Did you fall for it?
Did you fall for it?
>hair works
>shadow works
At this point, it's completely your fault if you fall for NVIDIA's bs
I like my 2060, it was the best card in my price range that wasn't Radeon trash.
What's the best card?
I don't want "for the money"
What is the best performing card?
Getting a new job, gonna blow 3k on a PC with a valve index. I need all the juice I can.
2080 ti by far, it's a complete monster.
Super overpriced, but nothing else performs as well as it does in games.
2080ti but $3k won't be enough to make a worthwhile build with that card. Yes, it's that bad.
Nice. I was almost turned to another direction because of memey poorfags. 2080 Ti it is.
To add to this ,
wait until july before you build your rig.
The new 3800X from AMD will be your best CPU choice for gaming alongside the 2080 ti.
Not really true, you can make a very solid build with that card for even $2500.
No I got the ti because I’m not a poorfag.
Why? AMD usually shits out more cores I'll never use vs Intel pumping up the cores that I will.
I don't render, photoshop, or do anything more intensive than gaming.
>gonna blow 3k on a PC
well they say a fool and his money are soon parted. just get an alienware at this point
>ye olde pc couldn't run far cry 5
>get a new pc that plays vidya without a sound
>but far cry 5 makes it rev like a jet engine
What gives?
lmao nope, getting a 1080 was the play 3 years ago
No, i will only buy a new NVIDIA GPU when prices return to Maxwell era.
Spend more in cooling.
Poorfags will always seethe, what's your point?
Don't LARP and tell me about your cushy engineering job, you've already outed yourself.
Poorfag detected get a job
1080 will be completely defunct in 6 months
3800X performs on about the same level as 9900K but doesn't get fucked by Intel's ongoing security patches.
It also has Pcie 4.0 support so it's far more futureproof/upgradeable.
No. I still have 1080 ti
I had to get a 2060 because my 1070 started shitting itself randomly, I'm surprised it even lasted that long because it was one of those literal housefire EVGA 1070s
I'm not that stupid
Materialism is temporary, your damned soul is eternal.
>he paid >$1000 for a prototype
lol fag
No, Mr. VInesauce told me not to buy it yet
>At least i go to heaven
The poorfags deathrattle.
look if you have money whats the point of asking for advice? just buy the most expensive thing and you get the best performance
I'll consider it but I'd rather not be fucked by AMD drivers. I've been green and blue since day one, but will jump ship for performance.
I don't like the word "about" because for an unreleased card that's unreliable as fuck because both companies constantly fudge benchmarks.
Nice discount philosophy, bro
I wanted one of those but alas I had to settle with a ftw3 ultra.
yes, untill recently I upgraded from 9500GT.
I thought that high framerates and ultra settings would reignite my passion for video games.
2 days later and im rotting on Yea Forums again.
Are you willing to gamble your eternal soul?
I fell for the meme70, but at least I play in 1080p so it's not that bad.
3k is about right. Also Alienware it's shit. And this is from a faggot with a Razer build. Stop being poor and let user enjoy his build.
I have a 1060 when are deals coming my GPU is bottlenecking
Yeah true, i mean it's probably wise to wait for benchmarks.
Either way waiting is your best option, Intel is releasing a pimped out version of the 9900K soon (9900KS) that runs at 5 ghz all cores as the stock configuration.
No matter how much you spend you will always be alone and pathetic.
Because I want the most performance for gaming.
I'm not going out and buying a fucking server setup.
That's why.
I don't know if I can pay Intel's max jew tax on that though. VR's intense but fuck if I think it'll use all that.
What about those with money and loving wife??
IPC is all that matters, and even if single core is currently a minor compromise the IPC jump from Ryzen+ to Ryzen 2 is supposed to be about 15%. It should be absolutely on par with Intel's offerings easily, but without the terrible security.
More importantly is going forward AMD is producing the semi-customs for consoles, you can expect that parallelization will be much more prominent above 4c8t in the next 10 years meaning more cores will be better leveraged than they have been historically.
>t. makes less than 34k/yr
Poorfags will eternally cope until they end it.
Money is the best key to happiness.
The All father has my soul.
>can't tell the difference between a server and a desktop
Eh i mean we'll see how much it'll cost, i doubt the KS will cost too much more than the K.
But if price to performance on the CPU matters at all to you then 3800X will absolutely be your best choice.
Either way i was bored so i made you a list of how i'd do your build (just replace the CPU/mobo if you're going for AMD obviously), came out to exactly 3K and is probably about as good as you can possibly get right now for that money.
I fell for the RX 470 and upcoming DX 12 maymay.
Thanks user, that's mighty nice of you.
I can tell you don't frequent /g/ due to how levelheaded you present yourself.
I want one, so bad. raw copper heatsink, dual bios switch and totally uncompromised power delivery with no power limit. At that price though, it's built very exclusively for racers.
I mean i visit it occasionally, but yeah i can't stand how overly aggressive and full of shills that board is either. lol
Anyway you're welcome, good luck with your build user!
Don't buy any Nvidia cards just yet. The Nvidia "Super" should be revealed soon.
Are waitfags the most eternal beings on earth?
got a Vega 64 for less than 200$ because of the RTX goodness. All the idiots ran out to get the new flashy thing and the prices on used old cards where great for a couple of weeks.
So no. First gen tech is always shit.
I generally only upgrade when the next generation of consoles come out. They hold everything back so unless I plan on using 4k there's no reason to upgrade until the PS5 comes out.
Is there any reason to upgrade your PC with the new consoles coming out? Lets say at minimum the new consoles can do 4k 60fps, a RTX2060 alone costs like $380 and it csnt even get 4k 60fps
>tfw 1060 6gb
feels good man, no reason to upgrade yet, and new non-RTX cards will come out soon enough with better chips.
no need to upgrade if you are using 1080p.
Their announcement is tomorrow so why not wait?
Yeah I have a 2070 and it's still impressing me. I just wish more devs were being incentivised to actually used the RTX cores earlier.
Titan RTX :^)
its just not a great card. Already close to obsolete as it will not even be on par with the new console cancer. 6GB of slow memory is also a fucking travesty today now that the prices of memory is so damn low.
Ive owned Nvidia cards since the 6 series in 2004 and I have never seen anything as shitty as this gen RTX crap. Even the 7000s where not that bad.
RTX mean that this is the first time Ive ever brought an ATI / AMD card. Not the greatest but anyone who supports Nvidia at this point is a fucking idiot.
No card today is a good card, price to performance it is one of the better cards to buy. It has 1070 to 1070ti performance with a 10ti price range
Grafix don't matter friend
>1080 defunct in 6 months
Maybe in 2 years.
>Nvidia doing rebrands again
Wonder how the shills will spin this after spending 5 years telling everyone that rebrands are bad.
Got a 1080 before the release of the 20xx line and very happy with the purchase. Still kicking ass @ 1080p. I NEVER buy into nvidea brand new products there is just too much compatibility issues for the first 6 months - 1 year, with games having a development cycle in the multi-years, meaning little time for optimization and testing with cutting edge hardware.
One of the most fun things too do when you have an "older" GPU is go read new game release forums and see the amount of salt from people with "the best" hardware getting shit on frames, it's very predictable based on the nature of optimization requiring testing with said hardware.
yes but it's hard to enjoy vidya when most of modern titles just stutter like crazy.
I guess I'm the final bottleneck
Please neck yourself, retarded boomer
I'm waiting to fall for Navi instead.
Vega 64 is not a high end card. Its a decent medium range with longevity because of good memory.
>It gets completely btfo even by the normal 2080
depends on game and api and such but generally the 2080 outperforms it quite well (as it should since it much more expensive and half its age). Vega is last gen.
>He said he doesn't care about the price
??? who? OP just asked "did you fall for it?" nothing about price nigger.
its ok if you are buying a new card. Personally I would just live with what I got until next gen or look at the used market. Yes I am a kike with money.
after you poorfag. Stay in school
You’re contradicting yourself now, old man
Yes, and I don't regret it.
2080 is a solid card, especially if you're upgrading from a much older gen.
2080ti on the other hand...
no I dont think so kid
>Still kicking ass @ 1080p
I have the same and I think it's my processor that's due for a change.
I just don't understand the point of these new graphics. Call me old fashioned, but I grew up on Joe & Mac Caveman Ninjas, Sim Ant, and Where In the World Is Carmen Sandiego, games with soul that were not jockeying for upgraded power and money for "D L C" every other month.
Where are we, and what have we done to the computer industry?
>and what have we done to the computer industry?
Jews took over.
yeah i have a 2080 (no TI) and I would totally buy it again. It's showing how shit my CPU is. I play at 2k though so take that for what you will.
In all honesty it can run stuff like AC Odyssey at 90 fps on high, until I can't run games at 60 fps I have no reason to upgrade.
you forgot
>Flex fluid
Relive is vastly superior simply by giving you full options in the default menu.
>2080 is a meme
>not the 2080ti
for the 2060, yes
and it was a significant upgrade from amd's r9 380
>r9 380
it was a huge upgrade for me, coming from an 390. I was legitimately considering the ti though, until I realized what I was getting for that fucking mark up.
Yes though I can guess you're and AMDrone tellign everyone to wait for Navi and saying the same for Pascal.
>my processor that's due for a change.
what are you running?
I hate zoomers. You eat marketing language and spew cancer.
Yeah, I have a 2080. Plays most games well at 4k, but the ones it doesn't it doesn't seem like the Ti would have gotten me to a locked 60 either.
I'll probably skip the 30 series and upgrade again at a 40 series and by then god help me this shit better run everything at 4k/60 locked.
Alienware doesn't even have options for the highest-end stuff like they did prior to being bought out by Dell.
I'm still rocking with the 10 series.
Maybe I'll jump to RTX hype when Win7 support stops next year.
Looking to upgrade my 1070ti but not sure what to get now. It's going into a Razer core if that helps.
I got a 2070. I probably fucked up, but 1070tis were getting just as expensive.
Hell no. My 1080ti works just fine.
yeah, the ti was not worth my money
Still rocking pic related.
I have a 1060 and I don't need anything stronger for 1080p60. I might get a 75hz screen since my main one is shitting the bed, I'll send it for repairs first though
vega 56 bb.
pretty easy with $3k actually i was doing the same thing except with a 1080Ti i already have
No because it's in a long line of buzz worded features that tend to fizzle out into the background. There was a similar push with tessellation. It's best to just wait it out and grab the most powerful mid range card you can. I managed to go from 9600GT to 560TI to RX 480. Next upgrade will be something that can hang with 1440p for the next 4 or 5 years.
Then just buy a fucking 3k PC that's good holy shit why are richfags fucking retarded
$3k is a lot to work with and gives you plenty of options. the best card is easily 2080ti
That Asus board is actually kinda shitty, it has meh VRMs.
The Z390 Aorus boards from Gigabyte are generally the best choice for 9th gen unless you wanna go all the way and get something ridiculous like the MSI Godlike.