Why did Videogames go to shit after the 90s?
Why did Videogames go to shit after the 90s?
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because life itself is shit after the 90s
Was this an actual dating sim or just a series of pics and gifs?
Who needs imagination when you are no longer bound to hardware limitations.
>shit after the 2000s
FTFY. All the bad things in life right now began in and after 2010.
Shut the fuck zoomboy
No it's the's the beginning of the end after 99, only a zoomer would say it was just the 10s that got bad
Thank you for saving my edit user
God I want to go back
Born in 1989. 90s were god tier, no doubt about that, but the early 2000s were pretty nice too 9/11 hysteria aside. It was in the mid 2000s that things started getting shitty though.
no they werent' only 2000 was good, once the country we're currently spreading our assholes for attacked us it all came down hill, basically 1 good year followed by an endless torrent of shit
>thinking the 90s were good
Everything went to shit after the 50s. Prove me wrong.
Oh I know this game....
Early 2000s had some good games, *some* good music (the majority was pretty bad though), and, well I had fun but I was in high school.
Yes we all do. Taco grinding
>thinking the 50s were good
Everything went to shit after we discovered the fire.
Prove me wrong.
>Born in 1989. 90s were god tier, no doubt about that
how would you know? you only started gaining some criteria just at the second half of the 00s
Videogames were shit in the 90s, too. We just didn't have the internet. Games were shitty for different reasons. Today, it's social propaganda and censorship. Then, it was a lack of understanding due to new game development concepts. There were maybe 20 to 30 great games on the NES and Super NES, same with the N64. The rest are just average to outright trash. The NES library is massive. Most of those games are fucking awful. I'd say 90% of the PS1's library was unsalvageable dreck. I almost think gaming is in a better spot now due to more studios, encouragement of indie platforms, and small startups. It means there's way more games now than there ever were in the 90s, and way more garbage as a result, but a lot of gems available on multiple platforms, and they cost like, 5 to 25 bucks a pop. Way better than the 60 to 90 dollars your average SNES or Genesis games costs (in 90s money, no less). Lootboxes and predatory marketing tactics are a poison in the industry, but I think certain Indie studios have a lot of good ideas as far as game design and value is concerned. Just my two cents.
I mostly base it on the TV shows, movies, and video games, which were damn good. And I have a weird memory that's good at remembering certain things, and can remember most of my life.
Why did they have so many upskirt shots in that show?
It's a tendency to remember the good things about a bygone era; we still revisit the classics, but 90% of games were garbage then, too.
Zoom zoom away kiddo
Y2K was real, but it didn't cause a nuclear holocaust just a cultural one
Nah, games just had a better, more honest feel to them
Now they artificial, made by a team of 500 people, have psychologists and sociologists telling them to add more loot boxes and gay black people to push quotes, it's all soulless
Nah the 1890's were better than the 1850's
Because you went to shit after the 90s. You are stuck and can't enjoy anything that's not a copy of what you were shown as a kid.
The downfall started in the 50's, ramped up in the mid 90's and went full tilt after 2000 and exploded after 2012
Does it ever get better? Or is adulthood just always wanting to go back?
People will tell you adult hood is always wanting to go back but it is proven we are the most shafted generation that will get nothing and earn nothing.
People comparing generations with no point of reference: the thread
Everything went to shit after the 90s.
It gets better when you get married to a virgin girl and start a family, yes
Why do people think the 90s were so good?
Will they ever make a platinum game of this?
It's okay, your suffering will be over soon
Because they think about a good show or song they liked in the 90s and think it was ten years of non stop bliss. They completely forget how much shit there was.
lame people got more involved
1986 boomer here. Can confirm, this user is right.
Not really but vidya really unironically undeniably died with the 7th gen of consoles, and its funeral was the release of Portal
Thread Theme
Everything in your life got worse once u started using Yea Forums everyday
Indie games are way better now but big AAA releases are mostly fucking dreck. Like film, games have become these huge projects that cost hundreds of millions to make and are created by teams of hundreds of people. In order to make that money back they have to go down a feature checklist (so every game ends up feeling like all the others) and play it as safe as possible.
Games having a unique vision and feeling like the brainchild of a team of passionate people dedicated to their craft is mostly a thing of the past. You still see that occasionally with indie games, but with big expensive releases that just doesn't happen anymore.
But zoomers love the 2010s.
Because you are an old fuck and have nostalgia glasses on grandpa.
Want some applesauce? How about we get a nurse in here to clean up your poopy mess? :^)
This is true.
>There were maybe 20 to 30 great games on the NES and Super NES, same with the N64.
Absolutely retrospective zoomer opinions. There are more good games for the SNES than releases on PS4.
Stop worrying about what you lost and make your own.
For all the bad things, we are a generation that has access to the collective knowledge and understanding of the recorded human race. Being blindly cynical does not make you cool.
Good economy
Rapidly evolving technology (new systems meant HUGE leaps in graphics, just look at something released in 1989 on NES vs 1995 on PS1
Culture was very optimistic, no more cold war shit, XTREME and unironic instead of ironic satire and pseudointellectualism
America was still white
The internet was still underground
because the 90s is when a bunch of hell garbage got started and so our societal momentum went backwards. The 90s had enough technology to enable the uncorrupted ones to create cool stuff.
It's reversing again but it takes time for it to echo into everything.
BTW, stop looking at AAA titles. All the creative talent is gone from giant corporations. All they have is raw manpower at this point.
But the best video game ever was in 2004.
>Why did they have so many upskirt shots in that show?
If I have to explain it to you, it means you haven't reached puberty yet and you won't understand.
>America was still white
Get off /pol/ and go outside. Sniff some flowers or something.
>There was a time when cute girls in anime could actually emote without their cuteness being the chief concern.
>There was a time when cute anime girls could be funnier than they were cute.
>The was a time when cute anime girls weren't PVC dolls.
Looking at Sailor Moon and Sailor Moon Crystal really made it clear how stiff female characters are now.
If you're referring to identity politics and the establishment censoring people, that started all the way back in the 1960s. We were starting to be conditioned, especially white and black people, all the way back then. This hit it's first big boiling point in the 1970s when racial tensions were at their lowest point. And in response to this, it led to a period in the 1980s and 1990s where people rejected racial messaging and turned to egalitarian messaging. We were close to finally getting rid of racism.
Then in the 2000s, the media and political parties teamed up to bring the race back to the forefront, in an attempt to divide the population like they did in the 1960s/1970s. And it worked.
There are plenty of anime series now that still do it correctly. Sailor Moon Crystal is just done by a different team and mimicking the manga. It feels dry because it doesn't have the amazing team the original anime did. Those people are working on other shows. And those shows are good.
>There was a time when cute anime girls could be funnier than they were cute
The perfect girl needs both
Seething equatorial mutt.
>The perfect girl needs both
Is this semen demon?
The 90s wasn't good. It was the midst of the collapse of the American family and the rise of children being raised by single mothers. It's probably the most devastating trend that's occurred within our society, and it may very well be what is responsible for the end of our society.
As to games, there was plenty of trash in the 90s. Don't let nostalgia cloud your judgement.
whats with the gif ?
I'd say 2007 was the beginning of the end
Lack of innovation and new discovery. Everything is solved and generic. People were trying to figure out how to make engaging games and they had no idea so a lot of stuff was experimental. It made for some weird games, but they still had some sort of unique direction, and limitations forced them to come up with unique solutions. This generation has remasters/copying old shit but it doesn't work that way. Also people were still linked to games in reality. You played split-screen multiplayer, you went to game shops, arcades, etc. It wasn't just bideo geiumu it was go to friend's house, have some BBQ, play some games, go bowling or some shit and check out the game cabinets, stop by blockbuster, etc. And there was no artificial hype except cheesy as fuck (but soulful) commercials that made no sense, your exposure to a legendary classic would be from seeing your friend's relative playing it randomly in their living room, so when you played it yourself it blew your mind.
I'd agree with this. 2007 was when the societal cancer started, and 2010 was the point of no return.
I pretty much say this verbatim each time, but I really can't think of a better way to phrase it.
You dont even know life before the internet kiddo
And to anyone questioning what's so bad about single-parent households, the child isn't raised to be a functioning adult. They become half of an adult. They don't have the skills or training necessary to take part in the world. They are desperate for guidance and can be led by anyone offering them the illusion of wisdom.
>omg the iphone came out
>wahh collpase of society
...He didn't say his age?
2007 was the end
It sure fucking collapsed the internet.
This but unironically. There was also a bunch of other things that started in 2007.
It wasn't the END, but it was when the end started. 2010 was the END.
This isn't even getting into the broad collapse of society. The notion of it taking a village to raise a child isn't simply some humorous notion. The child is supposed to grow to function within the village. Without exposure and interaction, they are functionally retarded as to their intended role.
wow I never thought of that.
But you're actually right to some extent. Wasn't just the iPhone though.
It's funny, me and that other guy both came to the same conclusion that 2007 was the year the cancer truly started. (after the first crysis was released).
But it was the start of those trends. It wasn't the standard like it is now. Most kids in the 90s never even had to think about the junk kids do today. Because social media didn't push it on them 24/7. The mainstream media back then also had some level of restraint, as hard as it is to believe. They spent most of their time talking about sex scandals and shootings. But not race and LGBT crap like today. Not to mention the media is currently pushing narratives that women should actively abort their kids, scorn all men and just be a wage slave for the state.
The internet was best when it was just a niche activity and your grandma and stacy weren't on it.
Top zoomer
The collapse started in 80s if I'm feeling generous, but actually it started in the 50s American and 1920 in Europe
Where the fuck are the videogames with this aesthetic
So, in a gross simplification of what your posts said: Easy Divorce ruined society?
1994 and 1998 are literally the two best years for video games
Wow you're retarded.
So people born in the 70s are zoomers for thinking the collapse started later?
Would you rather die of polio? Polio vaccine didn't exist before the 50s.
Seething Z-warrior
>But not race
Race was always a subject in the media. Seriously, get off /pol/, it's bad for you.
Did you somehow miss the Rodney King issue? What about the Simpson trails which were cleanly divided? Race was always brought up, the difference which you're missing is that race wasn't used as a sword by self righteous slacktivists on the internet.
>Chameleon kid
Mah nigga
yeah it's really more like a sin wave overlapped on top of a general decay pattern that started in 1913.
we're just describing the most recent sin wave dip.
This is only half true. Single father children perform fucking great compared to single mother children who end up with weird complexes. Not just boys either.
maybe, but those are just 2 years
Some good single player games aren't enough to compete with all the MMOs/online games when they were in their prime. The also PS2 has the best console game library to ever come out, there is no discussing this.
Marriage was never even on the table in most cases.
Anime and games were at their peak in the late 90s.
Did any anime ever do "magic girl" as well as sailor moon? I pretty much lost interest in anime after 2010 when gainax ruined christmas. It all seemed to be a bunch of moeshit after that
Sailor moon creator is a filthy rich woman
What was the last good era here?
Why do you keep posting this wildly innacurate image?
Can you stop spamming this image?
>Did you somehow miss the Rodney King issue? What about the Simpson trails which were cleanly divided?
You're providing the two biggest examples. Which is proving my point. The media spent two fucking years talking about OJ Simpson. But because of that, they hardly talked about anything else. We had nothing but OJ Simpson on TV 24/7.
These days, they will take some weak story about a kid wearing a MAGA hat and fabricate a racial story out of it, turning it into something as big as OJ Simpson. And they come up with one of these massive stories every week. In between, we have hundreds of smaller articles all talking about race or sex. It's not at all comparable to the 1990s. Back in the 1990s, we thought things were bad. But it was a relative calm compared to today.
>Indie games are way better now
absofuckinglutely not
Yeah, yeah, the typical "that wasn't the AVERAGE back in the day!"
Then surely you can name 9 shows and games from current day of the same caliber, right?
No. Yes.
By definition magical girl shows are about cute girls
It's from one of a series of short nugike. No dating sim elements, just a railroad story that leads to porn. I can't remember the name of it.
How could a bunch of soulless bugmen create something so soulful?
I was so happy in the 90s, no worries and cares in the world.
Shut up zoomer
The Mahou Shoujo genre literally invented moe with its first shows in the 1960s. Sailor Moon also had moe.
Vidya was considered an outsider hobby but they realized they could make money with it so companies started hiring a bunch of soulless developers that started working on games that never had a vision to begin with.
So when eventually the money was rolling in and vidya got accepted as a hobby, normies started invading it so everything got casualized and all depth got taken to appeal to a wider audience.
The chinese didn't make it
I'd say more like 2006-7. iCarly, Hannah Montana, and the iPhone came out then, indicating the start of Early Gen Z/Zoomer kid culture.
Smartphones like iPhone let everybody used the internet, even people who didn't have laptops or desktop PCs.
Because nobody wanted to use internet on their phones before smartphones because the screen was so small.
Yeah but it wasn't the defining feature of the show. There were a variety of characters of different ages and maturity levels.
Because you did nothing but play Vidya and so you are miserable irl and no amount of escapism can cure your misery.
Please try watching more than one magical girl show ever.
it was made in japan, not california
>he thinks moe is an age or maturity level
It's like you didn't get Sailor Moon at all. The young characters were more mature than the older ones.
>good things require slave-like conditions to accomplish due to the necessary of working under tight deadlines and budgets
>this tends to make a profession only viable for the passionate or the desperate
>once you bring in unions and social policy enforcement and start mass-producing people who intend to work in an industry things progressively go to shit until the entire industry collapses
>anime now
God I wish
To me, the whole situation regarding vidya and the internet in general can be compared to what's happened to New York since the 70's.
As real estate pushes back the ghettos and brothels, things get cleaner and more appealing to a mass audience, but the world that created the art is lost.
What's she holding?
The quality varies, but if your really need a 90s magical girl fix, there's still Wedding Peach, Magic Knight Rayearth, Nurse Angel Ririka SOS, Cardcaptor Sakura, and many others. There's Pretear, Precure, and other stuff in the mid-2000s as well.
Current Magical Girls stuff caught a certain bug from Nanoha and especially Madoka, so the tone is very different from older Magical Girl shows.
A jelly donut.
You know Chibiusa is like 1000 years old right?
everyone sucked the graphics dick but I fucking hated the AI. how did anyone think aimbotting boat sentries was fun in any way?
It was made by humans who like looking at other humans.
A 3D printed Roblox save icon
2006 was the last truly great year for video games. Horse armor ruined everything.
I miss Milky Holmes too.
Before America popped the Japanese Bubble Era by forcing Japan to sign the Plaza Accord Act which destroyed Japan's economy.
Japan had so much money back then
You forgot the best one...
>Why did Videogames go to shit after the 90s?
Why did Videogames go to shit after the 00s?
Why did Videogames go to shit after the 10s?
Dude that image has Oyari who still dedicates himself to drawing cute girls, boogiepop phantom has a new anime, saga games are on the pc now, cowboy bebop was absolutely not the average back in the day just because it aired on american tv. Those other artists don't remotely represent the average at all. It's a 3x3 of "look how cool and mature I am"
i would be happy if i could eternally live in 2006
oh also the way enemies could see through grass and bushes despite it being 99% of the environment. fuck I'm pissed all over again
I distinctly remember back in 2010, people were saying on Youtube comments "Music went to hell the exact moment we hit January 1, 2000."
Then in 2012 they said "Music went to hell after 2003".
Then in 2014 they said "Music went to hell after 2006".
Then in 2018 they said "2008-2014 was the golden age of music, it all went to hell after 2014".
This "year of doom" is going to keep moving up.
Being frozen for 1000 years doesn't mean you learn to be more mature. Chibi Usa was just more mature than her mom from the start. Mostly because she sees a lot of her mom in herself. And tries to hide it.
Japan's two big recessions came in the 1970s and 1990s, dingus. And even then, you're overblowing it. Just like modern people cry doom and gloom over Japan's lower population growth. Yet Japan continues to defy their predictions and their GDP is actually rising in contrast to their falling population. They're doing more with less people, proving you don't need mass migration. The real key to improving is actually improving. Meaning, a good work ethic and stable population.
There's good shit produced in every era, but there's also a towering heap of garbage. It's a law of nature. Whenever there's diversity, it simply opens the door for a winnowing. Only the strong survive.
So the world was better back before I was old enough to understand how bad things were?
Ignorance is bliss.
Otherwise Call of Duty would be dead already.
What's top right?
Early 2000s are the greatest era of vidya, late 90s is the only thing that comes close
>Otherwise Call of Duty would be dead already.
Call Of Duty may be dead.
there's been a measurable quality drop for awhile.
specifically, the popular more mainstream titles are much worse than they used to be. the presence of garbage in every era does not disprove that a high production ratio of garbage and a higher acceptance rate of garbage happens in certain eras.
the assumption is when statements like the ones being made are made that this nuance is understood and communicated correctly.
What year in the 2010s was as good as 1994 or 98 for vidya?
Yeah, it's called the cycle. Yea Forums thinks it only applies to Zelda and Sonic. But it applies to everything. Basically, see image. You remember fondly the period when you were the most open-minded and had the most free time. Everything after that becomes less magical.
>missing out on the entire SNES library
Oyari Ashito
damn this isn't true for me at all. i hate a lot of crap from when i was 12 years old.
lots of my favorite games are from like 5 years ago when I started discovering the best games. 2010-2017 is a Hell Cancer era btw that we're finally escaping.
>specifically, the popular more mainstream titles are much worse than they used to be. the presence of garbage in every era does not disprove that a high production ratio of garbage and a higher acceptance rate of garbage happens in certain eras.
The problem is, this is subjective. I think modern Hollywood is much worse than it used to be. But different people will have different views. I can't tell you how many people I hear who think 2010-2019 was the "golden age of TV." And I look at them going 'are you fucking high? I haven't seen a decade of TV this bad since the 1970s.' But they're blinded by the media hype and their lack of experience. Few people watch tons of shows in every era and compare them.
And this applies to anime. We have an entire generation of new people who won't watch any anime before the year 2000. Some of them won't even watch any shows before 2010.
Dead of The Brain was translated last week, go play it
there's objective AND subjective elements to almost everything.
I don't agree that it's 100% subjective. I've never agreed with that view on media but it's definitely 50% subjective.
>And this applies to anime.
There are good anime airing these days but there are people who are the exact opposite of what your describe and hate anything that isn't late 80's shows with SHADING.
Well, maybe things will change when we factor in the 2010 generation. A lot of kids today are going back and watching stuff in the 80s and 90s and liking it more than the modern day stuff. Because of how absolute shit Hollywood and media is right now (and how they just keep rebooting old IPs). But that's a pretty rare thing. Almost every decade before, people looked fondly at the decade they came from.
To be fair Everything went to shit after the 90s.
Yes there are. But they are a very vocal minority. The people these days who won't watch any "old" anime are a much larger group. And it's mostly just human nature. Just like a lot of people today won't watch "old" movies that don't have tons of CGI in them. Or won't watch 2D animation because marketing has conditioned them to think only 3D animation is "valid."
>Then in 2018 they said "2008-2014 was the golden age of music, it all went to hell after 2014"
lies who the fuck was making anything decent from 2009-2012 it was nothing was a low point for all genres and fucking dubstep was taking off.
I'm not a zoomer.
You are though.
The biggest difference here is how expressive the characters are instead of the söy stare of modern anime.
Try watching precure sometime
The inverse happened though. In the 80s especially the anime industry was booming and a lot of money was being thrown around despite celluloid painting being an expensive process. Now it's cheaper than ever to make anime and wages have been crushed and yet the product keeps getting worse and worse.
Things seems to generally be in a state of cultural stagnation all around right now.
You realize by contrast more people than ever before can be a successful manga or independent artist right?
and because of that there is zero quality filter. most people who make manga now have no sense of aesthetics and the art is usually shit too.
>all modern anime is the same
Stop parroting this stupid drivel. The problem is you watching the handful of similar shows and thinking you are an expert on all of anime.
There are 7-8x more anime series being made each season than there was in the 80s/90s. Yes, this means the number of bad shows increases. But so does the number of good shows. You just don't want to find them.
90% of stuff in the 80s and 90s sucked as well. You're cherry picking the 20-30 good shows from two decades to the hundreds of shows we get each year today.
You are the worst type of human
They didn't. The average non-indie game now is much better than the average game back in the 90s. You're ignoring the huge amount of shit and shovelware that used to get made and only remembering the classics.
>and because of that there is zero quality filter.
Tons of people get rejected all the time. You're an idiot.
>most people who make manga now have no sense of aesthetics and the art is usually shit too.
It was the same in the past, dumbass. People only remember the handful of good ones. When your typical publication is running 10 manga all in the same issue, only one or two will get popular. The others get dropped. Then they introduce new ones to replace the ones that failed. What ends up happening is, those couple of good ones remain while you have dozens of others that flop. This is how the market works.
And in comes idiots like you three decades later and only remember the couple good ones. And think that's all there was.
are you fucking serious? literally all mangakas these days care about is story. art comes secondary to story most of the time. there are a few exceptions but the majority are like that.
>mfw brazil had those core millenial cartoon and games in the 2000s
i don't know if i'm core or early millenial now,does that pic applies only to amerimutts?
>everything is the same and nothing can get worse
Smells like ancient Rome in here
>wah, anime/manga isn't like it was in the 80s and 90s!
>authors from that time are still making manga
>they keep rebooting old anime
also, its people like you who are keeping shit mangaka it the industry. you will buy anything and make excuses for their shit work.
>literally all mangakas these days care about is story. art comes secondary to story most of the time.
No they don't. There's plenty of manga with shit stories and good art. There was in the 80s and 90s as well. Some of the best stories in the 80s and 90s had shit art and needed an anime to improve them.
It's only fair. You guys got the good 70s and 80s anime in their actual decade, while the US and Europe got them in the 90s/2000s.
its made by a girl and girls understand that upskirts are the perfect mix of lewd and pure.
>Trying to convince people to keep watching anime
Who the fuck cares. Asobi Asobase was hilarious, if people would rather keep looking at vapourwave gifs of sailor moon and jerking off let them
>literally all mangakas these days care about is story. art comes secondary to story most of the time.
Do you never ever read any action or ecchi manga?
I keep up with current manga. the majority dont have good art. they rely on story.
The anime was run largely by men. Specifically Junichi Sato, who basically redefined mahou shoujo for two generations. And he recognized that Sailor Moon could appeal to men as well as women. He took a manga that was pretty bland and for women and made it appeal to men, with a new character design, more slice of life and yes, upskirts. Then he did the same thing to Pretear, Princess Tutu, Kaleido Star, Anmachu and basically everything else he worked on.
Everything did
This is stupid , being an extremist top kek,fuck you.
Games had their peak at 95-05 but early 90s, and 05 and onwards games are still good
Wanna know why? Because in that era there were 'classic' style games and 'modern'style games and a mix of those, before that all games followed the classic style because there was no other and after that most games follows the modern style, there is less variety than ever but there are still good games.
>the majority
How many times do we need to teach you this lesson, old man? Look up Sturegon's Law. 90% of the stuff in the 80s and 90s was also crap. You're just remembering the handful of good ones, then comparing it to the 90% of stuff today.
Do you just read the top shonen jump manga or what?
Keep repeating that
Still can't name any modern classics
Digital distribution, Valve in particular for normalizing and popularizing it.
That's a bullshit argument as naming anything remotely good will be countered with "I liked this one manga from the 90's more" or something similar.
>modern classics
Fucking moron
Everything is done digitally now. nobody hand draws anything anymore so that allows for alot more shit art. I have read enough old and new manga to see that the quality of the art is going down.
PC player here, I m not also the biggest fan of digital distribution,yeah I get it I would buy most games digital but I would like to buy my favorite or most anticipated games physical desu
>nobody hand draws anything anymore
Digital is not some magic sorcery, artists still have to pick up a pen and draw
I want to get more specific.
Life itself is shit after the 20th century (1901-2000).
The actual problem is that digital lineart is not as sharp, the contrast isn't as good and the colors are just plain inferior.
>muh colors
But that changes between every artist though?
It actually went to shit after the XIX century (1801-1901) because of industrialization
I want to go back bros, to the simple times before videogames
it doesnt look half as good.
this. this 100%
>Still can't name any modern classics
I've already named in this thread a dozen shows post 2000 that I would consider to be top tier, as well as posting images from multiple others. You're just ignoring them, either because you didn't see them or you want to keep your failed narrative going.
People still hand draw the characters. They just use digital for the coloring and animation. And then you switch to talking about manga? Which is entirely hand drawn?
Good job destroying any credibility for your argument.
Most of the concepts that condition modernity had matured by the mid-1800s, namely the role of the state, economics, capitalism, communism, political ideology itself, empiricism and secularism. Many of these ideas had their foundations in the French revolution in the 1700s, which is really a reaction to the reformation in the 1500s, and the causes of the reformation goes back to the division in the Catholic church in the early 1000s and the split between the Western and Eastern Roman empires.
A cycle of shame.
Tfw anime will never look good again
Which one did you fap too most? For me, it's Jupiter.
I was always talking about manga? not sure which user you think I am. I think anime is actually fine right now.
You're still being a retard for thinking that manga art has degraded.
pic related
Modern industrialization started in the 18th century, numbnuts.
Can we at least all agree that modern lolis are at the peak of quality?
it has. like I said earlier digital does not look as good as drawn. it also allows for more laziness.
Jupiter for fapping, Mercury for marriage.
Why not
Chibi for fapping, Mars for marriage
Have you ever seen any good artist color or draw digitally? It sure a shit isn't as easy as spamming paint bucket.
Every year same doom post
based and jupespilled
>Everything is done digitally now. nobody hand draws anything anymore so that allows for alot more shit art.
Sorry, I assumed this was talking about anime. If you're talking about manga here, you're an even bigger dumbass.
>have read enough old and new manga to see that the quality of the art is going down.
And I've been following manga/anime since the late 80s. There was tons of shit art back then as well. As I've said at least four times now, you're cherry picking a few good manga from the past and ignoring how 90% of the stuff back then was also crap.
And even then, some manga that have crap art still had good stories. Back then and now.
I have. its just that the majority arent that great. pixiv is a great place to find wonderful artists.
>the majority arent that great
I swear to god this has been explained to you repeatedly the majority are never good.
How can you fap to Jupiter when she has almost nothing to fap to? She is painfully ignored, both in the show and in fanart.
if you honestly think art in manga hasn't gotten worse I dont know what to tell you. I guess we can just agree to disagree.
Her cookies are burnt.
>adapted mangaka's artstyle
>hand drawn background
>warm, full colors thanks to paints
>disregarded mangaka's style and just adapted the character designs into the standard in-house studio style
>traced backgrounds mixed with light filters
Shut the fuck with your sturgeons law bullshit. the majority should NEVER be shit. its only because people like you are making excuses for shit artists that they continue to make shit.
how the fuck does this shit even happen
there will always be good and bad artists
1) Manga isn't one style. There are thousands of different styles over tens of thousands of artists. And the big hitters from the 80s and 90s that you like are STILL MAKING MANGA!
2) The transition to digital has allowed artists to draw things they simply couldn't in the 80s and 90s.
3) Hating certain styles is entirely subjective.
There are tons of shit artists form the era you like too, you just don't bother acknowledging their existence.
>the majority should NEVER be shit.
Name one time in any industry or medium when the majority of content wasn't lackluster. protip: you can't.
hardware got better and games got more expensive
games now are either made by giant teams that are focus tested for the biggest buck, or indie meme shit
we're not going to get smaller experimental titles anymore
>games now are either made by giant teams that are focus tested for the biggest buck, or indie meme shit
There's still a middle ground. And surprise surprise, that's where the majority of good games are. Even stuff like Dragon Quest and Souls games are technically in the middle ground, as they don't have the AAA budget/teams working on them. They have medium sized teams with medium budgets. Dead or Alive is medium too, though it's shit now.
If you guys are happy with how things look thats fine. I just honestly think that not alot of people put in the effort anymore. I feel like the industry is oversaturated with artists who dont put out quality work. I'm sorry if I was being a dick.
Good taste.
I don't know why it's popular to talk down on Indies on Yea Forums. Is it just because most of them aren't 3d? I don't know about anyone else but I've been able to do well off of small indies for years now, I've only started getting an itch for other things after using Yea Forums.
The thing you're not getting is, the people who worked in the 80s and 90s had similar time tables. In many cases, they had to produce content even faster, with harder conditions. Digital does make things faster, which has also helped lower artist work load. There's some artists who are taking on 2-4 projects at a time, instead of like the old days where they could only work on one at a time. And this is the same in anime.
But yes, there's also others who produce quick, bad content. This existed in the 80s and 90s as well.
It's because most of them get awful marketing that annoys the hell out of Yea Forums.
I've been reading manga since 1993 and I have a massive interest in manga from the 60s~70s as well as still reading many modern series. I'm also not an EOP. I have to agree with that other guy, there has not been a general loss of quality. In fact, I would even say that the minimum level of artistic skill expected nowadays for manga is even higher than ever before. However, mangaka nowadays aren't nearly as prolific and are forced by their editors to drag a few popular series on forever and ever. I'd say that's the biggest difference between then and now.
One of the first things artist learn is effort doesn't actually matter. There are guys who spend decades on works that still don't get attention to this day, and are thrown away as disposable. As bad as that sounds, it really is true as all forms of art have been commercialized, and thus only the most polished gets worldwide acclaim.
Redline exists, but it often doesn't come up in discussions about how many low effort art works there are.
>There's some artists who are taking on 2-4 projects at a time, instead of like the old days where they could only work on one at a time.
Okay, that's bullshit. Mangaka like Tezuka, Ishinomori and Nagai literally would do 3~4 weekly series at once. I think Nagai even did 5 series at once. Not that guy you're responding to, btw. I'm
2012 was the end
Well I wouldn't say forced as sometimes the artists just don't want to get off their high profit gravy train.
Other than the scouts, which of these girls did you crush on/fap to when you were younger?
>Well I wouldn't say forced
No, they are definitely forced in many cases.
She's best girl
the negative thing about indie games is 99% of the time they only use pixel graphics because the dev can't into art, or try to use pixels to hook nintendo kiddies.
but then you have the opposite where a game has great art but everything else suffers because its sold as an "artsy" game.
as someone who mainly plays retro games, indie games suck
Tenchi Muyo was girly?
Aren't you missing a pretty big one?
Pixel art takes more artistic skill than 3D modeling does. Note, I said artistic skill, not effort. But someone who is determined enough to make a game for 1-3 years can pick up the base skills to do either one. They pick pixels/sprites because it's cheaper and faster. And it shows, since most indie games look like shit.
>Totally gave you fetishes
My jam
>the negative thing about indie games is 99% of the time they only use pixel graphics because the dev can't into art,
Where do people get these statistics from? Do they not look at any of the work that surrounds games? You say you mainly play retro, so you should really know what programmer art looks like.
Also, why is the only criticism about graphics? I don't ask this to discredit you specifically, but when the subject comes up, the only thing people complain about are graphics. You get a few complaint about Metroidvania trends, or maybe roguelikes, but it's mostly graphics. I'm an odd duck, but I frankly think the absurd focus on visuals are one of the prime weaknesses of video games today. Most of the money goes to visuals, most of the technology is focused on visuals, and when visuals aren't up to par, much of the complaints are about visuals.
Usagi, because reaction shots are the hottest thing in the show. And she has the most.
I also feel an important things to consider is that games have no advanced as far as new mechanics at all for decades now. The only new genres that have come about are offshoots of ones that already exist (MOBA to RTS, Battle Royale to TPS/FPS, Souls-likes are just 3d action rpgs with weight). What personally bothers me is the fact that very few people have actually developed new types of games, and have instead focused on pushing more numbers and making games more like movies.
Even the new big failures like Anthem and Fallout 76 weren't really trying anything new or ambitious. Games like them already existed. Yes, the failures of today tried even less and had less heart Sonic '06, that's pretty bad.
you need to keep in mind that rating games based on sprites was always a thing. but if you're going to make a current game that resembles a retro game visually or even gameplay-wise, its going to be compared to that entire console's library. it shouldn't just get a free pass because its "indie'.
Some groups are trying new things. Those games just get swamped by the AAA games marketing. Vanillaware is pushing 2D games so far ahead graphically, with above 1080p resolution and fluid animation, that there's all new avenues for gameplay. Other companies just aren't jumping on board because they don't think 2D will be profitable. Likewise, you had games like Metroid Other M which did unique stuff, just poorly. Someone else could take it's ideas and do it well.
There's also a ton of unique indie games. But they get overlooked for "Minecraft clone #742." So they don't start any new genres or trends.
Looks like I'll just have to put another bun in her oven.