For me, it's Sonia

For me, it's Sonia

Attached: ezgif-1-900a9b4f1b93.gif (600x600, 2.46M)

Other urls found in this thread: Pic.png?dl=0

For you, flavor of the month

no thanks

Definitely one of the lower tier Pokegirls along with Juniper.

This design is fucking awful
I hate that retarded hair so much

>having a pokemon waifu

Attached: vile machinarium.jpg (717x960, 63K)

Where the fuck is the Queen of Spades tattoo on her?

>Look ma! I drew porn of a recently announced character!

Attached: 1488220319630.gif (330x166, 2.11M)

>Turning a sweater into a sling bikini
Artists have no preconception of what they draw, do they?

mfw we didn't draw porn or kys

I love Fuuka!

Attached: Original Color Fuuka.jpg (518x841, 59K)


i love the way her hips move and tits jiggle

Is it Sonya? I've never seen it spelled because its a stupid name. Or do bongs say something else?

That's the magic of 2d

shut up blacked cuckboy

>hey you
out there in the cold
Getting lonely, getting old
Can you feel me?

based fuukatard

>diives clone
>fotm garbage
no self respect at all

it's a leotard, tard

Meanwhile you don't draw anything ever.

Except it isn't. It's clearly a sweater in the in game model. Projecting your fetishes is fine and all but dont go changing the actual established design.

>>fotm garbage
Why the fuck wouldn't you take advantage these if you're trying to make money as a lewd artist?

She is wonderful. But for me, it's official Sonia and not fan Sonia.

Attached: people_sonia_2x.jpg (1041x1028, 101K)

Why do people get so weird about this?
This happens with literally every thing, never heard of rule34?
Pokemon just gets this stuff the quickest because its like the biggest franchise of all time

>There are people on the internet right fucking now who still get surprised that the internet creates a lot of porn
>To the point where they make shit like this

I fucking hate normies so much, this isn't new, nor is it even unique to pokemon

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Where in the UK can I find a girl like this?

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>diives clone
>Anyone who makes sexy gifs is Diives now

(you can't)
most natural gingers are major butterfaces sadly

and then she gets bound and raped by bowsette


I don't think any girl who's that horny would ever be our type, user.

Which fucking sucks, man, give me a gf that's half as horny as I am goddamn it, I just want someone to lust for me like I lust for them

I can't believe OP posted rape. I can't believe the artist raped a real person to make that animation. I can't believe it.

The lining, colors, background, face, and animation all scream Diives
It's a fucking Diives clone

For me, it's Ampharos.

Attached: Ampharos 6.png (270x301, 102K)

>long acrylic nails like a nigger thot on Instagram


Sonia is forgotten
All art is now of the Atelier girl with massive thighs

soft pass, since i can't get hard

Have a sticker template my based Ampharos friend.

Attached: Ampharo03s.png (350x350, 34K)

Sadly, this will never happen because men condition women to be as shit as they always have been

Not really.

I think he was saying it was turning a sweater into a leotard, not that it wasn't a sweater. cause the user he replied to said it was sweater into sling bikini.

Meanwhile, japs artists are having a field day drawing that new atelier girl with the short shorts.

Thank you user

If all you want is a fuck buddy, I am sure you can easily find some online.

Will there ever be a duck Pokemon that isn't shit?

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Bowsette was not flavor of the month, she had an early death on Yea Forums because one of the mods got butt blasted but she survived a fairly long time everywhere else.

it's too early for advanced blackpills, user. wait for e3 to end.

I never understood the point of this comic. Yes, both characters get secualized as soon as they drew breath; but why would an OC try to comfort an actual Nintendo character.

No need to thank me, mate

Attached: Karen.jpg (1411x2048, 853K)

Post the nude version

Wait is that a plush of the robot from Machinarium

Drawing these isn't weird? Why do you guys defend this so much? Oh I know, that's because you're addicted to your virtual waifus.

didnt the leak say farfetched is getting a regional evolution this gen?

What is the name of this artstyle? Shitty patreon waifu gifs?

>I can't believe OP posted rape. I can't believe the artist raped a real person to make that animation. I can't believe it.
What the fuck is this idiot talking about

I'm not even horny. I just want to cuddle with a cutie and watch cool movies

Sonia is not even close to the same level as Bowsette. Bowsette was TRUE flavor of the month and whatever retard who made this image sees 1 thread every other day and goes ballistic

>tfw I already nutted to her over 10 times

Why the fuck are you fags complaing, it's good porn. Would rather have no porn? Would you rather have porn of the same character forever? Cause both of these options are fucking terrible. Just let her be flavor of the month, drown youselves in the waves of Sonia and then when her time is over a brand new girl will show up so you will never get tired of endlessly fapping over and over again. The current status quo is just fine, I have no idea why people bitch so much.

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If you think drawn porn is weird you are a long fucking way from the side of the internet you belong.


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The peach crown thing didn't literally last only a month, but it was a fad that exploded for a short time and nowadays barely anyone talks about it beyond the fact that it was a fad and that it made some people butthurt.

Lol how old are you

Do ya dare talkin' shit 'bout my nigga here, faglord?

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Little shit requires an evolution, since always

Cool dude, but did he ever get buffed? His stats are pretty mediocre at best.

Women will never lust for men like men lust for women. Believing in a unicorn is just setting yourself up for disappointment.

Pretty sure that's a platypus.

Its not getting weird about it or about Rule34, I know what that is. Its annoying that Rule34 has become such a meme that people draw porn not because they like whatever it is they are drawing, but to be the first to draw porn and get likes, retweets, and (You)'s. Then retards like OP and eat it up and spam it everywhere.

Yes, nutted. Bet you got yeeted at a wall when you were a baby.

Not that user, but, relatively speaking they are pretty long by pokemon girl standards.
Like, I can't think of any character besides Olivia with nails like those in the games. And even Olivia's acryllic nails look shorter/less pronounced than Sonia's since Olivia had a less detailed model.

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>give me a gf that's half as horny as I am goddamn it, I just want someone to lust for me like I lust for them
This. I started exercising so I can at least have a chance of this happening.

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Well all these artists have patreon so getting likes and retweets translates to paycheck, and shit like a new pokemon character reveal is free money.
So it makes sense for them, but I do agree that the consumers are retarded. This thread being made is cringe.

>not a duck, but a platypus

You seem a little confused, breh

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>saggy boobs

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>and that it made some people butthurt
Yeah, Bowsettefags.

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You're a simp, dude.

They sag enough to feed my boner.

I want that, too

I want love, and lust, and a meaningful relationship
I've been working out to get it and working on myself

this thread got /r9k/ quick
redheads are rare enough as it is, let alone a hot one that would even remotely find you anime-boy channers attractive. they're getting fertilized by chads as we speak

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>Ben Garrison.

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I fapped for like an hour and a half last night and a lot of it was to her

I thought I was just enlightened or some stupid shit but I'm pretty rarely horny. It's more like 1-5% of the day or less for me and I just fap and get over it.

Is that bad or good?

I was in the thread that first posted the comic as a joke. The first thought I had was "Boy I can't wait for a surge of fanart for this, a spread of a wilfire, than everyone here claims that they never even liked it to begin with like everything else that gets popular". A few recent examples include grinch shit and undertale.

Yeah he jumped the Pepe wagon when Clinton went on her "Pepe is a Racist" tirade. It made no fucking sense.

when is she going to cosplay her?

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For me it's Wooloo

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It's good.

Now that your primal urges aren't screaming at you to obtain what you can never have, you can achieve anything you want

This is the worst Pokemon girl since ever.


I can't decide if being able to play Pokemon on TV again is going to be comfy or not.

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There's plenty but I'm too autistic to talk to them.

keep going

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he's mocking the people who think drawings are equivalent to real life anything

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Same. For me, games like Pokémon are more fun on handhelds

I love Serena!

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these are rare reaction images you're getting user

Attached: josef machinarium 2.png (385x343, 260K)

Someone draw her scissoring the Sword/Shield female player character already PLEASE?

She's fine

Fantastic game

>containment board when



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>that pinned tweet

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>patreon watermark
Fucking cringe....

Attached: 1543961687284.png (293x293, 126K)

Not that user, but I thought it was Diives from the thumbnail.

>Artists should not be able to make money from their work

How old are you? I'm 25 and I'm still horny as fuck.

Good thing this new one is on a handheld then.

uhhh Scotland?

Yeah. They should get a real fucking job.

It looks desparate

god i wish that were me

If you get paid for it regularly it’s a job, user


Sorry you hate artists


It's a trick. Bowsette is actually going to grab her and drag her deeper into the bowels of the internet.

Apparently some madmen use his cloud nine ability to deal with primal Groudon, so that is something.

But it's in the corner. It just makes it easier to find the artist if you wanna paypig for them instead of having to beg for sauce

How the FUCK do you save videos from twitter?

just google twitter video downloader

Mobile :^)
Or the mobile emulator extension

Goddamn her boobs are huge!

>another fad normalfag waifu that will die within a few weeks.

Attached: 1537997881520.png (635x914, 242K)

Is there a term for diives' soulless animation style?

24, almost 25.

>Patreon porn
fuck that shit I would never pay for porn. Is there a way to watch that porn free?

Attached: 546.jpg (235x181, 9K)

You mean a Pokemon containment board? user I've got news for you...

Boobs dont bounce that much even when dropping them. She's just pulling the coat off wtf is this.

yiff (dot) party in the link bar, ignore the furry porn

There's absolutely nothing wrong with fads.

Hey you,
standing in the aisles
with itchy feet and fading smiles.
Can you feel me?

God dammit. I wish I could cut my libido in half.

t. salty he's not reaping in mad NEET bux from drawing fotm anime style waifus

You know patreon exclusives invariably get leaked to other sites, right?

Complaining about having to pay for that kind of porn is stupid, someone already did and put it on e-hentai

ESL go away

>they work a real job
>their corporate boss gets happy

>they work this job
>my dick gets happy

No, they're fine at where they are.

yiff party is now useless because the moment they went public insted of priviate, everybody found out about it and artists already found ways to stop leaks, several patreon pages there are already useless because no updates in weeks

what about another less knowly sites like fantia or pixiv and their exclusive pay shit?

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>Green eyes with orange hair combo
>Cute heart accessories tossed in
>Long eyelashes and noticeably colored nails
>Twirls her hair with her finger

If you don't understand why she's popular then it's probably because you're retarded.

Attached: 1451462221682.png (300x300, 192K)

shit... another alternative?

fuck you nigger, the more people know about it the worse it gets
again, fuck you nigger

>him forgetting to type 'for' means he's ESL

You've never held a text message conversation with other people before?

Jesus fuck.

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god I wish

Attached: chrome_2019-06-09_10-17-56[1].png (120x65, 2K)

>another alternative?

There is non, most artists no longer post art on patreon and insted post it on their private discrod servers or use emails. The only way art gets leaked now is if somebody subs to said patreon, saves all the porn and unsubs but they will still be charged money though.


There were more signs than that, and then there was his second post

Honestly a pretty terrible trainer design compared to what we've had for the past several gens. Pokemon designs were pretty good but the trainers looked like garbage in that trailer.

welp shit, I still wont pay for porn never in my life

Attached: 511230.png (300x301, 41K)

I’ve never tried it for Pixiv artists but I’d think if they’ve got a tag on maybe one of the boorus you’d find em there

it might work for e-hentai, though

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Pretty much, most artits i have in my faves have not been updated in months and if they are up to date, you cant view anything anyway because again the artists found a way to prevent leaks from yiff party

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You dont have to, shit still gets leaked sooner or later, but it might take months to do so. Some stuff shows up on exhentai and pornreactor but those sites still dont have everything, I see new stuff here and there all the time from leaks.

You're not wrong, but there are literal kotaku articles about it. It's been fukt for a while, and the Jew kike artists are now not even doing timed exclusives anymore, but putting ALL their shit on Patreon. Pay wall 2.0, when the only reason Western 2d porn got this big was because the pay wall faggotry collapsed and a majority of artists relied on commissions and donations instead.

I don't get these mercenaries drawing for attention whoring purposes, I stay in drawthreads doing it for free because I like drawing, it's the one thing that I can relax and spend time on without wasting money.

for me its hat

Attached: 1507768192555.png (615x581, 278K)

I thought this was the other Diives clone at first.
DarkPrincess or whatever.

>Its annoying that Rule34 has become such a meme that people draw porn not because they like whatever it is they are drawing, but to be the first to draw porn and get likes, retweets, and (You)'s.

>tfw your favorite artist is a literally who so nothing gets leaked

Attached: I want to die.jpg (634x418, 21K)

I don't get that image I'm slow

please stop it

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see You can thank Bowsette for that, nearly everyone just joined the fad to get more views.

>diives clone number 34567

Amapharos is cute, but I always hated Amapharos for not being sheep even though I really wanted a sheep pokemon.
I swear. If Wooloo loses its wool I'll be mad.

Yeah thats another downside, if the artist is not super popular stuff will never leak because the 20 patreons they have wont bother doing so.


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>the things women will do for attention
Billions of years worth of evolution and these creatures ended up with the mental faculty of a literal child begging adults to give them attention.

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did she release the video yet? where can i see it?

I'm glad Nintendo is going after paywall Patreon faggots

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Least hes not censoring the pic and linking his patreon saying "YOU WANT THE REAL THING?"

>diives clone

Is funny because nintendo hit diives with the ban hammer, he no longer can make porn or draw nintendo characters. I guess thats what you get for claiming that you made pokemon

Attached: rYjNWPp.png (2000x500, 745K)

I actually blame shadman for it


>furfag AND fatfag
the absolute state of this poster

Based ploxy wins again

Is that why all his stuff disappeared from sankaku?

Source: my ass

>doesnt like chubby girls
Shit taste

Unoriginal douche deserved it

I don't have a fat fetish and I don't care what euphemisms you use for fat

If Nintendo tried that, they'd find he's protected by parody law. They might try to bluff him though.

This isn't true. My last girlfriend was like this. Nerd girl into all the same stuff as me, patrician taste. Wanted to bang all day, every day. All I had to do was say the word. We watched a lot of movies and played a lot of games together.

However, she was also an emotional wreck and took considerable time and effort keep comforted. Eventually her huge protectiveness of me turned against herself and she suspected me of cheating (I didn't), and we broke up. Super sad and it still hurts, but I wish her well.

They're out there, user, but they usually come at a price. A girl into nerd shit and degenerate stuff usually has a major mental or personality issue due to issues from her upbringing. Which is pretty much just like most of us around here, so it fits.

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found the Irishman

They already did, his patreon was suspended and he had to remove all Nintendo content. You can't make money off an IP that does not belong to you.

Not a lawyer here, would Diives or other Patreon artists still be protected by parody law if they're making money off of someone else's IP?

They took down his patreon and he had to remove anything nintendo related, because you want make 50k fun bucks a month from nintendo characters.

If being Irish means that you like conventionally attractive bodies and not fat fucks with convex midriffs then call me Patrick O'Keefe

Holy fuck, that's the kind of cash Diives pulled in?

>massive round stomach
ok retard
You're misusing that meme. You use that for people who say they don't like nigger-tier asses. It has nothing to do with fatties.


>50k fun bucks a month
>for drawing shitty gif loops with terrible anatomy
what the hell

I would think that if diives or other patreon artists are advertising Pokemon content as a reason to subscribe to them then Nintendo can fuck em up. I'm just basing it off of RPCS3 with Atlus and Persona 5. Atlus sent a C&D to RPCS3 because they were advertising that their emulator can run P5 on their patreon and website.

>Holy fuck, that's the kind of cash Diives pulled in?

wait my mistake, thats a different artists I was thinking about. Diives makes +20k a month

the joke is that everything in that picture was a passing fad that died too

>want to make it as a porn artist
>dont want to stoop to trendhopping and pandering to fotm wishy washy waifufags
I'm doomed, aren't I?

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>>want to make it as a porn artist
That would automatically make you a faggot artist
You either make money with art or you have a soul

Become a furfag porn artist

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Well, he was showing off Pokemon and Smash characters on his Twitter, and he had a watermark for his Patreon on those tweets. I think that counts as advertisement.

Even so, that's an obnoxious amount of money for what he does.

>I guess thats what you get for claiming that you made pokemon
No, this is what he gets for throwing a fit and trying to police people not to draw porn of that shitty mawile """oc"""

what would her eggs smell like haha

He has his niche.

She cute I said... CUTE

What website do you think you're on?

god this image is so fucking old

>still mad about Bowsette in 2019

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Wow good thing it's coming out on a handheld device

You don't want a girl like that, they're psycho as hell. Sex is great though, and my hot nerdy/alt gf was into all sorts of shit but they also come with a lot of baggage usually.

Was thinking of this artists, this picture is months old, by now she makes like 40k every two weeks so +80k a month.

He claimed that he made his OCs and that they belong to him (despite just being regular pokemon in school girls outfits) but they still do belong to nintendo. The fact that he went out of his way to get porn art of his *ocs* deleted because he threw a fit every time was just a bonus

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I'm so warped in the head that I tend to like ginger faces more than normal, conventionally attractive ones.
Still hopeless and permanently alone.

I like how the Koopa-hime dude said Koopa-hime would just toss her back in.

>The fact that he went out of his way to get porn art of his *ocs* deleted because he threw a fit every time was just a bonus
I think he may have angered someone enough to rat on him to nintendo about this. it was stupid of him to tell people not to draw porn of his "oc" while he's a porn artist. fuck diives

Look at this good girl!

Attached: 1559790000850.png (700x800, 262K)

How does he get $80k a month? You've seen one of his pictures, you've seen 'em all.

>still masturbating to crossdressing male lizards

I'm kinda amazed they are still fixed on those thighs

there's literally nothing wrong with wanting to suck bowsette's 18 incher

Do people pay for lewd vids made using honey select? I know they pay for SFM but I'm too lazy for that.

Fucking based. Mine is Weavile.

Attached: LadyWeavile.gif (264x338, 15K)

I like my girls to be natural girls
As in, always was, is, and will be a girl

Jerked off so many times to his -diives- art and man his twitter got nuked, at least I saved the links Pic.png?dl=0

Was about to post a twitter link from ploxy telling everybody that nintendo ban hammered him but his twitter got nuked aswell

Sakimichan is a grill, and dunno I have no idea. I guess people like disney nudes and shit.

Why is this nigga not psychic? We got slowbro, starmie, but this one isn't. They should switch his name too to Psyduck.

I believe it's because for some people, the knowledge that there's stuff hidden behind the patreon wall that they can't get access to gets in their heads to such a degree that they have to subscribe just to sate their need for the hidden pictures

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Was this the artist that gave a character 6 fingers?

Truly a hero we do not deserve

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Damn it apart from the porn his art is really cute

>602 replies 44 ips

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I wish she had her hair down.

>Actively stalking a general to try and get dirt on a group of fans
Just how pathetic are you people?

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Yeah my fifty year old parents also think anything you do for money isn't a real job if you don't have a "boss to answer to". It ain't a real job unless you have to ask Mr. Sheckleberg if you're allowed to eat your lunch.

Where the fuck do I find gagh? Putting his name into google does nothing

I only went because this thread made me remember they exist

>clicking on general and looking at replies compared to ips


Gagh is diives retarded pokemon oc that he forbid other artists from drawing porn of.

Ah, that explains it. Thanks.

why are artists with OCs so fucking autistic


Minus8 = Gerph > Melkor Mancin = Marmalade > ZONE > Afrobull = InCase >>> Jlullaby > Diives > Shadman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Palcomix > Legoman

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Pretty much any OC of his really, but he was super autistic about gagh yes, nobody beside him could do lewd and went to to porn sites and asked porn to be taken down and such

>palcomix that high

She looks too much like Athena Cykes from AA5/AA6
It drives me fucking mad.

The fuck kind of name is Gagh?

>Was about to post a twitter link from ploxy telling everybody that nintendo ban hammered him but his twitter got nuked aswell
post it

>palcomix anywhere above bottom
not even fucking legoman is that bad

gingers can still be cute!
but yeah their genetics usually result in butterfaced girls

Ploxys twitter is dead, i cant post a link of something that is gone.

Why would I trust a furfag's taste in pornography? You'd jerk off to an ms paint drawing of a dog eating a person.

What about modeseven?
What, you don't like BIG

Attached: lips3.gif (454x759, 868K)

And even then I'm positive he was just selective of who he wanted drawing porn of his characters, since I remember seeing him repost other artists lewds of his characters before.

Only good comic from palcomix

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stop posting

i support a handful of patreon artists.

fuck anyone who wants $10+ a month just to see full size images though.
whats even worse are the ones that remove old posts or use discord/email for art deliveries.

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awful fucking list

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Short for gaghiel

Based and Tweenpilled.

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>have to buy the older stuff of gumroad or some shit if you join late

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the only good minus8 art is the non-animated stuff

Going for the kill

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I only support one artists, and thats not even porn but a game, for 1 dollar a month I get to see progress and vote for stuff. Just like you I would never pay 10 bucks a month just to see a picture or two at full res and with some edits

don't know about that other user but..

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I miss the normal vore art desu

His twitter and patreon are still up wtf are you talking about?

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Are you aware of the shit that the artist usually draws?

What about Outta Sync?
On the rare chance you can actually find their shit.

Attached: rosie bliss.png (395x390, 128K)

>that’s good

The facts that:
1) I'm incapable of drawing fucking anything, of which I was self-conscious for a better part of my life.
2) People like modeseven exist.
Just fill me with feeling that goes beyond of what is considered "despair".

nope, I just like plump lips

Okay because he normally draws grotesque vore (any and all orifaces), futa, and transformation

>diives got hit by the ban hammer and can no longer make porn of nintendo characters
>wtf you are talking about his patreon/twitter are up

Nobody said anything about his twitter/patreon being deleted, just him no longer being able to do nintendo porn

>Anthro Pokémon calls you “Master”

Anyone who does/enjoys this shit should be tarred and feathered, that is the opposite of hot

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I’m very giving
I’ll head her if she heals me man
I’ll love her when it’s easy, I’ll love her when it’s hard

Too many artists to rank, and why would anybody waste time in ranking them anyway? If it gets my dick hard im happy and thats all that matters. If I had to pick 3 fap artists I would say



Anyone who does/enjoys this shit should be tarred and feathered, that is the opposite of hot


Not every furfag is into vore man

Is that supposed to discourage him from liking the artist? Man the fuck up ya wimp.

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>been following this guy on and off /aco/ and /trash/ for the past 3 years
>he still doesn't have a gallery for his porn pics
I just save everything I can find of his. Someone has to upload his pics to a booru, dammit.

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based tonegawaposter

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I don't respect furfags enough to give a shit

JLullaby is better than Marmalade, everyone between JLullaby and Marmalade is better too.

Legoman is kinda boring after enough times of seeing the same bodies, faces, bland poses and unfinished shit, but he's not that bad. Worse than everyone but Palcomix because these people ACTUALLY FINISH THEIR SHIT, though.

>Is that supposed to discourage him from liking the artist?
It would discourage anyone who doesn't frequent /trash/ and the worse parts of /d/.

It makes sense really. It kinda was just a matter of time.

Makes me wonder though how much more these Patreon kiddies make from all this than the doujin artists for Nintendo to go after the former and not the latter.
Or is it just a matter of visibility? Like Diives/Ploxy were too out in the open about their perversion of the IP while doujinshi are further from the mainstream?

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I hate weaklings

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>Or is it just a matter of visibility?

Ploxy didnt get the ban hammer, only Diives and yes its a matter of visibility. Nintendo wont care if you draw they characters and make 10 bucks from that, but diives was making 20k a month from this so it was expected.,

>No, it's a GOOD thing that I'm completely sexually warped! I-i-it's a mark of status! You're weak for not jerking off to cock vore!
This fucking damage control

i thought this was just a NoA problem since america is more uppity and prudish.

>Wooloo gets more wool and fluffy the more it evolves

Attached: 1553891732493.png (158x158, 28K)

Don't shit on /d/
I met my partner there.

>budget diives
>makes sonia as a titty monster instead of the moskito bites she should be
disgusting and boring

speaking of Tamagoro, does he posts fanart or something somewhere, or is he a strictly h-manga artist?

>or is he a strictly h-manga artist?

Doujins only, he does make a stand alone picture here and there but they always end up in the doujins after the end credits.

The latter, last time he posted something that wasn't a page of one of his works was in 2012

Can you upload what you have right now?

Does anyone actually like this character, or did porn artists just jump the gun and presume people wanted porn of her.

Well I'm saying I wonder what the doujin market's profits are like compared to something like Patreon.
Cause, like, there's SO MANY Nintendo IP doujin. There's gotta be some kind of worthwhile profit there.
But you never really hear about Nintendo trying to stop doujin makers the same way they stop stuff like this.

That's why I thought maybe the main difference isn't the money, but the platform. These guys were too out in the open with what they were doing and that's what poked the bear.

Must be harsh doing lewds for work. I bet the man feels this is his job more than a hobby.

>user 1: Man i really like rammstein. I should listen to more German bands.
>user 2: Wow you like rammstein? Did you know Adolf Hitler was German just like them?

That's you user. You're weak mentally. WEAK.

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>won't even accept lewd commissions

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Then why does he still have nintendo porn plastered on it? Try harder to bait next time fag

Dont fug her plz ;-;

give me the pics and I would make a tag on sadpanda

>Sakimichan only releases his full HD on a term based system at the end of each month, via email
>The only way to get them, he doesn't re-send previous terms
>if you want an older one, you need to pledge $20 and select a previous term

I'll never get my palutena lewds at full res.

Attached: palutena9b5318b15e893fa87a37921350a11dbe.jpg (807x1200, 482K)

>Really like Michael Jackson's music
>Turns out he might've been a pedophile
>Guess i have to stop liking him and his music now

What? That's not equivalent at all. It would be like this:
>Man I like this artist's one song
>Wow did you know that every other song by that artist is a recording of microphone feedback and farting?

doujins are to the japanese audience. nintendo of japan does not care. nintendo of america is the one that cares about this.

For me, it's Clair (Ibuki), but I never try to draw her because I haven't care about Pokémon in a while and I just suck at drawing.

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I want to stuff Aru's every hole with semen.

Do you not see the fallacy in what you just said
Even if all other songs by that artist are literal dogshit, that does not take away the fact that you like that one song nor that that said artist made that one song.

typically jap companies are fine with doujins but if you exclusively make a living by drawing one ip through a paywall and advertise said characters like they're yours, you'll get in trouble eventually.

nintendo is mostly fine with pokegirl porn but did act on faithful tepig 2. they care more about the pokemon themselves than the girls it seems.
dead or alive is another famous case with doa 5 they had dlsite/dmm remove ALL doa fan content. possibly one of the biggest dick moves when it comes to fans.

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Poor girl

Attached: lewd!.png (1235x975, 521K)

No, retard. That doesn't make sense. The pedophilia has nothing to do with the music in your shitty analogy. However, modeseven's fetishes ARE his drawings.

>draws lewd shit
>doesn't go for money
what the fuck?

I seriously don't understand how no corporation has tried to come after her she is straight up making money off of other people's intellectual properties.

Arent japanese happy whenever good artists draw porn of their games though? If I recall they are happy because it does boosts their recognition and porn artists get hired all the time over there

Sakimichan's art is complete trash, why do you even want it

parody fag

it's called integrity

He's the greatest

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for me it's dynamaxed weavile

Attached: 20190605 - weavile 1.png (715x829, 136K)

I just grab everything I can from Palutena, to be honest.

And objectively speaking he's hardly bad. He has good proportions and sense for aesthetics. his problem is his quasi 3D style is hit and miss, and his photorealistic style comes out as uninspired and often clashes with the fantastic characters he makes art of.

It's called FOMO, patreon is built on it with it's very large lock signs and constant reminding that you're missing out.

Will we ever get another Pokégirl as delicious as Wicke again?

Attached: 4696.png (695x900, 330K)

its called being fucking dumb
integrity is worth SHIT when the world runs on money; let me guess, you think working as a retail wageslave makes you a better person

sakimi is a girl though, i saw her at anime expo

The only artist I actually donate on Patreon is CuteSexyRobutts.

1. Art is a hobby
2. Nobody likes kike artists who paywall
3. Paying for something because of your dick makes you a retard

Perfection is hard to recreate.

No, Sakimi is just bad
The colors are gross, the lighting is gross, everything is just gross
I love Palu too but Sakimi art is nasty

What about Young Wicke?
>ywn be in a relationship with a cute girl and be with her as she grows into full mommy mode

Attached: young Aether.png (1280x720, 688K)

Sad but true

Attached: 4744.png (1280x1507, 676K)

"Hey gang, guess what?"
"Yeah Whu"
"Grug say what"
"I tagged everyone in the thread again!"

Attached: Derp.jpg (1024x576, 121K)

They all look the fucking same and are doing the same fucking face

Holy shit, bean guy used to be a fucking stallion

I've never seen that, she's cute as fuck as a grunt

Attached: squidward heart eyes.jpg (750x728, 40K)

Once in a blue moon there's blessed people like that user

A rare instance where all characters remained perfect through the years

What if she isn't a slut?

Attached: sample-3262e4fd1fc4338faa4c5a21b57fd42d.jpg (1111x1000, 173K)

artists do love exaggerating her proportions

Attached: wicke full art.jpg (621x800, 78K)


>he no longer can make porn or draw nintendo characters
You mean he can still make porn, but can't post it on patreon.

Pointing out another user's being retarded doesn't detract from you being retarded.

welcome to the internet

Attached: 4862.jpg (1000x1402, 161K)

You don't know shit about her. Just beat off in quiet to your flavor of the month.

>2. Nobody likes kike artists who paywall
>3. Paying for something because of your dick makes you a retard
Invalid points, as 99% of the worlds retards dont give a shit and throw money at anything that makes them feel something

Disco man Faba


He can make porn of them sure, but being caught doing so will result in him paying some large money because he is breaking the c&d

Calm your autism, child, people are allowed to draw what they want.

I know, I still believe On-Model Wicke is at her abslute sexiest.

What's wrong with Legoman besides unfinished sketches and sameface?

>Most people are wrong so you shouldn't be right

If you can deal with the sameface /samebody pretty much nothing

But he isn't profiting on it, so why a c&d versus the millions of other pokeporn artists.

I'm with you, user.
There's no need to try and improve on perfection. Not that I don't appreciate the variety.

Attached: Wicke.png (785x1343, 667K)

Its wrong to not take advantage of a whale, because if you don't someone else will. A fool and his money are soon parted

Fuck you guys, my ex loved this shit.

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>I heart boobies bracelets
Christ I forgot about these stupid shits

bitcoin is worth like $8k right now, thats not a fad?

If you say so, kiddo.

That’s one based ass images.

>But he isn't profiting on it

Thats not how it works, if you get c&d you can no longer do it, period. Profit or not you simply cannot continue to do whatever you did. And because those millions of other pokeporn artits didnt make +20 000 dollars a month and didnt have a massive follower count like diives did.

tfw i bought bitcoin at $200 and its now at $8k and losers online are STILL salty about not getting in early.

tfw they're the same people who called me stupid for buying at $200 when it had previously been at $1000

who's laughing now, niggers?

when's the last time you heard anyone outside of /biz/ mention bitcoin though?

who cares? just because people aren't talking about non video games on Yea Forums doesn't mean its a fad that passed.

They're garbage, vanilla or fuck off.

I wasn’t expecting that jiggle.

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I can only see more porn as a positive unless you are talking about quality of the image being poorer because of the speed they are turning it out, but the quality images will still be available for those who are good at their art.

it's the thick thighs + wide hips what gets me the most desu

I love pokegirls


I don't get it, Juniper is way hotter

Attached: 753.jpg (575x750, 132K)

Explains why his wife went psycho when he disappeared.

She has a general over on /vg/ still

>The game canon:
>The devs:
>Absolutely nobody at all:
>Artists: This girl is super thick, has a huge cock, and blushes all the time with bedroom eyes.

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I hate you weebs with every fiber of my being

True but fuck off back to youtube with that cringe shit nig

Fennel a cute

Attached: Black_White_Fennel.png (362x1000, 225K)

She reminds me of the doctor from that golden tube doujin.

Does good futa and good lips. Wish they did more

Milo is superior

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>Young Wicke
>Young Lus



That is one buff ass kid


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Your pic is probably one of the hottest pokegirl pics in existence.

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i honestly dont mind the diives clone takeover




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You don't know shit about design, please stop. There are way worse pokewaifu to seethe about.

there is a nude version on his patreon, though.

For a while he wouldn't take commissions period, no many how many people asked.
It's like he was allergic to money.

Alright, I had to take a while and actually sort the shit of his I have on my PC. There might be some dupes and works that are already on R34 sites, but it's what I have. Hopefully, it'll be enough for somebody to make a booru or Sadpanda tag.

Attached: 1552415492759.gif (308x360, 1.44M)

good job user

Attached: thumbs.gif (287x344, 72K)


*no matter how many people asked
Fuckin' hell.

Is Ploxy, dare I say, based? In addition to being redpilled? Perhaps even /ourguy/?

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Oh shit, when did he start doing loli?

Search Atelier Ryza, fren

Attached: IMG_5657.jpg (1323x1840, 234K)

Oh fuckkkkk, thank you for bringing her to my attention!

>Dickgirls and more degenerate shit
But the real question is why did I trust Yea Forums to have good taste?

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Nice Athena ripoff. S/M reveal season had much better girls.

There are people who don't understand the difference

>being a disgusting pokefag
>spreading their lame pokefaggotry to other boards


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>Farfetch'd mega evolution
>Leek doubles in length, nothing else changes

I wish they had done this.

So tell me, at what point is it officially ok to draw fan art of a character then?

Would have loved a type change to flying/dark myself.

She got a cute tum

When you actually put dedication into it and actually make it the character instead of somebody that just dressed like the character.

For me, it's Lana.

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>being a disgusting tripfag
>>spreading their lame tripfaggotry to other sane people

Dynamax was such an amazing edition.

Attached: 1530649459363.jpg (3305x3523, 2.62M)

Yeah remember when Lillie was just flavor of the month huh retard?

>giving it attention

>draw porn
>see thread

Thanks guys, I felt obligated to draw something and now I don't have to. I agree, her design is trash. She looks like a bimbo in a trenchoat and her heart hair things are retarded.

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Even as an adult Pokémon still keeps on giving even though I don’t play the games anymore