which is why we use the PC terms of ethnicity now. And race but that’s quickly becoming racist too because people are afraid of facts.

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white bad
nazi bad
communism good
science fuck yeah*
have children bad
career good
feminism good
gays good
trannies good
*iq studies are fake

No, they're the same race.

Have sez

>Fox News
>All three "sources" are the exact same website
>Literally no mention of it anywhere else

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>Non-white americans

that's right, wolfenstein has always been a game about how great nazis are

>be Germany
>have nation with some high quality people and some low quality people, like every other country
>hmm what if we tried to improve our people
>take subgroup of nation who are moral, strong, and intelligent
>define this group as Aryan/noble, the ideal
>promote best people to breed and people who have defects to heroically abstain from having children
>lose war
>allies have to justify it to their population
Doesn't help that 95% of the people who claim to be "Nazis" are white ethnotribalists

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It's always interesting seeing someone trying to take pride in their white guilt.

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Are you actually implying it isn’t real?

Isn't this supposed to be the joke.

you guys cry about literally anything

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>try to make somebody mad
>list of the things they are in a negative way
I am pretty sure white people can make fun of other white people without necessarily hating whites as a race.

>crows and parrots can interbreed

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This is so confusing to me, when it says transgendered woman, does that mean it's a girl pretending to be a guy or the other way around?


you can just say americans, that's enough

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like Isreal

That's really dumb dude. I'm saying most people would be fine perfectly with you pointing this out. Fuck, most people already demonize the fuck out of BLM and even the white house wants to list it as a terrorist group.

This whole white victimhood shit is completely fabricated in your mind.

Who even plays Wolfenstien besides far leftist? Doom is where it's at

Unironically correct.

>>Literally no mention of it anywhere else
No shit dude, why would left-leaning outlets report on something like this?

Are you actually implying it is real? Feel free to provide a source that isnt fucking Fox News or ""


A rich diverse culture.

Where the fuck did I say buy wolfenstein 2 I said buy N.W.O and that 2 is ok at best.

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We use the term race because it's used to identify things based on superficial qualities.

>america wasn't a european colony

Attached: 1598765454765.jpg (647x955, 61K) are not white...

The right town has nearly 10 times the population of the left town. It also isn't in the middle of nowhere with little to no visitors. This isn't a great example.

Oh look a conspiracy theorist

>becoming a minority in your own country is not a big deal
ok nigger

why do you blindly believe everything that oh so slightly confirms your biases?

You know the wheel was invented recently in the human timeline, right? And it spread throughout Eurasia. Subsaharans and pre-Columbians had wheels, but they weren't used in a wide scale.
You know humans are more complex than birds, right?

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Absolute fucking retard

You can be withtin the same race and not be capable of interbreeding.